/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/yosys.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN #define COST_MUX2 100 #define COST_MUX4 220 #define COST_MUX8 460 #define COST_MUX16 940 struct MuxcoverWorker { Module *module; SigMap sigmap; struct newmux_t { int cost; vector<SigBit> inputs, selects; newmux_t() : cost(0) {} }; struct tree_t { SigBit root; dict<SigBit, Cell*> muxes; dict<SigBit, newmux_t> newmuxes; }; vector<tree_t> tree_list; dict<tuple<SigBit, SigBit, SigBit>, tuple<SigBit, pool<SigBit>, bool>> decode_mux_cache; dict<SigBit, tuple<SigBit, SigBit, SigBit>> decode_mux_reverse_cache; int decode_mux_counter; bool use_mux4; bool use_mux8; bool use_mux16; bool nodecode; MuxcoverWorker(Module *module) : module(module), sigmap(module) { use_mux4 = false; use_mux8 = false; use_mux16 = false; nodecode = false; decode_mux_counter = 0; } void treeify() { pool<SigBit> roots; pool<SigBit> used_once; dict<SigBit, Cell*> sig_to_mux; for (auto wire : module->wires()) { if (!wire->port_output) continue; for (auto bit : sigmap(wire)) roots.insert(bit); } for (auto cell : module->cells()) { for (auto conn : cell->connections()) { if (!cell->input(conn.first)) continue; for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second)) { if (used_once.count(bit) || cell->type != "$_MUX_" || conn.first == "\\S") roots.insert(bit); used_once.insert(bit); } } if (cell->type == "$_MUX_") sig_to_mux[sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y"))] = cell; } log(" Treeifying %d MUXes:\n", GetSize(sig_to_mux)); roots.sort(); for (auto rootsig : roots) { tree_t tree; tree.root = rootsig; pool<SigBit> wavefront; wavefront.insert(rootsig); while (!wavefront.empty()) { SigBit bit = wavefront.pop(); if (sig_to_mux.count(bit) && (bit == rootsig || !roots.count(bit))) { Cell *c = sig_to_mux.at(bit); tree.muxes[bit] = c; wavefront.insert(sigmap(c->getPort("\\A"))); wavefront.insert(sigmap(c->getPort("\\B"))); } } if (!tree.muxes.empty()) { log(" Found tree with %d MUXes at root %s.\n", GetSize(tree.muxes), log_signal(tree.root)); tree_list.push_back(tree); } } log(" Finished treeification: Found %d trees.\n", GetSize(tree_list)); } bool follow_muxtree(SigBit &ret_bit, tree_t &tree, SigBit bit, const char *path) { if (*path) { if (tree.muxes.count(bit) == 0) return false; char port_name[3] = {'\\', *path, 0}; return follow_muxtree(ret_bit, tree, sigmap(tree.muxes.at(bit)->getPort(port_name)), path+1); } else { ret_bit = bit; return true; } } int prepare_decode_mux(SigBit &A, SigBit B, SigBit sel, SigBit bit) { if (A == B) return 0; tuple<SigBit, SigBit, SigBit> key(A, B, sel); if (decode_mux_cache.count(key) == 0) { auto &entry = decode_mux_cache[key]; std::get<0>(entry) = module->addWire(NEW_ID); std::get<2>(entry) = false; decode_mux_reverse_cache[std::get<0>(entry)] = key; } auto &entry = decode_mux_cache[key]; A = std::get<0>(entry); std::get<1>(entry).insert(bit); if (std::get<2>(entry)) return 0; return COST_MUX2 / GetSize(std::get<1>(entry)); } void implement_decode_mux(SigBit ctrl_bit) { if (decode_mux_reverse_cache.count(ctrl_bit) == 0) return; auto &key = decode_mux_reverse_cache.at(ctrl_bit); auto &entry = decode_mux_cache[key]; if (std::get<2>(entry)) return; implement_decode_mux(std::get<0>(key)); implement_decode_mux(std::get<1>(key)); module->addMuxGate(NEW_ID, std::get<0>(key), std::get<1>(key), std::get<2>(key), ctrl_bit); std::get<2>(entry) = true; decode_mux_counter++; } int find_best_cover(tree_t &tree, SigBit bit) { if (tree.newmuxes.count(bit)) { return tree.newmuxes.at(bit).cost; } SigBit A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P; SigBit S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8; SigBit T1, T2, T3, T4; SigBit U1, U2; SigBit V1; newmux_t best_mux; bool ok = true; // 2-Input MUX ok = ok && follow_muxtree(A, tree, bit, "A"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(B, tree, bit, "B"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S1, tree, bit, "S"); if (ok) { newmux_t mux; mux.inputs.push_back(A); mux.inputs.push_back(B); mux.selects.push_back(S1); mux.cost += COST_MUX2; mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, A); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, B); best_mux = mux; } // 4-Input MUX if (use_mux4) { ok = ok && follow_muxtree(A, tree, bit, "AA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(B, tree, bit, "AB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(C, tree, bit, "BA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(D, tree, bit, "BB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S1, tree, bit, "AS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S2, tree, bit, "BS"); if (nodecode) ok = ok && S1 == S2; ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T1, tree, bit, "S"); if (ok) { newmux_t mux; mux.inputs.push_back(A); mux.inputs.push_back(B); mux.inputs.push_back(C); mux.inputs.push_back(D); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S2, T1, bit); mux.selects.push_back(S1); mux.selects.push_back(T1); mux.cost += COST_MUX4; mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, A); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, B); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, C); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, D); if (best_mux.cost > mux.cost) best_mux = mux; } } // 8-Input MUX if (use_mux8) { ok = ok && follow_muxtree(A, tree, bit, "AAA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(B, tree, bit, "AAB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(C, tree, bit, "ABA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(D, tree, bit, "ABB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(E, tree, bit, "BAA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(F, tree, bit, "BAB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(G, tree, bit, "BBA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(H, tree, bit, "BBB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S1, tree, bit, "AAS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S2, tree, bit, "ABS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S3, tree, bit, "BAS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S4, tree, bit, "BBS"); if (nodecode) ok = ok && S1 == S2 && S2 == S3 && S3 == S4; ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T1, tree, bit, "AS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T2, tree, bit, "BS"); if (nodecode) ok = ok && T1 == T2; ok = ok && follow_muxtree(U1, tree, bit, "S"); if (ok) { newmux_t mux; mux.inputs.push_back(A); mux.inputs.push_back(B); mux.inputs.push_back(C); mux.inputs.push_back(D); mux.inputs.push_back(E); mux.inputs.push_back(F); mux.inputs.push_back(G); mux.inputs.push_back(H); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S2, T1, bit); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S3, S4, T2, bit); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S3, U1, bit); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(T1, T2, U1, bit); mux.selects.push_back(S1); mux.selects.push_back(T1); mux.selects.push_back(U1); mux.cost += COST_MUX8; mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, A); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, B); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, C); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, D); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, E); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, F); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, G); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, H); if (best_mux.cost > mux.cost) best_mux = mux; } } // 16-Input MUX if (use_mux16) { ok = ok && follow_muxtree(A, tree, bit, "AAAA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(B, tree, bit, "AAAB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(C, tree, bit, "AABA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(D, tree, bit, "AABB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(E, tree, bit, "ABAA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(F, tree, bit, "ABAB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(G, tree, bit, "ABBA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(H, tree, bit, "ABBB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(I, tree, bit, "BAAA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(J, tree, bit, "BAAB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(K, tree, bit, "BABA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(L, tree, bit, "BABB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(M, tree, bit, "BBAA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(N, tree, bit, "BBAB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