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\subsection{Representations of (digital) Circuits}
\item Graphical
\item \alert<1>{Schematic Diagram}
\item \alert<2>{Physical Layout}
\item Non-graphical
\item \alert<3>{Netlists}
\item \alert<4>{Hardware Description Languages (HDLs)}
\only<1>{Schematic Diagram}%
\only<2>{Physical Layout}%
\only<4>{Hardware Description Languages (HDLs)}}
\subsection{Levels of Abstraction for Digital Circuits}
\item \alert<1>{System Level}
\item \alert<2>{High Level}
\item \alert<3>{Behavioral Level}
\item \alert<4>{Register-Transfer Level (RTL)}
\item \alert<5>{Logical Gate Level}
\item \alert<6>{Physical Gate Level}
\item \alert<7>{Switch Level}
\only<1>{System Level}%
\only<2>{High Level}%
\only<3>{Behavioral Level}%
\only<4>{Register-Transfer Level (RTL)}%
\only<5>{Logical Gate Level}%
\only<6>{Physical Gate Level}%
\only<7>{Switch Level}}
Overall view of the circuit: E.g. block-diagrams or instruction-set architecture descriptions
Functional implementation of circuit in high-level programming language (C, C++, SystemC, Matlab, Python, etc.).
Cycle-accurate description of circuit in hardware description language (Verilog, VHDL, etc.).
List of registers (flip-flops) and logic functions that calculate the next state from the previous one. Usually
a netlist utilizing high-level cells such as adders, multiplieres, multiplexer, etc.
Netlist of single-bit registers and basic logic gates (such as AND, OR,
NOT, etc.). Popular form: And-Inverter-Graphs (AIGs) with pairs of primary
inputs and outputs for each register bit.
Netlist of cells that actually are available on the target architecture
(such as CMOS gates in an ASCI or LUTs in an FPGA). Optimized for
area and/or and/or speed (static timing or number of logic levels).
Netlist of individual transistors.
\subsection{Digital Circuit Synthesis}