/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * --- * * The Verilog frontend. * * This frontend is using the AST frontend library (see frontends/ast/). * Thus this frontend does not generate RTLIL code directly but creates an * AST directly from the Verilog parse tree and then passes this AST to * the AST frontend library. * * --- * * This is the actual bison parser for Verilog code. The AST ist created directly * from the bison reduce functions here. Note that this code uses a few global * variables to hold the state of the AST generator and therefore this parser is * not reentrant. * */ %{ #include #include #include "frontends/verilog/verilog_frontend.h" #include "kernel/log.h" USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE using namespace AST; using namespace VERILOG_FRONTEND; YOSYS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace VERILOG_FRONTEND { int port_counter; std::map port_stubs; std::map attr_list, default_attr_list; std::map *albuf; std::vector ast_stack; struct AstNode *astbuf1, *astbuf2, *astbuf3; struct AstNode *current_function_or_task; struct AstNode *current_ast, *current_ast_mod; int current_function_or_task_port_id; std::vector case_type_stack; bool do_not_require_port_stubs; bool default_nettype_wire; bool sv_mode, formal_mode, lib_mode; bool norestrict_mode, assume_asserts_mode; bool current_wire_rand, current_wire_const; std::istream *lexin; } YOSYS_NAMESPACE_END static void append_attr(AstNode *ast, std::map *al) { for (auto &it : *al) { if (ast->attributes.count(it.first) > 0) delete ast->attributes[it.first]; ast->attributes[it.first] = it.second; } delete al; } static void append_attr_clone(AstNode *ast, std::map *al) { for (auto &it : *al) { if (ast->attributes.count(it.first) > 0) delete ast->attributes[it.first]; ast->attributes[it.first] = it.second->clone(); } } static void free_attr(std::map *al) { for (auto &it : *al) delete it.second; delete al; } %} %name-prefix "frontend_verilog_yy" %union { std::string *string; struct YOSYS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX AST::AstNode *ast; std::map *al; bool boolean; } %token TOK_STRING TOK_ID TOK_CONSTVAL TOK_REALVAL TOK_PRIMITIVE %token ATTR_BEGIN ATTR_END DEFATTR_BEGIN DEFATTR_END %token TOK_MODULE TOK_ENDMODULE TOK_PARAMETER TOK_LOCALPARAM TOK_DEFPARAM %token TOK_PACKAGE TOK_ENDPACKAGE TOK_PACKAGESEP %token TOK_INPUT TOK_OUTPUT TOK_INOUT TOK_WIRE TOK_REG TOK_LOGIC %token TOK_INTEGER TOK_SIGNED TOK_ASSIGN TOK_ALWAYS TOK_INITIAL %token TOK_BEGIN TOK_END TOK_IF TOK_ELSE TOK_FOR TOK_WHILE TOK_REPEAT %token TOK_DPI_FUNCTION TOK_POSEDGE TOK_NEGEDGE TOK_OR TOK_AUTOMATIC %token TOK_CASE TOK_CASEX TOK_CASEZ TOK_ENDCASE TOK_DEFAULT %token TOK_FUNCTION TOK_ENDFUNCTION TOK_TASK TOK_ENDTASK TOK_SPECIFY TOK_ENDSPECIFY TOK_SPECPARAM %token TOK_GENERATE TOK_ENDGENERATE TOK_GENVAR TOK_REAL %token TOK_SYNOPSYS_FULL_CASE TOK_SYNOPSYS_PARALLEL_CASE %token TOK_SUPPLY0 TOK_SUPPLY1 TOK_TO_SIGNED TOK_TO_UNSIGNED %token TOK_POS_INDEXED TOK_NEG_INDEXED TOK_ASSERT TOK_ASSUME %token TOK_RESTRICT TOK_COVER TOK_PROPERTY TOK_ENUM TOK_TYPEDEF %token TOK_RAND TOK_CONST TOK_CHECKER TOK_ENDCHECKER TOK_EVENTUALLY %token TOK_INCREMENT TOK_DECREMENT TOK_UNIQUE TOK_PRIORITY %type range range_or_multirange non_opt_range non_opt_multirange range_or_signed_int %type wire_type expr basic_expr concat_list rvalue lvalue lvalue_concat_list %type opt_label tok_prim_wrapper hierarchical_id %type opt_signed unique_case_attr %type attr case_attr // operator precedence from low to high %left OP_LOR %left OP_LAND %left '|' OP_NOR %left '^' OP_XNOR %left '&' OP_NAND %left OP_EQ OP_NE OP_EQX OP_NEX %left '<' OP_LE OP_GE '>' %left OP_SHL OP_SHR OP_SSHL OP_SSHR %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %left OP_POW %right UNARY_OPS %define parse.error verbose %define parse.lac full %nonassoc FAKE_THEN %nonassoc TOK_ELSE %debug %% input: { ast_stack.clear(); ast_stack.push_back(current_ast); } design { ast_stack.pop_back(); log_assert(GetSize(ast_stack) == 0); for (auto &it : default_attr_list) delete it.second; default_attr_list.clear(); }; design: module design | defattr design | task_func_decl design | param_decl design | localparam_decl design | package design | /* empty */; attr: { for (auto &it : attr_list) delete it.second; attr_list.clear(); for (auto &it : default_attr_list) attr_list[it.first] = it.second->clone(); } attr_opt { std::map *al = new std::map; al->swap(attr_list); $$ = al; }; attr_opt: attr_opt ATTR_BEGIN opt_attr_list ATTR_END | /* empty */; defattr: DEFATTR_BEGIN { for (auto &it : default_attr_list) delete it.second; default_attr_list.clear(); for (auto &it : attr_list) delete it.second; attr_list.clear(); } opt_attr_list { default_attr_list = attr_list; attr_list.clear(); } DEFATTR_END; opt_attr_list: attr_list | /* empty */; attr_list: attr_assign | attr_list ',' attr_assign; attr_assign: hierarchical_id { if (attr_list.count(*$1) != 0) delete attr_list[*$1]; attr_list[*$1] = AstNode::mkconst_int(1, false); delete $1; } | hierarchical_id '=' expr { if (attr_list.count(*$1) != 0) delete attr_list[*$1]; attr_list[*$1] = $3; delete $1; }; hierarchical_id: TOK_ID { $$ = $1; } | hierarchical_id TOK_PACKAGESEP TOK_ID { if ($3->substr(0, 1) == "\\") *$1 += "::" + $3->substr(1); else *$1 += "::" + *$3; delete $3; $$ = $1; } | hierarchical_id '.' TOK_ID { if ($3->substr(0, 1) == "\\") *$1 += "." + $3->substr(1); else *$1 += "." + *$3; delete $3; $$ = $1; }; module: attr TOK_MODULE TOK_ID { do_not_require_port_stubs = false; AstNode *mod = new AstNode(AST_MODULE); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(mod); ast_stack.push_back(mod); current_ast_mod = mod; port_stubs.clear(); port_counter = 0; mod->str = *$3; append_attr(mod, $1); delete $3; } module_para_opt module_args_opt ';' module_body TOK_ENDMODULE { if (port_stubs.size() != 0) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Missing details for module port `%s'.", port_stubs.begin()->first.c_str()); ast_stack.pop_back(); log_assert(ast_stack.size() == 1); current_ast_mod = NULL; }; module_para_opt: '#' '(' { astbuf1 = nullptr; } module_para_list { if (astbuf1) delete astbuf1; } ')' | /* empty */; module_para_list: single_module_para | module_para_list ',' single_module_para; single_module_para: /* empty */ | TOK_PARAMETER { if (astbuf1) delete astbuf1; astbuf1 = new AstNode(AST_PARAMETER); astbuf1->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(0, true)); } param_signed