% Generated using the yosys 'help -write-tex-command-reference-manual' command.

\section{abc -- use ABC for technology mapping}
    abc [options] [selection]

This pass uses the ABC tool [1] for technology mapping of yosys's internal gate
library to a target architecture.

    -exe <command>
        use the specified command name instead of "yosys-abc" to execute ABC.
        This can e.g. be used to call a specific version of ABC or a wrapper.

    -script <file>
        use the specified ABC script file instead of the default script.

    -liberty <file>
        generate netlists for the specified cell library (using the liberty
        file format). Without this option, ABC is used to optimize the netlist
        but keeps using yosys's internal gate library. This option is ignored if
        the -script option is also used.

        when this option is used, the temporary files created by this pass
        are not removed. this is useful for debugging.

This pass does not operate on modules with unprocessed processes in it.
(I.e. the 'proc' pass should be used first to convert processes to netlists.)

[1] http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~alanmi/abc/

\section{cd -- a shortcut for 'select -module <name>'}
    cd <modname>

This is just a shortcut for 'select -module <modname>'.

    cd <cellname>

When no module with the specified name is found, but there is a cell
with the specified name in the current module, then this is equivialent
to 'cd <celltype>'.

    cd ..

This is just a shortcut for 'select -clear'.

\section{dfflibmap -- technology mapping of flip-flops}
    dfflibmap -liberty <file> [selection]

Map internal flip-flop cells to the flip-flop cells in the technology
library specified in the given liberty file.

This pass may add inverters as needed. Therefore it is recommended to
first run this pass and then map the logic paths to the target technology.

\section{dump -- print parts of the design in ilang format}
    dump [options] [selection]

Write the selected parts of the design to the console or specified file in
ilang format.

    -outfile <filename>
        Write to the specified file.

\section{eval -- evaluate the circuit given an input}
    eval [options] [selection]

This command evaluates the value of a signal given the value of all required

    -set <signal> <value>
        set the specified signal to the specified value.

    -show <signal>
        show the value for the specified signal. if no -show option is passed
        then all output ports of the current module are used.

\section{extract -- find subcircuits and replace them with cells}
    extract -map <map_file> [options] [selection]
    extract -mine <out_file> [options] [selection]

This pass looks for subcircuits that are isomorphic to any of the modules
in the given map file and replaces them with instances of this modules. The
map file can be a verilog source file (*.v) or an ilang file (*.il).

    -map <map_file>
        use the modules in this file as reference

        print debug output while analyzing

        also find instances with constant drivers. this may be much
        slower than the normal operation.

        normally builtin port swapping rules for internal cells are used per
        default. This turns that off, so e.g. 'a^b' does not match 'b^a'
        when this option is used.

    -compat <needle_type> <haystack_type>
        Per default, the cells in the map file (needle) must have the
        type as the cells in the active design (haystack). This option
        can be used to register additional pairs of types that should
        match. This option can be used multiple times.

    -swap <needle_type> <port1>,<port2>[,...]
        Register a set of swapable ports for a needle cell type.
        This option can be used multiple times.

    -perm <needle_type> <port1>,<port2>[,...] <portA>,<portB>[,...]
        Register a valid permutation of swapable ports for a needle
        cell type. This option can be used multiple times.

    -cell_attr <attribute_name>
        Attributes on cells with the given name must match.

    -wire_attr <attribute_name>
        Attributes on wires with the given name must match.

This pass does not operate on modules with uprocessed processes in it.
(I.e. the 'proc' pass should be used first to convert processes to netlists.)

This pass can also be used for mining for frequent subcircuits. In this mode
the following options are to be used instead of the -map option.

    -mine <out_file>
        mine for frequent subcircuits and write them to the given ilang file

    -mine_cells_span <min> <max>
        only mine for subcircuits with the specified number of cells
        default value: 3 5

    -mine_min_freq <num>
        only mine for subcircuits with at least the specified number of matches
        default value: 10

    -mine_limit_matches_per_module <num>
        when calculating the number of matches for a subcircuit, don't count
        more than the specified number of matches per module

    -mine_max_fanout <num>
        don't consider internal signals with more than <num> connections

The modules in the map file may have the attribute 'extract_order' set to an
integer value. Then this value is used to determine the order in which the pass
tries to map the modules to the design (ascending, default value is 0).

See 'help techmap' for a pass that does the opposite thing.

