/* ISC License Copyright (C) 2024 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ // Macro Library for PolarFire https://coredocs.s3.amazonaws.com/Libero/2021_2/Tool/pf_mlg.pdf module AND2 ( input A, B, output Y ); assign Y = A & B; endmodule module AND3 ( input A, B, C, output Y ); assign Y = A & B & C; endmodule module AND4 ( input A, B, C, D, output Y ); assign Y = A & B & C & D; endmodule (* abc9_lut=1 *) module CFG1 ( output Y, input A ); parameter [1:0] INIT = 2'h0; assign Y = INIT >> A; specify (A => Y) = 127; endspecify endmodule (* abc9_lut=2 *) module CFG2 ( output Y, input A, input B ); parameter [3:0] INIT = 4'h0; assign Y = INIT >> {B, A}; specify (A => Y) = 238; (B => Y) = 127; endspecify endmodule (* abc9_lut=3 *) module CFG3 ( output Y, input A, input B, input C ); parameter [7:0] INIT = 8'h0; assign Y = INIT >> {C, B, A}; specify (A => Y) = 407; (B => Y) = 238; (C => Y) = 127; endspecify endmodule (* abc9_lut=3 *) module CFG4 ( output Y, input A, input B, input C, input D ); parameter [15:0] INIT = 16'h0; assign Y = INIT >> {D, C, B, A}; specify (A => Y) = 472; (B => Y) = 407; (C => Y) = 238; (D => Y) = 127; endspecify endmodule module BUFF ( input A, output Y ); assign Y = A; endmodule module BUFD ( input A, output Y ); assign Y = A; endmodule module CLKINT ( input A, (* clkbuf_driver *) output Y ); assign Y = A; endmodule module CLKINT_PRESERVE ( input A, (* clkbuf_driver *) output Y ); assign Y = A; endmodule module GCLKINT ( input A, EN, (* clkbuf_driver *) output Y ); assign Y = A & EN; endmodule module RCLKINT ( input A, (* clkbuf_driver *) output Y ); assign Y = A; endmodule module RGCLKINT ( input A, EN, (* clkbuf_driver *) output Y ); assign Y = A & EN; endmodule // sequential elements // MICROCHIP_SYNC_SET_DFF and MICROCHIP_SYNC_RESET_DFF are intermediate cell types to implement the simplification idiom for abc9 flow // see: https://yosyshq.readthedocs.io/projects/yosys/en/latest/yosys_internals/extending_yosys/abc_flow.html (* abc9_flop, lib_whitebox *) module MICROCHIP_SYNC_SET_DFF( input D, input CLK, input Set, input En, output Q); parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0; // unused reg q_ff; always @(posedge CLK) begin if (En == 1) begin if (Set == 0) q_ff <= 1; else q_ff <= D; end end assign Q = q_ff; specify $setup(D , posedge CLK &&& En && Set, 0); // neg setup not supported? $setup(En, posedge CLK, 109); $setup(Set, posedge CLK &&& En, 404); if (En && !Set) (posedge CLK => (Q : 1'b1)) = 303; if (En && Set) (posedge CLK => (Q : D)) = 303; endspecify endmodule (* abc9_flop, lib_whitebox *) module MICROCHIP_SYNC_RESET_DFF( input D, input CLK, input Reset, input En, output Q); parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0; // unused reg q_ff; always @(posedge CLK) begin if (En == 1) begin if (Reset == 0) q_ff <= 0; else q_ff <= D; end end assign Q = q_ff; specify $setup(D , posedge CLK &&& En && Reset, 0); // neg setup not supported? $setup(En, posedge CLK, 109); $setup(Reset, posedge CLK &&& En, 404); if (En && !Reset) (posedge CLK => (Q : 1'b0)) = 303; if (En && Reset) (posedge CLK => (Q : D)) = 303; endspecify endmodule module SLE ( output Q, input ADn, input ALn, (* clkbuf_sink *) input CLK, input D, input LAT, input SD, input EN, input SLn ); reg