param_integer param_range single_param_decl | TOK_LOCALPARAM { if (astbuf1) delete astbuf1; astbuf1 = new AstNode(AST_LOCALPARAM); astbuf1->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(0, true)); } param_signed param_integer param_range single_param_decl | single_param_decl; module_args_opt: '(' ')' | /* empty */ | '(' module_args optional_comma ')'; module_args: module_arg | module_args ',' module_arg; optional_comma: ',' | /* empty */; module_arg_opt_assignment: '=' expr { if (ast_stack.back()->children.size() > 0 && ast_stack.back()->children.back()->type == AST_WIRE) { AstNode *wire = new AstNode(AST_IDENTIFIER); wire->str = ast_stack.back()->children.back()->str; if (ast_stack.back()->children.back()->is_reg) ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_INITIAL, new AstNode(AST_BLOCK, new AstNode(AST_ASSIGN_LE, wire, $2)))); else ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_ASSIGN, wire, $2)); } else frontend_verilog_yyerror("Syntax error."); } | /* empty */; module_arg: TOK_ID { if (ast_stack.back()->children.size() > 0 && ast_stack.back()->children.back()->type == AST_WIRE) { AstNode *node = ast_stack.back()->children.back()->clone(); node->str = *$1; node->port_id = ++port_counter; ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); } else { if (port_stubs.count(*$1) != 0) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Duplicate module port `%s'.", $1->c_str()); port_stubs[*$1] = ++port_counter; } delete $1; } module_arg_opt_assignment | attr wire_type range TOK_ID { AstNode *node = $2; node->str = *$4; node->port_id = ++port_counter; if ($3 != NULL) node->children.push_back($3); if (!node->is_input && !node->is_output) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Module port `%s' is neither input nor output.", $4->c_str()); if (node->is_reg && node->is_input && !node->is_output && !sv_mode) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Input port `%s' is declared as register.", $4->c_str()); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); append_attr(node, $1); delete $4; } module_arg_opt_assignment | '.' '.' '.' { do_not_require_port_stubs = true; }; package: attr TOK_PACKAGE TOK_ID { AstNode *mod = new AstNode(AST_PACKAGE); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(mod); ast_stack.push_back(mod); current_ast_mod = mod; mod->str = *$3; append_attr(mod, $1); } ';' package_body TOK_ENDPACKAGE { ast_stack.pop_back(); current_ast_mod = NULL; }; package_body: package_body package_body_stmt |; package_body_stmt: localparam_decl; non_opt_delay: '#' TOK_ID { delete $2; } | '#' TOK_CONSTVAL { delete $2; } | '#' TOK_REALVAL { delete $2; } | '#' '(' expr ')' { delete $3; } | '#' '(' expr ':' expr ':' expr ')' { delete $3; delete $5; delete $7; }; delay: non_opt_delay | /* empty */; wire_type: { astbuf3 = new AstNode(AST_WIRE); current_wire_rand = false; current_wire_const = false; } wire_type_token_list delay { $$ = astbuf3; }; wire_type_token_list: wire_type_token | wire_type_token_list wire_type_token | wire_type_token_io ; wire_type_token_io: TOK_INPUT { astbuf3->is_input = true; } | TOK_OUTPUT { astbuf3->is_output = true; } | TOK_INOUT { astbuf3->is_input = true; astbuf3->is_output = true; }; wire_type_token: TOK_WIRE { } | TOK_REG { astbuf3->is_reg = true; } | TOK_LOGIC { astbuf3->is_logic = true; } | TOK_INTEGER { astbuf3->is_reg = true; astbuf3->range_left = 31; astbuf3->range_right = 0; astbuf3->is_signed = true; } | TOK_GENVAR { astbuf3->type = AST_GENVAR; astbuf3->is_reg = true; astbuf3->range_left = 31; astbuf3->range_right = 0; } | TOK_SIGNED { astbuf3->is_signed = true; } | TOK_RAND { current_wire_rand = true; } | TOK_CONST { current_wire_const = true; }; non_opt_range: '[' expr ':' expr ']' { $$ = new AstNode(AST_RANGE); $$->children.push_back($2); $$->children.push_back($4); } | '[' expr TOK_POS_INDEXED expr ']' { $$ = new AstNode(AST_RANGE); $$->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_SUB, new AstNode(AST_ADD, $2->clone(), $4), AstNode::mkconst_int(1, true))); $$->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_ADD, $2, AstNode::mkconst_int(0, true))); } | '[' expr TOK_NEG_INDEXED expr ']' { $$ = new AstNode(AST_RANGE); $$->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_ADD, $2, AstNode::mkconst_int(0, true))); $$->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_SUB, new AstNode(AST_ADD, $2->clone(), AstNode::mkconst_int(1, true)), $4)); } | '[' expr ']' { $$ = new AstNode(AST_RANGE); $$->children.push_back($2); }; non_opt_multirange: non_opt_range non_opt_range { $$ = new AstNode(AST_MULTIRANGE, $1, $2); } | non_opt_multirange non_opt_range { $$ = $1; $$->children.push_back($2); }; range: non_opt_range { $$ = $1; } | /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; }; range_or_multirange: range { $$ = $1; } | non_opt_multirange { $$ = $1; }; range_or_signed_int: range { $$ = $1; } | TOK_INTEGER { $$ = new AstNode(AST_RANGE); $$->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(31, true)); $$->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(0, true)); $$->is_signed = true; }; module_body: module_body module_body_stmt | /* the following line makes the generate..endgenrate keywords optional */ module_body gen_stmt | /* empty */; module_body_stmt: task_func_decl | specify_block |param_decl | localparam_decl | defparam_decl | specparam_declaration | wire_decl | assign_stmt | cell_stmt | always_stmt | TOK_GENERATE module_gen_body TOK_ENDGENERATE | defattr | assert_property | checker_decl; checker_decl: TOK_CHECKER TOK_ID ';' { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_GENBLOCK); node->str = *$2; ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); } module_body TOK_ENDCHECKER { delete $2; ast_stack.pop_back(); }; task_func_decl: attr TOK_DPI_FUNCTION TOK_ID TOK_ID { current_function_or_task = new AstNode(AST_DPI_FUNCTION, AstNode::mkconst_str(*$3), AstNode::mkconst_str(*$4)); current_function_or_task->str = *$4; append_attr(current_function_or_task, $1); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(current_function_or_task); delete $3; delete $4; } opt_dpi_function_args ';' { current_function_or_task = NULL; } | attr TOK_DPI_FUNCTION TOK_ID '=' TOK_ID TOK_ID { current_function_or_task = new AstNode(AST_DPI_FUNCTION, AstNode::mkconst_str(*$5), AstNode::mkconst_str(*$3)); current_function_or_task->str = *$6; append_attr(current_function_or_task, $1); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(current_function_or_task); delete $3; delete $5; delete $6; } opt_dpi_function_args ';' { current_function_or_task = NULL; } | attr TOK_DPI_FUNCTION TOK_ID ':' TOK_ID '=' TOK_ID TOK_ID { current_function_or_task = new AstNode(AST_DPI_FUNCTION, AstNode::mkconst_str(*$7), AstNode::mkconst_str(*$3 + ":" + RTLIL::unescape_id(*$5))); current_function_or_task->str = *$8; append_attr(current_function_or_task, $1); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(current_function_or_task); delete $3; delete $5; delete $7; delete $8; } opt_dpi_function_args ';' { current_function_or_task = NULL; } | attr TOK_TASK opt_automatic TOK_ID { current_function_or_task = new AstNode(AST_TASK); current_function_or_task->str = *$4; append_attr(current_function_or_task, $1); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(current_function_or_task); ast_stack.push_back(current_function_or_task); current_function_or_task_port_id = 1; delete $4; } task_func_args_opt ';' task_func_body TOK_ENDTASK { current_function_or_task = NULL; ast_stack.pop_back(); } | attr TOK_FUNCTION opt_automatic opt_signed range_or_signed_int TOK_ID { current_function_or_task = new AstNode(AST_FUNCTION); current_function_or_task->str = *$6; append_attr(current_function_or_task, $1); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(current_function_or_task); ast_stack.push_back(current_function_or_task); AstNode *outreg = new AstNode(AST_WIRE); outreg->str = *$6; outreg->is_signed = $4; outreg->is_reg = true; if ($5 != NULL) { outreg->children.push_back($5); outreg->is_signed = $4 || $5->is_signed; $5->is_signed = false; } current_function_or_task->children.push_back(outreg); current_function_or_task_port_id = 1; delete $6; } task_func_args_opt ';' task_func_body TOK_ENDFUNCTION { current_function_or_task = NULL; ast_stack.pop_back(); }; dpi_function_arg: TOK_ID TOK_ID { current_function_or_task->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_str(*$1)); delete $1; delete $2; } | TOK_ID { current_function_or_task->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_str(*$1)); delete $1; }; opt_dpi_function_args: '(' dpi_function_args ')' | /* empty */; dpi_function_args: dpi_function_args ',' dpi_function_arg | dpi_function_args ',' | dpi_function_arg | /* empty */; opt_automatic: TOK_AUTOMATIC | /* empty */; opt_signed: TOK_SIGNED { $$ = true; } | /* empty */ { $$ = false; }; task_func_args_opt: '(' ')' | /* empty */ | '(' { albuf = nullptr; astbuf1 = nullptr; astbuf2 = nullptr; } task_func_args optional_comma { delete astbuf1; if (astbuf2 != NULL) delete astbuf2; free_attr(albuf); } ')'; task_func_args: task_func_port | task_func_args ',' task_func_port; task_func_port: attr wire_type range { if (albuf) { delete astbuf1; if (astbuf2 != NULL) delete astbuf2; free_attr(albuf); } albuf = $1; astbuf1 = $2; astbuf2 = $3; if (astbuf1->range_left >= 0 && astbuf1->range_right >= 0) { if (astbuf2) { frontend_verilog_yyerror("Syntax error."); } else { astbuf2 = new AstNode(AST_RANGE); astbuf2->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(astbuf1->range_left, true)); astbuf2->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(astbuf1->range_right, true)); } } if (astbuf2 && astbuf2->children.size() != 2) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Syntax error."); } wire_name | wire_name; task_func_body: task_func_body behavioral_stmt | /* empty */; specify_block: TOK_SPECIFY specify_item_opt TOK_ENDSPECIFY | TOK_SPECIFY TOK_ENDSPECIFY ; specify_item_opt: specify_item_opt specify_item | specify_item ; specify_item: specparam_declaration // | pulsestyle_declaration // | showcancelled_declaration | path_declaration // | system_timing_declaration ; specparam_declaration: TOK_SPECPARAM list_of_specparam_assignments ';' | TOK_SPECPARAM specparam_range list_of_specparam_assignments ';' ; // IEEE 1364-2005 calls this sinmply 'range' but the current 'range' rule allows empty match // and the 'non_opt_range' rule allows index ranges not allowed by 1364-2005 // exxxxtending this for SV specparam would change this anyhow specparam_range: '[' constant_expression ':' constant_expression ']' ; list_of_specparam_assignments: specparam_assignment | list_of_specparam_assignments ',' specparam_assignment; specparam_assignment: TOK_ID '=' constant_mintypmax_expression ; /* pulsestyle_declaration : ; showcancelled_declaration : ; */ path_declaration : simple_path_declaration // | edge_sensitive_path_declaration // | state_dependent_path_declaration ; simple_path_declaration : parallel_path_description '=' path_delay_value ';' // | full_path_description '=' path_delay_value ';' ; path_delay_value : //list_of_path_delay_expressions '(' list_of_path_delay_expressions ')' ; list_of_path_delay_expressions : /* t_path_delay_expression | trise_path_delay_expression ',' tfall_path_delay_expression | trise_path_delay_expression ',' tfall_path_delay_expression ',' tz_path_delay_expression | t01_path_delay_expression ',' t10_path_delay_expression ',' t0z_path_delay_expression ',' tz1_path_delay_expression ',' t1z_path_delay_expression ',' tz0_path_delay_expression | t01_path_delay_expression ',' t10_path_delay_expression ',' t0z_path_delay_expression ',' tz1_path_delay_expression ',' t1z_path_delay_expression ',' tz0_path_delay_expression ',' t0x_path_delay_expression ',' tx1_path_delay_expression ',' t1x_path_delay_expression ',' tx0_path_delay_expression ',' txz_path_delay_expression ',' tzx_path_delay_expression */ path_delay_expression | path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression | path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression | path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression | path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ',' path_delay_expression ; parallel_path_description : '(' specify_input_terminal_descriptor opt_polarity_operator '=' '>' specify_output_terminal_descriptor ')' ; opt_polarity_operator : '+' | '-' | ; // Good enough for the time being specify_input_terminal_descriptor : TOK_ID ; // Good enough for the time being specify_output_terminal_descriptor : TOK_ID ; /* system_timing_declaration : ; */ /* t_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; trise_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; tfall_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; tz_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; t01_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; t10_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; t0z_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; tz1_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; t1z_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; tz0_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; t0x_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; tx1_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; t1x_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; tx0_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; txz_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; tzx_path_delay_expression : path_delay_expression; */ path_delay_expression : constant_mintypmax_expression; constant_mintypmax_expression : constant_expression | constant_expression ':' constant_expression ':' constant_expression ; // for the time being this is OK, but we may write our own expr here. // as I'm not sure it is legal to use a full expr here (probably not) // On the other hand, other rules requiring constant expressions also use 'expr' // (such as param assignment), so we may leave this as-is, perhaps assing runtime checks for constant-ness constant_expression: expr ; param_signed: TOK_SIGNED { astbuf1->is_signed = true; } | /* empty */; param_integer: TOK_INTEGER { if (astbuf1->children.size() != 1) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Syntax error."); astbuf1->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_RANGE)); astbuf1->children.back()->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(31, true)); astbuf1->children.back()->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(0, true)); astbuf1->is_signed = true; } | /* empty */; param_real: TOK_REAL { if (astbuf1->children.size() != 1) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Syntax error."); astbuf1->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_REALVALUE)); } | /* empty */; param_range: range { if ($1 != NULL) { if (astbuf1->children.size() != 1) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Syntax error."); astbuf1->children.push_back($1); } }; param_decl: TOK_PARAMETER { astbuf1 = new AstNode(AST_PARAMETER); astbuf1->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(0, true)); } param_signed param_integer param_real param_range param_decl_list ';' { delete astbuf1; }; localparam_decl: TOK_LOCALPARAM { astbuf1 = new AstNode(AST_LOCALPARAM); astbuf1->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(0, true)); } param_signed param_integer param_real param_range param_decl_list ';' { delete astbuf1; }; param_decl_list: single_param_decl | param_decl_list ',' single_param_decl; single_param_decl: TOK_ID '=' expr { if (astbuf1 == nullptr) frontend_verilog_yyerror("syntax error"); AstNode *node = astbuf1->clone(); node->str = *$1; delete node->children[0]; node->children[0] = $3; ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); delete $1; }; defparam_decl: TOK_DEFPARAM defparam_decl_list ';'; defparam_decl_list: single_defparam_decl | defparam_decl_list ',' single_defparam_decl; single_defparam_decl: range rvalue '=' expr { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_DEFPARAM); node->children.push_back($2); node->children.push_back($4); if ($1 != NULL) node->children.push_back($1); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); }; wire_decl: attr wire_type range { albuf = $1; astbuf1 = $2; astbuf2 = $3; if (astbuf1->range_left >= 0 && astbuf1->range_right >= 0) { if (astbuf2) { frontend_verilog_yyerror("Syntax error."); } else { astbuf2 = new AstNode(AST_RANGE); astbuf2->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(astbuf1->range_left, true)); astbuf2->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(astbuf1->range_right, true)); } } if (astbuf2 && astbuf2->children.size() != 2) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Syntax error."); } wire_name_list { delete astbuf1; if (astbuf2 != NULL) delete astbuf2; free_attr(albuf); } ';' | attr TOK_SUPPLY0 TOK_ID { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_WIRE)); ast_stack.back()->children.back()->str = *$3; append_attr(ast_stack.back()->children.back(), $1); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_ASSIGN, new AstNode(AST_IDENTIFIER), AstNode::mkconst_int(0, false, 1))); ast_stack.back()->children.back()->children[0]->str = *$3; delete $3; } opt_supply_wires ';' | attr TOK_SUPPLY1 TOK_ID { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_WIRE)); ast_stack.back()->children.back()->str = *$3; append_attr(ast_stack.back()->children.back(), $1); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_ASSIGN, new AstNode(AST_IDENTIFIER), AstNode::mkconst_int(1, false, 1))); ast_stack.back()->children.back()->children[0]->str = *$3; delete $3; } opt_supply_wires ';'; opt_supply_wires: /* empty */ | opt_supply_wires ',' TOK_ID { AstNode *wire_node = ast_stack.back()->children.at(GetSize(ast_stack.back()->children)-2)->clone(); AstNode *assign_node = ast_stack.back()->children.at(GetSize(ast_stack.back()->children)-1)->clone(); wire_node->str = *$3; assign_node->children[0]->str = *$3; ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(wire_node); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(assign_node); delete $3; }; wire_name_list: wire_name_and_opt_assign | wire_name_list ',' wire_name_and_opt_assign; wire_name_and_opt_assign: wire_name { bool attr_anyconst = false; bool attr_anyseq = false; bool attr_allconst = false; bool attr_allseq = false; if (ast_stack.back()->children.back()->get_bool_attribute("\\anyconst")) { delete ast_stack.back()->children.back()->attributes.at("\\anyconst"); ast_stack.back()->children.back()->attributes.erase("\\anyconst"); attr_anyconst = true; } if (ast_stack.back()->children.back()->get_bool_attribute("\\anyseq")) { delete ast_stack.back()->children.back()->attributes.at("\\anyseq"); ast_stack.back()->children.back()->attributes.erase("\\anyseq"); attr_anyseq = true; } if (ast_stack.back()->children.back()->get_bool_attribute("\\allconst")) { delete ast_stack.back()->children.back()->attributes.at("\\allconst"); ast_stack.back()->children.back()->attributes.erase("\\allconst"); attr_allconst = true; } if (ast_stack.back()->children.back()->get_bool_attribute("\\allseq")) { delete ast_stack.back()->children.back()->attributes.at("\\allseq"); ast_stack.back()->children.back()->attributes.erase("\\allseq"); attr_allseq = true; } if (current_wire_rand || attr_anyconst || attr_anyseq || attr_allconst || attr_allseq) { AstNode *wire = new AstNode(AST_IDENTIFIER); AstNode *fcall = new AstNode(AST_FCALL); wire->str = ast_stack.back()->children.back()->str; fcall->str = current_wire_const ? "\\$anyconst" : "\\$anyseq"; if (attr_anyconst) fcall->str = "\\$anyconst"; if (attr_anyseq) fcall->str = "\\$anyseq"; if (attr_allconst) fcall->str = "\\$allconst"; if (attr_allseq) fcall->str = "\\$allseq"; fcall->attributes["\\reg"] = AstNode::mkconst_str(RTLIL::unescape_id(wire->str)); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_ASSIGN, wire, fcall)); } } | wire_name '=' expr { AstNode *wire = new AstNode(AST_IDENTIFIER); wire->str = ast_stack.back()->children.back()->str; if (astbuf1->is_reg) ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_INITIAL, new AstNode(AST_BLOCK, new AstNode(AST_ASSIGN_LE, wire, $3)))); else ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_ASSIGN, wire, $3)); }; wire_name: TOK_ID range_or_multirange { if (astbuf1 == nullptr) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Syntax error."); AstNode *node = astbuf1->clone(); node->str = *$1; append_attr_clone(node, albuf); if (astbuf2 != NULL) node->children.push_back(astbuf2->clone()); if ($2 != NULL) { if (node->is_input || node->is_output) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Syntax error."); if (!astbuf2) { AstNode *rng = new AstNode(AST_RANGE); rng->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(0, true)); rng->children.push_back(AstNode::mkconst_int(0, true)); node->children.push_back(rng); } node->type = AST_MEMORY; node->children.push_back($2); } if (current_function_or_task == NULL) { if (do_not_require_port_stubs && (node->is_input || node->is_output) && port_stubs.count(*$1) == 0) { port_stubs[*$1] = ++port_counter; } if (port_stubs.count(*$1) != 0) { if (!node->is_input && !node->is_output) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Module port `%s' is neither input nor output.", $1->c_str()); if (node->is_reg && node->is_input && !node->is_output && !sv_mode) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Input port `%s' is declared as register.", $1->c_str()); node->port_id = port_stubs[*$1]; port_stubs.erase(*$1); } else { if (node->is_input || node->is_output) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Module port `%s' is not declared in module header.", $1->c_str()); } } else { if (node->is_input || node->is_output) node->port_id = current_function_or_task_port_id++; } ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); delete $1; }; assign_stmt: TOK_ASSIGN delay assign_expr_list ';'; assign_expr_list: assign_expr | assign_expr_list ',' assign_expr; assign_expr: lvalue '=' expr { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_ASSIGN, $1, $3)); }; cell_stmt: attr TOK_ID { astbuf1 = new AstNode(AST_CELL); append_attr(astbuf1, $1); astbuf1->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_CELLTYPE)); astbuf1->children[0]->str = *$2; delete $2; } cell_parameter_list_opt cell_list ';' { delete astbuf1; } | attr tok_prim_wrapper delay { astbuf1 = new AstNode(AST_PRIMITIVE); astbuf1->str = *$2; append_attr(astbuf1, $1); delete $2; } prim_list ';' { delete astbuf1; }; tok_prim_wrapper: TOK_PRIMITIVE { $$ = $1; } | TOK_OR { $$ = new std::string("or"); }; cell_list: single_cell | cell_list ',' single_cell; single_cell: TOK_ID { astbuf2 = astbuf1->clone(); if (astbuf2->type != AST_PRIMITIVE) astbuf2->str = *$1; delete $1; ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(astbuf2); } '(' cell_port_list ')' | TOK_ID non_opt_range { astbuf2 = astbuf1->clone(); if (astbuf2->type != AST_PRIMITIVE) astbuf2->str = *$1; delete $1; ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_CELLARRAY, $2, astbuf2)); } '(' cell_port_list ')'; prim_list: single_prim | prim_list ',' single_prim; single_prim: single_cell | /* no name */ { astbuf2 = astbuf1->clone(); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(astbuf2); } '(' cell_port_list ')'; cell_parameter_list_opt: '#' '(' cell_parameter_list ')' | /* empty */; cell_parameter_list: cell_parameter | cell_parameter_list ',' cell_parameter; cell_parameter: /* empty */ | expr { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_PARASET); astbuf1->children.push_back(node); node->children.push_back($1); } | '.' TOK_ID '(' expr ')' { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_PARASET); node->str = *$2; astbuf1->children.push_back(node); node->children.push_back($4); delete $2; }; cell_port_list: cell_port_list_rules { // remove empty args from end of list while (!astbuf2->children.empty()) { AstNode *node = astbuf2->children.back(); if (node->type != AST_ARGUMENT) break; if (!node->children.empty()) break; if (!node->str.empty()) break; astbuf2->children.pop_back(); delete node; } // check port types bool has_positional_args = false; bool has_named_args = false; for (auto node : astbuf2->children) { if (node->type != AST_ARGUMENT) continue; if (node->str.empty()) has_positional_args = true; else has_named_args = true; } if (has_positional_args && has_named_args) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Mix of positional and named cell ports."); }; cell_port_list_rules: cell_port | cell_port_list_rules ',' cell_port; cell_port: /* empty */ { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_ARGUMENT); astbuf2->children.push_back(node); } | expr { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_ARGUMENT); astbuf2->children.push_back(node); node->children.push_back($1); } | '.' TOK_ID '(' expr ')' { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_ARGUMENT); node->str = *$2; astbuf2->children.push_back(node); node->children.push_back($4); delete $2; } | '.' TOK_ID '(' ')' { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_ARGUMENT); node->str = *$2; astbuf2->children.push_back(node); delete $2; }; always_stmt: attr TOK_ALWAYS { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_ALWAYS); append_attr(node, $1); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); } always_cond { AstNode *block = new AstNode(AST_BLOCK); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(block); ast_stack.push_back(block); } behavioral_stmt { ast_stack.pop_back(); ast_stack.pop_back(); } | attr TOK_INITIAL { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_INITIAL); append_attr(node, $1); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); AstNode *block = new AstNode(AST_BLOCK); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(block); ast_stack.push_back(block); } behavioral_stmt { ast_stack.pop_back(); ast_stack.pop_back(); }; always_cond: '@' '(' always_events ')' | '@' '(' '*' ')' | '@' ATTR_BEGIN ')' | '@' '(' ATTR_END | '@' '*' | /* empty */; always_events: always_event | always_events TOK_OR always_event | always_events ',' always_event; always_event: TOK_POSEDGE expr { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_POSEDGE); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); node->children.push_back($2); } | TOK_NEGEDGE expr { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_NEGEDGE); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); node->children.push_back($2); } | expr { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_EDGE); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); node->children.push_back($1); }; opt_label: ':' TOK_ID { $$ = $2; } | /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; }; opt_property: TOK_PROPERTY | /* empty */; opt_stmt_label: TOK_ID ':' | /* empty */; assert: opt_stmt_label TOK_ASSERT opt_property '(' expr ')' ';' { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(assume_asserts_mode ? AST_ASSUME : AST_ASSERT, $5)); } | opt_stmt_label TOK_ASSUME opt_property '(' expr ')' ';' { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_ASSUME, $5)); } | opt_stmt_label TOK_ASSERT opt_property '(' TOK_EVENTUALLY expr ')' ';' { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(assume_asserts_mode ? AST_FAIR : AST_LIVE, $6)); } | opt_stmt_label TOK_ASSUME opt_property '(' TOK_EVENTUALLY expr ')' ';' { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_FAIR, $6)); } | opt_stmt_label TOK_COVER opt_property '(' expr ')' ';' { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_COVER, $5)); } | opt_stmt_label TOK_COVER opt_property '(' ')' ';' { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_COVER, AstNode::mkconst_int(1, false))); } | opt_stmt_label TOK_COVER ';' { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_COVER, AstNode::mkconst_int(1, false))); } | opt_stmt_label TOK_RESTRICT opt_property '(' expr ')' ';' { if (norestrict_mode) delete $5; else ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_ASSUME, $5)); } | opt_stmt_label TOK_RESTRICT opt_property '(' TOK_EVENTUALLY expr ')' ';' { if (norestrict_mode) delete $6; else ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_FAIR, $6)); }; assert_property: TOK_ASSERT TOK_PROPERTY '(' expr ')' ';' { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(assume_asserts_mode ? AST_ASSUME : AST_ASSERT, $4)); } | TOK_ASSUME TOK_PROPERTY '(' expr ')' ';' { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_ASSUME, $4)); } | TOK_ASSERT TOK_PROPERTY '(' TOK_EVENTUALLY expr ')' ';' { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(assume_asserts_mode ? AST_FAIR : AST_LIVE, $5)); } | TOK_ASSUME TOK_PROPERTY '(' TOK_EVENTUALLY expr ')' ';' { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_FAIR, $5)); } | TOK_COVER TOK_PROPERTY '(' expr ')' ';' { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_COVER, $4)); } | TOK_RESTRICT TOK_PROPERTY '(' expr ')' ';' { if (norestrict_mode) delete $4; else ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_ASSUME, $4)); } | TOK_RESTRICT TOK_PROPERTY '(' TOK_EVENTUALLY expr ')' ';' { if (norestrict_mode) delete $5; else ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_FAIR, $5)); }; simple_behavioral_stmt: lvalue '=' delay expr { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_ASSIGN_EQ, $1, $4); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); } | lvalue TOK_INCREMENT { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_ASSIGN_EQ, $1, new AstNode(AST_ADD, $1->clone(), AstNode::mkconst_int(1, true))); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); } | lvalue TOK_DECREMENT { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_ASSIGN_EQ, $1, new AstNode(AST_SUB, $1->clone(), AstNode::mkconst_int(1, true))); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); } | lvalue OP_LE delay expr { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_ASSIGN_LE, $1, $4); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); }; // this production creates the obligatory if-else shift/reduce conflict behavioral_stmt: defattr | assert | wire_decl | param_decl | localparam_decl | non_opt_delay behavioral_stmt | simple_behavioral_stmt ';' | ';' | hierarchical_id attr { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_TCALL); node->str = *$1; delete $1; ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); append_attr(node, $2); } opt_arg_list ';'{ ast_stack.pop_back(); } | attr TOK_BEGIN opt_label { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_BLOCK); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); append_attr(node, $1); if ($3 != NULL) node->str = *$3; } behavioral_stmt_list TOK_END opt_label { if ($3 != NULL && $7 != NULL && *$3 != *$7) frontend_verilog_yyerror("Syntax error."); if ($3 != NULL) delete $3; if ($7 != NULL) delete $7; ast_stack.pop_back(); } | attr TOK_FOR '(' { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_FOR); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); append_attr(node, $1); } simple_behavioral_stmt ';' expr { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back($7); } ';' simple_behavioral_stmt ')' { AstNode *block = new AstNode(AST_BLOCK); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(block); ast_stack.push_back(block); } behavioral_stmt { ast_stack.pop_back(); ast_stack.pop_back(); } | attr TOK_WHILE '(' expr ')' { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_WHILE); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); append_attr(node, $1); AstNode *block = new AstNode(AST_BLOCK); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back($4); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(block); ast_stack.push_back(block); } behavioral_stmt { ast_stack.pop_back(); ast_stack.pop_back(); } | attr TOK_REPEAT '(' expr ')' { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_REPEAT); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); append_attr(node, $1); AstNode *block = new AstNode(AST_BLOCK); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back($4); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(block); ast_stack.push_back(block); } behavioral_stmt { ast_stack.pop_back(); ast_stack.pop_back(); } | attr TOK_IF '(' expr ')' { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_CASE); AstNode *block = new AstNode(AST_BLOCK); AstNode *cond = new AstNode(AST_COND, AstNode::mkconst_int(1, false, 1), block); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); node->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_REDUCE_BOOL, $4)); node->children.push_back(cond); ast_stack.