Example(s) ---------- .. _sec:typusecase: Typical use case ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following example script may be used in a synthesis flow to convert the behavioural Verilog code from the input file design.v to a gate-level netlist synth.v using the cell library described by the Liberty file : .. code:: yoscrypt :number-lines: #. read input file to internal representation read_verilog design.v #. convert high-level behavioral parts ("processes") to d-type flip-flops and muxes proc #. perform some simple optimizations opt #. convert high-level memory constructs to d-type flip-flops and multiplexers memory #. perform some simple optimizations opt #. convert design to (logical) gate-level netlists techmap #. perform some simple optimizations opt #. map internal register types to the ones from the cell library dfflibmap -liberty cells.lib #. use ABC to map remaining logic to cells from the cell library abc -liberty cells.lib #. cleanup opt #. write results to output file write_verilog synth.v A detailed description of the commands available in Yosys can be found in :ref:`cmd_ref`. Simple synthesis script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section covers an example project available in ``docs/resources/PRESENTATION_Intro/*``. The project contains a simple ASIC synthesis script (``counter.ys``), a digital design written in Verilog (``counter.v``), and a simple CMOS cell library (``mycells.lib``). .. literalinclude:: ../../resources/PRESENTATION_Intro/counter.ys :language: yoscrypt :caption: ``docs/resources/PRESENTATION_Intro/counter.ys`` .. role:: yoscrypt(code) :language: yoscrypt #. :yoscrypt:`read_verilog counter.v` - Read Verilog source file and convert to internal representation. #. :yoscrypt:`hierarchy -check -top counter` - Elaborate the design hierarchy. Should always be the first command after reading the design. Can re-run AST front-end. #. :yoscrypt:`proc` - Convert ``processes`` (the internal representation of behavioral Verilog code) into multiplexers and registers. #. :yoscrypt:`opt` - Perform some basic optimizations and cleanups. #. :yoscrypt:`fsm` - Analyze and optimize finite state machines. #. :yoscrypt:`opt` - Perform some basic optimizations and cleanups. #. :yoscrypt:`memory` - Analyze memories and create circuits to implement them. #. :yoscrypt:`opt` - Perform some basic optimizations and cleanups. #. :yoscrypt:`techmap` - Map coarse-grain RTL cells (adders, etc.) to fine-grain logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, etc.). #. :yoscrypt:`opt` - Perform some basic optimizations and cleanups. #. :yoscrypt:`dfflibmap -liberty mycells.lib` - Map registers to available hardware flip-flops. #. :yoscrypt:`abc -liberty mycells.lib` - Map logic to available hardware gates. #. :yoscrypt:`clean` - Clean up the design (just the last step of :cmd:ref:`opt`). #. :yoscrypt:`write_verilog synth.v` - Write final synthesis result to output file. Running the script ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../resources/PRESENTATION_Intro/counter.v :language: Verilog :caption: ``docs/resources/PRESENTATION_Intro/counter.v`` .. literalinclude:: ../../resources/PRESENTATION_Intro/mycells.lib :language: Liberty :caption: ``docs/resources/PRESENTATION_Intro/mycells.lib`` Step 1 """""" .. literalinclude:: ../../resources/PRESENTATION_Intro/counter.ys :language: yoscrypt :lines: 1-3 Result: .. figure:: ../../images/res/PRESENTATION_Intro/counter_00.* :class: width-helper Step 2 """""" .. literalinclude:: ../../resources/PRESENTATION_Intro/counter.ys :language: yoscrypt :lines: 5-6 Result: .. figure:: ../../images/res/PRESENTATION_Intro/counter_01.* :class: width-helper Step 3 """""" .. literalinclude:: ../../resources/PRESENTATION_Intro/counter.ys :language: yoscrypt :lines: 8-9 Result: .. figure:: ../../images/res/PRESENTATION_Intro/counter_02.* :class: width-helper Step 4 """""" .. literalinclude:: ../../resources/PRESENTATION_Intro/counter.ys :language: yoscrypt :lines: 11-18 Result: .. figure:: ../../images/res/PRESENTATION_Intro/counter_03.* :class: width-helper