#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite # # Copyright (C) 2022 Jannis Harder <jix@yosyshq.com> <me@jix.one> # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # import os, sys, itertools, re ##yosys-sys-path## import json import click from ywio import ReadWitness, WriteWitness, WitnessSig, WitnessSigMap, WitnessValues, coalesce_signals @click.group() def cli(): pass @cli.command(help=""" Display a Yosys witness trace in a human readable format. """) @click.argument("input", type=click.File("r")) def display(input): click.echo(f"Reading Yosys witness trace {input.name!r}...") inyw = ReadWitness(input) def output(): yield click.style("*** RTLIL bit-order below may differ from source level declarations ***", fg="red") if inyw.clocks: yield click.style("=== Clock Signals ===", fg="blue") for clock in inyw.clocks: yield f" {clock['edge']} {WitnessSig(clock['path'], clock['offset']).pretty()}" for t, values in inyw.steps(): if t: yield click.style(f"=== Step {t} ===", fg="blue") else: yield click.style("=== Initial State ===", fg="blue") step_prefix = click.style(f"#{t}", fg="bright_black") signals, missing = values.present_signals(inyw.sigmap) assert not missing for sig in signals: display_bits = values[sig].replace("?", click.style("?", fg="bright_black")) yield f" {step_prefix} {sig.pretty()} = {display_bits}" click.echo_via_pager([line + "\n" for line in output()]) @cli.command(help=""" Display statistics of a Yosys witness trace. """) @click.argument("input", type=click.File("r")) def stats(input): click.echo(f"Reading Yosys witness trace {input.name!r}...") inyw = ReadWitness(input) total = 0 for t, values in inyw.steps(): click.echo(f"{t:5}: {len(values.values):8} bits") total += len(values.values) click.echo(f"total: {total:8} bits") @cli.command(help=""" Transform a Yosys witness trace. Currently no transformations are implemented, so it is only useful for testing. """) @click.argument("input", type=click.File("r")) @click.argument("output", type=click.File("w")) def yw2yw(input, output): click.echo(f"Copying yosys witness trace from {input.name!r} to {output.name!r}...") inyw = ReadWitness(input) outyw = WriteWitness(output, "yosys-witness yw2yw") for clock in inyw.clocks: outyw.add_clock(clock["path"], clock["offset"], clock["edge"]) for sig in inyw.signals: outyw.add_sig(sig.path, sig.offset, sig.width, sig.init_only) for t, values in inyw.steps(): outyw.step(values) outyw.end_trace() click.echo(f"Copied {outyw.t + 1} time steps.") class AigerMap: def __init__(self, mapfile): data = json.load(mapfile) self.latch_count = data["latch_count"] self.input_count = data["input_count"] self.clocks = data["clocks"] self.sigmap = WitnessSigMap() self.init_inputs = set(init["input"] for init in data["inits"]) for bit in data["inputs"] + data["seqs"] + data["inits"]: self.sigmap.add_bit((tuple(bit["path"]), bit["offset"]), bit["input"]) @cli.command(help=""" Convert an AIGER witness trace into a Yosys witness trace. This requires a Yosys witness AIGER map file as generated by 'write_aiger -ywmap'. """) @click.argument("input", type=click.File("r")) @click.argument("mapfile", type=click.File("r")) @click.argument("output", type=click.File("w")) def aiw2yw(input, mapfile, output): input_name = input.name click.echo(f"Converting AIGER witness trace {input_name!r} to Yosys witness trace {output.name!r}...") click.echo(f"Using Yosys witness AIGER map file {mapfile.name!r}") aiger_map = AigerMap(mapfile) header_lines = list(itertools.islice(input, 0, 2)) if len(header_lines) == 2 and header_lines[1][0] in ".bcjf": status = header_lines[0].strip() if status == "0": raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: file contains no trace, the AIGER status is unsat") elif status == "2": raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: file contains no trace, the AIGER status is sat") elif status != "1": raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: unexpected data in AIGER witness file") else: input = itertools.chain(header_lines, input) ffline = next(input, None) if ffline is None: raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: unexpected end of file") ffline = ffline.strip() if not re.match(r'[01x]*$', ffline): raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: unexpected data in AIGER witness file") if not re.match(r'[0]*$', ffline): raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: non-default initial state not supported") outyw = WriteWitness(output, 'yosys-witness aiw2yw') for clock in aiger_map.clocks: outyw.add_clock(clock["path"], clock["offset"], clock["edge"]) for (path, offset), id in aiger_map.sigmap.bit_to_id.items(): outyw.add_sig(path, offset, init_only=id in aiger_map.init_inputs) missing = set() while True: inline = next(input, None) if inline is None: click.echo(f"Warning: {input_name}: file may be incomplete") break inline = inline.strip() if inline in [".", "# DONE"]: break if inline.startswith("#"): continue if not re.match(r'[01x]*$', ffline): raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: unexpected data in AIGER witness file") if len(inline) != aiger_map.input_count: raise click.ClickException( f"{input_name}: {mapfile.name}: number of inputs does not match, " f"{len(inline)} in witness, {aiger_map.input_count} in map file") values = WitnessValues() for i, v in enumerate(inline): if v == "x" or outyw.t > 0 and i in aiger_map.init_inputs: continue try: bit = aiger_map.sigmap.id_to_bit[i] except IndexError: bit = None if bit is None: missing.insert(i) values[bit] = v outyw.step(values) outyw.end_trace() if missing: click.echo("The following AIGER inputs belong to unknown signals:") click.echo(" " + " ".join(str(id) for id in sorted(missing))) click.echo(f"Converted {outyw.t} time steps.") @cli.command(help=""" Convert a Yosys witness trace into an AIGER witness trace. This requires a Yosys witness AIGER map file as generated by 'write_aiger -ywmap'. """) @click.argument("input", type=click.File("r")) @click.argument("mapfile", type=click.File("r")) @click.argument("output", type=click.File("w")) def yw2aiw(input, mapfile, output): click.echo(f"Converting Yosys witness trace {input.name!r} to AIGER witness trace {output.name!r}...") click.echo(f"Using Yosys witness AIGER map file {mapfile.name!r}") aiger_map = AigerMap(mapfile) inyw = ReadWitness(input) print("1", file=output) print("b0", file=output) # TODO the b0 status isn't really accurate, but we don't have any better info here print("0" * aiger_map.latch_count, file=output) all_missing = set() for t, step in inyw.steps(): bits, missing = step.pack_present(aiger_map.sigmap) bits = bits[::-1].replace('?', 'x') all_missing.update(missing) bits += 'x' * (aiger_map.input_count - len(bits)) print(bits, file=output) print(".", file=output) if all_missing: click.echo("The following signals are missing in the AIGER map file and will be dropped:") for sig in coalesce_signals(WitnessSig(*bit) for bit in all_missing): click.echo(" " + sig.pretty()) click.echo(f"Converted {len(inyw)} time steps.") if __name__ == "__main__": cli()