Converting process blocks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. role:: yoscrypt(code) :language: yoscrypt The Verilog frontend converts ``always``-blocks to RTL netlists for the expressions and "processess" for the control- and memory elements. The :cmd:ref:`proc` command then transforms these "processess" to netlists of RTL multiplexer and register cells. It also is a macro command that calls the other ``proc_*`` commands in a sensible order: .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macro_commands/proc.ys :language: yoscrypt :start-after: #end: :caption: Passes called by :cmd:ref:`proc` After all the ``proc_*`` commands, :cmd:ref:`opt_expr` is called. This can be disabled by calling :yoscrypt:`proc -noopt`. For more information about :cmd:ref:`proc`, such as disabling certain sub commands, see :doc:`/cmd/proc`. Many commands can not operate on modules with "processess" in them. Usually a call to :cmd:ref:`proc` is the first command in the actual synthesis procedure after design elaboration. Example ^^^^^^^ .. todo:: describe ``proc`` images |code_examples/synth_flow|_. .. |code_examples/synth_flow| replace:: :file:`docs/source/code_examples/synth_flow` .. _code_examples/synth_flow: .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/synth_flow/proc_01.v :language: verilog :caption: :file:`proc_01.v` .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/synth_flow/proc_01.ys :language: yoscrypt :caption: :file:`proc_01.ys` .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/synth_flow/proc_01.* :class: width-helper .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/synth_flow/proc_02.* :class: width-helper .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/synth_flow/proc_02.v :language: verilog :caption: :file:`proc_02.v` .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/synth_flow/proc_02.ys :language: yoscrypt :caption: :file:`proc_02.ys` .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/synth_flow/proc_03.* :class: width-helper .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/synth_flow/proc_03.ys :language: yoscrypt :caption: :file:`proc_03.ys` .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/synth_flow/proc_03.v :language: verilog :caption: :file:`proc_03.v`