\section{flatten -- flatten design}
    flatten [selection]

This pass flattens the design by replacing cells by their implementation. This
pass is very simmilar to the 'techmap' pass. The only difference is that this
pass is using the current design as mapping library.

\section{fsm -- extract and optimize finite state machines}
    fsm [options] [selection]

This pass calls all the other fsm_* passes in a useful order. This performs
FSM extraction and optimiziation. It also calls opt_clean as needed:

    fsm_detect          unless got option -nodetect


    fsm_expand          if got option -expand
    opt_clean           if got option -expand
    fsm_opt             if got option -expand

    fsm_recode          unless got option -norecode


    fsm_export          if got option -export
    fsm_map             unless got option -nomap


    -expand, -norecode, -export, -nomap
        enable or disable passes as indicated above

    -encoding tye
    -fm_set_fsm_file file
        passed through to fsm_recode pass

\section{fsm\_detect -- finding FSMs in design}
    fsm_detect [selection]

This pass detects finite state machines by identifying the state signal.
The state signal is then marked by setting the attribute 'fsm_encoding'
on the state signal to "auto".

Existing 'fsm_encoding' attributes are not changed by this pass.

Signals can be protected from being detected by this pass by setting the
'fsm_encoding' attribute to "none".

\section{fsm\_expand -- expand FSM cells by merging logic into it}
    fsm_expand [selection]

The fsm_extract pass is conservative about the cells that belong to a finite
state machine. This pass can be used to merge additional auxiliary gates into
the finate state machine.

\section{fsm\_export -- exporting FSMs to KISS2 files}
    fsm_export [-noauto] [-o filename] [-origenc] [selection]

This pass creates a KISS2 file for every selected FSM. For FSMs with the
'fsm_export' attribute set, the attribute value is used as filename, otherwise
the module and cell name is used as filename. If the parameter '-o' is given,
the first exported FSM is written to the specified filename. This overwrites
the setting as specified with the 'fsm_export' attribute. All other FSMs are
exported to the default name as mentioned above.

        only export FSMs that have the 'fsm_export' attribute set

    -o filename
        filename of the first exported FSM

        use binary state encoding as state names instead of s0, s1, ...

\section{fsm\_extract -- extracting FSMs in design}
    fsm_extract [selection]

This pass operates on all signals marked as FSM state signals using the
'fsm_encoding' attribute. It consumes the logic that creates the state signal
and uses the state signal to generate control signal and replaces it with an
FSM cell.

The generated FSM cell still generates the original state signal with its
original encoding. The 'fsm_opt' pass can be used in combination with the
'opt_clean' pass to eliminate this signal.

\section{fsm\_info -- print information on finite state machines}
    fsm_info [selection]

This pass dumps all internal information on FSM cells. It can be useful for
analyzing the synthesis process and is called automatically by the 'fsm'
pass so that this information is included in the synthesis log file.

\section{fsm\_map -- mapping FSMs to basic logic}
    fsm_map [selection]

This pass translates FSM cells to flip-flops and logic.

\section{fsm\_opt -- optimize finite state machines}
    fsm_opt [selection]

This pass optimizes FSM cells. It detects which output signals are actually
not used and removes them from the FSM. This pass is usually used in
combination with the 'opt_clean' pass (see also 'help fsm').

\section{fsm\_recode -- recoding finite state machines}
    fsm_recode [-encoding type] [-fm_set_fsm_file file] [selection]

This pass reassign the state encodings for FSM cells. At the moment only
one-hot encoding and binary encoding is supported. The option -encoding
can be used to specify the encoding scheme used for FSMs without the
`fsm_encoding' attribute (or with the attribute set to `auto'.

The option -fm_set_fsm_file can be used to generate a file containing the
mapping from old to new FSM encoding in form of Synopsys Formality set_fsm_*

\section{help -- display help messages}
    help  .............  list all commands
    help <command>  ...  print help message for given command
    help -all  ........  print complete command reference

\section{hierarchy -- check, expand and clean up design hierarchy}
    hierarchy [-check] [-top <module>]
    hierarchy -generate <cell-types> <port-decls>

In parametric designs, a module might exists in serveral variations with
different parameter values. This pass looks at all modules in the current
design an re-runs the language frontends for the parametric modules as

        also check the design hierarchy. this generates an error when
        an unknown module is used as cell type.

    -top <module>
        use the specified top module to built a design hierarchy. modules
        outside this tree (unused modules) are removed.

