/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2024 Jannis Harder * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #ifndef FUNCTIONAL_H #define FUNCTIONAL_H #include #include "kernel/yosys.h" YOSYS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN template< typename Fn, // Function type (deduplicated across whole graph) typename Attr = std::tuple<>, // Call attributes (present in every node) typename SparseAttr = std::tuple<>, // Sparse call attributes (optional per node) typename Key = std::tuple<> // Stable keys to refer to nodes > struct ComputeGraph { struct Ref; private: // Functions are deduplicated by assigning unique ids idict functions; struct Node { int fn_index; int arg_offset; int arg_count; Attr attr; Node(int fn_index, Attr &&attr, int arg_offset, int arg_count = 0) : fn_index(fn_index), arg_offset(arg_offset), arg_count(arg_count), attr(std::move(attr)) {} Node(int fn_index, Attr const &attr, int arg_offset, int arg_count = 0) : fn_index(fn_index), arg_offset(arg_offset), arg_count(arg_count), attr(attr) {} }; std::vector nodes; std::vector args; dict keys_; dict sparse_attrs; public: template struct BaseRef { protected: friend struct ComputeGraph; Graph *graph_; int index_; BaseRef(Graph *graph, int index) : graph_(graph), index_(index) { log_assert(index_ >= 0); check(); } void check() const { log_assert(index_ < graph_->size()); } Node const &deref() const { check(); return graph_->nodes[index_]; } public: ComputeGraph const &graph() const { return graph_; } int index() const { return index_; } int size() const { return deref().arg_count; } BaseRef arg(int n) const { Node const &node = deref(); log_assert(n >= 0 && n < node.arg_count); return BaseRef(graph_, graph_->args[node.arg_offset + n]); } std::vector::const_iterator arg_indices_cbegin() const { Node const &node = deref(); return graph_->args.cbegin() + node.arg_offset; } std::vector::const_iterator arg_indices_cend() const { Node const &node = deref(); return graph_->args.cbegin() + node.arg_offset + node.arg_count; } Fn const &function() const { return graph_->functions[deref().fn_index]; } Attr const &attr() const { return deref().attr; } bool has_sparse_attr() const { return graph_->sparse_attrs.count(index_); } SparseAttr const &sparse_attr() const { auto found = graph_->sparse_attrs.find(index_); log_assert(found != graph_->sparse_attrs.end()); return found->second; } }; using ConstRef = BaseRef; struct Ref : public BaseRef { private: friend struct ComputeGraph; Ref(ComputeGraph *graph, int index) : BaseRef(graph, index) {} Node &deref() const { this->check(); return this->graph_->nodes[this->index_]; } public: Ref(BaseRef ref) : Ref(ref.graph_, ref.index_) {} void set_function(Fn const &function) const { deref().fn_index = this->graph_->functions(function); } Attr &attr() const { return deref().attr; } void append_arg(ConstRef arg) const { log_assert(arg.graph_ == this->graph_); append_arg(arg.index()); } void append_arg(int arg) const { log_assert(arg >= 0 && arg < this->graph_->size()); Node &node = deref(); if (node.arg_offset + node.arg_count != GetSize(this->graph_->args)) move_args(node); this->graph_->args.push_back(arg); node.arg_count++; } operator ConstRef() const { return ConstRef(this->graph_, this->index_); } SparseAttr &sparse_attr() const { return this->graph_->sparse_attrs[this->index_]; } void clear_sparse_attr() const { this->graph_->sparse_attrs.erase(this->index_); } void assign_key(Key const &key) const { this->graph_->keys_.emplace(key, this->index_); } private: void move_args(Node &node) const { auto &args = this->graph_->args; int old_offset = node.arg_offset; node.arg_offset = GetSize(args); for (int i = 0; i != node.arg_count; ++i) args.push_back(args[old_offset + i]); } }; bool has_key(Key const &key) const { return keys_.count(key); } dict const &keys() const { return keys_; } ConstRef operator()(Key const &key) const { auto it = keys_.find(key); log_assert(it != keys_.end()); return (*this)[it->second]; } Ref operator()(Key const &key) { auto it = keys_.find(key); log_assert(it != keys_.end()); return (*this)[it->second]; } int size() const { return GetSize(nodes); } ConstRef operator[](int index) const { return ConstRef(this, index); } Ref operator[](int index) { return Ref(this, index); } Ref add(Fn const &function, Attr &&attr) { int index = GetSize(nodes); int fn_index = functions(function); nodes.emplace_back(fn_index, std::move(attr), GetSize(args)); return Ref(this, index); } Ref add(Fn const &function, Attr const &attr) { int index = GetSize(nodes); int fn_index = functions(function); nodes.emplace_back(fn_index, attr, GetSize(args)); return Ref(this, index); } template Ref add(Fn const &function, Attr const &attr, T &&args) { Ref added = add(function, attr); for (auto arg : args) added.append_arg(arg); return added; } template Ref add(Fn const &function, Attr &&attr, T &&args) { Ref added = add(function, std::move(attr)); for (auto arg : args) added.append_arg(arg); return added; } Ref add(Fn const &function, Attr const &attr, std::initializer_list args) { Ref added = add(function, attr); for (auto arg : args) added.append_arg(arg); return added; } Ref add(Fn const &function, Attr &&attr, std::initializer_list args) { Ref added = add(function, std::move(attr)); for (auto arg : args) added.append_arg(arg); return added; } template Ref add(Fn const &function, Attr const &attr, T begin, T end) { Ref added = add(function, attr); for (; begin != end; ++begin) added.append_arg(*begin); return added; } void permute(std::vector const &perm) { log_assert(perm.size() <= nodes.size()); std::vector inv_perm; inv_perm.resize(nodes.size(), -1); for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(perm); ++i) { int j = perm[i]; log_assert(j >= 0 && j < GetSize(perm)); log_assert(inv_perm[j] == -1); inv_perm[j] = i; } permute(perm, inv_perm); } void permute(std::vector const &perm, std::vector const &inv_perm) { log_assert(inv_perm.size() == nodes.size()); std::vector new_nodes; new_nodes.reserve(perm.size()); dict new_sparse_attrs; for (int i : perm) { int j = GetSize(new_nodes); new_nodes.emplace_back(std::move(nodes[i])); auto found = sparse_attrs.find(i); if (found != sparse_attrs.end()) new_sparse_attrs.emplace(j, std::move(found->second)); } std::swap(nodes, new_nodes); std::swap(sparse_attrs, new_sparse_attrs); for (int &arg : args) { log_assert(arg < GetSize(inv_perm)); arg = inv_perm[arg]; } for (auto &key : keys_) { log_assert(key.second < GetSize(inv_perm)); key.second = inv_perm[key.second]; } } struct SccAdaptor { private: ComputeGraph const &graph_; std::vector indices_; public: SccAdaptor(ComputeGraph const &graph) : graph_(graph) { indices_.resize(graph.size(), -1); } typedef int node_type; struct node_enumerator { private: friend struct SccAdaptor; int current, end; node_enumerator(int current, int end) : current(current), end(end) {} public: bool finished() const { return current == end; } node_type next() { log_assert(!finished()); node_type result = current; ++current; return result; } }; node_enumerator enumerate_nodes() { return node_enumerator(0, GetSize(indices_)); } struct successor_enumerator { private: friend struct SccAdaptor; std::vector::const_iterator current, end; successor_enumerator(std::vector::const_iterator current, std::vector::const_iterator end) : current(current), end(end) {} public: bool finished() const { return current == end; } node_type next() { log_assert(!finished()); node_type result = *current; ++current; return result; } }; successor_enumerator enumerate_successors(int index) const { auto const &ref = graph_[index]; return successor_enumerator(ref.arg_indices_cbegin(), ref.arg_indices_cend()); } int &dfs_index(node_type const &node) { return indices_[node]; } std::vector const &dfs_indices() { return indices_; } }; }; YOSYS_NAMESPACE_END #endif