/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * --- * * A simple and straightforward verilog backend. * * Note that RTLIL processes can't always be mapped easily to a Verilog * process. Therefore this frontend should only be used to export a * Verilog netlist (i.e. after the "proc" pass has converted all processes * to logic networks and registers). * */ #include "kernel/register.h" #include "kernel/celltypes.h" #include "kernel/log.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include #include #include #include #include USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN bool norename, noattr, attr2comment, noexpr; int auto_name_counter, auto_name_offset, auto_name_digits; std::map auto_name_map; std::set reg_wires, reg_ct; RTLIL::Module *active_module; void reset_auto_counter_id(RTLIL::IdString id, bool may_rename) { const char *str = id.c_str(); if (*str == '$' && may_rename && !norename) auto_name_map[id] = auto_name_counter++; if (str[0] != '\\' || str[1] != '_' || str[2] == 0) return; for (int i = 2; str[i] != 0; i++) { if (str[i] == '_' && str[i+1] == 0) continue; if (str[i] < '0' || str[i] > '9') return; } int num = atoi(str+2); if (num >= auto_name_offset) auto_name_offset = num + 1; } void reset_auto_counter(RTLIL::Module *module) { auto_name_map.clear(); auto_name_counter = 0; auto_name_offset = 0; reset_auto_counter_id(module->name, false); for (auto it = module->wires_.begin(); it != module->wires_.end(); ++it) reset_auto_counter_id(it->second->name, true); for (auto it = module->cells_.begin(); it != module->cells_.end(); ++it) { reset_auto_counter_id(it->second->name, true); reset_auto_counter_id(it->second->type, false); } for (auto it = module->processes.begin(); it != module->processes.end(); ++it) reset_auto_counter_id(it->second->name, false); auto_name_digits = 1; for (size_t i = 10; i < auto_name_offset + auto_name_map.size(); i = i*10) auto_name_digits++; for (auto it = auto_name_map.begin(); it != auto_name_map.end(); ++it) log(" renaming `%s' to `_%0*d_'.\n", it->first.c_str(), auto_name_digits, auto_name_offset + it->second); } std::string id(RTLIL::IdString internal_id, bool may_rename = true) { const char *str = internal_id.c_str(); bool do_escape = false; if (may_rename && auto_name_map.count(internal_id) != 0) { char buffer[100]; snprintf(buffer, 100, "_%0*d_", auto_name_digits, auto_name_offset + auto_name_map[internal_id]); return std::string(buffer); } if (*str == '\\') str++; if ('0' <= *str && *str <= '9') do_escape = true; for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++) { if ('0' <= str[i] && str[i] <= '9') continue; if ('a' <= str[i] && str[i] <= 'z') continue; if ('A' <= str[i] && str[i] <= 'Z') continue; if (str[i] == '_') continue; do_escape = true; break; } if (do_escape) return "\\" + std::string(str) + " "; return std::string(str); } bool is_reg_wire(RTLIL::SigSpec sig, std::string ®_name) { if (!sig.is_chunk() || sig.as_chunk().wire == NULL) return false; RTLIL::SigChunk chunk = sig.as_chunk(); if (reg_wires.count(chunk.wire->name) == 0) return false; reg_name = id(chunk.wire->name); if (sig.size() != chunk.wire->width) { if (sig.size() == 1) reg_name += stringf("[%d]", chunk.wire->start_offset + chunk.offset); else reg_name += stringf("[%d:%d]", chunk.wire->start_offset + chunk.offset + chunk.width - 1, chunk.wire->start_offset + chunk.offset); } return true; } void dump_const(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::Const &data, int width = -1, int offset = 0, bool no_decimal = false, bool set_signed = false, bool escape_comment = false) { if (width < 0) width = data.bits.size() - offset; if ((data.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_STRING) == 0 || width != (int)data.bits.size()) { if (width == 32 && !no_decimal) { int32_t val = 0; for (int i = offset+width-1; i >= offset; i--) { log_assert(i < (int)data.bits.size()); if (data.bits[i] != RTLIL::S0 && data.bits[i] != RTLIL::S1) goto dump_bits; if (data.bits[i] == RTLIL::S1 && (i - offset) == 31) goto dump_bits; if (data.bits[i] == RTLIL::S1) val |= 1 << (i - offset); } f << stringf("32'%sd %d", set_signed ? "s" : "", val); } else { dump_bits: f << stringf("%d'%sb", width, set_signed ? "s" : ""); if (width == 0) f << stringf("0"); for (int i = offset+width-1; i >= offset; i--) { log_assert(i < (int)data.bits.size()); switch (data.bits[i]) { case RTLIL::S0: f << stringf("0"); break; case RTLIL::S1: f << stringf("1"); break; case RTLIL::Sx: f << stringf("x"); break; case RTLIL::Sz: f << stringf("z"); break; case RTLIL::Sa: f << stringf("z"); break; case RTLIL::Sm: log_error("Found marker state in final netlist."); } } } } else { f << stringf("\""); std::string str = data.decode_string(); for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) { if (str[i] == '\n') f << stringf("\\n"); else if (str[i] == '\t') f << stringf("\\t"); else if (str[i] < 32) f << stringf("\\%03o", str[i]); else if (str[i] == '"') f << stringf("\\\""); else if (str[i] == '\\') f << stringf("\\\\"); else if (str[i] == '/' && escape_comment && i > 0 && str[i-1] == '*') f << stringf("\\/"); else f << str[i]; } f << stringf("\""); } } void dump_sigchunk(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::SigChunk &chunk, bool no_decimal = false) { if (chunk.wire == NULL) { dump_const(f, chunk.data, chunk.width, chunk.offset, no_decimal); } else { if (chunk.width == chunk.wire->width && chunk.offset == 0) { f << stringf("%s", id(chunk.wire->name).c_str()); } else if (chunk.width == 1) { if (chunk.wire->upto) f << stringf("%s[%d]", id(chunk.wire->name).c_str(), (chunk.wire->width - chunk.offset - 1) + chunk.wire->start_offset); else f << stringf("%s[%d]", id(chunk.wire->name).c_str(), chunk.offset + chunk.wire->start_offset); } else { if (chunk.wire->upto) f << stringf("%s[%d:%d]", id(chunk.wire->name).c_str(), (chunk.wire->width - (chunk.offset + chunk.width - 1) - 1) + chunk.wire->start_offset, (chunk.wire->width - chunk.offset - 1) + chunk.wire->start_offset); else f << stringf("%s[%d:%d]", id(chunk.wire->name).c_str(), (chunk.offset + chunk.width - 1) + chunk.wire->start_offset, chunk.offset + chunk.wire->start_offset); } } } void dump_sigspec(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::SigSpec &sig) { if (sig.is_chunk()) { dump_sigchunk(f, sig.as_chunk()); } else { f << stringf("{ "); for (auto it = sig.chunks().rbegin(); it != sig.chunks().rend(); ++it) { if (it != sig.chunks().rbegin()) f << stringf(", "); dump_sigchunk(f, *it, true); } f << stringf(" }"); } } void dump_attributes(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, dict &attributes, char term = '\n', bool modattr = false) { if (noattr) return; for (auto it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); ++it) { f << stringf("%s" "%s %s", indent.c_str(), attr2comment ? "/*" : "(*", id(it->first).c_str()); f << stringf(" = "); if (modattr && (it->second == Const(0, 1) || it->second == Const(0))) f << stringf(" 0 "); else if (modattr && (it->second == Const(1, 1) || it->second == Const(1))) f << stringf(" 1 "); else dump_const(f, it->second, -1, 0, false, false, attr2comment); f << stringf(" %s%c", attr2comment ? "*/" : "*)", term); } } void dump_wire(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Wire *wire) { dump_attributes(f, indent, wire->attributes); #if 0 if (wire->port_input && !wire->port_output) f << stringf("%s" "input %s", indent.c_str(), reg_wires.count(wire->name) ? "reg " : ""); else if (!wire->port_input && wire->port_output) f << stringf("%s" "output %s", indent.c_str(), reg_wires.count(wire->name) ? "reg " : ""); else if (wire->port_input && wire->port_output) f << stringf("%s" "inout %s", indent.c_str(), reg_wires.count(wire->name) ? "reg " : ""); else f << stringf("%s" "%s ", indent.c_str(), reg_wires.count(wire->name) ? "reg" : "wire"); if (wire->width != 1) f << stringf("[%d:%d] ", wire->width - 1 + wire->start_offset, wire->start_offset); f << stringf("%s;\n", id(wire->name).c_str()); #else // do not use Verilog-2k "outut reg" syntax in verilog export std::string range = ""; if (wire->width != 1) { if (wire->upto) range = stringf(" [%d:%d]", wire->start_offset, wire->width - 1 + wire->start_offset); else range = stringf(" [%d:%d]", wire->width - 1 + wire->start_offset, wire->start_offset); } if (wire->port_input && !wire->port_output) f << stringf("%s" "input%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str()); if (!wire->port_input && wire->port_output) f << stringf("%s" "output%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str()); if (wire->port_input && wire->port_output) f << stringf("%s" "inout%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str()); if (reg_wires.count(wire->name)) { f << stringf("%s" "reg%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str()); if (wire->attributes.count("\\init")) { f << stringf("%s" "initial %s = ", indent.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str()); dump_const(f, wire->attributes.at("\\init")); f << stringf(";\n"); } } else if (!wire->port_input && !wire->port_output) f << stringf("%s" "wire%s %s;\n", indent.c_str(), range.c_str(), id(wire->name).c_str()); #endif } void dump_memory(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Memory *memory) { dump_attributes(f, indent, memory->attributes); f << stringf("%s" "reg [%d:0] %s [%d:0];\n", indent.c_str(), memory->width-1, id(memory->name).c_str(), memory->size-1); } void dump_cell_expr_port(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Cell *cell, std::string port, bool gen_signed = true) { if (gen_signed && cell->parameters.count("\\" + port + "_SIGNED") > 0 && cell->parameters["\\" + port + "_SIGNED"].as_bool()) { f << stringf("$signed("); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\" + port)); f << stringf(")"); } else dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\" + port)); } std::string cellname(RTLIL::Cell *cell) { if (!norename && cell->name[0] == '$' && reg_ct.count(cell->type) && cell->hasPort("\\Q")) { RTLIL::SigSpec sig = cell->getPort("\\Q"); if (GetSize(sig) != 1 || sig.is_fully_const()) goto no_special_reg_name; RTLIL::Wire *wire = sig[0].wire; if (wire->name[0] != '\\') goto no_special_reg_name; std::string cell_name = wire->name.str(); size_t pos = cell_name.find('['); if (pos != std::string::npos) cell_name = cell_name.substr(0, pos) + "_reg" + cell_name.substr(pos); else cell_name = cell_name + "_reg"; if (wire->width != 1) cell_name += stringf("[%d]", wire->start_offset + sig[0].offset); if (active_module && active_module->count_id(cell_name) > 0) goto no_special_reg_name; return id(cell_name); } else { no_special_reg_name: return id(cell->name).c_str(); } } void dump_cell_expr_uniop(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell, std::string op) { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y")); f << stringf(" = %s ", op.c_str()); dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' '); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", true); f << stringf(";\n"); } void dump_cell_expr_binop(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell, std::string op) { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y")); f << stringf(" = "); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", true); f << stringf(" %s ", op.c_str()); dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' '); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "B", true); f << stringf(";\n"); } bool dump_cell_expr(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { if (cell->type == "$_NOT_") { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y")); f << stringf(" = "); f << stringf("~"); dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' '); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", false); f << stringf(";\n"); return true; } if (cell->type.in("$_AND_", "$_NAND_", "$_OR_", "$_NOR_", "$_XOR_", "$_XNOR_")) { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y")); f << stringf(" = "); if (cell->type.in("$_NAND_", "$_NOR_", "$_XNOR_")) f << stringf("~("); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", false); f << stringf(" "); if (cell->type.in("$_AND_", "$_NAND_")) f << stringf("&"); if (cell->type.in("$_OR_", "$_NOR_")) f << stringf("|"); if (cell->type.in("$_XOR_", "$_XNOR_")) f << stringf("^"); dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' '); f << stringf(" "); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "B", false); if (cell->type.in("$_NAND_", "$_NOR_", "$_XNOR_")) f << stringf(")"); f << stringf(";\n"); return true; } if (cell->type == "$_MUX_") { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y")); f << stringf(" = "); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "S", false); f << stringf(" ? "); dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' '); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "B", false); f << stringf(" : "); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", false); f << stringf(";\n"); return true; } if (cell->type.in("$_AOI3_", "$_OAI3_")) { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y")); f << stringf(" = ~(("); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", false); f << stringf(cell->type == "$_AOI3_" ? " & " : " | "); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "B", false); f << stringf(cell->type == "$_AOI3_" ? ") |" : ") &"); dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' '); f << stringf(" "); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "C", false); f << stringf(");\n"); return true; } if (cell->type.in("$_AOI4_", "$_OAI4_")) { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y")); f << stringf(" = ~(("); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "A", false); f << stringf(cell->type == "$_AOI4_" ? " & " : " | "); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "B", false); f << stringf(cell->type == "$_AOI4_" ? ") |" : ") &"); dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' '); f << stringf(" ("); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "C", false); f << stringf(cell->type == "$_AOI4_" ? " & " : " | "); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "D", false); f << stringf("));\n"); return true; } if (cell->type.substr(0, 6) == "$_DFF_") { std::string reg_name = cellname(cell); bool out_is_reg_wire = is_reg_wire(cell->getPort("\\Q"), reg_name); if (!out_is_reg_wire) f << stringf("%s" "reg %s;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str()); dump_attributes(f, indent, cell->attributes); f << stringf("%s" "always @(%sedge ", indent.c_str(), cell->type[6] == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg"); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\C")); if (cell->type[7] != '_') { f << stringf(" or %sedge ", cell->type[7] == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg"); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\R")); } f << stringf(")\n"); if (cell->type[7] != '_') { f << stringf("%s" " if (%s", indent.c_str(), cell->type[7] == 'P' ? "" : "!"); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\R")); f << stringf(")\n"); f << stringf("%s" " %s <= %c;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str(), cell->type[8]); f << stringf("%s" " else\n", indent.c_str()); } f << stringf("%s" " %s <= ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str()); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "D", false); f << stringf(";\n"); if (!out_is_reg_wire) { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Q")); f << stringf(" = %s;\n", reg_name.c_str()); } return true; } if (cell->type.substr(0, 8) == "$_DFFSR_") { char pol_c = cell->type[8], pol_s = cell->type[9], pol_r = cell->type[10]; std::string reg_name = cellname(cell); bool out_is_reg_wire = is_reg_wire(cell->getPort("\\Q"), reg_name); if (!out_is_reg_wire) f << stringf("%s" "reg %s;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str()); dump_attributes(f, indent, cell->attributes); f << stringf("%s" "always @(%sedge ", indent.c_str(), pol_c == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg"); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\C")); f << stringf(" or %sedge ", pol_s == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg"); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\S")); f << stringf(" or %sedge ", pol_r == 'P' ? "pos" : "neg"); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\R")); f << stringf(")\n"); f << stringf("%s" " if (%s", indent.c_str(), pol_r == 'P' ? "" : "!"); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\R")); f << stringf(")\n"); f << stringf("%s" " %s <= 0;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str()); f << stringf("%s" " else if (%s", indent.c_str(), pol_s == 'P' ? "" : "!"); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\S")); f << stringf(")\n"); f << stringf("%s" " %s <= 1;\n", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str()); f << stringf("%s" " else\n", indent.c_str()); f << stringf("%s" " %s <= ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str()); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "D", false); f << stringf(";\n"); if (!out_is_reg_wire) { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Q")); f << stringf(" = %s;\n", reg_name.c_str()); } return true; } #define HANDLE_UNIOP(_type, _operator) \ if (cell->type ==_type) { dump_cell_expr_uniop(f, indent, cell, _operator); return true; } #define HANDLE_BINOP(_type, _operator) \ if (cell->type ==_type) { dump_cell_expr_binop(f, indent, cell, _operator); return true; } HANDLE_UNIOP("$not", "~") HANDLE_UNIOP("$pos", "+") HANDLE_UNIOP("$neg", "-") HANDLE_BINOP("$and", "&") HANDLE_BINOP("$or", "|") HANDLE_BINOP("$xor", "^") HANDLE_BINOP("$xnor", "~^") HANDLE_UNIOP("$reduce_and", "&") HANDLE_UNIOP("$reduce_or", "|") HANDLE_UNIOP("$reduce_xor", "^") HANDLE_UNIOP("$reduce_xnor", "~^") HANDLE_UNIOP("$reduce_bool", "|") HANDLE_BINOP("$shl", "<<") HANDLE_BINOP("$shr", ">>") HANDLE_BINOP("$sshl", "<<<") HANDLE_BINOP("$sshr", ">>>") HANDLE_BINOP("$lt", "<") HANDLE_BINOP("$le", "<=") HANDLE_BINOP("$eq", "==") HANDLE_BINOP("$ne", "!=") HANDLE_BINOP("$eqx", "===") HANDLE_BINOP("$nex", "!==") HANDLE_BINOP("$ge", ">=") HANDLE_BINOP("$gt", ">") HANDLE_BINOP("$add", "+") HANDLE_BINOP("$sub", "-") HANDLE_BINOP("$mul", "*") HANDLE_BINOP("$div", "/") HANDLE_BINOP("$mod", "%") HANDLE_BINOP("$pow", "**") HANDLE_UNIOP("$logic_not", "!") HANDLE_BINOP("$logic_and", "&&") HANDLE_BINOP("$logic_or", "||") #undef HANDLE_UNIOP #undef HANDLE_BINOP if (cell->type == "$mux") { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y")); f << stringf(" = "); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\S")); f << stringf(" ? "); dump_attributes(f, "", cell->attributes, ' '); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\B")); f << stringf(" : "); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\A")); f << stringf(";\n"); return true; } if (cell->type == "$pmux" || cell->type == "$pmux_safe") { int width = cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"].as_int(); int s_width = cell->getPort("\\S").size(); std::string func_name = cellname(cell); f << stringf("%s" "function [%d:0] %s;\n", indent.c_str(), width-1, func_name.c_str()); f << stringf("%s" " input [%d:0] a;\n", indent.c_str(), width-1); f << stringf("%s" " input [%d:0] b;\n", indent.c_str(), s_width*width-1); f << stringf("%s" " input [%d:0] s;\n", indent.c_str(), s_width-1); dump_attributes(f, indent + " ", cell->attributes); if (cell->type != "$pmux_safe" && !noattr) f << stringf("%s" " (* parallel_case *)\n", indent.c_str()); f << stringf("%s" " casez (s)", indent.c_str()); if (cell->type != "$pmux_safe") f << stringf(noattr ? " // synopsys parallel_case\n" : "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < s_width; i++) { f << stringf("%s" " %d'b", indent.c_str(), s_width); for (int j = s_width-1; j >= 0; j--) f << stringf("%c", j == i ? '1' : cell->type == "$pmux_safe" ? '0' : '?'); f << stringf(":\n"); f << stringf("%s" " %s = b[%d:%d];\n", indent.c_str(), func_name.c_str(), (i+1)*width-1, i*width); } f << stringf("%s" " default:\n", indent.c_str()); f << stringf("%s" " %s = a;\n", indent.c_str(), func_name.c_str()); f << stringf("%s" " endcase\n", indent.c_str()); f << stringf("%s" "endfunction\n", indent.c_str()); f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y")); f << stringf(" = %s(", func_name.