/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #ifndef YOSYS_HASHMAP_H #include #include #include #define YOSYS_HASHTABLE_SIZE_FACTOR 3 inline unsigned int mkhash(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) { return ((a << 5) + a) ^ b; } template struct hash_ops { bool cmp(const T &a, const T &b) const { return a == b; } unsigned int hash(const T &a) const { return a.hash(); } }; template<> struct hash_ops { bool cmp(int a, int b) const { return a == b; } unsigned int hash(int a) const { return a; } }; template<> struct hash_ops { bool cmp(const std::string &a, const std::string &b) const { return a == b; } unsigned int hash(const std::string &a) const { unsigned int v = 0; for (auto c : a) v = mkhash(v, c); return v; } }; struct hash_cstr_ops { bool cmp(const char *a, const char *b) const { for (int i = 0; a[i] || b[i]; i++) if (a[i] != b[i]) return false; return true; } unsigned int hash(const char *a) const { unsigned int hash = 5381; while (*a) hash = mkhash(hash, *(a++)); return hash; } }; struct hash_ptr_ops { bool cmp(const void *a, const void *b) const { return a == b; } unsigned int hash(const void *a) const { return (unsigned long)a; } }; struct hash_obj_ops { bool cmp(const void *a, const void *b) const { return a == b; } template unsigned int hash(const T *a) const { return a->name.hash(); } }; inline int hashtable_size(int old_size) { // prime numbers, approx. in powers of two if (old_size < 53) return 53; if (old_size < 113) return 113; if (old_size < 251) return 251; if (old_size < 503) return 503; if (old_size < 1129) return 1129; if (old_size < 2503) return 2503; if (old_size < 5023) return 5023; if (old_size < 11299) return 11299; if (old_size < 25097) return 25097; if (old_size < 50291) return 50291; if (old_size < 112997) return 112997; if (old_size < 251003) return 251003; if (old_size < 503003) return 503003; if (old_size < 1129991) return 1129991; if (old_size < 2509993) return 2509993; if (old_size < 5029991) return 5029991; if (old_size < 11299997) return 11299997; if (old_size < 25099999) return 25099999; if (old_size < 50299999) return 50299999; if (old_size < 113000009) return 113000009; if (old_size < 250999999) return 250999999; if (old_size < 503000009) return 503000009; if (old_size < 1129999999) return 1129999999; throw std::length_error("hash table exceeded maximum size"); } template> class dict { struct entry_t { int link; std::pair udata; entry_t() : link(-1) { } entry_t(const std::pair &udata) : link(1), udata(udata) { } bool is_free() const { return link < 0; } int get_next() const { return (link > 0 ? link : -link) - 2; } bool get_last() const { return get_next() == -1; } void set_next_used(int next) { link = next + 2; } void set_next_free(int next) { link = -(next + 2); } }; std::vector hashtable; std::vector entries; int free_list, counter; OPS ops; void init() { free_list = -1; counter = 0; } void init_from(const dict &other) { hashtable.clear(); entries.clear(); counter = other.size(); int new_size = hashtable_size(YOSYS_HASHTABLE_SIZE_FACTOR * counter); hashtable.resize(new_size); new_size = new_size / YOSYS_HASHTABLE_SIZE_FACTOR + 1; entries.reserve(new_size); for (auto &it : other) entries.push_back(entry_t(it)); entries.resize(new_size); rehash(); } int mkhash(const K &key) const { unsigned int hash = 0; if (!hashtable.empty()) hash = ops.hash(key) % (unsigned int)(hashtable.size()); return hash; } void rehash() { free_list = -1; for (auto &h : hashtable) h = -1; for (int i = 0; i < int(entries.size()); i++) if (entries[i].is_free()) { entries[i].set_next_free(free_list); free_list = i; } else { int hash = mkhash(entries[i].udata.first); entries[i].set_next_used(hashtable[hash]); hashtable[hash] = i; } } void do_erase(const K &key, int hash) { int last_index = -1; int index = hashtable.empty() ? -1 : hashtable[hash]; while (1) { if (index < 0) return; if (ops.cmp(entries[index].udata.first, key)) { if (last_index < 0) hashtable[hash] = entries[index].get_next(); else entries[last_index].set_next_used(entries[index].get_next()); entries[index].udata = std::pair(); entries[index].set_next_free(free_list); free_list = index; if (--counter == 0) init(); return; } last_index = index; index = entries[index].get_next(); } } int lookup_index(const K &key, int hash) const { int index = hashtable.empty() ? -1 : hashtable[hash]; while (1) { if (index < 0) return -1; if (ops.cmp(entries[index].udata.first, key)) return index; index = entries[index].get_next(); } } int insert_at(const std::pair &value, int hash) { if (free_list < 0) { int i = entries.size(); int new_size = hashtable_size(YOSYS_HASHTABLE_SIZE_FACTOR * entries.size()); hashtable.resize(new_size); entries.resize(new_size / YOSYS_HASHTABLE_SIZE_FACTOR + 1); entries[i].udata = value; entries[i].set_next_used(0); counter++; rehash(); return i; } int i = free_list; free_list = entries[i].get_next(); entries[i].udata = value; entries[i].set_next_used(hashtable[hash]); hashtable[hash] = i; counter++; return i; } public: class iterator { dict *ptr; int index; public: iterator() { } iterator(dict *ptr, int index) : ptr(ptr), index(index) { } iterator operator++() { do index++; while (index != int(ptr->entries.size()) && ptr->entries[index].is_free()); return *this; } iterator operator--() { do index--; while (index != 0 && ptr->entries[index].is_free()); return *this; } bool operator==(const iterator &other) const { return index == other.index; } bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const { return index != other.index; } std::pair &operator*() { return ptr->entries[index].udata; } std::pair *operator->() { return &ptr->entries[index].udata; } const std::pair &operator*() const { return ptr->entries[index].udata; } const std::pair *operator->() const { return &ptr->entries[index].udata; } }; class const_iterator { const dict *ptr; int index; public: const_iterator() { } const_iterator(const dict *ptr, int index) : ptr(ptr), index(index) { } const_iterator operator++() { do index++; while (index != int(ptr->entries.size()) && ptr->entries[index].is_free()); return *this; } const_iterator operator--() { do index--; while (index != 0 && ptr->entries[index].is_free()); return *this; } bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const { return index == other.index; } bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const { return index != other.index; } const std::pair &operator*() const { return ptr->entries[index].udata; } const std::pair *operator->() const { return &ptr->entries[index].udata; } }; dict() { init(); } dict(const dict &other) { init_from(other); } dict(dict &&other) { free_list = -1; counter = 0; swap(other); } dict &operator=(const dict &other) { clear(); init_from(other); return *this; } dict &operator=(dict &&other) { clear(); swap(other); return *this; } dict(const std::initializer_list> &list) { init(); for (auto &it : list) insert(it); } template dict(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { init(); insert(first, last); } template void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { for (; first != last; ++first) insert(*first); } iterator insert(const std::pair &value) { int hash = mkhash(value.first); int i = lookup_index(value.first, hash); if (i >= 0) return iterator(this, i); i = insert_at(value, hash); return iterator(this, i); } void erase(const K &key) { int hash = mkhash(key); do_erase(key, hash); } void erase(const iterator it) { int hash = mkhash(it->first); do_erase(it->first, hash); } int count(const K &key) const { int hash = mkhash(key); int i = lookup_index(key, hash); return i < 0 ? 