/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/yosys.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #include "passes/pmgen/xilinx_dsp_pm.h" static Cell* addDsp(Module *module) { Cell *cell = module->addCell(NEW_ID, "\\DSP48E1"); cell->setParam("\\ACASCREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\ADREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\A_INPUT", Const("DIRECT")); cell->setParam("\\ALUMODEREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\AREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\BCASCREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\B_INPUT", Const("DIRECT")); cell->setParam("\\BREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\CARRYINREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\CARRYINSELREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\CREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\DREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\INMODEREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\MREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\OPMODEREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\PREG", 0); cell->setParam("\\USE_MULT", Const("NONE")); cell->setPort("\\D", Const(0, 24)); cell->setPort("\\INMODE", Const(0, 5)); cell->setPort("\\ALUMODE", Const(0, 4)); cell->setPort("\\OPMODE", Const(0, 7)); cell->setPort("\\CARRYINSEL", Const(0, 3)); cell->setPort("\\ACIN", Const(0, 30)); cell->setPort("\\BCIN", Const(0, 18)); cell->setPort("\\PCIN", Const(0, 48)); cell->setPort("\\CARRYIN", Const(0, 1)); return cell; } void pack_xilinx_simd(Module *module, const std::vector &selected_cells) { std::deque simd12_add, simd12_sub; std::deque simd24_add, simd24_sub; for (auto cell : selected_cells) { if (!cell->type.in("$add", "$sub")) continue; SigSpec Y = cell->getPort("\\Y"); if (!Y.is_chunk()) continue; if (!Y.as_chunk().wire->get_strpool_attribute("\\use_dsp").count("simd")) continue; if (GetSize(Y) > 25) continue; SigSpec A = cell->getPort("\\A"); SigSpec B = cell->getPort("\\B"); if (GetSize(Y) <= 13) { if (GetSize(A) > 12) continue; if (GetSize(B) > 12) continue; if (cell->type == "$add") simd12_add.push_back(cell); else if (cell->type == "$sub") simd12_sub.push_back(cell); } else if (GetSize(Y) <= 25) { if (GetSize(A) > 24) continue; if (GetSize(B) > 24) continue; if (cell->type == "$add") simd24_add.push_back(cell); else if (cell->type == "$sub") simd24_sub.push_back(cell); } else log_abort(); } auto f12 = [module](SigSpec &AB, SigSpec &C, SigSpec &P, SigSpec &CARRYOUT, Cell *lane) { SigSpec A = lane->getPort("\\A"); SigSpec B = lane->getPort("\\B"); SigSpec Y = lane->getPort("\\Y"); A.extend_u0(12, lane->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool()); B.extend_u0(12, lane->getParam("\\B_SIGNED").as_bool()); AB.append(A); C.append(B); if (GetSize(Y) < 13) Y.append(module->addWire(NEW_ID, 13-GetSize(Y))); else log_assert(GetSize(Y) == 13); P.append(Y.extract(0, 12)); CARRYOUT.append(Y[12]); }; auto g12 = [&f12,module](std::deque &simd12) { while (simd12.size() > 1) { SigSpec AB, C, P, CARRYOUT; Cell *lane1 = simd12.front(); simd12.pop_front(); Cell *lane2 = simd12.front(); simd12.pop_front(); Cell *lane3 = nullptr; Cell *lane4 = nullptr; if (!simd12.empty()) { lane3 = simd12.front(); simd12.pop_front(); if (!simd12.empty()) { lane4 = simd12.front(); simd12.pop_front(); } } log("Analysing %s.%s for Xilinx DSP SIMD12 packing.