In -generate mode this pass generates placeholder modules for the given cell
types (wildcards supported). For this the design is searched for cells that
match the given types and then the given port declarations are used to
determine the direction of the ports. The syntax for a port declaration is:


Input ports are specified with the 'i' prefix, output ports with the 'o'
prefix and inout ports with the 'io' prefix. The optional <num> specifies
the position of the port in the parameter list (needed when instanciated
using positional arguments). When <num> is not specified, the <portname> can
also contain wildcard characters.

This pass ignores the current selection and always operates on all modules
in the current design.

\section{ls -- list modules or objects in modules}

When no active module is selected, this prints a list of all module.

When an active module is selected, this prints a list of objects in the module.

\section{memory -- translate memories to basic cells}
    memory [-nomap] [selection]

This pass calls all the other memory_* passes in a useful order:

    memory_map          (skipped if called with -nomap)

This converts memories to word-wide DFFs and address decoders
or moultiport memory blocks if called with the -nomap option.

\section{memory\_collect -- creating multi-port memory cells}
    memory_collect [selection]

This pass collects memories and memory ports and creates generic multiport
memory cells.

\section{memory\_dff -- merge input/output DFFs into memories}
    memory_dff [selection]

This pass detects DFFs at memory ports and merges them into the memory port.
I.e. it consumes an asynchronous memory port and the flip-flops at its
interface and yields a synchronous memory port.

\section{memory\_map -- translate multiport memories to basic cells}
    memory_map [selection]

This pass converts multiport memory cells as generated by the memory_collect
pass to word-wide DFFs and address decoders.

\section{opt -- perform simple optimizations}
    opt [selection]

This pass calls all the other opt_* passes in a useful order. This performs
a series of trivial optimizations and cleanups. This pass executes the other
passes in the following order:

    opt_share -nomux

    while [changed design]

\section{opt\_clean -- remove unused cells and wires}
    opt_clean [options] [selection]

This pass identifies wires and cells that are unused and removes them. Other
passes often remove cells but leave the wires in the design or reconnect the
wires but leave the old cells in the design. This pass can be used to clean up
after the passes that do the actual work.

This pass only operates on completely selected modules without processes.

        also remove internal nets if they have a public name

\section{opt\_const -- perform const folding}
    opt_const [selection]

This pass performs const folding on internal cell types with constant inputs.

\section{opt\_muxtree -- eliminate dead trees in multiplexer trees}
    opt_muxtree [selection]

This pass analyzes the control signals for the multiplexer trees in the design
and identifies inputs that can never be active. It then removes this dead
branches from the multiplexer trees.

This pass only operates on completely selected modules without processes.

\section{opt\_reduce -- simplify large MUXes and AND/OR gates}
    opt_reduce [selection]

This pass performs two interlinked optimizations:

1. it consolidates trees of large AND gates or OR gates and eliminates
duplicated inputs.

2. it identifies duplicated inputs to MUXes and replaces them with a single
input with the original control signals OR'ed together.

\section{opt\_rmdff -- remove DFFs with constant inputs}
    opt_rmdff [selection]

This pass identifies flip-flops with constant inputs and replaces them with
a constant driver.

\section{opt\_share -- consolidate identical cells}
    opt_share [-nomux] [selection]

This pass identifies cells with identical type and input signals. Such cells
are then merged to one cell.

        Do not merge MUX cells.

\section{proc -- translate processes to netlists}
    proc [selection]

This pass calls all the other proc_* passes in the most common order.


This replaces the processes in the design with multiplexers and flip-flops.

\section{proc\_arst -- detect asynchronous resets}
    proc_arst [selection]

This pass identifies asynchronous resets in the processes and converts them
to a different internal representation that is suitable for generating
flip-flop cells with asynchronous resets.

\section{proc\_clean -- remove empty parts of processes}
    proc_clean [selection]

This pass removes empty parts of processes and ultimately removes a process
if it contains only empty structures.

\section{proc\_dff -- extract flip-flops from processes}
    proc_dff [selection]

This pass identifies flip-flops in the processes and converts them to
d-type flip-flop cells.

\section{proc\_mux -- convert decision trees to multiplexers}
    proc_mux [selection]

This pass converts the decision trees in processes (originating from if-else
and case statements) to trees of multiplexer cells.

\section{proc\_rmdead -- eliminate dead trees in decision trees}
    proc_rmdead [selection]

This pass identifies unreachable branches in decision trees and removes them.