q_latch, q_ff; always @(posedge CLK, negedge ALn) begin if (!ALn) begin q_ff <= !ADn; end else if (EN) begin if (!SLn) q_ff <= SD; else q_ff <= D; end end always @* begin if (!ALn) begin q_latch <= !ADn; end else if (CLK && EN) begin if (!SLn) q_ff <= SD; else q_ff <= D; end end assign Q = LAT ? q_latch : q_ff; endmodule (* abc9_box, lib_whitebox *) module ARI1 ( (* abc9_carry *) input FCI, (* abc9_carry *) output FCO, input A, B, C, D, output Y, S ); parameter [19:0] INIT = 20'h0; wire [2:0] Fsel = {D, C, B}; wire F0 = INIT[Fsel]; wire F1 = INIT[8 + Fsel]; wire Yout = A ? F1 : F0; assign Y = Yout; assign S = FCI ^ Yout; wire G = INIT[16] ? (INIT[17] ? F1 : F0) : INIT[17]; wire P = INIT[19] ? 1'b1 : (INIT[18] ? Yout : 1'b0); assign FCO = P ? FCI : G; specify //pin to pin path delay (A => Y ) = 472; (B => Y ) = 407; (C => Y ) = 238; (D => Y ) = 127; (A => S ) = 572; (B => S ) = 507; (C => S ) = 338; (D => S ) = 227; (FCI => S ) = 100; (A => FCO ) = 522; (B => FCO ) = 457; (C => FCO ) = 288; (D => FCO ) = 177; (FCI => FCO ) = 50; endspecify endmodule // module FCEND_BUFF // module FCINIT_BUFF // module FLASH_FREEZE // module OSCILLATOR // module SYSCTRL_RESET_STATUS // module LIVE_PROBE_FB (* blackbox *) module GCLKBUF ( (* iopad_external_pin *) input PAD, input EN, (* clkbuf_driver *) output Y ); endmodule (* blackbox *) module GCLKBUF_DIFF ( (* iopad_external_pin *) input PADP, (* iopad_external_pin *) input PADN, input EN, (* clkbuf_driver *) output Y ); endmodule (* blackbox *) module GCLKBIBUF ( input D, input E, input EN, (* iopad_external_pin *) inout PAD, (* clkbuf_driver *) output Y ); endmodule // module DFN1 // module DFN1C0 // module DFN1E1 // module DFN1E1C0 // module DFN1E1P0 // module DFN1P0 // module DLN1 // module DLN1C0 // module DLN1P0 module INV ( input A, output Y ); assign Y = !A; endmodule module INVD ( input A, output Y ); assign Y = !A; endmodule module MX2 ( input A, B, S, output Y ); assign Y = S ? B : A; endmodule module MX4 ( input D0, D1, D2, D3, S0, S1, output Y ); assign Y = S1 ? (S0 ? D3 : D2) : (S0 ? D1 : D0); endmodule module NAND2 ( input A, B, output Y ); assign Y = !(A & B); endmodule module NAND3 ( input A, B, C, output Y ); assign Y = !(A & B & C); endmodule module NAND4 ( input A, B, C, D, output Y ); assign Y = !(A & B & C & D); endmodule module NOR2 ( input A, B, output Y ); assign Y = !(A | B); endmodule module NOR3 ( input A, B, C, output Y ); assign Y = !(A | B | C); endmodule module NOR4 ( input A, B, C, D, output Y ); assign Y = !(A | B | C | D); endmodule module OR2 ( input A, B, output Y ); assign Y = A | B; endmodule module OR3 ( input A, B, C, output Y ); assign Y = A | B | C; endmodule module OR4 ( input A, B, C, D, output Y ); assign Y = A | B | C | D; endmodule module XOR2 ( input A, B, output Y ); assign Y = A ^ B; endmodule module XOR3 ( input A, B, C, output Y ); assign Y = A ^ B ^ C; endmodule module XOR4 ( input A, B, C, D, output Y ); assign Y = A ^ B ^ C ^ D; endmodule module XOR8 ( input A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, output Y ); assign Y = A ^ B ^ C ^ D ^ E ^ F ^ G ^ H; endmodule // module UJTAG module BIBUF ( input D, input E, (* iopad_external_pin *) inout PAD, output Y ); parameter IOSTD = ""; assign PAD = E ? D : 1'bz; assign Y = PAD; endmodule (* blackbox *) module BIBUF_DIFF ( input D, input E, (* iopad_external_pin *) inout PADP, (* iopad_external_pin *) inout PADN, output Y ); parameter IOSTD = ""; endmodule module CLKBIBUF ( input D, input E, (* iopad_external_pin *) inout PAD, (* clkbuf_driver *) output Y ); parameter IOSTD = ""; assign PAD = E ? D : 1'bz; assign Y = PAD; endmodule module CLKBUF ( (* iopad_external_pin *) input PAD, (* clkbuf_driver *) output Y ); parameter IOSTD = ""; assign Y = PAD; specify (PAD => Y) = 50; endspecify endmodule (* blackbox *) module CLKBUF_DIFF ( (* iopad_external_pin *) input PADP, (* iopad_external_pin *) input PADN, (* clkbuf_driver *) output Y ); parameter IOSTD = ""; endmodule module INBUF ( (* iopad_external_pin *) input PAD, output Y ); parameter IOSTD = ""; assign Y = PAD; endmodule (* blackbox *) module INBUF_DIFF ( (* iopad_external_pin *) input PADP, (* iopad_external_pin *) input PADN, output Y ); parameter IOSTD = ""; endmodule module OUTBUF ( input D, (* iopad_external_pin *) output PAD ); parameter IOSTD = ""; assign PAD = D; endmodule (* blackbox *) module OUTBUF_DIFF ( input D, (* iopad_external_pin *) output PADP, (* iopad_external_pin *) output PADN ); parameter IOSTD = ""; endmodule module TRIBUFF ( input D, input E, (* iopad_external_pin *) output PAD ); parameter IOSTD = ""; assign PAD = E ? D : 1'bz; endmodule (* blackbox *) module TRIBUFF_DIFF ( input D, input E, (* iopad_external_pin *) output PADP, (* iopad_external_pin *) output PADN ); parameter IOSTD = ""; endmodule // module DDR_IN // module DDR_OUT // module RAM1K18 // module RAM64x18 // module MACC (* blackbox *) module SYSRESET ( (* iopad_external_pin *) input DEVRST_N, output POWER_ON_RESET_N); endmodule (* blackbox *) module XTLOSC ( (* iopad_external_pin *) input XTL, output CLKOUT); parameter [1:0] MODE = 2'h3; parameter real FREQUENCY = 20.0; endmodule (* blackbox *) module RAM1K18 ( input [13:0] A_ADDR, input [2:0] A_BLK, (* clkbuf_sink *) input A_CLK, input [17:0] A_DIN, output [17:0] A_DOUT, input [1:0] A_WEN, input [2:0] A_WIDTH, input A_WMODE, input A_ARST_N, input A_DOUT_LAT, input A_DOUT_ARST_N, (* clkbuf_sink *) input A_DOUT_CLK, input A_DOUT_EN, input A_DOUT_SRST_N, input [13:0] B_ADDR, input [2:0] B_BLK, (* clkbuf_sink *) input B_CLK, input [17:0] B_DIN, output [17:0] B_DOUT, input [1:0] B_WEN, input [2:0] B_WIDTH, input B_WMODE, input B_ARST_N, input B_DOUT_LAT, input B_DOUT_ARST_N, (* clkbuf_sink *) input B_DOUT_CLK, input B_DOUT_EN, input B_DOUT_SRST_N, input A_EN, input B_EN, input SII_LOCK, output BUSY); endmodule (* blackbox *) module RAM64x18 ( input [9:0] A_ADDR, input [1:0] A_BLK, input [2:0] A_WIDTH, output [17:0] A_DOUT, input A_DOUT_ARST_N, (* clkbuf_sink *) input A_DOUT_CLK, input A_DOUT_EN, input A_DOUT_LAT, input A_DOUT_SRST_N, (* clkbuf_sink *) input A_ADDR_CLK, input A_ADDR_EN, input A_ADDR_LAT, input A_ADDR_SRST_N, input A_ADDR_ARST_N, input [9:0] B_ADDR, input [1:0] B_BLK, input [2:0] B_WIDTH, output [17:0] B_DOUT, input B_DOUT_ARST_N, (* clkbuf_sink *) input B_DOUT_CLK, input B_DOUT_EN, input B_DOUT_LAT, input B_DOUT_SRST_N, (* clkbuf_sink *) input B_ADDR_CLK, input B_ADDR_EN, input B_ADDR_LAT, input B_ADDR_SRST_N, input B_ADDR_ARST_N, input [9:0] C_ADDR, (* clkbuf_sink *) input C_CLK, input [17:0] C_DIN, input