\n", log_id(module), log_id(lane1)); Cell *cell = addDsp(module); cell->setParam("\\USE_SIMD", Const("FOUR12")); // X = A:B // Y = 0 // Z = C cell->setPort("\\OPMODE", Const::from_string("0110011")); log_assert(lane1); log_assert(lane2); f12(AB, C, P, CARRYOUT, lane1); f12(AB, C, P, CARRYOUT, lane2); if (lane3) { f12(AB, C, P, CARRYOUT, lane3); if (lane4) f12(AB, C, P, CARRYOUT, lane4); else { AB.append(Const(0, 12)); C.append(Const(0, 12)); P.append(module->addWire(NEW_ID, 12)); CARRYOUT.append(module->addWire(NEW_ID, 1)); } } else { AB.append(Const(0, 24)); C.append(Const(0, 24)); P.append(module->addWire(NEW_ID, 24)); CARRYOUT.append(module->addWire(NEW_ID, 2)); } log_assert(GetSize(AB) == 48); log_assert(GetSize(C) == 48); log_assert(GetSize(P) == 48); log_assert(GetSize(CARRYOUT) == 4); cell->setPort("\\A", AB.extract(18, 30)); cell->setPort("\\B", AB.extract(0, 18)); cell->setPort("\\C", C); cell->setPort("\\P", P); cell->setPort("\\CARRYOUT", CARRYOUT); if (lane1->type == "$sub") cell->setPort("\\ALUMODE", Const::from_string("0011")); module->remove(lane1); module->remove(lane2); if (lane3) module->remove(lane3); if (lane4) module->remove(lane4); module->design->select(module, cell); } }; g12(simd12_add); g12(simd12_sub); auto f24 = [module](SigSpec &AB, SigSpec &C, SigSpec &P, SigSpec &CARRYOUT, Cell *lane) { SigSpec A = lane->getPort("\\A"); SigSpec B = lane->getPort("\\B"); SigSpec Y = lane->getPort("\\Y"); A.extend_u0(24, lane->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool()); B.extend_u0(24, lane->getParam("\\B_SIGNED").as_bool()); C.append(A); AB.append(B); if (GetSize(Y) < 25) Y.append(module->addWire(NEW_ID, 25-GetSize(Y))); else log_assert(GetSize(Y) == 25); P.append(Y.extract(0, 24)); CARRYOUT.append(module->addWire(NEW_ID)); // TWO24 uses every other bit CARRYOUT.append(Y[24]); }; auto g24 = [&f24,module](std::deque &simd24) { while (simd24.size() > 1) { SigSpec AB; SigSpec C; SigSpec P; SigSpec CARRYOUT; Cell *lane1 = simd24.front(); simd24.pop_front(); Cell *lane2 = simd24.front(); simd24.pop_front(); log("Analysing %s.%s for Xilinx DSP SIMD24 packing.\n", log_id(module), log_id(lane1)); Cell *cell = addDsp(module); cell->setParam("\\USE_SIMD", Const("TWO24")); // X = A:B // Y = 0 // Z = C cell->setPort("\\OPMODE", Const::from_string("0110011")); log_assert(lane1); log_assert(lane2); f24(AB, C, P, CARRYOUT, lane1); f24(AB, C, P, CARRYOUT, lane2); log_assert(GetSize(AB) == 48); log_assert(GetSize(C) == 48); log_assert(GetSize(P) == 48); log_assert(GetSize(CARRYOUT) == 4); cell->setPort("\\A", AB.extract(18, 30)); cell->setPort("\\B", AB.extract(0, 18)); cell->setPort("\\C", C); cell->setPort("\\P", P); cell->setPort("\\CARRYOUT", CARRYOUT); if (lane1->type == "$sub") cell->setPort("\\ALUMODE", Const::from_string("0011")); module->remove(lane1); module->remove(lane2); module->design->select(module, cell); } }; g24(simd24_add); g24(simd24_sub); } void pack_xilinx_dsp(dict &bit_to_driver, xilinx_dsp_pm &pm) { auto &st = pm.st_xilinx_dsp; #if 1 log("\n"); log("preAdd: %s\n", log_id(st.preAdd, "--")); log("ffAD: %s\n", log_id(st.ffAD, "--")); log("ffADmux: %s\n", log_id(st.ffADmux, "--")); log("ffA: %s\n", log_id(st.ffA, "--")); log("ffAmux: %s\n", log_id(st.ffAmux, "--")); log("ffB: %s\n", log_id(st.ffB, "--")); log("ffBmux: %s\n", log_id(st.ffBmux, "--")); log("ffC: %s\n", log_id(st.ffC, "--")); log("ffCmux: %s\n", log_id(st.ffCmux, "--")); log("ffD: %s\n", log_id(st.ffD, "--")); log("ffDmux: %s\n", log_id(st.ffDmux, "--")); log("dsp: %s\n", log_id(st.dsp, "--")); log("ffM: %s\n", log_id(st.ffM, "--")); log("ffMmux: %s\n", log_id(st.ffMmux, "--")); log("postAdd: %s\n", log_id(st.postAdd, "--")); log("postAddMux: %s\n", log_id(st.postAddMux, "--")); log("ffP: %s\n", log_id(st.ffP, "--")); log("ffPmux: %s\n", log_id(st.ffPmux, "--")); #endif log("Analysing %s.%s for Xilinx DSP packing.