0 : 1; } iterator find(const K &key) { int hash = mkhash(key); int i = lookup_index(key, hash); if (i < 0) return end(); return iterator(this, i); } const_iterator find(const K &key) const { int hash = mkhash(key); int i = lookup_index(key, hash); if (i < 0) return end(); return const_iterator(this, i); } T& at(const K &key) { int hash = mkhash(key); int i = lookup_index(key, hash); if (i < 0) throw std::out_of_range("dict::at()"); return entries[i].udata.second; } const T& at(const K &key) const { int hash = mkhash(key); int i = lookup_index(key, hash); if (i < 0) throw std::out_of_range("dict::at()"); return entries[i].udata.second; } T& operator[](const K &key) { int hash = mkhash(key); int i = lookup_index(key, hash); if (i < 0) i = insert_at(std::pair(key, T()), hash); return entries[i].udata.second; } void swap(dict &other) { hashtable.swap(other.hashtable); entries.swap(other.entries); std::swap(free_list, other.free_list); std::swap(counter, other.counter); } bool operator==(const dict &other) const { if (counter != other.counter) return false; if (counter == 0) return true; if (entries.size() < other.entries.size()) for (auto &it : *this) { auto oit = other.find(it.first); if (oit == other.end() || oit->second != it.second) return false; } else for (auto &oit : other) { auto it = find(oit.first); if (it == end() || it->second != oit.second) return false; } return true; } bool operator!=(const dict &other) const { return !(*this == other); } size_t size() const { return counter; } bool empty() const { return counter == 0; } void clear() { hashtable.clear(); entries.clear(); init(); } iterator begin() { int index = 0; while (index != int(entries.size()) && entries[index].is_free()) index++; return iterator(this, index); } iterator end() { return iterator(this, entries.size()); } const_iterator begin() const { int index = 0; while (index != int(entries.size()) && entries[index].is_free()) index++; return const_iterator(this, index); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(this, entries.size()); } }; template> class pool { struct entry_t { int link; K key; entry_t() : link(-1) { } entry_t(const K &key) : link(1), key(key) { } bool is_free() const { return link < 0; } int get_next() const { return (link > 0 ? link : -link) - 2; } bool get_last() const { return get_next() == -1; } void set_next_used(int next) { link = next + 2; } void set_next_free(int next) { link = -(next + 2); } }; std::vector hashtable; std::vector entries; int free_list, counter; OPS ops; void init() { free_list = -1; counter = 0; } void init_from(const pool &other) { hashtable.clear(); entries.clear(); counter = other.size(); int new_size = hashtable_size(YOSYS_HASHTABLE_SIZE_FACTOR * counter); hashtable.resize(new_size); new_size = new_size / YOSYS_HASHTABLE_SIZE_FACTOR + 1; entries.reserve(new_size); for (auto &it : other) entries.push_back(entry_t(it)); entries.resize(new_size); rehash(); } int mkhash(const K &key) const { unsigned int hash = 0; if (!hashtable.empty()) hash = ops.hash(key) % (unsigned int)(hashtable.size()); return hash; } void rehash() { free_list = -1; for (auto &h : hashtable) h = -1; for (int i = 0; i < int(entries.size()); i++) if (entries[i].is_free()) { entries[i].set_next_free(free_list); free_list = i; } else { int hash = mkhash(entries[i].key); entries[i].set_next_used(hashtable[hash]); hashtable[hash] = i; } } void do_erase(const K &key, int hash) { int last_index = -1; int index = hashtable.empty() ? -1 : hashtable[hash]; while (1) { if (index < 0) return; if (ops.cmp(entries[index].key, key)) { if (last_index < 0) hashtable[hash] = entries[index].get_next(); else entries[last_index].set_next_used(entries[index].get_next()); entries[index].key = K(); entries[index].set_next_free(free_list); free_list = index; if (--counter == 0) init(); return; } last_index = index; index = entries[index].get_next(); } } int lookup_index(const K &key, int hash) const { int index = hashtable.empty() ? -1 : hashtable[hash]; while (1) { if (index < 0) return -1; if (ops.cmp(entries[index].key, key)) return index; index = entries[index].get_next(); } } int insert_at(const K &key, int hash) { if (free_list < 0) { int i = entries.size(); int new_size = hashtable_size(YOSYS_HASHTABLE_SIZE_FACTOR * entries.size()); hashtable.resize(new_size); entries.resize(new_size / YOSYS_HASHTABLE_SIZE_FACTOR + 1); entries[i].key = key; entries[i].set_next_used(0); counter++; rehash(); return i; } int i = free_list; free_list = entries[i].get_next(); entries[i].key = key; entries[i].set_next_used(hashtable[hash]); hashtable[hash] = i; counter++; return i; } public: class iterator { pool *ptr; int index; public: iterator() { } iterator(pool *ptr, int index) : ptr(ptr), index(index) { } iterator operator++() { do index++; while (index != int(ptr->entries.size()) && ptr->entries[index].is_free()); return *this; } iterator operator--() { do index--; while (index != 0 && ptr->entries[index].is_free()); return *this; } bool operator==(const iterator &other) const { return index == other.index; } bool operator!