\section{read\_ilang -- read modules from ilang file}
    read_ilang [filename]

Load modules from an ilang file to the current design. (ilang is a text
representation of a design in yosys's internal format.)

\section{read\_verilog -- read modules from verilog file}
    read_verilog [filename]

Load modules from a verilog file to the current design. A large subset of
Verilog-2005 is supported.

        dump abstract syntax tree (after simplification)

        dump ast differences before and after simplification

        dump ast as verilog code (after simplification)

        enable parser debug output

        usually latches are synthesized into logic loops
        this option prohibits this and sets the output to 'x'
        in what would be the latches hold condition

        this behavior can also be achieved by setting the
        'nolatches' attribute on the respective module or
        always block.

        under certain conditions memories are converted to registers
        early during simplification to ensure correct handling of
        complex corner cases. this option disables this behavior.

        this can also be achieved by setting the 'nomem2reg'
        attribute on the respective module or register.

        always convert memories to registers. this can also be
        achieved by setting the 'mem2reg' attribute on the respective
        module or register.

        dump verilog code after pre-processor

        do not run the pre-processor

        only create empty placeholder modules

        don't perform basic optimizations (such as const folding) in the
        high-level front-end.

        define the preprocessor symbol 'name' and set its optional value

\section{rename -- rename object in the design}
    rename old_name new_name

Rename the specified object. Note that selection patterns are not supported
by this command.

\section{sat -- solve a SAT problem in the circuit}
    sat [options] [selection]

This command solves a SAT problem defined over the currently selected circuit
and additional constraints passed as parameters.

        show all solutions to the problem (this can grow exponentially, use
        -max <N> instead to get <N> solutions)

    -max <N>
        like -all, but limit number of solutions to <N>

    -set <signal> <value>
        set the specified signal to the specified value.

    -show <signal>
        show the model for the specified signal. if no -show option is
        passed then a set of signals to be shown is automatically selected.

The following options can be used to set up a sequential problem:

    -seq <N>
        set up a sequential problem with <N> time steps. The steps will
        be numbered from 1 to N.

    -set-at <N> <signal> <value>
    -unset-at <N> <signal>
        set or unset the specified signal to the specified value in the
        given timestep. this has priority over a -set for the same signal.

The following additional options can be used to set up a proof. If also -seq
is passed, a temporal induction proof is performed.

    -prove <signal> <value>
        Attempt to proof that <signal> is always <value>. In a temporal
        induction proof it is proven that the condition holds forever after
        the number of time steps passed using -seq.

    -maxsteps <N>
        Set a maximum length for the induction.

    -timeout <N>
        Maximum number of seconds a single SAT instance may take.

        Return an error and stop the synthesis script if the proof fails.

        Like -verify but do not return an error for timeouts.

\section{scatter -- add additional intermediate nets}
    scatter [selection]

This command adds additional intermediate nets on all cell ports. This is used
for testing the correct use of the SigMap halper in passes. If you don't know
what this means: don't worry -- you only need this pass when testing your own
extensions to Yosys.

Use the opt_clean command to get rid of the additional nets.

\section{scc -- detect strongly connected components (logic loops)}
    scc [options] [selection]

This command identifies strongly connected components (aka logic loops) in the

    -max_depth <num>
        limit to loops not longer than the specified number of cells. This can
        e.g. be useful in identifying local loops in a module that turns out
        to be one gigantic SCC.

        Usually this command only considers internal non-memory cells. With
        this option set, all cells are considered. For unkown cells all ports
        are assumed to be bidirectional 'inout' ports.

    -set_attr <name> <value>
    -set_cell_attr <name> <value>
    -set_wire_attr <name> <value>
        set the specified attribute on all cells and/or wires that are part of
        a logic loop. the special token {} in the value is replaced with a
        unique identifier for the logic loop.

        replace the current selection with a selection of all cells and wires
        that are part of a found logic loop

\section{script -- execute commands from script file}
    script <filename>

This command executes the yosys commands in the specified file.

\section{select -- modify and view the list of selected objects}
    select [ -add | -del | -set <name> ] <selection>
    select [ -list | -write <filename> | -count | -clear ]
    select -module <modname>

Most commands use the list of currently selected objects to determine which part
of the design to operate on. This command can be used to modify and view this
list of selected objects.

Note that many commands support an optional [selection] argument that can be
used to override the global selection for the command. The syntax of this
optional argument is identical to the syntax of the <selection> argument
described here.

