
import libyosys as ys

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

class CellStatsPass(ys.Pass):

    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__("cell_stats", "Shows cell stats as plot")

    def py_help(self):
        ys.log("This pass uses the matplotlib library to display cell stats\n")

    def py_execute(self, args, design):
        ys.log_header(design, "Plotting cell stats\n")
        cell_stats = {}
        for module in design.selected_whole_modules_warn():
            for cell in module.selected_cells():
                if cell.type.str() in cell_stats:
                    cell_stats[cell.type.str()] += 1
                    cell_stats[cell.type.str()] = 1
        plt.bar(range(len(cell_stats)), height = list(cell_stats.values()),align='center')
        plt.xticks(range(len(cell_stats)), list(cell_stats.keys()))

    def py_clear_flags(self):
        ys.log("Clear Flags - CellStatsPass\n")

p = CellStatsPass()