(O, tree, bit, "BBBA"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(P, tree, bit, "BBBB"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S1, tree, bit, "AAAS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S2, tree, bit, "AABS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S3, tree, bit, "ABAS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S4, tree, bit, "ABBS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S5, tree, bit, "BAAS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S6, tree, bit, "BABS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S7, tree, bit, "BBAS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S8, tree, bit, "BBBS"); if (nodecode) ok = ok && S1 == S2 && S2 == S3 && S3 == S4 && S4 == S5 && S5 == S6 && S6 == S7 && S7 == S8; ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T1, tree, bit, "AAS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T2, tree, bit, "ABS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T3, tree, bit, "BAS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T4, tree, bit, "BBS"); if (nodecode) ok = ok && T1 == T2 && T2 == T3 && T3 == T4; ok = ok && follow_muxtree(U1, tree, bit, "AS"); ok = ok && follow_muxtree(U2, tree, bit, "BS"); if (nodecode) ok = ok && U1 == U2; ok = ok && follow_muxtree(V1, tree, bit, "S"); if (ok) { newmux_t mux; mux.inputs.push_back(A); mux.inputs.push_back(B); mux.inputs.push_back(C); mux.inputs.push_back(D); mux.inputs.push_back(E); mux.inputs.push_back(F); mux.inputs.push_back(G); mux.inputs.push_back(H); mux.inputs.push_back(I); mux.inputs.push_back(J); mux.inputs.push_back(K); mux.inputs.push_back(L); mux.inputs.push_back(M); mux.inputs.push_back(N); mux.inputs.push_back(O); mux.inputs.push_back(P); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S2, T1, bit); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S3, S4, T2, bit); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S5, S6, T3, bit); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S7, S8, T4, bit); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S3, U1, bit); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S5, S7, U2, bit); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S5, V1, bit); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(T1, T2, U1, bit); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(T3, T4, U2, bit); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(T1, T3, V1, bit); mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(U1, U2, V1, bit); mux.selects.push_back(S1); mux.selects.push_back(T1); mux.selects.push_back(U1); mux.selects.push_back(V1); mux.cost += COST_MUX16; mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, A); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, B); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, C); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, D); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, E); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, F); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, G); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, H); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, I); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, J); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, K); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, L); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, M); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, N); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, O); mux.cost += find_best_cover(tree, P); if (best_mux.cost > mux.cost) best_mux = mux; } } tree.newmuxes[bit] = best_mux; return best_mux.cost; } void implement_best_cover(tree_t &tree, SigBit bit, int count_muxes_by_type[4]) { newmux_t mux = tree.newmuxes.at(bit); for (auto inbit : mux.inputs) implement_best_cover(tree, inbit, count_muxes_by_type); for (auto selbit : mux.selects) implement_decode_mux(selbit); if (GetSize(mux.inputs) == 0) return; if (GetSize(mux.inputs) == 2) { count_muxes_by_type[0]++; Cell *cell = module->addCell(NEW_ID, "$_MUX_"); cell->setPort("\\A", mux.inputs[0]); cell->setPort("\\B", mux.inputs[1]); cell->setPort("\\S", mux.selects[0]); cell->setPort("\\Y", bit); return; } if (GetSize(mux.inputs) == 4) { count_muxes_by_type[1]++; Cell *cell = module->addCell(NEW_ID, "$_MUX4_"); cell->setPort("\\A", mux.inputs[0]); cell->setPort("\\B", mux.inputs[1]); cell->setPort("\\C", mux.inputs[2]); cell->setPort("\\D", mux.inputs[3]); cell->setPort("\\S", mux.selects[0]); cell->setPort("\\T", mux.selects[1]); cell->setPort("\\Y", bit); return; } if (GetSize(mux.inputs) == 8) { count_muxes_by_type[2]++; Cell *cell = module->addCell(NEW_ID, "$_MUX8_"); cell->setPort("\\A", mux.inputs[0]); cell->setPort("\\B", mux.inputs[1]); cell->setPort("\\C", mux.inputs[2]); cell->setPort("\\D", mux.inputs[3]); cell->setPort("\\E", mux.inputs[4]); cell->setPort("\\F", mux.inputs[5]); cell->setPort("\\G", mux.inputs[6]); cell->setPort("\\H", mux.inputs[7]); cell->setPort("\\S", mux.selects[0]); cell->setPort("\\T", mux.selects[1]); cell->setPort("\\U", mux.selects[2]); cell->setPort("\\Y", bit); return; } if (GetSize(mux.inputs) == 16) { count_muxes_by_type[3]++; Cell *cell = module->addCell(NEW_ID, "$_MUX16_"); cell->setPort("\\A", mux.inputs[0]); cell->setPort("\\B", mux.inputs[1]); cell->setPort("\\C", mux.inputs[2]); cell->setPort("\\D", mux.inputs[3]); cell->setPort("\\E", mux.inputs[4]); cell->setPort("\\F", mux.inputs[5]); cell->setPort("\\G", mux.inputs[6]); cell->setPort("\\H", mux.inputs[7]); cell->setPort("\\I", mux.inputs[8]); cell->setPort("\\J", mux.inputs[9]); cell->setPort("\\K", mux.inputs[10]); cell->setPort("\\L", mux.inputs[11]); cell->setPort("\\M", mux.inputs[12]); cell->setPort("\\N", mux.inputs[13]); cell->setPort("\\O", mux.inputs[14]); cell->setPort("\\P", mux.inputs[15]); cell->setPort("\\S", mux.selects[0]); cell->setPort("\\T", mux.selects[1]); cell->setPort("\\U", mux.selects[2]); cell->setPort("\\V", mux.selects[3]); cell->setPort("\\Y", bit); return; } log_abort(); } void treecover(tree_t &tree) { int count_muxes_by_type[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; find_best_cover(tree, tree.root); implement_best_cover(tree, tree.root, count_muxes_by_type); log(" Replaced tree at %s: %d MUX2, %d MUX4, %d MUX8, %d MUX16\n", log_signal(tree.root), count_muxes_by_type[0], count_muxes_by_type[1], count_muxes_by_type[2], count_muxes_by_type[3]); for (auto &it : tree.muxes) module->remove(it.second); } void run() { log("Covering MUX trees in module %s..\n", log_id(module)); treeify(); log(" Covering trees:\n"); // pre-fill cache of decoder muxes if (!nodecode) for (auto &tree : tree_list) { find_best_cover(tree, tree.root); tree.newmuxes.clear(); } for (auto &tree : tree_list) treecover(tree); if (!nodecode) log(" Added a total of %d decoder MUXes.\n", decode_mux_counter); } }; struct MuxcoverPass : public Pass { MuxcoverPass() : Pass("muxcover", "cover trees of MUX cells with wider MUXes") { } void help() YS_OVERRIDE { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" muxcover [options] [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("Cover trees of $_MUX_ cells with $_MUX{4,8,16}_ cells\n"); log("\n"); log(" -mux4, -mux8, -mux16\n"); log(" Use the specified types of MUXes. If none of those options are used,\n"); log(" the effect is the same as if all of them where used.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -nodecode\n"); log(" Do not insert decoder logic. This reduces the number of possible\n"); log(" substitutions, but guarantees that the resulting circuit is not\n"); log(" less efficient than the original circuit.\n"); log("\n"); } void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) YS_OVERRIDE { log_header(design, "Executing MUXCOVER pass (mapping to wider MUXes).\n"); bool use_mux4 = false; bool use_mux8 = false; bool use_mux16 = false; bool nodecode = false; size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (args[argidx] == "-mux4") { use_mux4 = true; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-mux8") { use_mux8 = true; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-mux16") { use_mux16 = true; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-nodecode") { nodecode = true; continue; } break; } extra_args(args, argidx, design); if (!use_mux4 && !use_mux8 && !use_mux16) { use_mux4 = true; use_mux8 = true; use_mux16 = true; } for (auto module : design->selected_modules()) { MuxcoverWorker worker(module); worker.use_mux4 = use_mux4; worker.use_mux8 = use_mux8; worker.use_mux16 = use_mux16; worker.nodecode = nodecode; worker.run(); } } } MuxcoverPass; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END