// Copyright 2020-2022 F4PGA Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 `timescale 1ps/1ps `default_nettype none (* abc9_lut=1 *) module LUT1(output wire O, input wire I0); parameter [1:0] INIT = 0; assign O = I0 ? INIT[1] : INIT[0]; specify (I0 => O) = 74; endspecify endmodule (* abc9_lut=2 *) module LUT2(output wire O, input wire I0, I1); parameter [3:0] INIT = 0; wire [ 1: 0] s1 = I1 ? INIT[ 3: 2] : INIT[ 1: 0]; assign O = I0 ? s1[1] : s1[0]; specify (I0 => O) = 116; (I1 => O) = 74; endspecify endmodule (* abc9_lut=3 *) module LUT3(output wire O, input wire I0, I1, I2); parameter [7:0] INIT = 0; wire [ 3: 0] s2 = I2 ? INIT[ 7: 4] : INIT[ 3: 0]; wire [ 1: 0] s1 = I1 ? s2[ 3: 2] : s2[ 1: 0]; assign O = I0 ? s1[1] : s1[0]; specify (I0 => O) = 162; (I1 => O) = 116; (I2 => O) = 174; endspecify endmodule (* abc9_lut=3 *) module LUT4(output wire O, input wire I0, I1, I2, I3); parameter [15:0] INIT = 0; wire [ 7: 0] s3 = I3 ? INIT[15: 8] : INIT[ 7: 0]; wire [ 3: 0] s2 = I2 ? s3[ 7: 4] : s3[ 3: 0]; wire [ 1: 0] s1 = I1 ? s2[ 3: 2] : s2[ 1: 0]; assign O = I0 ? s1[1] : s1[0]; specify (I0 => O) = 201; (I1 => O) = 162; (I2 => O) = 116; (I3 => O) = 74; endspecify endmodule (* abc9_lut=3 *) module LUT5(output wire O, input wire I0, I1, I2, I3, I4); parameter [31:0] INIT = 0; wire [15: 0] s4 = I4 ? INIT[31:16] : INIT[15: 0]; wire [ 7: 0] s3 = I3 ? s4[15: 8] : s4[ 7: 0]; wire [ 3: 0] s2 = I2 ? s3[ 7: 4] : s3[ 3: 0]; wire [ 1: 0] s1 = I1 ? s2[ 3: 2] : s2[ 1: 0]; assign O = I0 ? s1[1] : s1[0]; specify (I0 => O) = 228; (I1 => O) = 189; (I2 => O) = 143; (I3 => O) = 100; (I4 => O) = 55; endspecify endmodule (* abc9_lut=5 *) module LUT6(output wire O, input wire I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5); parameter [63:0] INIT = 0; wire [31: 0] s5 = I5 ? INIT[63:32] : INIT[31: 0]; wire [15: 0] s4 = I4 ? s5[31:16] : s5[15: 0]; wire [ 7: 0] s3 = I3 ? s4[15: 8] : s4[ 7: 0]; wire [ 3: 0] s2 = I2 ? s3[ 7: 4] : s3[ 3: 0]; wire [ 1: 0] s1 = I1 ? s2[ 3: 2] : s2[ 1: 0]; assign O = I0 ? s1[1] : s1[0]; specify (I0 => O) = 251; (I1 => O) = 212; (I2 => O) = 166; (I3 => O) = 123; (I4 => O) = 77; (I5 => O) = 43; endspecify endmodule (* abc9_flop, lib_whitebox *) module sh_dff( output reg Q, input wire D, (* clkbuf_sink *) input wire C ); initial Q <= 1'b0; always @(posedge C) Q <= D; specify (posedge C => (Q +: D)) = 0; $setuphold(posedge C, D, 0, 0); endspecify endmodule (* abc9_box, lib_whitebox *) (* blackbox *) (* keep *) module adder_carry( output wire sumout, (* abc9_carry *) output wire cout, input wire p, input wire g, (* abc9_carry *) input wire cin ); assign sumout = p ^ cin; assign cout = p ? cin : g; specify (p => sumout) = 35; (g => sumout) = 35; (cin => sumout) = 40; (p => cout) = 67; (g => cout) = 65; (cin => cout) = 69; endspecify endmodule (* abc9_flop, lib_whitebox *) module dff( output reg Q, input wire D, (* clkbuf_sink *) input wire C ); initial Q <= 1'b0; always @(posedge C) Q <= D; specify (posedge C=>(Q+:D)) = 285; $setuphold(posedge C, D, 56, 0); endspecify endmodule (* abc9_flop, lib_whitebox *) module