/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/rtlil.h" #include <assert.h> #include <algorithm> int RTLIL::autoidx = 1; RTLIL::Const::Const(std::string str) : str(str) { for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) { unsigned char ch = str[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { bits.push_back((ch & 1) != 0 ? RTLIL::S1 : RTLIL::S0); ch = ch >> 1; } } } RTLIL::Const::Const(int val, int width) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { bits.push_back((val & 1) != 0 ? RTLIL::S1 : RTLIL::S0); val = val >> 1; } } RTLIL::Const::Const(RTLIL::State bit, int width) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) bits.push_back(bit); } bool RTLIL::Const::operator <(const RTLIL::Const &other) const { if (bits.size() != other.bits.size()) return bits.size() < other.bits.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < bits.size(); i++) if (bits[i] != other.bits[i]) return bits[i] < other.bits[i]; return false; } bool RTLIL::Const::operator ==(const RTLIL::Const &other) const { return bits == other.bits; } bool RTLIL::Const::operator !=(const RTLIL::Const &other) const { return bits != other.bits; } bool RTLIL::Const::as_bool() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < bits.size(); i++) if (bits[i] == RTLIL::S1) return true; return false; } int RTLIL::Const::as_int() const { int ret = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < bits.size() && i < 32; i++) if (bits[i] == RTLIL::S1) ret |= 1 << i; return ret; } std::string RTLIL::Const::as_string() const { std::string ret; for (size_t i = bits.size(); i > 0; i--) switch (bits[i-1]) { case S0: ret += "0"; break; case S1: ret += "1"; break; case Sx: ret += "x"; break; case Sz: ret += "z"; break; case Sa: ret += "-"; break; case Sm: ret += "m"; break; } return ret; } bool RTLIL::Selection::selected_module(RTLIL::IdString mod_name) { if (full_selection) return true; if (selected_modules.count(mod_name) > 0) return true; if (selected_members.count(mod_name) > 0) return true; return false; } bool RTLIL::Selection::selected_whole_module(RTLIL::IdString mod_name) { if (full_selection) return true; if (selected_modules.count(mod_name) > 0) return true; return false; } bool RTLIL::Selection::selected_member(RTLIL::IdString mod_name, RTLIL::IdString memb_name) { if (full_selection) return true; if (selected_modules.count(mod_name) > 0) return true; if (selected_members.count(mod_name) > 0) if (selected_members[mod_name].count(memb_name) > 0) return true; return false; } void RTLIL::Selection::optimize(RTLIL::Design *design) { if (full_selection) { selected_modules.clear(); selected_members.clear(); return; } std::vector<RTLIL::IdString> del_list, add_list; del_list.clear(); for (auto mod_name : selected_modules) { if (design->modules.count(mod_name) == 0) del_list.push_back(mod_name); selected_members.erase(mod_name); } for (auto mod_name : del_list) selected_modules.erase(mod_name); del_list.clear(); for (auto &it : selected_members) if (design->modules.count(it.first) == 0) del_list.push_back(it.first); for (auto mod_name : del_list) selected_members.erase(mod_name); for (auto &it : selected_members) { del_list.clear(); for (auto memb_name : it.second) if (design->modules[it.first]->count_id(memb_name) == 0) del_list.push_back(memb_name); for (auto memb_name : del_list) it.second.erase(memb_name); } del_list.clear(); add_list.clear(); for (auto &it : selected_members) if (it.second.size() == 0) del_list.push_back(it.first); else if (it.second.size() == design->modules[it.first]->wires.size() + design->modules[it.first]->memories.size() + design->modules[it.first]->cells.size() + design->modules[it.first]->processes.size()) add_list.push_back(it.first); for (auto mod_name : del_list) selected_members.erase(mod_name); for (auto mod_name : add_list) { selected_members.erase(mod_name); selected_modules.insert(mod_name); } if (selected_modules.size() == design->modules.size()) { full_selection = true; selected_modules.clear(); selected_members.clear(); } } RTLIL::Design::~Design() { for (auto it = modules.begin(); it != modules.end(); it++) delete it->second; } void RTLIL::Design::check() { #ifndef NDEBUG for (auto &it : modules) { assert(it.first == it.second->name); assert(it.first.size() > 0 && (it.first[0] == '\\' || it.first[0] == '$')); it.second->check(); } #endif } void