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(block); append_attr(node, $1); } behavioral_stmt optional_else { ast_stack.pop_back(); ast_stack.pop_back(); } | case_attr case_type '(' expr ')' { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_CASE, $4); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); append_attr(node, $1); } opt_synopsys_attr case_body TOK_ENDCASE { case_type_stack.pop_back(); ast_stack.pop_back(); }; unique_case_attr: /* empty */ { $$ = false; } | TOK_PRIORITY case_attr { $$ = $2; } | TOK_UNIQUE case_attr { $$ = true; }; case_attr: attr unique_case_attr { if ($2) (*$1)["\\parallel_case"] = AstNode::mkconst_int(1, false); $$ = $1; }; case_type: TOK_CASE { case_type_stack.push_back(0); } | TOK_CASEX { case_type_stack.push_back('x'); } | TOK_CASEZ { case_type_stack.push_back('z'); }; opt_synopsys_attr: opt_synopsys_attr TOK_SYNOPSYS_FULL_CASE { if (ast_stack.back()->attributes.count("\\full_case") == 0) ast_stack.back()->attributes["\\full_case"] = AstNode::mkconst_int(1, false); } | opt_synopsys_attr TOK_SYNOPSYS_PARALLEL_CASE { if (ast_stack.back()->attributes.count("\\parallel_case") == 0) ast_stack.back()->attributes["\\parallel_case"] = AstNode::mkconst_int(1, false); } | /* empty */; behavioral_stmt_list: behavioral_stmt_list behavioral_stmt | /* empty */; optional_else: TOK_ELSE { AstNode *block = new AstNode(AST_BLOCK); AstNode *cond = new AstNode(AST_COND, new AstNode(AST_DEFAULT), block); ast_stack.pop_back(); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(cond); ast_stack.push_back(block); } behavioral_stmt | /* empty */ %prec FAKE_THEN; case_body: case_body case_item | /* empty */; case_item: { AstNode *node = new AstNode( case_type_stack.size() && case_type_stack.back() == 'x' ? AST_CONDX : case_type_stack.size() && case_type_stack.back() == 'z' ? AST_CONDZ : AST_COND); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); } case_select { AstNode *block = new AstNode(AST_BLOCK); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(block); ast_stack.push_back(block); case_type_stack.push_back(0); } behavioral_stmt { case_type_stack.pop_back(); ast_stack.pop_back(); ast_stack.pop_back(); }; gen_case_body: gen_case_body gen_case_item | /* empty */; gen_case_item: { AstNode *node = new AstNode( case_type_stack.size() && case_type_stack.back() == 'x' ? AST_CONDX : case_type_stack.size() && case_type_stack.back() == 'z' ? AST_CONDZ : AST_COND); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); } case_select { case_type_stack.push_back(0); } gen_stmt_or_null { case_type_stack.pop_back(); ast_stack.pop_back(); }; case_select: case_expr_list ':' | TOK_DEFAULT; case_expr_list: TOK_DEFAULT { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_DEFAULT)); } | expr { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back($1); } | case_expr_list ',' expr { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back($3); }; rvalue: hierarchical_id '[' expr ']' '.' rvalue { $$ = new AstNode(AST_PREFIX, $3, $6); $$->str = *$1; delete $1; } | hierarchical_id range { $$ = new AstNode(AST_IDENTIFIER, $2); $$->str = *$1; delete $1; if ($2 == nullptr && ($$->str == "\\$initstate" || $$->str == "\\$anyconst" || $$->str == "\\$anyseq" || $$->str == "\\$allconst" || $$->str == "\\$allseq")) $$->type = AST_FCALL; } | hierarchical_id non_opt_multirange { $$ = new AstNode(AST_IDENTIFIER, $2); $$->str = *$1; delete $1; }; lvalue: rvalue { $$ = $1; } | '{' lvalue_concat_list '}' { $$ = $2; }; lvalue_concat_list: expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_CONCAT); $$->children.push_back($1); } | expr ',' lvalue_concat_list { $$ = $3; $$->children.push_back($1); }; opt_arg_list: '(' arg_list optional_comma ')' | /* empty */; arg_list: arg_list2 | /* empty */; arg_list2: single_arg | arg_list ',' single_arg; single_arg: expr { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back($1); }; module_gen_body: module_gen_body gen_stmt_or_module_body_stmt | /* empty */; gen_stmt_or_module_body_stmt: gen_stmt | module_body_stmt; // this production creates the obligatory if-else shift/reduce conflict gen_stmt: TOK_FOR '(' { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_GENFOR); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); } simple_behavioral_stmt ';' expr { ast_stack.back()->children.push_back($6); } ';' simple_behavioral_stmt ')' gen_stmt_block { ast_stack.pop_back(); } | TOK_IF '(' expr ')' { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_GENIF); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back($3); } gen_stmt_block opt_gen_else { ast_stack.pop_back(); } | case_type '(' expr ')' { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_GENCASE, $3); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); } gen_case_body TOK_ENDCASE { case_type_stack.pop_back(); ast_stack.pop_back(); } | TOK_BEGIN opt_label { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_GENBLOCK); node->str = $2 ? *$2 : std::string(); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); } module_gen_body TOK_END opt_label { if ($2 != NULL) delete $2; if ($6 != NULL) delete $6; ast_stack.pop_back(); }; gen_stmt_block: { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_GENBLOCK); ast_stack.back()->children.push_back(node); ast_stack.push_back(node); } gen_stmt_or_module_body_stmt { ast_stack.pop_back(); }; gen_stmt_or_null: gen_stmt_block | ';'; opt_gen_else: TOK_ELSE gen_stmt_or_null | /* empty */ %prec FAKE_THEN; expr: basic_expr { $$ = $1; } | basic_expr '?' attr expr ':' expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_TERNARY); $$->children.push_back($1); $$->children.push_back($4); $$->children.push_back($6); append_attr($$, $3); }; basic_expr: rvalue { $$ = $1; } | '(' expr ')' TOK_CONSTVAL { if ($4->substr(0, 1) != "'") frontend_verilog_yyerror("Syntax error."); AstNode *bits = $2; AstNode *val = const2ast(*$4, case_type_stack.size() == 0 ? 