#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Base on Nexus cells_xtra.py from argparse import ArgumentParser import os.path from enum import Enum, auto import sys import re class State(Enum): OUTSIDE = auto() IN_MODULE = auto() IN_PARAMETER = auto() _skip = { 'ALU', 'DFF', 'DFFC', 'DFFCE', 'DFFE', 'DFFN', 'DFFNC', 'DFFNCE', 'DFFNE', 'DFFNP', 'DFFNPE', 'DFFNR', 'DFFNRE', 'DFFNS', 'DFFNSE', 'DFFP', 'DFFPE', 'DFFR', 'DFFRE', 'DFFS', 'DFFSE', 'DP', 'DPX9', 'ELVDS_OBUF', 'GND', 'GSR', 'IBUF', 'IDDR', 'IDDRC', 'IDES10', 'IDES16', 'IDES4', 'IDES8', 'IOBUF', 'IVIDEO', 'LUT1', 'LUT2', 'LUT3', 'LUT4', 'MUX2', 'MUX2_LUT5', 'MUX2_LUT6', 'MUX2_LUT7', 'MUX2_LUT8', 'OBUF', 'ODDR', 'ODDRC', 'OSC', 'OSCF', 'OSCH', 'OSCO', 'OSCW', 'OSCZ', 'OSER10', 'OSER16', 'OSER10', 'OSER4', 'OSER8', 'OVIDEO', 'PLLVR', 'RAM16S1', 'RAM16S2', 'RAM16S4', 'RAM16SDP1', 'RAM16SDP2', 'RAM16SDP4', 'rPLL', 'SDP', 'SDPX9', 'SP', 'SPX9', 'TBUF', 'TLVDS_OBUF', 'VCC' } def xtract_cells_decl(dir, fout): fname = os.path.join(dir, 'prim_sim.v') with open(fname) as f: state = State.OUTSIDE for l in f: l, _, comment = l.partition('//') if l.startswith("module "): cell_name = l[7:l.find('(')].strip() if cell_name not in _skip: state = State.IN_MODULE fout.write(f'\nmodule {cell_name} (...);\n') elif l.startswith(('input', 'output', 'inout')) and state == State.IN_MODULE: fout.write(l) if l[-1] != '\n': fout.write('\n') elif l.startswith('parameter') and state == State.IN_MODULE: fout.write(l) if l.rstrip()[-1] == ',': state = State.IN_PARAMETER if l[-1] != '\n': fout.write('\n') elif state == State.IN_PARAMETER: fout.write(l) if l.rstrip()[-1] == ';': state = State.IN_MODULE if l[-1] != '\n': fout.write('\n') elif l.startswith('endmodule') and state == State.IN_MODULE: state = State.OUTSIDE fout.write('endmodule\n') if l[-1] != '\n': fout.write('\n') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser(description='Extract Gowin blackbox cell definitions.') parser.add_argument('gowin_dir', nargs='?', default='/opt/gowin/') args = parser.parse_args() dirs = [ os.path.join(args.gowin_dir, 'IDE/simlib/gw1n/'), ] with open('cells_xtra.v', 'w') as fout: fout.write('// Created by cells_xtra.py\n') fout.write('\n') for dir in dirs: if not os.path.isdir(dir): print(f'{dir} is not a directory') xtract_cells_decl(dir, fout)