read_verilog <<EOT module opt_expr_add_test(input [3:0] i, input [7:0] j, output [8:0] o); assign o = (i << 4) + j; endmodule EOT equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$add r:A_WIDTH=5 r:B_WIDTH=4 r:Y_WIDTH=5 %i %i %i ########## # alumacc version of above design -reset read_verilog <<EOT module opt_expr_add_test(input [3:0] i, input [7:0] j, output [8:0] o); assign o = (i << 4) + j; endmodule EOT alumacc equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$alu r:A_WIDTH=4 r:B_WIDTH=5 r:Y_WIDTH=5 %i %i %i ########## design -reset read_verilog <<EOT module opt_expr_add_signed_test(input signed [3:0] i, input signed [7:0] j, output signed [8:0] o); assign o = (i << 4) + j; endmodule EOT equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$add r:A_WIDTH=5 r:B_WIDTH=4 r:Y_WIDTH=5 %i %i %i ########## # alumacc version of above design -reset read_verilog <<EOT module opt_expr_add_signed_test(input signed [3:0] i, input signed [7:0] j, output signed [8:0] o); assign o = (i << 4) + j; endmodule EOT alumacc equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$alu r:A_WIDTH=4 r:B_WIDTH=5 r:Y_WIDTH=5 %i %i %i ########## design -reset read_verilog <<EOT module opt_expr_sub_test1(input [3:0] i, input [7:0] j, output [8:0] o); assign o = j - (i << 4); endmodule EOT equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$sub r:A_WIDTH=4 r:B_WIDTH=5 r:Y_WIDTH=5 %i %i %i ########## # alumacc version of above design -reset read_verilog <<EOT module opt_expr_sub_test1(input [3:0] i, input [7:0] j, output [8:0] o); assign o = j - (i << 4); endmodule EOT alumacc equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt dump select -assert-count 1 t:$alu r:A_WIDTH=4 r:B_WIDTH=5 r:Y_WIDTH=5 %i %i %i ########## design -reset read_verilog <<EOT module opt_expr_sub_signed_test1(input signed [3:0] i, input signed [7:0] j, output signed [8:0] o); assign o = j - (i << 4); endmodule EOT equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$sub r:A_WIDTH=4 r:B_WIDTH=5 r:Y_WIDTH=5 %i %i %i ########## # alumacc version of above design -reset read_verilog <<EOT module opt_expr_sub_signed_test1(input signed [3:0] i, input signed [7:0] j, output signed [8:0] o); assign o = j - (i << 4); endmodule EOT alumacc equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$alu r:A_WIDTH=4 r:B_WIDTH=5 r:Y_WIDTH=5 %i %i %i ########## design -reset read_verilog <<EOT module opt_expr_sub_test2(input [3:0] i, input [7:0] j, output [8:0] o); assign o = (i << 4) - j; endmodule EOT equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$sub r:A_WIDTH=9 r:B_WIDTH=8 r:Y_WIDTH=9 %i %i %i ########## # alumacc version of above design -reset read_verilog <<EOT module opt_expr_sub_test2(input [3:0] i, input [7:0] j, output [8:0] o); assign o = (i << 4) - j; endmodule EOT alumacc opt_expr -fine equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$alu r:A_WIDTH=9 r:B_WIDTH=8 r:Y_WIDTH=9 %i %i %i ########## design -reset read_verilog <<EOT module opt_expr_sub_test4(input [3:0] i, output [8:0] o); assign o = 5'b00010 - i; endmodule EOT wreduce equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$sub r:A_WIDTH=2 r:B_WIDTH=4 r:Y_WIDTH=5 %i %i %i ########## # alumacc version of above design -reset read_verilog <<EOT module opt_expr_sub_test4(input [3:0] i, output [8:0] o); assign o = 5'b00010 - i; endmodule EOT wreduce alumacc equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$alu r:A_WIDTH=2 r:B_WIDTH=4 r:Y_WIDTH=5 %i %i %i ########### design -reset read_verilog -icells <<EOT module opt_expr_alu_test_ci0_bi0(input [7:0] a, input [3:0] b, output [8:0] x, y, co); \$alu #(.A_SIGNED(0), .B_SIGNED(0), .A_WIDTH(8), .B_WIDTH(8), .Y_WIDTH(9)) alu (.A(a), .B({b, 4'b0000}), .CI(1'b0), .BI(1'b0), .X(x), .Y(y), .CO(co)); endmodule