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\A")); f << stringf(", "); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\B")); f << stringf(", "); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\S")); f << stringf(");\n"); return true; } if (cell->type == "$slice") { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y")); f << stringf(" = "); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\A")); f << stringf(" >> %d;\n", cell->parameters.at("\\OFFSET").as_int()); return true; } if (cell->type == "$concat") { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Y")); f << stringf(" = { "); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\B")); f << stringf(" , "); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\A")); f << stringf(" };\n"); return true; } if (cell->type == "$dffsr") { SigSpec sig_clk = cell->getPort("\\CLK"); SigSpec sig_set = cell->getPort("\\SET"); SigSpec sig_clr = cell->getPort("\\CLR"); SigSpec sig_d = cell->getPort("\\D"); SigSpec sig_q = cell->getPort("\\Q"); int width = cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"].as_int(); bool pol_clk = cell->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"].as_bool(); bool pol_set = cell->parameters["\\SET_POLARITY"].as_bool(); bool pol_clr = cell->parameters["\\CLR_POLARITY"].as_bool(); std::string reg_name = cellname(cell); bool out_is_reg_wire = is_reg_wire(sig_q, reg_name); if (!out_is_reg_wire) f << stringf("%s" "reg [%d:0] %s;\n", indent.c_str(), width-1, reg_name.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { f << stringf("%s" "always @(%sedge ", indent.c_str(), pol_clk ? "pos" : "neg"); dump_sigspec(f, sig_clk); f << stringf(", %sedge ", pol_set ? "pos" : "neg"); dump_sigspec(f, sig_set); f << stringf(", %sedge ", pol_clr ? "pos" : "neg"); dump_sigspec(f, sig_clr); f << stringf(")\n"); f << stringf("%s" " if (%s", indent.c_str(), pol_clr ? "" : "!"); dump_sigspec(f, sig_clr); f << stringf(") %s[%d] <= 1'b0;\n", reg_name.c_str(), i); f << stringf("%s" " else if (%s", indent.c_str(), pol_set ? "" : "!"); dump_sigspec(f, sig_set); f << stringf(") %s[%d] <= 1'b1;\n", reg_name.c_str(), i); f << stringf("%s" " else %s[%d] <= ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str(), i); dump_sigspec(f, sig_d[i]); f << stringf(";\n"); } if (!out_is_reg_wire) { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, sig_q); f << stringf(" = %s;\n", reg_name.c_str()); } return true; } if (cell->type == "$dff" || cell->type == "$adff" || cell->type == "$dffe") { RTLIL::SigSpec sig_clk, sig_arst, sig_en, val_arst; bool pol_clk, pol_arst = false, pol_en = false; sig_clk = cell->getPort("\\CLK"); pol_clk = cell->parameters["\\CLK_POLARITY"].as_bool(); if (cell->type == "$adff") { sig_arst = cell->getPort("\\ARST"); pol_arst = cell->parameters["\\ARST_POLARITY"].as_bool(); val_arst = RTLIL::SigSpec(cell->parameters["\\ARST_VALUE"]); } if (cell->type == "$dffe") { sig_en = cell->getPort("\\EN"); pol_en = cell->parameters["\\EN_POLARITY"].as_bool(); } std::string reg_name = cellname(cell); bool out_is_reg_wire = is_reg_wire(cell->getPort("\\Q"), reg_name); if (!out_is_reg_wire) f << stringf("%s" "reg [%d:0] %s;\n", indent.c_str(), cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"].as_int()-1, reg_name.c_str()); f << stringf("%s" "always @(%sedge ", indent.c_str(), pol_clk ? "pos" : "neg"); dump_sigspec(f, sig_clk); if (cell->type == "$adff") { f << stringf(" or %sedge ", pol_arst ? "pos" : "neg"); dump_sigspec(f, sig_arst); } f << stringf(")\n"); if (cell->type == "$adff") { f << stringf("%s" " if (%s", indent.c_str(), pol_arst ? "" : "!"); dump_sigspec(f, sig_arst); f << stringf(")\n"); f << stringf("%s" " %s <= ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, val_arst); f << stringf(";\n"); f << stringf("%s" " else\n", indent.c_str()); } if (cell->type == "$dffe") { f << stringf("%s" " if (%s", indent.c_str(), pol_en ? "" : "!"); dump_sigspec(f, sig_en); f << stringf(")\n"); } f << stringf("%s" " %s <= ", indent.c_str(), reg_name.c_str()); dump_cell_expr_port(f, cell, "D", false); f << stringf(";\n"); if (!out_is_reg_wire) { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\Q")); f << stringf(" = %s;\n", reg_name.c_str()); } return true; } if (cell->type == "$mem" && false) // FIXME! { RTLIL::IdString memid = cell->parameters["\\MEMID"].decode_string(); std::string mem_id = id(cell->parameters["\\MEMID"].decode_string()); int abits = cell->parameters["\\ABITS"].as_int(); int size = cell->parameters["\\SIZE"].as_int(); int width = cell->parameters["\\WIDTH"].as_int(); int offset = cell->parameters["\\OFFSET"].as_int(); bool use_init = !