/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) Martin PoviĊĦer * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/register.h" USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN uint32_t read_be32(std::istream &f) { return ((uint32_t) f.get() << 24) | ((uint32_t) f.get() << 16) | ((uint32_t) f.get() << 8) | (uint32_t) f.get(); } IdString read_idstring(std::istream &f) { std::string str; std::getline(f, str, '\0'); if (!f.good()) log_error("failed to read string\n"); return RTLIL::escape_id(str); } struct Xaiger2Frontend : public Frontend { Xaiger2Frontend() : Frontend("xaiger2", "(experimental) read XAIGER file") { experimental(); } void help() override { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" read_xaiger2 -sc_mapping [options] \n"); log("\n"); log("Read a standard cell mapping from a XAIGER file into an existing module.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -module_name \n"); log(" name of the target module\n"); log("\n"); log(" -map2 \n"); log(" read file with symbol information\n"); log("\n"); } void read_sc_mapping(std::istream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector args, Design *design) { IdString module_name; std::string map_filename; size_t argidx; for (argidx = 2; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { std::string arg = args[argidx]; if (arg == "-module_name" && argidx + 1 < args.size()) { module_name = RTLIL::escape_id(args[++argidx]); continue; } if (arg == "-map2" && argidx + 1 < args.size()) { map_filename = args[++argidx]; continue; } break; } extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx, true); if (map_filename.empty()) log_error("A '-map2' argument required\n"); if (module_name.empty()) log_error("A '-module_name' argument required\n"); Module *module = design->module(module_name); if (!module) log_error("Module '%s' not found\n", log_id(module_name)); std::ifstream map_file; map_file.open(map_filename); if (!map_file) log_error("Failed to open map file '%s'\n", map_filename.c_str()); unsigned int M, I, L, O, A; std::string header; if (!(*f >> header >> M >> I >> L >> O >> A) || header != "aig") log_error("Bad header\n"); std::string line; std::getline(*f, line); log_debug("M=%u I=%u L=%u O=%u A=%u\n", M, I, L, O, A); if (L != 0) log_error("Latches unsupported\n"); if (I + L + A != M) log_error("Inconsistent header\n"); std::vector outputs; for (int i = 0; i < (int) O; i++) { int po; *f >> po; log_assert(f->get() == '\n'); outputs.push_back(po); } std::vector> boxes; std::vector retained_boxes; std::vector bits(2 + 2*M, RTLIL::Sm); bits[0] = RTLIL::S0; bits[1] = RTLIL::S1; std::string type; while (map_file >> type) { if (type == "pi") { int pi_idx; int woffset; std::string name; if (!(map_file >> pi_idx >> woffset >> name)) log_error("Bad map file (1)\n"); int lit = (2 * pi_idx) + 2; if (lit < 0 || lit >= (int) bits.size()) log_error("Bad map file (2)\n"); Wire *w = module->wire(name); if (!w || woffset < 0 || woffset >= w->width) log_error("Map file references non-existent signal bit %s[%d]\n", name.c_str(), woffset); bits[lit] = SigBit(w, woffset); } else if (type == "box") { int box_seq; std::string name; if (!(map_file >> box_seq >> name)) log_error("Bad map file (20)\n"); if (box_seq < 0) log_error("Bad map file (21)\n"); Cell *box = module->cell(RTLIL::escape_id(name)); if (!box) log_error("Map file references non-existent box %s\n", name.c_str()); Module *def = design->module(box->type); if (def && !box->parameters.empty()) { // TODO: This is potentially costly even if a cached derivation exists def = design->module(def->derive(design, box->parameters)); log_assert(def); } if (!def) log_error("Bad map file (22)\n"); if (box_seq >= (int) boxes.size()) { boxes.resize(box_seq + 1); retained_boxes.resize(box_seq + 1); } boxes[box_seq] = std::make_pair(box, def); } else { std::string scratch; std::getline(map_file, scratch); } } for (int i = 0; i < (int) A; i++) { while (f->get() & 0x80 && !f->eof()); while (f->get() & 