/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2024 Jannis Harder * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #ifndef SCOPEINFO_H #define SCOPEINFO_H #include #include #include "kernel/yosys.h" #include "kernel/celltypes.h" YOSYS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN template class IdTree { public: struct Cursor; protected: IdTree *parent = nullptr; IdString scope_name; int depth = 0; pool names; dict entries; public: // XXX dict> subtrees; template static Cursor do_insert(IdTree *tree, P begin, P end, T_ref &&value) { log_assert(begin != end && "path must be non-empty"); while (true) { IdString name = *begin; ++begin; log_assert(!name.empty()); tree->names.insert(name); if (begin == end) { tree->entries.emplace(name, std::forward(value)); return Cursor(tree, name); } auto &unique = tree->subtrees[name]; if (!unique) { unique.reset(new IdTree); unique->scope_name = name; unique->parent = tree; unique->depth = tree->depth + 1; } tree = unique.get(); } } public: IdTree() = default; IdTree(const IdTree &) = delete; IdTree(IdTree &&) = delete; // A cursor remains valid as long as the (sub-)IdTree it points at is alive struct Cursor { friend class IdTree; protected: public: IdTree *target; IdString scope_name; Cursor() : target(nullptr) {} Cursor(IdTree *target, IdString scope_name) : target(target), scope_name(scope_name) { if (scope_name.empty()) log_assert(target->parent == nullptr); } Cursor do_first_child() { IdTree *tree = nullptr; if (scope_name.empty()) { tree = target; } else { auto found = target->subtrees.find(scope_name); if (found != target->subtrees.end()) { tree = found->second.get(); } else { return Cursor(); } } if (tree->names.empty()) { return Cursor(); } return Cursor(tree, *tree->names.begin()); } Cursor do_next_sibling() { if (scope_name.empty()) return Cursor(); auto found = target->names.find(scope_name); if (found == target->names.end()) return Cursor(); ++found; if (found == target->names.end()) return Cursor(); return Cursor(target, *found); } Cursor do_parent() { if (scope_name.empty()) return Cursor(); if (target->parent != nullptr) return Cursor(target->parent, target->scope_name); return Cursor(target, IdString()); } Cursor do_next_preorder() { Cursor current = *this; Cursor next = current.do_first_child(); if (next.valid()) return next; while (current.valid()) { if (next.valid()) return next; next = current.do_next_sibling(); if (next.valid()) return next; current = current.do_parent(); } return current; } Cursor do_child(IdString name) { IdTree *tree = nullptr; if (scope_name.empty()) { tree = target; } else { auto found = target->subtrees.find(scope_name); if (found != target->subtrees.end()) { tree = found->second.get(); } else { return Cursor(); } } auto found = tree->names.find(name); if (found == tree->names.end()) { return Cursor(); } return Cursor(tree, *found); } public: bool operator==(const Cursor &other) const { return target == other.target && scope_name == other.scope_name; } bool operator!=(const Cursor &other) const { return !(*this == other); } bool valid() const { return target != nullptr; } int depth() const { log_assert(valid()); return target->depth + !scope_name.empty(); } bool is_root() const { return target != nullptr && scope_name.empty(); } bool has_entry() const { log_assert(valid()); return !scope_name.empty() && target->entries.count(scope_name); } T &entry() { log_assert(!scope_name.empty()); return target->entries.at(scope_name); } void assign_path_to(std::vector &out_path) { log_assert(valid()); out_path.clear(); if (scope_name.empty()) return; out_path.push_back(scope_name); IdTree *current = target; while (current->parent) { out_path.push_back(current->scope_name); current = current->parent; } std::reverse(out_path.begin(), out_path.end()); } std::vector path() { std::vector result; assign_path_to(result); return result; } std::string path_str() { std::string result; for (const auto &item : path()) { if (!result.empty()) result.push_back(' '); result += RTLIL::unescape_id(item); } return result; } Cursor first_child() { log_assert(valid()); return do_first_child(); } Cursor next_preorder() { log_assert(valid()); return do_next_preorder(); } Cursor parent() { log_assert(valid()); return do_parent(); } Cursor child(IdString name) { log_assert(valid()); return do_child(name); } Cursor common_ancestor(Cursor other) { Cursor current = *this; while (current != other) { if (!current.valid() || !other.valid()) return Cursor(); int delta = current.depth() - other.depth(); if (delta >= 0) current = current.do_parent(); if (delta <= 0) other = other.do_parent(); } return current; } }; template Cursor insert(P begin, P end, const T &value) { return do_insert(this, begin, end, value); } template Cursor insert(P begin, P end, T &&value) { return do_insert(this, begin, end, std::move(value)); } template Cursor insert(const P &path, const T &value) { return do_insert(this, path.begin(), path.end(), value); } template Cursor insert(const P &path, T &&value) { return do_insert(this, path.begin(), path.end(), std::move(value)); } Cursor cursor() { return parent ? Cursor(this->parent, this->scope_name) : Cursor(this, IdString()); } template Cursor cursor(P begin, P end) { Cursor current = cursor(); for (; begin != end; ++begin) { current = current.do_child(*begin); if (!current.valid()) break; } return current; } template Cursor cursor(const P &path) { return cursor(path.begin(), path.end()); } }; struct ModuleItem { enum class Type { Wire, Cell, }; Type type; void *ptr; ModuleItem(Wire *wire) : type(Type::Wire), ptr(wire) {} ModuleItem(Cell *cell) : type(Type::Cell), ptr(cell) {} bool is_wire() const { return type == Type::Wire; } bool is_cell() const { return type == Type::Cell; } Wire *wire() const { return type == Type::Wire ? static_cast(ptr) : nullptr; } Cell *cell() const { return type == Type::Cell ? static_cast(ptr) : nullptr; } bool operator==(const ModuleItem &other) const { return ptr == other.ptr && type == other.type; } Hasher hash_into(Hasher h) const { h.eat(ptr); return h; } }; static inline void log_dump_val_worker(typename IdTree::Cursor cursor ) { log("%p %s", cursor.target, log_id(cursor.scope_name)); } template static inline void log_dump_val_worker(const typename std::unique_ptr &cursor ) { log("unique %p", cursor.get()); } template std::vector parse_hdlname(const O* object) { std::vector path; if (!object->name.isPublic()) return path; for (auto const &item : object->get_hdlname_attribute()) path.push_back("\\" + item); if (path.empty()) path.push_back(object->name); return path; } template std::pair, IdString> parse_scopename(const O* object) { std::vector path; IdString trailing = object->name; if (object->name.isPublic()) { for (auto const &item : object->get_hdlname_attribute()) path.push_back("\\" + item); if (!path.empty()) { trailing = path.back(); path.pop_back(); } } else { for (auto const &item : split_tokens(object->get_string_attribute(ID(scopename)), " ")) path.push_back("\\" + item); } return {path, trailing}; } struct ModuleHdlnameIndex { typedef IdTree::Cursor Cursor; RTLIL::Module *module; IdTree tree; dict lookup; ModuleHdlnameIndex(RTLIL::Module *module) : module(module) {} private: template void index_items(I begin, I end, Filter filter); public: // Index all wires and cells of the module void index(); // Index all wires of the module void index_wires(); // Index all cells of the module void index_cells(); // Index only the $scopeinfo cells of the module. // This is sufficient when using `containing_scope`. void index_scopeinfo_cells(); // Return the cursor for the containing scope of some RTLIL object (Wire/Cell/...) template std::pair containing_scope(O *object) { auto pair = parse_scopename(object); return {tree.cursor(pair.first), pair.second}; } // Return a vector of source locations starting from the indexed module to // the scope represented by the cursor. The vector alternates module and // module item source locations, using empty strings for missing src // attributes. std::vector scope_sources(Cursor cursor); // Return a vector of source locations starting from the indexed module to // the passed RTLIL object (Wire/Cell/...). The vector alternates module // and module item source locations, using empty strings for missing src // attributes. template std::vector sources(O *object) { auto pair = parse_scopename(object); std::vector result = scope_sources(tree.cursor(pair.first)); result.push_back(object->get_src_attribute()); return result; } }; enum class ScopeinfoAttrs { Module, Cell, }; // Check whether the flattened module or flattened cell corresponding to a $scopeinfo cell had a specific attribute. bool scopeinfo_has_attribute(const RTLIL::Cell *scopeinfo, ScopeinfoAttrs attrs, const RTLIL::IdString &id); // Get a specific attribute from the flattened module or flattened cell corresponding to a $scopeinfo cell. RTLIL::Const scopeinfo_get_attribute(const RTLIL::Cell *scopeinfo, ScopeinfoAttrs attrs, const RTLIL::IdString &id); // Get all attribute from the flattened module or flattened cell corresponding to a $scopeinfo cell. dict scopeinfo_attributes(const RTLIL::Cell *scopeinfo, ScopeinfoAttrs attrs); YOSYS_NAMESPACE_END #endif