    -add, -del
        add or remove the given objects to the current selection.
        without this options the current selection is replaced.

    -set <name>
        do not modify the current selection. instead save the new selection
        under the given name (see @<name> below).

        list all objects in the current selection

    -write <filename>
        like -list but write the output to the specified file

        count all objects in the current selection

        clear the current selection. this effectively selects the
        whole design.

    -module <modname>
        limit the current scope to the specified module.
        the difference between this and simply selecting the module
        is that all object names are interpreted relative to this
        module after this command until the selection is cleared again.

When this command is called without an argument, the current selection
is displayed in a compact form (i.e. only the module name when a whole module
is selected).

The <selection> argument itself is a series of commands for a simple stack
machine. Each element on the stack represents a set of selected objects.
After this commands have been executed, the union of all remaining sets
on the stack is computed and used as selection for the command.

Pushing (selecting) object when not in -module mode:

        select the specified module(s)

        select the specified object(s) from the module(s)

Pushing (selecting) object when in -module mode:

        select the specified object(s) from the current module

A <mod_pattern> can be a module name or wildcard expression (*, ?, [..])
matching module names.

An <obj_pattern> can be an object name, wildcard expression, or one of
the following:

        all wires with a name matching the given wildcard pattern

        all memories with a name matching the given pattern

        all cells with a name matching the given pattern

        all cells with a type matching the given pattern

        all processes with a name matching the given pattern

        all objects with an attribute name matching the given pattern

        all objects with a matching attribute name-value-pair

        all objects with a name matching the given pattern
        (i.e. 'n:' is optional as it is the default matching rule)

        push the selection saved prior with 'select -set <name> ...'

The following actions can be performed on the top sets on the stack:

        push a copy of the current selection to the stack

        replace the stack with a union of all elements on it

        replace top set with its invert

        replace the two top sets on the stack with their union

        replace the two top sets on the stack with their intersection

        pop the top set from the stack and subtract it from the new top

        expand top set <num1> num times according to the specified rules.
        (i.e. select all cells connected to selected wires and select all
        wires connected to selected cells) The rules specify which cell
        ports to use for this. the syntax for a rule is a '-' for exclusion
        and a '+' for inclusion, followed by an optional comma seperated
        list of cell types followed by an optional comma separated list of
        cell ports in square brackets. a rule can also be just a cell or wire
        name that limits the expansion (is included but does not go beyond).
        select at most <num2> objects. a warning message is printed when this
        limit is reached. When '*' is used instead of <num1> then the process
        is repeated until no further object are selected.

        simmilar to %x, but only select input (%ci) or output cones (%co)

Example: the following command selects all wires that are connected to a
'GATE' input of a 'SWITCH' cell:

    select */t:SWITCH %x:+[GATE] */t:SWITCH %d

\section{shell -- enter interactive command mode}

This command enters the interactive command mode. This can be useful
in a script to interrupt the script at a certain point and allow for
interactive inspection or manual synthesis of the design at this point.

The command prompt of the interactive shell indicates the current
selection (see 'help select'):

        the entire design is selected

        only part of the design is selected

    yosys [modname]>
        the entire module 'modname' is selected using 'select -module modname'

    yosys [modname]*>
        only part of current module 'modname' is selected

When in interactive shell, some errors (e.g. invalid command arguments)
do not terminate yosys but return to the command prompt.

This command is the default action if nothing else has been specified
on the command line.

Press Ctrl-D or type 'exit' to leave the interactive shell.

\section{show -- generate schematics using graphviz}
    show [options] [selection]

Create a graphviz DOT file for the selected part of the design and compile it
to a graphics file (usually SVG or PostScript).

    -viewer <viewer>
        Run the specified command with the graphics file as parameter.

    -format <format>
        Generate a graphics file in the specified format.
        Usually <format> is 'svg' or 'ps'.

    -lib <verilog_or_ilang_file>
        Use the specified library file for determining whether cell ports are
        inputs or outputs. This option can be used multiple times to specify
        more than one library.

    -prefix <prefix>
        generate <prefix>.dot and <prefix>.ps instead of ~/.yosys_show.{dot,ps}

    -color <color> <wire>
        assign the specified color to the specified wire. The object can be
        a single selection wildcard expressions or a saved set of objects in
        the @<name> syntax (see "help select" for details).

    -colors <seed>
        Randomly assign colors to the wires. The integer argument is the seed
        for the random number generator. Change the seed value if the colored
        graph still is ambigous. A seed of zero deactivates the coloring.

        annotate busses with a label indicating the width of the bus.

        stretch the graph so all inputs are on the left side and all outputs
        (including inout ports) are on the right side.