0x80 && !f->eof()); } if (f->get() != 'c') log_error("Missing 'c' ahead of extensions\n"); if (f->peek() == '\n') f->get(); auto extensions_start = f->tellg(); log_debug("reading 'h' (first pass)\n"); for (int c = f->get(); c != EOF; c = f->get()) { if (c == 'h') { uint32_t len, ci_num, co_num, pi_num, po_num, no_boxes; len = read_be32(*f); read_be32(*f); ci_num = read_be32(*f); co_num = read_be32(*f); pi_num = read_be32(*f); po_num = read_be32(*f); no_boxes = read_be32(*f); log_debug("len=%u ci_num=%u co_num=%u pi_num=%u po_nun=%u no_boxes=%u\n", len, ci_num, co_num, pi_num, po_num, no_boxes); int ci_counter = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < no_boxes; i++) { /* unused box_inputs = */ read_be32(*f); YS_MAYBE_UNUSED auto box_outputs = read_be32(*f); /* unused box_id = */ read_be32(*f); auto box_seq = read_be32(*f); log("box_seq=%d boxes.size=%d\n", box_seq, (int) boxes.size()); log_assert(box_seq < boxes.size()); auto [cell, def] = boxes[box_seq]; log_assert(cell && def); retained_boxes[box_seq] = true; int box_ci_idx = 0; for (auto port_id : def->ports) { Wire *port = def->wire(port_id); if (port->port_output) { if (!cell->hasPort(port_id) || cell->getPort(port_id).size() != port->width) log_error("Malformed design (1)\n"); SigSpec &conn = cell->connections_[port_id]; for (int j = 0; j < port->width; j++) { if (conn[j].wire && conn[j].wire->port_output) conn[j] = module->addWire(module->uniquify( stringf("$box$%s$%s$%d", cell->name.isPublic() ? cell->name.c_str() + 1 : cell->name.c_str(), port_id.isPublic() ? port_id.c_str() + 1 : port_id.c_str(), j))); bits[2*(pi_num + ci_counter + box_ci_idx++) + 2] = conn[j]; } } } log_assert(box_ci_idx == (int) box_outputs); ci_counter += box_ci_idx; } log_assert(pi_num + ci_counter == ci_num); } else if (c == '\n') { break; } else if (c == 'c') { break; } else { uint32_t len = read_be32(*f); f->ignore(len); log_debug(" section '%c' (%d): ignoring %d bytes\n", c, c, len); } } log_debug("reading 'M' (second pass)\n"); f->seekg(extensions_start); bool read_mapping = false; uint32_t no_cells, no_instances; for (int c = f->get(); c != EOF; c = f->get()) { if (c == 'M') { uint32_t len = read_be32(*f); read_mapping = true; no_cells = read_be32(*f); no_instances = read_be32(*f); log_debug("M: len=%u no_cells=%u no_instances=%u\n", len, no_cells, no_instances); struct MappingCell { RTLIL::IdString type; RTLIL::IdString out; std::vector ins; }; std::vector cells; cells.resize(no_cells); for (unsigned i = 0; i < no_cells; ++i) { auto &cell = cells[i]; cell.type = read_idstring(*f); cell.out = read_idstring(*f); uint32_t nins = read_be32(*f); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < nins; j++) cell.ins.push_back(read_idstring(*f)); log_debug("M: Cell %s (out %s, ins", log_id(cell.type), log_id(cell.out)); for (auto in : cell.ins) log_debug(" %s", log_id(in)); log_debug(")\n"); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < no_instances; ++i) { uint32_t cell_id = read_be32(*f); uint32_t out_lit = read_be32(*f); log_assert(out_lit < bits.size()); log_assert(bits[out_lit] == RTLIL::Sm); log_assert(cell_id < cells.size()); auto &cell = cells[cell_id]; Cell *instance = module->addCell(module->uniquify(stringf("$sc%d", out_lit)), cell.type); auto out_w = module->addWire(module->uniquify(stringf("$lit%d", out_lit))); instance->setPort(cell.out, out_w); bits[out_lit] = out_w; for (auto in : cell.ins) { uint32_t in_lit = read_be32(*f); log_assert(out_lit < bits.size()); log_assert(bits[in_lit] != RTLIL::Sm); instance->setPort(in, bits[in_lit]); } } } else if (c == '\n') { break; } else if (c == 'c') { break; } else { uint32_t len = read_be32(*f); f->ignore(len); log_debug(" section '%c' (%d): ignoring %d bytes\n", c, c, len); } } if (!read_mapping) log_error("Missing mapping (no 'M' section)\n"); log("Read %d instances with cell library of size %d.