/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Claire Xenia Wolf <claire@yosyshq.com> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/celledges.h" USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void bitwise_unary_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { bool is_signed = (cell->type != ID($buf)) && cell->getParam(ID::A_SIGNED).as_bool(); int a_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)); int y_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); for (int i = 0; i < y_width; i++) { if (i < a_width) db->add_edge(cell, ID::A, i, ID::Y, i, -1); else if (is_signed && a_width > 0) db->add_edge(cell, ID::A, a_width-1, ID::Y, i, -1); } } void bitwise_binary_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { bool is_signed = cell->getParam(ID::A_SIGNED).as_bool(); int a_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)); int b_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::B)); int y_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); if (cell->type == ID($and) && !is_signed) { if (a_width > b_width) a_width = b_width; else b_width = a_width; } for (int i = 0; i < y_width; i++) { if (i < a_width) db->add_edge(cell, ID::A, i, ID::Y, i, -1); else if (is_signed && a_width > 0) db->add_edge(cell, ID::A, a_width-1, ID::Y, i, -1); if (i < b_width) db->add_edge(cell, ID::B, i, ID::Y, i, -1); else if (is_signed && b_width > 0) db->add_edge(cell, ID::B, b_width-1, ID::Y, i, -1); } } void arith_neg_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { bool is_signed = cell->getParam(ID::A_SIGNED).as_bool(); int a_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)); int y_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); if (is_signed && a_width == 1) y_width = std::min(y_width, 1); for (int i = 0; i < y_width; i++) for (int k = 0; k <= i && k < a_width; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::A, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } void arith_binary_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { bool is_signed = cell->getParam(ID::A_SIGNED).as_bool(); int a_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)); int b_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::B)); int y_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); if (!is_signed && cell->type != ID($sub)) { int ab_width = std::max(a_width, b_width); y_width = std::min(y_width, ab_width+1); } for (int i = 0; i < y_width; i++) { for (int k = 0; k <= i; k++) { if (k < a_width) db->add_edge(cell, ID::A, k, ID::Y, i, -1); if (k < b_width) db->add_edge(cell, ID::B, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } } } void reduce_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { int a_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)); for (int i = 0; i < a_width; i++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::A, i, ID::Y, 0, -1); } void compare_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { int a_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)); int b_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::B)); for (int i = 0; i < a_width; i++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::A, i, ID::Y, 0, -1); for (int i = 0; i < b_width; i++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::B, i, ID::Y, 0, -1); } void mux_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { int a_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)); int b_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::B)); int s_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::S)); for (int i = 0; i < a_width; i++) { db->add_edge(cell, ID::A, i, ID::Y, i, -1); for (int k = i; k < b_width; k += a_width) db->add_edge(cell, ID::B, k, ID::Y, i, -1); for (int k = 0; k < s_width; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::S, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } } void bmux_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { int width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); int a_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)); int s_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::S)); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int k = i; k < a_width; k += width) db->add_edge(cell, ID::A, k, ID::Y, i, -1); for (int k = 0; k < s_width; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::S, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } } void demux_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { int width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); int a_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)); int s_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::S)); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { db->add_edge(cell, ID::A, i % a_width, ID::Y, i, -1); for (int k = 0; k < s_width; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::S, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } } void shift_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { bool is_signed = cell->getParam(ID::A_SIGNED).as_bool(); bool is_b_signed = cell->getParam(ID::B_SIGNED).as_bool(); int a_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)); int b_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::B)); int y_width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); // Behavior of the different shift cells: // // $shl, $sshl -- shifts left by the amount on B port, B always unsigned // $shr, $sshr -- ditto right // $shift, $shiftx -- shifts right by the amount on B port, B optionally signed // // Sign extension (if A signed): // // $shl, $shr, $shift -- only sign-extends up to size of Y, then shifts in zeroes // $sshl, $sshr -- fully sign-extends // $shiftx -- no sign extension // // Because $shl, $sshl only shift left, and $shl sign-extens up to size of Y, they // are effectively the same. // the cap below makes sure we don't overflow in the arithmetic further down, though // it makes the edge data invalid once a_width approaches the order of 2**30 // (that ever happening is considered improbable) int b_width_capped = min(b_width, 30); int b_high, b_low; if (!is_b_signed) { b_high = (1 << b_width_capped) - 1; b_low = 0; } else { b_high = (1 << (b_width_capped - 1)) - 1; b_low = -(1 << (b_width_capped - 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < y_width; i++){ // highest position of Y that can change with the value of B int b_range_upper = 0; // 1 + highest position of A that can be moved to Y[i] int a_range_upper; // lowest position of A that can be moved to Y[i] int a_range_lower; if (cell->type.in(ID($shl), ID($sshl))) { b_range_upper = a_width + b_high; if (is_signed) b_range_upper -= 1; a_range_lower = max(0, i - b_high); a_range_upper = min(i+1, a_width); } else if (cell->type.in(ID($shr), ID($sshr)) || (cell->type.in(ID($shift), ID($shiftx)) && !is_b_signed)) { b_range_upper = a_width; a_range_lower = min(i, a_width - 1); a_range_upper = min(i+1 + b_high, a_width); } else if (cell->type.in(ID($shift), ID($shiftx)) && is_b_signed) { // can go both ways depending on sign of B // 2's complement range is different depending on direction b_range_upper = a_width - b_low; a_range_lower = max(0, i + b_low); if (is_signed) a_range_lower = min(a_range_lower, a_width - 1); a_range_upper = min(i+1 + b_high, a_width); } else { log_assert(false && "unreachable"); } if (i < b_range_upper) { for (int k = a_range_lower; k < a_range_upper; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::A, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } else { // only influence is through sign extension if (is_signed) db->add_edge(cell, ID::A, a_width - 1, ID::Y, i, -1); } for (int k = 0; k < b_width; k++) { // left shifts if (cell->type.in(ID($shl), ID($sshl))) { if (a_width == 1 && is_signed) { int skip = 1 << (k + 1); int base = skip -1; if (i % skip != base && i - a_width + 2 < 1 << b_width) db->add_edge(cell, ID::B, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } else if (is_signed) { if (i - a_width + 2 < 1 << b_width) db->add_edge(cell, ID::B, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } else { if (i - a_width + 1 < 1 << b_width) db->add_edge(cell, ID::B, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } // right shifts } else if (cell->type.in(ID($shr), ID($sshr)) || (cell->type.in(ID($shift), ID($shiftx)) && !is_b_signed)) { if (is_signed) { bool shift_in_bulk = i < a_width - 1; // can we jump into the zero-padding by toggling B[k]? bool zpad_jump = (((y_width - i) & ((1 << (k + 1)) - 1)) != 0 \ && (((y_width - i) & ~(1 << k)) < (1 << b_width))); if (shift_in_bulk || (cell->type.in(ID($shr), ID($shift), ID($shiftx)) && zpad_jump)) db->add_edge(cell, ID::B, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } else { if (i < a_width) db->add_edge(cell, ID::B, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } // bidirectional shifts (positive B shifts right, negative left) } else if (cell->type.in(ID($shift), ID($shiftx)) && is_b_signed) { if (is_signed) { if (k != b_width - 1) { bool r_shift_in_bulk = i < a_width - 1; // assuming B is positive, can we jump into the upper zero-padding by toggling B[k]? bool r_zpad_jump = (((y_width - i) & ((1 << (k + 1)) - 1)) != 0 \ && (((y_width - i) & ~(1 << k)) <= b_high)); // assuming B is negative, can we influence Y[i] by toggling B[k]? bool l = a_width - 2 - i >= b_low; if (a_width == 1) { // in case of a_width==1 we go into more detailed reasoning l = l && (~(i - a_width) & ((1 << (k + 1)) - 1)) != 0; } if (r_shift_in_bulk || r_zpad_jump || l) db->add_edge(cell, ID::B, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } else { if (y_width - i <= b_high || a_width - 2 - i >= b_low) db->add_edge(cell, ID::B, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } } else { if (a_width - 1 - i >= b_low) db->add_edge(cell, ID::B, k, ID::Y, i, -1); } } else { log_assert(false && "unreachable"); } } } } void packed_mem_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { log_assert(cell->type == ID($mem_v2)); Const rd_clk_enable = cell->getParam(ID::RD_CLK_ENABLE); int n_rd_ports = cell->getParam(ID::RD_PORTS).as_int(); int abits = cell->getParam(ID::ABITS).as_int(); int width = cell->getParam(ID::WIDTH).as_int(); for (int i = 0; i < n_rd_ports; i++) { if (rd_clk_enable[i] != State::S0) { for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::RD_ARST, i, ID::RD_DATA, i * width + k, -1); continue; } for (int j = 0; j < abits; j++) for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::RD_ADDR, i * abits + j, ID::RD_DATA, i * width + k, -1); } } void memrd_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { log_assert(cell->type.in(ID($memrd), ID($memrd_v2))); int abits = cell->getParam(ID::ABITS).as_int(); int width = cell->getParam(ID::WIDTH).as_int(); if (cell->getParam(ID::CLK_ENABLE).as_bool()) { if (cell->type == ID($memrd_v2)) { for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::ARST, 0, ID::DATA, k, -1); } return; } for (int j = 0; j < abits; j++) for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::ADDR, j, ID::DATA, k, -1); } void mem_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { if (cell->type == ID($mem_v2)) packed_mem_op(db, cell); else if (cell->type.in(ID($memrd), ID($memrd_v2))) memrd_op(db, cell); else if (cell->type.in(ID($memwr), ID($memwr_v2), ID($meminit))) return; /* no edges here */ else log_abort(); } void ff_op(AbstractCellEdgesDatabase *db, RTLIL::Cell *cell) { int width = cell->getPort(ID::Q).size(); if (cell->type.in(ID($dlatch), ID($adlatch), ID($dlatchsr))) { for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) { db->add_edge(cell, ID::D, k, ID::Q, k, -1); db->add_edge(cell, ID::EN, 0, ID::Q, k, -1); } } if (cell->hasPort(ID::CLR)) for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::CLR, 0, ID::Q, k, -1); if (cell->hasPort(ID::SET)) for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::SET, 0, ID::Q, k, -1); if (cell->hasPort(ID::ALOAD)) for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::ALOAD, 0, ID::Q, k, -1); if (cell->hasPort(ID::AD)) for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::AD, k, ID::Q, k, -1); if (cell->hasPort(ID::ARST)) for (int k = 0; k < width; k++) db->add_edge(cell, ID::ARST, 0, ID::Q, k, -1); } PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END bool YOSYS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX AbstractCellEdgesDatabase::add_edges_from_cell(RTLIL::Cell *cell) { if (cell->type.in(ID($not), ID($pos), ID($buf))) { bitwise_unary_op(this, cell); return true; } if (cell->type.in(ID($and), ID($or), ID($xor), ID($xnor))) { bitwise_binary_op(this, cell); return true; } if (cell->type == ID($neg)) { arith_neg_op(this, cell); return true; } if (cell->type.in(ID($add), ID($sub))) { arith_binary_op(this, cell); return true; } if (cell->type.in(ID($reduce_and), ID($reduce_or), ID($reduce_xor), ID($reduce_xnor), ID($reduce_bool), ID($logic_not))) { reduce_op(this, cell); return true; } if (cell->type.in(ID($shl), ID($shr), ID($sshl), ID($sshr), ID($shift), ID($shiftx))) { shift_op(this, cell); return true; } if (cell->type.in(ID($lt), ID($le), ID($eq), ID($ne), ID($eqx), ID($nex), ID($ge), ID($gt))) { compare_op(this, cell); return true; } if (cell->type.in(ID($mux), ID($pmux))) { mux_op(this, cell); return true; } if (cell->type == ID($bmux)) { bmux_op(this, cell); return true; } if (cell->type == ID($demux)) { demux_op(this, cell); return true; } if (cell->type.in(ID($mem_v2), ID($memrd), ID($memrd_v2), ID($memwr), ID($memwr_v2), ID($meminit))) { mem_op(this, cell); return true; } if (RTLIL::builtin_ff_cell_types().count(cell->type)) { ff_op(this, cell); return true; } // FIXME: $mul $div $mod $divfloor $modfloor $slice $concat // FIXME: $lut $sop $alu $lcu $macc $fa // FIXME: $mul $div $mod $divfloor $modfloor $pow $slice $concat $bweqx // FIXME: $lut $sop $alu $lcu $macc $fa $logic_and $logic_or $bwmux // FIXME: $_BUF_ $_NOT_ $_AND_ $_NAND_ $_OR_ $_NOR_ $_XOR_ $_XNOR_ $_ANDNOT_ $_ORNOT_ // FIXME: $_MUX_ $_NMUX_ $_MUX4_ $_MUX8_ $_MUX16_ $_AOI3_ $_OAI3_ $_AOI4_ $_OAI4_ // FIXME: $specify2 $specify3 $specrule ??? // FIXME: $equiv $set_tag $get_tag $overwrite_tag $original_tag if (cell->type.in(ID($assert), ID($assume), ID($live), ID($fair), ID($cover), ID($initstate), ID($anyconst), ID($anyseq), ID($allconst), ID($allseq))) return true; // no-op: these have either no inputs or no outputs return false; }