\n", log_id(pm.module), log_id(st.dsp)); Cell *cell = st.dsp; bit_to_driver.insert(std::make_pair(cell->getPort("\\P")[17], cell)); SigSpec P = st.sigP; if (st.preAdd) { log(" preadder %s (%s)\n", log_id(st.preAdd), log_id(st.preAdd->type)); bool A_SIGNED = st.preAdd->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool(); bool D_SIGNED = st.preAdd->getParam("\\B_SIGNED").as_bool(); if (st.sigA == st.preAdd->getPort("\\B")) std::swap(A_SIGNED, D_SIGNED); st.sigA.extend_u0(30, A_SIGNED); st.sigD.extend_u0(25, D_SIGNED); cell->setPort("\\A", st.sigA); cell->setPort("\\D", st.sigD); cell->connections_.at("\\INMODE") = Const::from_string("00100"); if (st.ffAD) { if (st.ffADmux) { SigSpec S = st.ffADmux->getPort("\\S"); cell->setPort("\\CEAD", st.ffADenpol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S)); } else cell->setPort("\\CEAD", State::S1); cell->setParam("\\ADREG", 1); } cell->setParam("\\USE_DPORT", Const("TRUE")); pm.autoremove(st.preAdd); } if (st.postAdd) { log(" postadder %s (%s)\n", log_id(st.postAdd), log_id(st.postAdd->type)); SigSpec &opmode = cell->connections_.at("\\OPMODE"); if (st.postAddMux) { log_assert(st.ffP); opmode[4] = st.postAddMux->getPort("\\S"); pm.autoremove(st.postAddMux); } else if (st.ffP && st.sigC == P) opmode[4] = State::S0; else opmode[4] = State::S1; opmode[6] = State::S0; opmode[5] = State::S1; if (opmode[4] != State::S0) { if (st.postAddMuxAB == "\\A") st.sigC.extend_u0(48, st.postAdd->getParam("\\B_SIGNED").as_bool()); else st.sigC.extend_u0(48, st.postAdd->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool()); cell->setPort("\\C", st.sigC); } pm.autoremove(st.postAdd); } if (st.clock != SigBit()) { cell->setPort("\\CLK", st.clock); if (st.ffA) { SigSpec A = cell->getPort("\\A"); SigSpec D = st.ffA->getPort("\\D"); SigSpec Q = pm.sigmap(st.ffA->getPort("\\Q")); A.replace(Q, D); if (st.ffAmux) { SigSpec Y = st.ffAmux->getPort("\\Y"); SigSpec AB = st.ffAmux->getPort(st.ffAenpol ? "\\B" : "\\A"); SigSpec S = st.ffAmux->getPort("\\S"); A.replace(Y, AB); cell->setPort("\\CEA2", st.ffAenpol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S)); } else cell->setPort("\\CEA2", State::S1); cell->setPort("\\A", A); cell->setParam("\\AREG", 1); } if (st.ffB) { SigSpec B = cell->getPort("\\B"); SigSpec D = st.ffB->getPort("\\D"); SigSpec Q = st.ffB->getPort("\\Q"); B.replace(Q, D); if (st.ffBmux) { SigSpec Y = st.ffBmux->getPort("\\Y"); SigSpec AB = st.ffBmux->getPort(st.ffBenpol ? "\\B" : "\\A"); SigSpec S = st.ffBmux->getPort("\\S"); B.replace(Y, AB); cell->setPort("\\CEB2", st.ffBenpol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S)); } else cell->setPort("\\CEB2", State::S1); cell->setPort("\\B", B); cell->setParam("\\BREG", 1); } if (st.ffC) { SigSpec C = cell->getPort("\\C"); SigSpec D = st.ffC->getPort("\\D"); SigSpec Q = st.ffC->getPort("\\Q"); C.replace(Q, D); if (st.ffCmux) { SigSpec Y = st.ffCmux->getPort("\\Y"); SigSpec AB = st.ffCmux->getPort(st.ffCenpol ? "\\B" : "\\A"); SigSpec S = st.ffCmux->getPort("\\S"); C.replace(Y, AB); cell->setPort("\\CEC", st.ffCenpol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S)); } else cell->setPort("\\CEC", State::S1); cell->setPort("\\C", C); cell->setParam("\\CREG", 1); } if (st.ffD) { SigSpec D_ = cell->getPort("\\D"); SigSpec D = st.ffD->getPort("\\D"); SigSpec Q = st.ffD->getPort("\\Q"); D_.replace(Q, D); if (st.ffDmux) { SigSpec Y = st.ffDmux->getPort("\\Y"); SigSpec AB = st.ffDmux->getPort(st.ffDenpol ? "\\B" : "\\A"); SigSpec S = st.ffDmux->getPort("\\S"); D_.replace(Y, AB); cell->setPort("\\CED", st.ffDenpol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S)); } else cell->setPort("\\CED", State::S1); cell->setPort("\\D", D_); cell->setParam("\\DREG", 1); } if (st.ffM) { if (st.ffMmux) { SigSpec S = st.ffMmux->getPort("\\S"); cell->setPort("\\CEM", st.ffMenpol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S)); pm.autoremove(st.ffMmux); } else cell->setPort("\\CEM", State::S1); SigSpec D = st.ffM->getPort("\\D"); SigSpec Q = st.ffM->getPort("\\Q"); P.replace(pm.sigmap(D), Q); cell->setParam("\\MREG", State::S1); pm.autoremove(st.ffM); } if (st.ffP) { if (st.ffPmux) { SigSpec S = st.ffPmux->getPort("\\S"); cell->setPort("\\CEP", st.ffPenpol ? S : pm.module->Not(NEW_ID, S)); st.ffPmux->connections_.at("\\Y").replace(P, pm.module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(P))); } else cell->setPort("\\CEP", State::S1); SigSpec D = st.ffP->getPort("\\D"); SigSpec Q = st.ffP->getPort("\\Q"); P.replace(pm.sigmap(D), Q); st.ffP->connections_.at("\\Q").replace(P, pm.module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(P))); cell->setParam("\\PREG", State::S1); } log(" clock: %s (%s)", log_signal(st.clock), "posedge"); if (st.ffA) log(" ffA:%s", log_id(st.ffA)); if (st.ffAD) log(" ffAD:%s", log_id(st.ffAD)); if (st.ffB) log(" ffB:%s", log_id(st.ffB)); if (st.ffC) log(" ffC:%s", log_id(st.ffC)); if (st.ffD) log(" ffD:%s", log_id(st.ffD)); if (st.ffM) log(" ffM:%s", log_id(st.ffM)); if (st.ffP) log(" ffP:%s", log_id(st.ffP)); log("\n"); } if (GetSize(P) < 48) P.append(pm.module->addWire(NEW_ID, 48-GetSize(P))); cell->setPort("\\P", P); pm.blacklist(cell); } struct XilinxDspPass : public Pass { XilinxDspPass() : Pass("xilinx_dsp", "Xilinx: pack resources into DSPs") { } void help() YS_OVERRIDE { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" xilinx_dsp [options] [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("Pack input registers (A, B, C, D, AD; with optional enable), pipeline registers\n"); log("(M; with optional enable), output registers (P; with optional enable),\n"); log("pre-adder and/or post-adder into Xilinx DSP resources.\n"); log("\n"); log("Multiply-accumulate operations using the post-adder with feedback on the 'C'\n"); log("input will be folded into the DSP. In this scenario only, the 'C' input can be\n"); log("used to override the existing accumulation result with a new value.\n"); log("\n"); log("Use of the dedicated 'PCOUT' -> 'PCIN' path is detected for 'P' -> 'C' connections\n"); log("where 'P' is right-shifted by 18-bits and used as an input to the post-adder (a\n"); log("pattern common for summing partial products to implement wide multiplies).\n"); log("\n"); log("Not currently supported: reset (RST*) inputs on any register.\n"); log("\n"); log("\n"); log("Experimental feature: addition/subtractions less than 12 or 24 bits with the\n"); log("'(* use_dsp=\"simd\" *)' attribute attached to the output wire or attached to\n"); log("the add/subtract operator will cause those operations to be implemented using\n"); log("the 'SIMD' feature of DSPs.\n"); log("\n"); } void execute(std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) YS_OVERRIDE { log_header(design, "Executing XILINX_DSP pass (pack resources into DSPs).\n"); size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { // if (args[argidx] == "-singleton") { // singleton_mode = true; // continue; // } break; } extra_args(args, argidx, design); for (auto module : design->selected_modules()) { pack_xilinx_simd(module, module->selected_cells()); xilinx_dsp_pm pm(module, module->selected_cells()); dict bit_to_driver; auto f = [&bit_to_driver](xilinx_dsp_pm &pm){ pack_xilinx_dsp(bit_to_driver, pm); }; pm.run_xilinx_dsp(f); // Look for ability to convert C input from another DSP into PCIN // NB: Needs to be done after pattern matcher has folded all // $add cells into the DSP for (auto cell : module->cells()) { if (cell->type != "\\DSP48E1") continue; if (cell->parameters.at("\\CREG", State::S1).as_bool()) continue; SigSpec &opmode = cell->connections_.at("\\OPMODE"); if (opmode.extract(4,3) != Const::from_string("011")) continue; SigSpec C = pm.sigmap(cell->getPort("\\C")); if (C.has_const()) continue; auto it = bit_to_driver.find(C[0]); if (it == bit_to_driver.end()) continue; auto driver = it->second; // Unextend C int i; for (i = GetSize(C)-1; i > 0; i--) if (C[i] != C[i-1]) break; if (i > 48-17) continue; if (driver->getPort("\\P").extract(17, i) == C.extract(0, i)) { cell->setPort("\\C", Const(0, 48)); Wire *cascade = module->addWire(NEW_ID, 48); driver->setPort("\\PCOUT", cascade); cell->setPort("\\PCIN", cascade); opmode[6] = State::S1; opmode[5] = State::S0; opmode[4] = State::S1; bit_to_driver.erase(it); } } } } } XilinxDspPass; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END