EOT check equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$alu r:A_WIDTH=4 r:B_WIDTH=4 r:Y_WIDTH=5 %i %i %i ########### design -reset read_verilog -icells <<EOT module opt_expr_alu_test_ci1_bi1(input [7:0] a, input [3:0] b, output [8:0] x, y, co); \$alu #(.A_SIGNED(0), .B_SIGNED(0), .A_WIDTH(8), .B_WIDTH(8), .Y_WIDTH(9)) alu (.A(a), .B({b, 4'b0000}), .CI(1'b1), .BI(1'b1), .X(x), .Y(y), .CO(co)); endmodule EOT check equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$alu r:A_WIDTH=4 r:B_WIDTH=4 r:Y_WIDTH=5 %i %i %i ########### design -reset read_verilog -icells <<EOT module opt_expr_alu_test_ci0_bi1(input [7:0] a, input [3:0] b, output [8:0] x, y, co); \$alu #(.A_SIGNED(0), .B_SIGNED(0), .A_WIDTH(8), .B_WIDTH(8), .Y_WIDTH(9)) alu (.A(a), .B({b, 4'b0000}), .CI(1'b0), .BI(1'b1), .X(x), .Y(y), .CO(co)); endmodule EOT check equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -fine design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$alu r:A_WIDTH=8 r:B_WIDTH=8 r:Y_WIDTH=9 %i %i %i ########### design -reset read_verilog -icells <<EOT module opt_expr_shiftx_1bit(input [2:0] a, input [1:0] b, output y); \$shiftx #(.A_SIGNED(0), .B_SIGNED(0), .A_WIDTH(4), .B_WIDTH(2), .Y_WIDTH(1)) shiftx (.A({1'bx,a}), .B(b), .Y(y)); endmodule EOT check equiv_opt -assert opt_expr design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$shiftx r:A_WIDTH=3 %i ########### design -reset read_verilog -icells <<EOT module opt_expr_shiftx_3bit(input [9:0] a, input [3:0] b, output [2:0] y); \$shiftx #(.A_SIGNED(0), .B_SIGNED(0), .A_WIDTH(14), .B_WIDTH(4), .Y_WIDTH(3)) shiftx (.A({4'bxx00,a}), .B(b), .Y(y)); endmodule EOT check equiv_opt -assert opt_expr design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$shiftx r:A_WIDTH=12 %i ########### design -reset read_verilog -icells <<EOT module opt_expr_shift_1bit(input [2:0] a, input [1:0] b, output y); \$shift #(.A_SIGNED(0), .B_SIGNED(0), .A_WIDTH(4), .B_WIDTH(2), .Y_WIDTH(1)) shift (.A({1'b0,a}), .B(b), .Y(y)); endmodule EOT check equiv_opt -assert opt_expr design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$shift r:A_WIDTH=3 %i ########### design -reset read_verilog -icells <<EOT module opt_expr_shift_3bit(input [9:0] a, input [3:0] b, output [2:0] y); \$shift #(.A_SIGNED(0), .B_SIGNED(0), .A_WIDTH(14), .B_WIDTH(4), .Y_WIDTH(3)) shift (.A({4'b0x0x,a}), .B(b), .Y(y)); endmodule EOT check equiv_opt -assert opt_expr design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$shift r:A_WIDTH=10 %i ########### design -reset read_verilog -icells <<EOT module opt_expr_shift_3bit_keepdc(input [9:0] a, input [3:0] b, output [2:0] y); \$shift #(.A_SIGNED(0), .B_SIGNED(0), .A_WIDTH(14), .B_WIDTH(4), .Y_WIDTH(3)) shift (.A({4'b0x0x,a}), .B(b), .Y(y)); endmodule EOT check equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -keepdc design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$shift r:A_WIDTH=13 %i ########### design -reset read_verilog -icells <<EOT module opt_expr_mul_low_bits(input [2:0] a, input [2:0] b, output [7:0] y); \$mul #(.A_SIGNED(0), .B_SIGNED(0), .A_WIDTH(4), .B_WIDTH(4), .Y_WIDTH(8)) mul (.A({a, 1'b0}), .B({b, 1'b0}), .Y(y)); endmodule EOT check equiv_opt -assert opt_expr design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$mul r:A_WIDTH=3 %i r:B_WIDTH=3 %i r:Y_WIDTH=6 %i ########### design -reset read_verilog -icells <<EOT module opt_expr_mul_low_bits(input [2:0] a, input [2:0] b, output [7:0] y); \$mul #(.A_SIGNED(0), .B_SIGNED(0), .A_WIDTH(4), .B_WIDTH(4), .Y_WIDTH(8)) mul (.A({a, 1'b0}), .B({b, 1'b0}), .Y(y)); endmodule EOT check equiv_opt -assert opt_expr -keepdc design -load postopt select -assert-count 1 t:$mul r:A_WIDTH=4 %i r:B_WIDTH=4 %i r:Y_WIDTH=8 %i