/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * 2019 Eddie Hung * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ // ============================================================================ // Box containing MUXF7.[AB] + MUXF8, // Necessary to make these an atomic unit so that // ABC cannot optimise just one of the MUXF7 away // and expect to save on its delay (* abc9_box, lib_whitebox *) module \$__XILINX_MUXF78 (output O, input I0, I1, I2, I3, S0, S1); assign O = S1 ? (S0 ? I3 : I2) : (S0 ? I1 : I0); specify (I0 => O) = 294; (I1 => O) = 297; (I2 => O) = 311; (I3 => O) = 317; (S0 => O) = 390; (S1 => O) = 273; endspecify endmodule module \$__ABC9_FF_ (input D, output Q); endmodule (* abc9_box *) module \$__ABC9_DELAY (input I, output O); parameter DELAY = 0; specify (I => O) = DELAY; endspecify endmodule // Box to emulate async behaviour of FDC* (* abc9_box, lib_whitebox *) module \$__ABC9_ASYNC0 (input A, S, output Y); assign Y = S ? 1'b0 : A; specify (A => Y) = 0; (S => Y) = 764; endspecify endmodule // Box to emulate async behaviour of FDP* (* abc9_box, lib_whitebox *) module \$__ABC9_ASYNC1 (input A, S, output Y); assign Y = S ? 1'b1 : A; specify (A => Y) = 0; (S => Y) = 764; endspecify endmodule // Box to emulate comb/seq behaviour of RAM{32,64} and SRL{16,32} // Necessary since RAMD* and SRL* have both combinatorial (i.e. // same-cycle read operation) and sequential (write operation // is only committed on the next clock edge). // To model the combinatorial path, such cells have to be split // into comb and seq parts, with this box modelling only the former. (* abc9_box *) module \$__ABC9_LUT6 (input A, input [5:0] S, output Y); specify (S[0] => Y) = 642; (S[1] => Y) = 631; (S[2] => Y) = 472; (S[3] => Y) = 407; (S[4] => Y) = 238; (S[5] => Y) = 127; endspecify endmodule // Box to emulate comb/seq behaviour of RAM128 (* abc9_box *) module \$__ABC9_LUT7 (input A, input [6:0] S, output Y); specify (S[0] => Y) = 1028; (S[1] => Y) = 1017; (S[2] => Y) = 858; (S[3] => Y) = 793; (S[4] => Y) = 624; (S[5] => Y) = 513; (S[6] => Y) = 464; endspecify endmodule // Boxes used to represent the comb behaviour of various modes // of DSP48E1 `define ABC9_DSP48E1(__NAME__) """ module __NAME__ ( input [29:0] $A, input [17:0] $B, input [47:0] $C, input [24:0] $D, input [47:0] $P, input [47:0] $PCIN, input [47:0] $PCOUT, output [47:0] P, output [47:0] PCOUT); """ (* abc9_box *) `ABC9_DSP48E1($__ABC9_DSP48E1_MULT) specify ($A *> P) = 2823; ($B *> P) = 2690; ($C *> P) = 1325; ($P *> P) = 0; ($A *> PCOUT) = 2970; ($B *> PCOUT) = 2838; ($C *> PCOUT) = 1474; ($PCOUT *> PCOUT) = 0; endspecify endmodule (* abc9_box *) `ABC9_DSP48E1($__ABC9_DSP48E1_MULT_DPORT) specify ($A *> P) = 3806; ($B *> P) = 2690; ($C *> P) = 1325; ($D *> P) = 3700; ($P *> P) = 0; ($A *> PCOUT) = 3954; ($B *> PCOUT) = 2838; ($C *> PCOUT) = 1474; ($D *> PCOUT) = 3700; ($PCOUT *> PCOUT) = 0; endspecify endmodule (* abc9_box *) `ABC9_DSP48E1($__ABC9_DSP48E1) specify ($A *> P) = 1523; ($B *> P) = 1509; ($C *> P) = 1325; ($P *> P) = 0; ($A *> PCOUT) = 1671; ($B *> PCOUT) = 1658; ($C *> PCOUT) = 1474; ($PCOUT *> PCOUT) = 0; endspecify endmodule `undef ABC9_DSP48E1