# This file contains the names of verilog files to exclude from verilog to FIRRTL regression tests due to known failures.
arraycells.v	inst id[0] of
generate.v	combinational loop
hierdefparam.v	inst id[0] of
i2c_master_tests.v   $adff
macros.v	drops modules
mem2reg.v	drops modules
mem_arst.v	$adff
memory.v	$adff
multiplier.v	inst id[0] of
muxtree.v	drops modules
omsp_dbg_uart.v	$adff
operators.v	$pow
paramods.v	subfield assignment (bits() <= ...)
partsel.v	drops modules
process.v	drops modules
realexpr.v	drops modules
scopes.v	original verilog issues ( -x where x isn't declared signed)
sincos.v	$adff
specify.v	no code (empty module generates error
subbytes.v	$adff
task_func.v	drops modules
values.v	combinational loop
vloghammer.v	combinational loop
wreduce.v	original verilog issues ( -x where x isn't declared signed)