#include "kernel/yosys.h" #include "kernel/drivertools.h" #include "kernel/topo_scc.h" #include "kernel/functional.h" USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct ExampleWorker { DriverMap dm; Module *module; ExampleWorker(Module *module) : module(module) { dm.celltypes.setup(); } }; struct ExampleDtPass : public Pass { ExampleDtPass() : Pass("example_dt", "drivertools example") {} void help() override { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); } void execute(std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) override { size_t argidx = 1; extra_args(args, argidx, design); for (auto module : design->selected_modules()) { ExampleWorker worker(module); DriverMap dm; struct ExampleFn { IdString name; dict parameters; ExampleFn(IdString name) : name(name) {} ExampleFn(IdString name, dict parameters) : name(name), parameters(parameters) {} bool operator==(ExampleFn const &other) const { return name == other.name && parameters == other.parameters; } unsigned int hash() const { return mkhash(name.hash(), parameters.hash()); } }; typedef ComputeGraph ExampleGraph; ExampleGraph compute_graph; dm.add(module); idict queue; idict cells; IntGraph edges; std::vector graph_nodes; auto enqueue = [&](DriveSpec const &spec) { int index = queue(spec); if (index == GetSize(graph_nodes)) graph_nodes.emplace_back(compute_graph.add(ID($pending), index).index()); //if (index >= GetSize(graph_nodes)) return compute_graph[graph_nodes[index]]; }; for (auto cell : module->cells()) { if (cell->type.in(ID($assert), ID($assume), ID($cover), ID($check))) enqueue(DriveBitMarker(cells(cell), 0)); } for (auto wire : module->wires()) { if (!wire->port_output) continue; enqueue(DriveChunk(DriveChunkWire(wire, 0, wire->width))).assign_key(wire->name); } for (int i = 0; i != GetSize(queue); ++i) { DriveSpec spec = queue[i]; ExampleGraph::Ref node = compute_graph[i]; if (spec.chunks().size() > 1) { node.set_function(ID($$concat)); for (auto const &chunk : spec.chunks()) { node.append_arg(enqueue(chunk)); } } else if (spec.chunks().size() == 1) { DriveChunk chunk = spec.chunks()[0]; if (chunk.is_wire()) { DriveChunkWire wire_chunk = chunk.wire(); if (wire_chunk.is_whole()) { node.sparse_attr() = wire_chunk.wire->name; if (wire_chunk.wire->port_input) { node.set_function(ExampleFn(ID($$input), {{wire_chunk.wire->name, {}}})); } else { DriveSpec driver = dm(DriveSpec(wire_chunk)); node.set_function(ID($$buf)); node.append_arg(enqueue(driver)); } } else { DriveChunkWire whole_wire(wire_chunk.wire, 0, wire_chunk.width); node.set_function(ExampleFn(ID($$slice), {{ID(offset), wire_chunk.offset}, {ID(width), wire_chunk.width}})); node.append_arg(enqueue(whole_wire)); } } else if (chunk.is_port()) { DriveChunkPort port_chunk = chunk.port(); if (port_chunk.is_whole()) { if (dm.celltypes.cell_output(port_chunk.cell->type, port_chunk.port)) { if (port_chunk.cell->type.in(ID($dff), ID($ff))) { Cell *cell = port_chunk.cell; node.set_function(ExampleFn(ID($$state), {{cell->name, {}}})); for (auto const &conn : cell->connections()) { if (!dm.celltypes.cell_input(cell->type, conn.first)) continue; enqueue(DriveChunkPort(cell, conn)).assign_key(cell->name); } } else { node.set_function(ExampleFn(ID($$cell_output), {{port_chunk.port, {}}})); node.append_arg(enqueue(DriveBitMarker(cells(port_chunk.cell), 0))); } } else { node.set_function(ID($$buf)); DriveSpec driver = dm(DriveSpec(port_chunk)); node.append_arg(enqueue(driver)); } } else { DriveChunkPort whole_port(port_chunk.cell, port_chunk.port, 0, GetSize(port_chunk.cell->connections().at(port_chunk.port))); node.set_function(ID($$buf)); node.append_arg(enqueue(whole_port)); } } else if (chunk.is_constant()) { node.set_function(ExampleFn(ID($$const), {{ID(value), chunk.constant()}})); } else if (chunk.is_multiple()) { node.set_function(ID($$multi)); for (auto const &driver : chunk.multiple().multiple()) node.append_arg(enqueue(driver)); } else if (chunk.is_marker()) { Cell *cell = cells[chunk.marker().marker]; node.set_function(ExampleFn(cell->type, cell->parameters)); for (auto const &conn : cell->connections()) { if (!dm.celltypes.cell_input(cell->type, conn.first)) continue; node.append_arg(enqueue(DriveChunkPort(cell, conn))); } } else if (chunk.is_none()) { node.set_function(ID($$undriven)); } else { log_error("unhandled drivespec: %s\n", log_signal(chunk)); log_abort(); } } else { log_abort(); } } // Perform topo sort and detect SCCs ExampleGraph::SccAdaptor compute_graph_scc(compute_graph); std::vector perm; topo_sorted_sccs(compute_graph_scc, [&](int *begin, int *end) { perm.insert(perm.end(), begin, end); if (end > begin + 1) { log_warning("SCC:"); for (int *i = begin; i != end; ++i) log(" %d", *i); log("\n"); } }, /* sources_first */ true); compute_graph.permute(perm); // Forward $$buf unless we have a name in the sparse attribute std::vector alias; perm.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < compute_graph.size(); ++i) { if (compute_graph[i].function().name == ID($$buf) && !compute_graph[i].has_sparse_attr() && compute_graph[i].arg(0).index() < i) { alias.push_back(alias[compute_graph[i].arg(0).index()]); } else { alias.push_back(GetSize(perm)); perm.push_back(i); } } compute_graph.permute(perm, alias); // Dump the compute graph for (int i = 0; i < compute_graph.size(); ++i) { auto ref = compute_graph[i]; log("n%d ", i); log("%s", log_id(ref.function().name)); for (auto const ¶m : ref.function().parameters) { if (param.second.empty()) log("[%s]", log_id(param.first)); else log("[%s=%s]", log_id(param.first), log_const(param.second)); } log("("); for (int i = 0, end = ref.size(); i != end; ++i) { if (i > 0) log(", "); log("n%d", ref.arg(i).index()); } log(")\n"); if (ref.has_sparse_attr()) log("// wire %s\n", log_id(ref.sparse_attr())); log("// was #%d %s\n", ref.attr(), log_signal(queue[ref.attr()])); } for (auto const &key : compute_graph.keys()) { log("return %d as %s \n", key.second, log_id(key.first)); } } log("Plugin test passed!\n"); } } ExampleDtPass; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END