When no <format> is specified, SVG is used. When no <format> and <viewer> is
specified, 'yosys-svgviewer' is used to display the schematic.

The generated output files are '~/.yosys_show.dot' and '~/.yosys_show.<format>',
unless another prefix is specified using -prefix <prefix>.

\section{splitnets -- split up multi-bit nets}
    splitnets [options] [selection]

This command splits multi-bit nets into single-bit nets.

        also split module ports. per default only internal signals are split.

\section{submod -- moving part of a module to a new submodule}
    submod [selection]

This pass identifies all cells with the 'submod' attribute and moves them to
a newly created module. The value of the attribute is used as name for the
cell that replaces the group of cells with the same attribute value.

This pass can be used to create a design hierarchy in flat design. This can
be useful for analyzing or reverse-engineering a design.

This pass only operates on completely selected modules with no processes
or memories.

    submod -name <name> [selection]

As above, but don't use the 'submod' attribute but instead use the selection.
Only objects from one module might be selected. The value of the -name option
is used as the value of the 'submod' attribute above.

\section{tcl -- execute a TCL script file}
    tcl <filename>

This command executes the tcl commands in the specified file.
Use 'yosys cmd' to run the yosys command 'cmd' from tcl.

The tcl command 'yosys -import' can be used to import all yosys
commands directly as tcl commands to the tcl shell. The yosys
command 'proc' is wrapped using the tcl command 'procs' in order
to avoid a name collision with the tcl builting command 'proc'.

\section{techmap -- simple technology mapper}
    techmap [-map filename] [selection]

This pass implements a very simple technology mapper that replaces cells in
the design with implementations given in form of a verilog or ilang source

    -map filename
        the library of cell implementations to be used.
        without this parameter a builtin library is used that
        transforms the internal RTL cells to the internal gate

When a module in the map file has the 'celltype' attribute set, it will match
cells with a type that match the text value of this attribute.

When a module in the map file contains a wire with the name 'TECHMAP_FAIL' (or
one matching '*.TECHMAP_FAIL') then no substitution will be performed. The
modules in the map file are tried in alphabetical order.

When a module in the map file has a parameter where the according cell in the
design has a port, the module from the map file is only used if the port in
the design is connected to a constant value. The parameter is then set to the
constant value.

See 'help extract' for a pass that does the opposite thing.

See 'help flatten' for a pass that does flatten the design (which is
esentially techmap but using the design itself as map library).

\section{write\_autotest -- generate simple test benches}
    write_autotest [filename]

Automatically create primitive verilog test benches for all modules in the
design. The generated testbenches toggle the input pins of the module in
a semi-random manner and dumps the resulting output signals.

This can be used to check the synthesis results for simple circuits by
comparing the testbench output for the input files and the synthesis results.

The backend automatically detects clock signals. Additionally a signal can
be forced to be interpreted as clock signal by setting the attribute
'gentb_clock' on the signal.

The attribute 'gentb_constant' can be used to force a signal to a constant
value after initialization. This can e.g. be used to force a reset signal
low in order to explore more inner states in a state machine.

\section{write\_ilang -- write design to ilang file}
    write_ilang [filename]

Write the current design to an 'ilang' file. (ilang is a text representation
of a design in yosys's internal format.)

\section{write\_intersynth -- write design to InterSynth netlist file}
    write_intersynth [options] [filename]

Write the current design to an 'intersynth' netlist file. InterSynth is
a tool for Coarse-Grain Example-Driven Interconnect Synthesis.

        do not generate celltypes and conntypes commands. i.e. just output
        the netlists. this is used for postsilicon synthesis.

    -lib <verilog_or_ilang_file>
        Use the specified library file for determining whether cell ports are
        inputs or outputs. This option can be used multiple times to specify
        more than one library.


\section{write\_verilog -- write design to verilog file}
    write_verilog [options] [filename]

Write the current design to a verilog file.

        without this option all internal object names (the ones with a dollar
        instead of a backslash prefix) are changed to short names in the
        format '_<number>_'.

        with this option no attributes are included in the output

        with this option attributes are included as comments in the output

        without this option all internal cells are converted to verilog

        usually modules with the 'placeholder' attribute are ignored. with
        this option set only the modules with the 'placeholder' attribute
        are written to the output file.