dffn( output reg Q, input wire D, (* clkbuf_sink *) input wire C ); initial Q <= 1'b0; always @(negedge C) Q <= D; specify (negedge C=>(Q+:D)) = 285; $setuphold(negedge C, D, 56, 0); endspecify endmodule (* abc9_flop, lib_whitebox *) module dffsre( output reg Q, input wire D, (* clkbuf_sink *) input wire C, input wire E, input wire R, input wire S ); initial Q <= 1'b0; always @(posedge C or negedge S or negedge R) if (!R) Q <= 1'b0; else if (!S) Q <= 1'b1; else if (E) Q <= D; specify (posedge C => (Q +: D)) = 280; (R => Q) = 0; (S => Q) = 0; $setuphold(posedge C, D, 56, 0); $setuphold(posedge C, E, 32, 0); $setuphold(posedge C, R, 0, 0); $setuphold(posedge C, S, 0, 0); $recrem(posedge R, posedge C, 0, 0); $recrem(posedge S, posedge C, 0, 0); endspecify endmodule (* abc9_flop, lib_whitebox *) module dffnsre( output reg Q, input wire D, (* clkbuf_sink *) input wire C, input wire E, input wire R, input wire S ); initial Q <= 1'b0; always @(negedge C or negedge S or negedge R) if (!R) Q <= 1'b0; else if (!S) Q <= 1'b1; else if (E) Q <= D; specify (negedge C => (Q +: D)) = 280; (R => Q) = 0; (S => Q) = 0; $setuphold(negedge C, D, 56, 0); $setuphold(negedge C, E, 32, 0); $setuphold(negedge C, R, 0, 0); $setuphold(negedge C, S, 0, 0); $recrem(posedge R, negedge C, 0, 0); $recrem(posedge S, negedge C, 0, 0); endspecify endmodule (* abc9_flop, lib_whitebox *) module sdffsre( output reg Q, input wire D, (* clkbuf_sink *) input wire C, input wire E, input wire R, input wire S ); initial Q <= 1'b0; always @(posedge C) if (!R) Q <= 1'b0; else if (!S) Q <= 1'b1; else if (E) Q <= D; specify (posedge C => (Q +: D)) = 280; $setuphold(posedge C, D, 56, 0); $setuphold(posedge C, R, 32, 0); $setuphold(posedge C, S, 0, 0); $setuphold(posedge C, E, 0, 0); endspecify endmodule (* abc9_flop, lib_whitebox *) module sdffnsre( output reg Q, input wire D, (* clkbuf_sink *) input wire C, input wire E, input wire R, input wire S ); initial Q <= 1'b0; always @(negedge C) if (!R) Q <= 1'b0; else if (!S) Q <= 1'b1; else if (E) Q <= D; specify (negedge C => (Q +: D)) = 280; $setuphold(negedge C, D, 56, 0); $setuphold(negedge C, R, 32, 0); $setuphold(negedge C, S, 0, 0); $setuphold(negedge C, E, 0, 0); endspecify endmodule (* abc9_flop, lib_whitebox *) module latchsre ( output reg Q, input wire S, input wire R, input wire D, input wire G, input wire E ); initial Q <= 1'b0; always @* begin if (!R) Q <= 1'b0; else if (!S) Q <= 1'b1; else if (E && G) Q <= D; end specify (posedge G => (Q +: D)) = 0; $setuphold(posedge G, D, 0, 0); $setuphold(posedge G, E, 0, 0); $setuphold(posedge G, R, 0, 0); $setuphold(posedge G, S, 0, 0); endspecify endmodule (* abc9_flop, lib_whitebox *) module latchnsre ( output reg Q, input wire S, input wire R, input wire D, input wire G, input wire E ); initial Q <= 1'b0; always @* begin if (!R) Q <= 1'b0; else if (!S) Q <= 1'b1; else if (E && !G) Q <= D; end specify (negedge G => (Q +: D)) = 0; $setuphold(negedge G, D, 0, 0); $setuphold(negedge G, E, 0, 0); $setuphold(negedge G, R, 0, 0); $setuphold(negedge G, S, 0, 0); endspecify endmodule