RTLIL::Design::optimize() { for (auto &it : modules) it.second->optimize(); for (auto &it : selection_stack) it.optimize(this); for (auto &it : selection_vars) it.second.optimize(this); } bool RTLIL::Design::selected_module(RTLIL::IdString mod_name) { if (!selected_active_module.empty() && mod_name != selected_active_module) return false; if (selection_stack.size() == 0) return true; return selection_stack.back().selected_module(mod_name); } bool RTLIL::Design::selected_whole_module(RTLIL::IdString mod_name) { if (!selected_active_module.empty() && mod_name != selected_active_module) return false; if (selection_stack.size() == 0) return true; return selection_stack.back().selected_whole_module(mod_name); } bool RTLIL::Design::selected_member(RTLIL::IdString mod_name, RTLIL::IdString memb_name) { if (!selected_active_module.empty() && mod_name != selected_active_module) return false; if (selection_stack.size() == 0) return true; return selection_stack.back().selected_member(mod_name, memb_name); } RTLIL::Module::~Module() { for (auto it = wires.begin(); it != wires.end(); it++) delete it->second; for (auto it = memories.begin(); it != memories.end(); it++) delete it->second; for (auto it = cells.begin(); it != cells.end(); it++) delete it->second; for (auto it = processes.begin(); it != processes.end(); it++) delete it->second; } RTLIL::IdString RTLIL::Module::derive(RTLIL::Design*, std::map<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::Const>) { assert(!"Called derive() from module base class."); abort(); } void RTLIL::Module::update_auto_wires(std::map<RTLIL::IdString, int>) { assert(!"Called update_auto_wires() from module base class."); } size_t RTLIL::Module::count_id(RTLIL::IdString id) { return wires.count(id) + memories.count(id) + cells.count(id) + processes.count(id); } void RTLIL::Module::check() { #ifndef NDEBUG for (auto &it : wires) { assert(it.first == it.second->name); assert(it.first.size() > 0 && (it.first[0] == '\\' || it.first[0] == '$')); assert(it.second->width >= 0); assert(it.second->port_id >= 0); for (auto &it2 : it.second->attributes) { assert(it2.first.size() > 0 && (it2.first[0] == '\\' || it2.first[0] == '$')); } } for (auto &it : memories) { assert(it.first == it.second->name); assert(it.first.size() > 0 && (it.first[0] == '\\' || it.first[0] == '$')); assert(it.second->width >= 0); assert(it.second->size >= 0); for (auto &it2 : it.second->attributes) { assert(it2.first.size() > 0 && (it2.first[0] == '\\' || it2.first[0] == '$')); } } for (auto &it : cells) { assert(it.first == it.second->name); assert(it.first.size() > 0 && (it.first[0] == '\\' || it.first[0] == '$')); assert(it.second->type.size() > 0 && (it.second->type[0] == '\\' || it.second->type[0] == '$')); for (auto &it2 : it.second->connections) { assert(it2.first.size() > 0 && (it2.first[0] == '\\' || it2.first[0] == '$')); it2.second.check(); } for (auto &it2 : it.second->attributes) { assert(it2.first.size() > 0 && (it2.first[0] == '\\' || it2.first[0] == '$')); } for (auto &it2 : it.second->parameters) { assert(it2.first.size() > 0 && (it2.first[0] == '\\' || it2.first[0] == '$')); } } for (auto &it : processes) { assert(it.first == it.second->name); assert(it.first.size() > 0 && (it.first[0] == '\\' || it.first[0] == '$')); // FIXME: More checks here.. } for (auto &it : connections) { assert(it.first.width == it.second.width); it.first.check(); it.second.check(); } for (auto &it : attributes) { assert(it.first.size() > 0 && (it.first[0] == '\\' || it.first[0] == '$')); } #endif } void RTLIL::Module::optimize() { for (auto &it : cells) it.second->optimize(); for (auto &it : processes) it.second->optimize(); for (auto &it : connections) { it.first.optimize(); it.second.optimize(); } } void RTLIL::Module::add(RTLIL::Wire *wire) { assert(!wire->name.empty()); assert(count_id(wire->name) == 0); wires[wire->name] = wire; } void RTLIL::Module::add(RTLIL::Cell *cell) { assert(!cell->name.empty()); assert(count_id(cell->name) == 0); cells[cell->name] = cell; } RTLIL::Wire::Wire() { width = 1; start_offset = 0; port_id = 0; port_input = false; port_output = false; auto_width = false; } RTLIL::Memory::Memory() { width = 1; size = 0; } void RTLIL::Cell::optimize() { for (auto &it : connections) it.second.optimize(); } RTLIL::SigChunk::SigChunk() { wire = NULL; width = 0; offset = 