=(const iterator &other) const { return index != other.index; } K &operator*() { return ptr->entries[index].key; } K *operator->() { return &ptr->entries[index].key; } const K &operator*() const { return ptr->entries[index].key; } const K *operator->() const { return &ptr->entries[index].key; } }; class const_iterator { const pool *ptr; int index; public: const_iterator() { } const_iterator(const pool *ptr, int index) : ptr(ptr), index(index) { } const_iterator operator++() { do index++; while (index != int(ptr->entries.size()) && ptr->entries[index].is_free()); return *this; } const_iterator operator--() { do index--; while (index != 0 && ptr->entries[index].is_free()); return *this; } bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const { return index == other.index; } bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const { return index != other.index; } const K &operator*() const { return ptr->entries[index].key; } const K *operator->() const { return &ptr->entries[index].key; } }; pool() { init(); } pool(const pool &other) { init_from(other); } pool(pool &&other) { free_list = -1; counter = 0; swap(other); } pool &operator=(const pool &other) { clear(); init_from(other); return *this; } pool &operator=(pool &&other) { clear(); swap(other); return *this; } pool(const std::initializer_list &list) { init(); for (auto &it : list) insert(it); } template pool(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { init(); insert(first, last); } template void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last) { for (; first != last; ++first) insert(*first); } iterator insert(const K &key) { int hash = mkhash(key); int i = lookup_index(key, hash); if (i >= 0) return iterator(this, i); i = insert_at(key, hash); return iterator(this, i); } void erase(const K &key) { int hash = mkhash(key); do_erase(key, hash); } void erase(const iterator it) { int hash = mkhash(it->first); do_erase(it->first, hash); } int count(const K &key) const { int hash = mkhash(key); int i = lookup_index(key, hash); return i < 0 ? 0 : 1; } iterator find(const K &key) { int hash = mkhash(key); int i = lookup_index(key, hash); if (i < 0) return end(); return iterator(this, i); } const_iterator find(const K &key) const { int hash = mkhash(key); int i = lookup_index(key, hash); if (i < 0) return end(); return const_iterator(this, i); } bool operator[](const K &key) const { int hash = mkhash(key); int i = lookup_index(key, hash); return i >= 0; } void swap(pool &other) { hashtable.swap(other.hashtable); entries.swap(other.entries); std::swap(free_list, other.free_list); std::swap(counter, other.counter); } bool operator==(const pool &other) const { if (counter != other.counter) return false; if (counter == 0) return true; if (entries.size() < other.entries.size()) for (auto &it : *this) { auto oit = other.find(it.first); if (oit == other.end() || oit->second != it.second) return false; } else for (auto &oit : other) { auto it = find(oit.first); if (it == end() || it->second != oit.second) return false; } return true; } bool operator!=(const pool &other) const { return !(*this == other); } size_t size() const { return counter; } bool empty() const { return counter == 0; } void clear() { hashtable.clear(); entries.clear(); init(); } iterator begin() { int index = 0; while (index != int(entries.size()) && entries[index].is_free()) index++; return iterator(this, index); } iterator end() { return iterator(this, entries.size()); } const_iterator begin() const { int index = 0; while (index != int(entries.size()) && entries[index].is_free()) index++; return const_iterator(this, index); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(this, entries.size()); } }; #endif