(RTLIL::SigSpec(cell->parameters["\\INIT"]).is_fully_undef()); // for memory block make something like: // reg [7:0] memid [3:0]; // initial begin // memid[0] <= ... // end int mem_val; RTLIL::Memory memory; memory.name = memid; memory.width = width; memory.start_offset = offset; memory.size = size; dump_memory(f, indent.c_str(), &memory); if (use_init) { f << stringf("%s" "initial begin\n", indent.c_str()); for (int i=0; iparameters["\\INIT"].extract(i*width, width).as_int(); f << stringf("%s" " %s[%d] <= %d'd%d;\n", indent.c_str(), mem_id.c_str(), i, width, mem_val); } f << stringf("%s" "end\n", indent.c_str()); } int nread_ports = cell->parameters["\\RD_PORTS"].as_int(); RTLIL::SigSpec sig_rd_clk, sig_rd_data, sig_rd_addr; bool use_rd_clk, rd_clk_posedge, rd_transparent; RTLIL::IdString new_id; // read ports for (int i=0; i < nread_ports; i++) { sig_rd_clk = cell->getPort("\\RD_CLK").extract(i); sig_rd_data = cell->getPort("\\RD_DATA").extract(i*width, width); sig_rd_addr = cell->getPort("\\RD_ADDR").extract(i*abits, abits); use_rd_clk = cell->parameters["\\RD_CLK_ENABLE"].extract(i).as_bool(); rd_clk_posedge = cell->parameters["\\RD_CLK_POLARITY"].extract(i).as_bool(); rd_transparent = cell->parameters["\\RD_TRANSPARENT"].extract(i).as_bool(); if (use_rd_clk && !rd_transparent) { // for clocked read ports make something like: // always @(posedge clk) // r_data <= array_reg[r_addr]; f << stringf("%s" "always @(%sedge ", indent.c_str(), rd_clk_posedge ? "pos" : "neg"); dump_sigspec(f, sig_rd_clk); f << stringf(")\n"); f << stringf("%s" " ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, sig_rd_data); f << stringf(" <= %s[", mem_id.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, sig_rd_addr); f << stringf("];\n"); } else { if (rd_transparent) { // for rd-transparent read-ports make something like: // reg [..] new-id; // always @(posedge clk) // new-id <= r_addr; // assign r_data = array_reg[new-id]; new_id = RTLIL::IdString(stringf("$%d", (int)time(NULL))); reset_auto_counter_id(new_id, true); f << stringf("%s" "reg [%d:0] %s;\n", indent.c_str(), sig_rd_addr.size() - 1, id(new_id).c_str()); f << stringf("%s" "always @(%sedge ", indent.c_str(), rd_clk_posedge ? "pos" : "neg"); dump_sigspec(f, sig_rd_clk); f << stringf(")\n"); f << stringf("%s" " %s <= ", indent.c_str(), id(new_id).c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, sig_rd_addr); f << stringf(";\n"); f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, sig_rd_data); f << stringf(" = %s[%s];\n", mem_id.c_str(), id(new_id).c_str()); } else { // for non-clocked read-ports make something like: // assign r_data = array_reg[r_addr]; f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, sig_rd_data); f << stringf(" = %s[", mem_id.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, sig_rd_addr); f << stringf("];\n"); } } } int nwrite_ports = cell->parameters["\\WR_PORTS"].as_int(); RTLIL::SigSpec sig_wr_clk, sig_wr_data, sig_wr_addr, sig_wr_en, sig_wr_en_bit; RTLIL::SigBit last_bit, current_bit; bool wr_clk_posedge; RTLIL::SigSpec lof_wen; dict wen_to_width; SigMap sigmap(active_module); int n, wen_width; // write ports for (int i=0; i < nwrite_ports; i++) { // for write-ports make something like: // always @(posedge clk) // if (wr_en) // memid[w_addr] <= w_data; sig_wr_clk = cell->getPort("\\WR_CLK").extract(i); sig_wr_data = cell->getPort("\\WR_DATA").extract(i*width, width); sig_wr_addr = cell->getPort("\\WR_ADDR").extract(i*abits, abits); sig_wr_en = cell->getPort("\\WR_EN").extract(i*width, width); sig_wr_en_bit = sig_wr_en.extract(0); wr_clk_posedge = cell->parameters["\\WR_CLK_POLARITY"].extract(i).as_bool(); // group the wen bits last_bit = sig_wr_en.extract(0); lof_wen = RTLIL::SigSpec(last_bit); wen_to_width.clear(); wen_to_width[last_bit] = 0; for (int j=0; jtype[0] == '$' && !noexpr) { if (dump_cell_expr(f, indent, cell)) return; } dump_attributes(f, indent, cell->attributes); f << stringf("%s" "%s", indent.c_str(), id(cell->type, false).c_str()); if (cell->parameters.size() > 0) { f << stringf(" #("); for (auto it = cell->parameters.begin(); it != cell->parameters.end(); ++it) { if (it != cell->parameters.begin()) f << stringf(","); f << stringf("\n%s .%s(", indent.c_str(), id(it->first).c_str()); bool is_signed = (it->second.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_SIGNED) != 0; dump_const(f, it->second, -1, 0, false, is_signed); f << stringf(")"); } f << stringf("\n%s" ")", indent.c_str()); } std::string cell_name = cellname(cell); if (cell_name != id(cell->name)) f << stringf(" %s /* %s */ (", cell_name.c_str(), id(cell->name).c_str()); else f << stringf(" %s (", cell_name.c_str()); bool first_arg = true; std::set numbered_ports; for (int i = 1; true; i++) { char str[16]; snprintf(str, 16, "$%d", i); for (auto it = cell->connections().begin(); it != cell->connections().end(); ++it) { if (it->first != str) continue; if (!first_arg) f << stringf(","); first_arg = false; f << stringf("\n%s ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, it->second); numbered_ports.insert(it->first); goto found_numbered_port; } break; found_numbered_port:; } for (auto it = cell->connections().begin(); it != cell->connections().end(); ++it) { if (numbered_ports.count(it->first)) continue; if (!first_arg) f << stringf(","); first_arg = false; f << stringf("\n%s .