0 : case_type_stack.back(), !lib_mode); if (val == NULL) log_error("Value conversion failed: `%s'\n", $4->c_str()); $$ = new AstNode(AST_TO_BITS, bits, val); delete $4; } | hierarchical_id TOK_CONSTVAL { if ($2->substr(0, 1) != "'") frontend_verilog_yyerror("Syntax error."); AstNode *bits = new AstNode(AST_IDENTIFIER); bits->str = *$1; AstNode *val = const2ast(*$2, case_type_stack.size() == 0 ? 0 : case_type_stack.back(), !lib_mode); if (val == NULL) log_error("Value conversion failed: `%s'\n", $2->c_str()); $$ = new AstNode(AST_TO_BITS, bits, val); delete $1; delete $2; } | TOK_CONSTVAL TOK_CONSTVAL { $$ = const2ast(*$1 + *$2, case_type_stack.size() == 0 ? 0 : case_type_stack.back(), !lib_mode); if ($$ == NULL || (*$2)[0] != '\'') log_error("Value conversion failed: `%s%s'\n", $1->c_str(), $2->c_str()); delete $1; delete $2; } | TOK_CONSTVAL { $$ = const2ast(*$1, case_type_stack.size() == 0 ? 0 : case_type_stack.back(), !lib_mode); if ($$ == NULL) log_error("Value conversion failed: `%s'\n", $1->c_str()); delete $1; } | TOK_REALVAL { $$ = new AstNode(AST_REALVALUE); char *p = (char*)malloc(GetSize(*$1) + 1), *q; for (int i = 0, j = 0; j < GetSize(*$1); j++) if ((*$1)[j] != '_') p[i++] = (*$1)[j], p[i] = 0; $$->realvalue = strtod(p, &q); log_assert(*q == 0); delete $1; free(p); } | TOK_STRING { $$ = AstNode::mkconst_str(*$1); delete $1; } | hierarchical_id attr { AstNode *node = new AstNode(AST_FCALL); node->str = *$1; delete $1; ast_stack.push_back(node); append_attr(node, $2); } '(' arg_list optional_comma ')' { $$ = ast_stack.back(); ast_stack.pop_back(); } | TOK_TO_SIGNED attr '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstNode(AST_TO_SIGNED, $4); append_attr($$, $2); } | TOK_TO_UNSIGNED attr '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstNode(AST_TO_UNSIGNED, $4); append_attr($$, $2); } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' expr ':' expr ':' expr ')' { delete $2; $$ = $4; delete $6; } | '{' concat_list '}' { $$ = $2; } | '{' expr '{' concat_list '}' '}' { $$ = new AstNode(AST_REPLICATE, $2, $4); } | '~' attr basic_expr %prec UNARY_OPS { $$ = new AstNode(AST_BIT_NOT, $3); append_attr($$, $2); } | basic_expr '&' attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_BIT_AND, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_NAND attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_BIT_NOT, new AstNode(AST_BIT_AND, $1, $4)); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr '|' attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_BIT_OR, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_NOR attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_BIT_NOT, new AstNode(AST_BIT_OR, $1, $4)); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr '^' attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_BIT_XOR, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_XNOR attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_BIT_XNOR, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | '&' attr basic_expr %prec UNARY_OPS { $$ = new AstNode(AST_REDUCE_AND, $3); append_attr($$, $2); } | OP_NAND attr basic_expr %prec UNARY_OPS { $$ = new AstNode(AST_REDUCE_AND, $3); append_attr($$, $2); $$ = new AstNode(AST_LOGIC_NOT, $$); } | '|' attr basic_expr %prec UNARY_OPS { $$ = new AstNode(AST_REDUCE_OR, $3); append_attr($$, $2); } | OP_NOR attr basic_expr %prec UNARY_OPS { $$ = new AstNode(AST_REDUCE_OR, $3); append_attr($$, $2); $$ = new AstNode(AST_LOGIC_NOT, $$); } | '^' attr basic_expr %prec UNARY_OPS { $$ = new AstNode(AST_REDUCE_XOR, $3); append_attr($$, $2); } | OP_XNOR attr basic_expr %prec UNARY_OPS { $$ = new AstNode(AST_REDUCE_XNOR, $3); append_attr($$, $2); } | basic_expr OP_SHL attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_SHIFT_LEFT, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_SHR attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_SHIFT_RIGHT, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_SSHL attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_SHIFT_SLEFT, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_SSHR attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_SHIFT_SRIGHT, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr '<' attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_LT, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_LE attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_LE, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_EQ attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_EQ, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_NE attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_NE, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_EQX attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_EQX, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_NEX attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_NEX, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_GE attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_GE, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr '>' attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_GT, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr '+' attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_ADD, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr '-' attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_SUB, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr '*' attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_MUL, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr '/' attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_DIV, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr '%' attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_MOD, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_POW attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_POW, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | '+' attr basic_expr %prec UNARY_OPS { $$ = new AstNode(AST_POS, $3); append_attr($$, $2); } | '-' attr basic_expr %prec UNARY_OPS { $$ = new AstNode(AST_NEG, $3); append_attr($$, $2); } | basic_expr OP_LAND attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_LOGIC_AND, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | basic_expr OP_LOR attr basic_expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_LOGIC_OR, $1, $4); append_attr($$, $3); } | '!' attr basic_expr %prec UNARY_OPS { $$ = new AstNode(AST_LOGIC_NOT, $3); append_attr($$, $2); }; concat_list: expr { $$ = new AstNode(AST_CONCAT, $1); } | expr ',' concat_list { $$ = $3; $$->children.push_back($1); };