C_WEN, input [1:0] C_BLK, input [2:0] C_WIDTH, input A_EN, input B_EN, input C_EN, input SII_LOCK, output BUSY); endmodule (* blackbox *) module MACC_PA ( input DOTP, input SIMD, input OVFL_CARRYOUT_SEL, input CLK, input AL_N, input [17:0] A, input A_BYPASS, input A_SRST_N, input A_EN, input [17:0] B, input B_BYPASS, input B_SRST_N, input B_EN, input [17:0] D, input D_BYPASS, input D_ARST_N, input D_SRST_N, input D_EN, input CARRYIN, input [47:0] C, input C_BYPASS, input C_ARST_N, input C_SRST_N, input C_EN, input [47:0] CDIN, output [47:0] P, output OVFL_CARRYOUT, input P_BYPASS, input P_SRST_N, input P_EN, output [47:0] CDOUT, input PASUB, input PASUB_BYPASS, input PASUB_AD_N, input PASUB_SL_N, input PASUB_SD_N, input PASUB_EN, input [1:0] CDIN_FDBK_SEL, input CDIN_FDBK_SEL_BYPASS, input [1:0] CDIN_FDBK_SEL_AD_N, input CDIN_FDBK_SEL_SL_N, input [1:0] CDIN_FDBK_SEL_SD_N, input CDIN_FDBK_SEL_EN, input ARSHFT17, input ARSHFT17_BYPASS, input ARSHFT17_AD_N, input ARSHFT17_SL_N, input ARSHFT17_SD_N, input ARSHFT17_EN, input SUB, input SUB_BYPASS, input SUB_AD_N, input SUB_SL_N, input SUB_SD_N, input SUB_EN ); endmodule (* blackbox *) module RAM1K20 ( input [13:0] A_ADDR, input [2:0] A_BLK_EN, input A_CLK, input [19:0] A_DIN, output [19:0] A_DOUT, input [1:0] A_WEN, input A_REN, input [2:0] A_WIDTH, input [1:0] A_WMODE, input A_BYPASS, input A_DOUT_EN, input A_DOUT_SRST_N, input A_DOUT_ARST_N, input [13:0] B_ADDR, input [2:0] B_BLK_EN, input B_CLK, input [19:0] B_DIN, output [19:0] B_DOUT, input [1:0] B_WEN, input B_REN, input [2:0] B_WIDTH, input [1:0] B_WMODE, input B_BYPASS, input B_DOUT_EN, input B_DOUT_SRST_N, input B_DOUT_ARST_N, input ECC_EN, input ECC_BYPASS, output SB_CORRECT, output DB_DETECT, input BUSY_FB, output ACCESS_BUSY ); parameter INIT0 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT1 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT2 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT3 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT4 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT5 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT6 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT7 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT8 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT9 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT10 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT11 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT12 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT13 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT14 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT15 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT16 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT17 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT18 = 1024'h0; parameter INIT19 = 1024'h0; endmodule (* blackbox *) module RAM64x12 ( input R_CLK, input [5:0] R_ADDR, input R_ADDR_BYPASS, input R_ADDR_EN, input R_ADDR_SL_N, input R_ADDR_SD, input R_ADDR_AL_N, input R_ADDR_AD_N, input BLK_EN, output [11:0] R_DATA, input R_DATA_BYPASS, input R_DATA_EN, input R_DATA_SL_N, input R_DATA_SD, input R_DATA_AL_N, input R_DATA_AD_N, input W_CLK, input [5:0] W_ADDR, input [11:0]W_DATA, input W_EN, input BUSY_FB, output ACCESS_BUSY ); endmodule