/* * Copyright 2020-2022 F4PGA Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * */ #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include "kernel/yosys.h" USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #include "techlibs/quicklogic/ql_dsp_macc_pm.h" // ============================================================================ static void create_ql_macc_dsp(ql_dsp_macc_pm &pm, int dsp_version) { auto &st = pm.st_ql_dsp_macc; log_assert(dsp_version < 3); log_assert(dsp_version > 0); // Get port widths size_t a_width = GetSize(st.mul->getPort(ID(A))); size_t b_width = GetSize(st.mul->getPort(ID(B))); size_t z_width = GetSize(st.ff->getPort(ID(Q))); size_t min_width = std::min(a_width, b_width); size_t max_width = std::max(a_width, b_width); // Signed / unsigned bool ab_signed = st.mul->getParam(ID(A_SIGNED)).as_bool(); log_assert(ab_signed == st.mul->getParam(ID(B_SIGNED)).as_bool()); // Determine DSP type or discard if too narrow / wide RTLIL::IdString type; size_t tgt_a_width; size_t tgt_b_width; size_t tgt_z_width; string cell_base_name; string cell_size_name = ""; string cell_cfg_name = ""; string cell_full_name = ""; if (dsp_version == 1) cell_base_name = "dsp_t1"; if (dsp_version == 2) cell_base_name = "dspv2"; if (min_width <= 2 && max_width <= 2 && z_width <= 4) { log_debug("\trejected: too narrow (%zd %zd %zd)\n", min_width, max_width, z_width); return; } bool reject = false; if (dsp_version == 1) { if (min_width <= 9 && max_width <= 10 && z_width <= 19) { cell_size_name = "_10x9x32"; tgt_a_width = 10; tgt_b_width = 9; tgt_z_width = 19; } else if (min_width <= 18 && max_width <= 20 && z_width <= 38) { cell_size_name = "_20x18x64"; tgt_a_width = 20; tgt_b_width = 18; tgt_z_width = 38; } else { reject = true; } } else if (dsp_version == 2) { if (min_width <= 9 && max_width <= 16 && z_width <= 25) { cell_size_name = "_16x9x32"; tgt_a_width = 16; tgt_b_width = 9; tgt_z_width = 25; } else if (min_width <= 18 && max_width <= 32 && z_width <= 50) { cell_size_name = "_32x18x64"; tgt_a_width = 20; tgt_b_width = 18; tgt_z_width = 50; } else { reject = true; } } else { log_assert(false); } if (reject) { log_debug("\trejected: too wide (%zd %zd %zd) for v%d\n", min_width, max_width, z_width, dsp_version); return; } type = RTLIL::escape_id(cell_base_name + cell_size_name + "_cfg_ports"); log("Inferring MACC %zux%zu->%zu as %s from:\n", a_width, b_width, z_width, log_id(type)); for (auto cell : {st.mul, st.add, st.mux, st.ff}) if (cell) log(" %s (%s)\n", log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type)); // Add the DSP cell RTLIL::Cell *cell = pm.module->addCell(NEW_ID, type); // Set attributes cell->set_bool_attribute(ID(is_inferred), true); // Get input/output data signals RTLIL::SigSpec sig_a, sig_b, sig_z; sig_a = st.mul->getPort(ID(A)); sig_b = st.mul->getPort(ID(B)); sig_z = st.output_registered ? st.ff->getPort(ID(Q)) : st.ff->getPort(ID(D)); if (a_width < b_width) std::swap(sig_a, sig_b); // Connect input data ports, sign extend / pad with zeros sig_a.extend_u0(tgt_a_width, ab_signed); sig_b.extend_u0(tgt_b_width, ab_signed); cell->setPort(ID(a_i), sig_a); cell->setPort(ID(b_i), sig_b); // Connect output data port, pad if needed if ((size_t)GetSize(sig_z) < tgt_z_width) { auto *wire = pm.module->addWire(NEW_ID, tgt_z_width - GetSize(sig_z)); sig_z.append(wire); } cell->setPort(ID(z_o), sig_z); // Connect clock, reset and enable cell->setPort(ID(clock_i), st.ff->getPort(ID(CLK))); RTLIL::SigSpec rst; RTLIL::SigSpec ena; if (st.ff->hasPort(ID(ARST))) { if (st.ff->getParam(ID(ARST_POLARITY)).as_int() != 1) { rst = pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, st.ff->getPort(ID(ARST))); } else { rst = st.ff->getPort(ID(ARST)); } } else { rst = RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::S0); } if (st.ff->hasPort(ID(EN))) { if (st.ff->getParam(ID(EN_POLARITY)).as_int() != 1) { ena = pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, st.ff->getPort(ID(EN))); } else { ena = st.ff->getPort(ID(EN)); } } else { ena = RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::S1); } cell->setPort(ID(reset_i), rst); cell->setPort(ID(load_acc_i), ena); // Insert feedback_i control logic used for clearing / loading the accumulator if (st.mux_in_pattern) { RTLIL::SigSpec sig_s = st.mux->getPort(ID(S)); // Depending on the mux port ordering insert inverter if needed log_assert(st.mux_ab.in(ID(A), ID(B))); if (st.mux_ab == ID(A)) sig_s = pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, sig_s); // Assemble the full control signal for the feedback_i port RTLIL::SigSpec sig_f; sig_f.append(sig_s); sig_f.append(RTLIL::S0); sig_f.append(RTLIL::S0); cell->setPort(ID(feedback_i), sig_f); } // No acc clear/load else { cell->setPort(ID(feedback_i), RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::S0, 3)); } // Connect control ports cell->setPort(ID(unsigned_a_i), RTLIL::SigSpec(ab_signed ? RTLIL::S0 : RTLIL::S1)); cell->setPort(ID(unsigned_b_i), RTLIL::SigSpec(ab_signed ? RTLIL::S0 : RTLIL::S1)); // Connect config bits cell->setPort(ID(saturate_enable_i), RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::S0)); cell->setPort(ID(shift_right_i), RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::S0, 6)); cell->setPort(ID(round_i), RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::S0)); cell->setPort(ID(register_inputs_i), RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::S0)); // 3 - output post acc; 1 - output pre acc cell->setPort(ID(output_select_i), RTLIL::Const(st.output_registered ? 1 : 3, 3)); bool subtract = (st.add->type == ID($sub)); cell->setPort(ID(subtract_i), RTLIL::SigSpec(subtract ? RTLIL::S1 : RTLIL::S0)); // Mark the cells for removal pm.autoremove(st.mul); pm.autoremove(st.add); if (st.mux != nullptr) { pm.autoremove(st.mux); } pm.autoremove(st.ff); } struct QlDspMacc : public Pass { QlDspMacc() : Pass("ql_dsp_macc", "infer QuickLogic multiplier-accumulator DSP cells") {} void help() override { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" ql_dsp_macc [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("This pass looks for a multiply-accumulate pattern based on which it infers a\n"); log("QuickLogic DSP cell.\n"); log("\n"); } void execute(std::vector a_Args, RTLIL::Design *a_Design) override { int dsp_version = 1; log_header(a_Design, "Executing QL_DSP_MACC pass.\n"); size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < a_Args.size(); argidx++) { if (a_Args[argidx] == "-dspv2") { dsp_version = 2; continue; } break; } extra_args(a_Args, argidx, a_Design); auto l = [dsp_version](ql_dsp_macc_pm &pm) { create_ql_macc_dsp(pm, dsp_version); }; for (auto module : a_Design->selected_modules()) ql_dsp_macc_pm(module, module->selected_cells()).run_ql_dsp_macc(l); } } QlDspMacc; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END