%s(", indent.c_str(), id(it->first).c_str()); if (it->second.size() > 0) dump_sigspec(f, it->second); f << stringf(")"); } f << stringf("\n%s" ");\n", indent.c_str()); } void dump_conn(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, const RTLIL::SigSpec &left, const RTLIL::SigSpec &right) { f << stringf("%s" "assign ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, left); f << stringf(" = "); dump_sigspec(f, right); f << stringf(";\n"); } void dump_proc_switch(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw); void dump_case_body(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::CaseRule *cs, bool omit_trailing_begin = false) { int number_of_stmts = cs->switches.size() + cs->actions.size(); if (!omit_trailing_begin && number_of_stmts >= 2) f << stringf("%s" "begin\n", indent.c_str()); for (auto it = cs->actions.begin(); it != cs->actions.end(); ++it) { if (it->first.size() == 0) continue; f << stringf("%s ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, it->first); f << stringf(" = "); dump_sigspec(f, it->second); f << stringf(";\n"); } for (auto it = cs->switches.begin(); it != cs->switches.end(); ++it) dump_proc_switch(f, indent + " ", *it); if (!omit_trailing_begin && number_of_stmts == 0) f << stringf("%s /* empty */;\n", indent.c_str()); if (omit_trailing_begin || number_of_stmts >= 2) f << stringf("%s" "end\n", indent.c_str()); } void dump_proc_switch(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::SwitchRule *sw) { if (sw->signal.size() == 0) { f << stringf("%s" "begin\n", indent.c_str()); for (auto it = sw->cases.begin(); it != sw->cases.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->compare.size() == 0) dump_case_body(f, indent + " ", *it); } f << stringf("%s" "end\n", indent.c_str()); return; } f << stringf("%s" "casez (", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, sw->signal); f << stringf(")\n"); for (auto it = sw->cases.begin(); it != sw->cases.end(); ++it) { f << stringf("%s ", indent.c_str()); if ((*it)->compare.size() == 0) f << stringf("default"); else { for (size_t i = 0; i < (*it)->compare.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) f << stringf(", "); dump_sigspec(f, (*it)->compare[i]); } } f << stringf(":\n"); dump_case_body(f, indent + " ", *it); } f << stringf("%s" "endcase\n", indent.c_str()); } void case_body_find_regs(RTLIL::CaseRule *cs) { for (auto it = cs->switches.begin(); it != cs->switches.end(); ++it) for (auto it2 = (*it)->cases.begin(); it2 != (*it)->cases.end(); it2++) case_body_find_regs(*it2); for (auto it = cs->actions.begin(); it != cs->actions.end(); ++it) { for (auto &c : it->first.chunks()) if (c.wire != NULL) reg_wires.insert(c.wire->name); } } void dump_process(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Process *proc, bool find_regs = false) { if (find_regs) { case_body_find_regs(&proc->root_case); for (auto it = proc->syncs.begin(); it != proc->syncs.end(); ++it) for (auto it2 = (*it)->actions.begin(); it2 != (*it)->actions.end(); it2++) { for (auto &c : it2->first.chunks()) if (c.wire != NULL) reg_wires.insert(c.wire->name); } return; } f << stringf("%s" "always @* begin\n", indent.c_str()); dump_case_body(f, indent, &proc->root_case, true); std::string backup_indent = indent; for (size_t i = 0; i < proc->syncs.size(); i++) { RTLIL::SyncRule *sync = proc->syncs[i]; indent = backup_indent; if (sync->type == RTLIL::STa) { f << stringf("%s" "always @* begin\n", indent.c_str()); } else { f << stringf("%s" "always @(", indent.c_str()); if (sync->type == RTLIL::STp || sync->type == RTLIL::ST1) f << stringf("posedge "); if (sync->type == RTLIL::STn || sync->type == RTLIL::ST0) f << stringf("negedge "); dump_sigspec(f, sync->signal); f << stringf(") begin\n"); } std::string ends = indent + "end\n"; indent += " "; if (sync->type == RTLIL::ST0 || sync->type == RTLIL::ST1) { f << stringf("%s" "if (%s", indent.c_str(), sync->type == RTLIL::ST0 ? "!" : ""); dump_sigspec(f, sync->signal); f << stringf(") begin\n"); ends = indent + "end\n" + ends; indent += " "; } if (sync->type == RTLIL::STp || sync->type == RTLIL::STn) { for (size_t j = 0; j < proc->syncs.size(); j++) { RTLIL::SyncRule *sync2 = proc->syncs[j]; if (sync2->type == RTLIL::ST0 || sync2->type == RTLIL::ST1) { f << stringf("%s" "if (%s", indent.c_str(), sync2->type == RTLIL::ST1 ? "!" : ""); dump_sigspec(f, sync2->signal); f << stringf(") begin\n"); ends = indent + "end\n" + ends; indent += " "; } } } for (auto it = sync->actions.begin(); it != sync->actions.end(); ++it) { if (it->first.size() == 0) continue; f << stringf("%s ", indent.c_str()); dump_sigspec(f, it->first); f << stringf(" <= "); dump_sigspec(f, it->second); f << stringf(";\n"); } f << stringf("%s", ends.c_str()); } } void dump_module(std::ostream &f, std::string indent, RTLIL::Module *module) { reg_wires.clear(); reset_auto_counter(module); active_module = module; f << stringf("\n"); for (auto it = module->processes.begin(); it != module->processes.end(); ++it) dump_process(f, indent + " ", it->second, true); if (!noexpr) { std::set> reg_bits; for (auto &it : module->cells_) { RTLIL::Cell *cell = it.second; if (!reg_ct.count(cell->type) || !cell->hasPort("\\Q")) continue; RTLIL::SigSpec sig = cell->getPort("\\Q"); if (sig.is_chunk()) { RTLIL::SigChunk chunk = sig.as_chunk(); if (chunk.wire != NULL) for (int i = 0; i < chunk.width; i++) reg_bits.insert(std::pair(chunk.wire, chunk.offset+i)); } } for (auto &it : module->wires_) { RTLIL::Wire *wire = it.second; for (int i = 0; i < wire->width; i++) if (reg_bits.count(std::pair(wire, i)) == 0) goto this_wire_aint_reg; if (wire->width) reg_wires.insert(wire->name); this_wire_aint_reg:; } } dump_attributes(f, indent, module->attributes, '\n', true); f << stringf("%s" "module %s(", indent.c_str(), id(module->name, false).c_str()); bool keep_running = true; for (int port_id = 1; keep_running; port_id++) { keep_running = false; for (auto it = module->wires_.begin(); it != module->wires_.end(); ++it) { RTLIL::Wire *wire = it->second; if (wire->port_id == port_id) { if (port_id != 1) f << stringf(", "); f << stringf("%s", id(wire->name).c_str()); keep_running = true; continue; } } } f << stringf(");\n"); for (auto it = module->wires_.begin(); it != module->wires_.end(); ++it) dump_wire(f, indent + " ", it->second); for (auto it = module->memories.begin(); it != module->memories.end(); ++it) dump_memory(f, indent + " ", it->second); for (auto it = module->cells_.begin(); it != module->cells_.end(); ++it) dump_cell(f, indent + " ", it->second); for (auto it = module->processes.begin(); it != module->processes.end(); ++it) dump_process(f, indent + " ", it->second); for (auto it = module->connections().begin(); it != module->connections().end(); ++it) dump_conn(f, indent + " ", it->first, it->second); f << stringf("%s" "endmodule\n", indent.c_str()); active_module = NULL; } struct VerilogBackend : public Backend { VerilogBackend() : Backend("verilog", "write design to verilog file") { } virtual void help() { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" write_verilog [options] [filename]\n"); log("\n"); log("Write the current design to a verilog file.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -norename\n"); log(" without this option all internal object names (the ones with a dollar\n"); log(" instead of a backslash prefix) are changed to short names in the\n"); log(" format '__'.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -noattr\n"); log(" with this option no attributes are included in the output\n"); log("\n"); log(" -attr2comment\n"); log(" with this option attributes are included as comments in the output\n"); log("\n"); log(" -noexpr\n"); log(" without this option all internal cells are converted to verilog\n"); log(" expressions.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -blackboxes\n"); log(" usually modules with the 'blackbox' attribute are ignored. with\n"); log(" this option set only the modules with the 'blackbox' attribute\n"); log(" are written to the output file.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -selected\n"); log(" only write selected modules. modules must be selected entirely or\n"); log(" not at all.\n"); log("\n"); } virtual void execute(std::ostream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) { log_header("Executing Verilog backend.\n"); norename = false; noattr = false; attr2comment = false; noexpr = false; bool blackboxes = false; bool selected = false; reg_ct.clear(); reg_ct.insert("$dff"); reg_ct.insert("$adff"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_N_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_P_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_NN0_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_NN1_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_NP0_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_NP1_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_PN0_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_PN1_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_PP0_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFF_PP1_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_NNN_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_NNP_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_NPN_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_NPP_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_PNN_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_PNP_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_PPN_"); reg_ct.insert("$_DFFSR_PPP_"); size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { std::string arg = args[argidx]; if (arg == "-norename") { norename = true; continue; } if (arg == "-noattr") { noattr = true; continue; } if (arg == "-attr2comment") { attr2comment = true; continue; } if (arg == "-noexpr") { noexpr = true; continue; } if (arg == "-blackboxes") { blackboxes = true; continue; } if (arg == "-selected") { selected = true; continue; } break; } extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx); design->sort(); *f << stringf("/* Generated by %s */\n", yosys_version_str); for (auto it = design->modules_.begin(); it != design->modules_.end(); ++it) { if (it->second->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox") != blackboxes) continue; if (selected && !design->selected_whole_module(it->first)) { if (design->selected_module(it->first)) log_cmd_error("Can't handle partially selected module %s!\n", RTLIL::id2cstr(it->first)); continue; } log("Dumping module `%s'.\n", it->first.c_str()); dump_module(*f, "", it->second); } reg_ct.clear(); } } VerilogBackend; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END