\n", no_instances, no_cells); f->seekg(extensions_start); log_debug("reading 'h' (second pass)\n"); int co_counter = 0; for (int c = f->get(); c != EOF; c = f->get()) { if (c == 'h') { uint32_t len, ci_num, co_num, pi_num, po_num, no_boxes; len = read_be32(*f); read_be32(*f); ci_num = read_be32(*f); co_num = read_be32(*f); pi_num = read_be32(*f); po_num = read_be32(*f); no_boxes = read_be32(*f); log_debug("len=%u ci_num=%u co_num=%u pi_num=%u po_nun=%u no_boxes=%u\n", len, ci_num, co_num, pi_num, po_num, no_boxes); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < no_boxes; i++) { YS_MAYBE_UNUSED auto box_inputs = read_be32(*f); /* unused box_outputs = */ read_be32(*f); /* unused box_id = */ read_be32(*f); auto box_seq = read_be32(*f); log_assert(box_seq < boxes.size()); auto [cell, def] = boxes[box_seq]; log_assert(cell && def); int box_co_idx = 0; for (auto port_id : def->ports) { Wire *port = def->wire(port_id); SigSpec conn; if (port->port_input) { if (!cell->hasPort(port_id) || cell->getPort(port_id).size() != port->width) log_error("Malformed design (2)\n"); SigSpec conn; for (int j = 0; j < port->width; j++) { log_assert(co_counter + box_co_idx < (int) outputs.size()); int lit = outputs[co_counter + box_co_idx++]; log_assert(lit >= 0 && lit < (int) bits.size()); SigBit bit = bits[lit]; if (bit == RTLIL::Sm) log_error("Malformed mapping (1)\n"); conn.append(bit); } cell->setPort(port_id, conn); } } log_assert(box_co_idx == (int) box_inputs); co_counter += box_co_idx; } log_assert(po_num + co_counter == co_num); } else if (c == '\n') { break; } else if (c == 'c') { break; } else { uint32_t len = read_be32(*f); f->ignore(len); log_debug(" section '%c' (%d): ignoring %d bytes\n", c, c, len); } } while (true) { std::string scratch; std::getline(*f, scratch); if (f->eof()) break; log_assert(!f->fail()); log("input file: %s\n", scratch.c_str()); } log_debug("co_counter=%d\n", co_counter); // TODO: seek without close/open map_file.close(); map_file.open(map_filename); while (map_file >> type) { if (type == "po") { int po_idx; int woffset; std::string name; if (!(map_file >> po_idx >> woffset >> name)) log_error("Bad map file (3)\n"); po_idx += co_counter; if (po_idx < 0 || po_idx >= (int) outputs.size()) log_error("Bad map file (4)\n"); int lit = outputs[po_idx]; if (lit < 0 || lit >= (int) bits.size()) log_error("Bad map file (5)\n"); if (bits[lit] == RTLIL::Sm) log_error("Bad map file (6)\n"); Wire *w = module->wire(name); if (!w || woffset < 0 || woffset >= w->width) log_error("Map file references non-existent signal bit %s[%d]\n", name.c_str(), woffset); module->connect(SigBit(w, woffset), bits[lit]); } else if (type == "pseudopo") { int po_idx; int poffset; std::string box_name; std::string box_port; if (!(map_file >> po_idx >> poffset >> box_name >> box_port)) log_error("Bad map file (7)\n"); po_idx += co_counter; if (po_idx < 0 || po_idx >= (int) outputs.size()) log_error("Bad map file (8)\n"); int lit = outputs[po_idx]; if (lit < 0 || lit >= (int) bits.size()) log_error("Bad map file (9)\n"); if (bits[lit] == RTLIL::Sm) log_error("Bad map file (10)\n"); Cell *cell = module->cell(box_name); if (!cell || !cell->hasPort(box_port)) log_error("Map file references non-existent box port %s/%s\n", box_name.c_str(), box_port.c_str()); SigSpec &port = cell->connections_[box_port]; if (poffset < 0 || poffset >= port.size()) log_error("Map file references non-existent box port bit %s/%s[%d]\n", box_name.c_str(), box_port.c_str(), poffset); port[poffset] = bits[lit]; } else { std::string scratch; std::getline(map_file, scratch); } } int box_seq = 0; for (auto [cell, def] : boxes) { if (!retained_boxes[box_seq++]) module->remove(cell); } } void execute(std::istream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector args, Design *design) override { log_header(design, "Executing XAIGER2 frontend.\n"); if (args.size() > 1 && args[1] == "-sc_mapping") { read_sc_mapping(f, filename, args, design); return; } log_cmd_error("Mode '-sc_mapping' must be selected\n"); } } Xaiger2Frontend; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END