0; } RTLIL::SigChunk::SigChunk(const RTLIL::Const &data) { wire = NULL; this->data = data; width = data.bits.size(); offset = 0; } RTLIL::SigChunk::SigChunk(RTLIL::Wire *wire, int width, int offset) { this->wire = wire; this->width = width >= 0 ? width : wire->width; this->offset = offset; } RTLIL::SigChunk::SigChunk(const std::string &str) { wire = NULL; data = RTLIL::Const(str); width = data.bits.size(); offset = 0; } RTLIL::SigChunk::SigChunk(int val, int width) { wire = NULL; data = RTLIL::Const(val, width); this->width = data.bits.size(); offset = 0; } RTLIL::SigChunk::SigChunk(RTLIL::State bit, int width) { wire = NULL; data = RTLIL::Const(bit, width); this->width = data.bits.size(); offset = 0; } RTLIL::SigChunk RTLIL::SigChunk::extract(int offset, int length) const { RTLIL::SigChunk ret; if (wire) { ret.wire = wire; ret.offset = this->offset + offset; ret.width = length; } else { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) ret.data.bits.push_back(data.bits[offset+i]); ret.width = length; } return ret; } bool RTLIL::SigChunk::operator <(const RTLIL::SigChunk &other) const { if (wire && other.wire) if (wire->name != other.wire->name) return wire->name < other.wire->name; if (wire != other.wire) return wire < other.wire; if (offset != other.offset) return offset < other.offset; if (width != other.width) return width < other.width; if (data.bits != other.data.bits) return data.bits < other.data.bits; return false; } bool RTLIL::SigChunk::operator ==(const RTLIL::SigChunk &other) const { if (wire != other.wire || width != other.width || offset != other.offset) return false; if (data.bits != other.data.bits) return false; return true; } bool RTLIL::SigChunk::operator !=(const RTLIL::SigChunk &other) const { if (*this == other) return false; return true; } RTLIL::SigSpec::SigSpec() { width = 0; } RTLIL::SigSpec::SigSpec(const RTLIL::Const &data) { chunks.push_back(RTLIL::SigChunk(data)); width = chunks.back().width; check(); } RTLIL::SigSpec::SigSpec(const RTLIL::SigChunk &chunk) { chunks.push_back(chunk); width = chunks.back().width; check(); } RTLIL::SigSpec::SigSpec(RTLIL::Wire *wire, int width, int offset) { chunks.push_back(RTLIL::SigChunk(wire, width, offset)); this->width = chunks.back().width; check(); } RTLIL::SigSpec::SigSpec(const std::string &str) { chunks.push_back(RTLIL::SigChunk(str)); width = chunks.back().width; check(); } RTLIL::SigSpec::SigSpec(int val, int width) { chunks.push_back(RTLIL::SigChunk(val, width)); this->width = chunks.back().width; check(); } RTLIL::SigSpec::SigSpec(RTLIL::State bit, int width) { chunks.push_back(RTLIL::SigChunk(bit, width)); this->width = chunks.back().width; check(); } void RTLIL::SigSpec::expand() { std::vector<RTLIL::SigChunk> new_chunks; for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) { assert(chunks[i].data.str.empty()); for (int j = 0; j < chunks[i].width; j++) new_chunks.push_back(chunks[i].extract(j, 1)); } chunks.swap(new_chunks); check(); } void RTLIL::SigSpec::optimize() { for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) { if (chunks[i].wire && chunks[i].wire->auto_width) continue; if (chunks[i].width == 0) chunks.erase(chunks.begin()+i--); } for (size_t i = 1; i < chunks.size(); i++) { RTLIL::SigChunk &ch1 = chunks[i-1]; RTLIL::SigChunk &ch2 = chunks[i]; if (ch1.wire && ch1.wire->auto_width) continue; if (ch2.wire && ch2.wire->auto_width) continue; if (ch1.wire == ch2.wire) { if (ch1.wire != NULL && ch1.offset+ch1.width == ch2.offset) { ch1.width += ch2.width; goto merged_with_next_chunk; } if (ch1.wire == NULL && ch1.data.str.empty() == ch2.data.str.empty()) { ch1.data.str = ch2.data.str + ch1.data.str; ch1.data.bits.insert(ch1.data.bits.end(), ch2.data.bits.begin(), ch2.data.bits.end()); ch1.width += ch2.width; goto merged_with_next_chunk; } } if (0) { merged_with_next_chunk: chunks.erase(chunks.begin()+i); i--; } } check(); } static bool compare_sigchunks(const RTLIL::SigChunk &a, const RTLIL::SigChunk &b) { if (a.wire != b.wire) { if (a.wire == NULL || b.wire == NULL) return a.wire < b.wire; else if (a.wire->name != b.wire->name) return a.wire->name < b.wire->name; else return a.wire < b.wire; } if (a.offset != b.offset) return a.offset < b.offset; if (a.width != b.width) return a.width < b.width; return a.data.bits < b.data.bits; } void RTLIL::SigSpec::sort_and_unify() { expand(); std::sort(chunks.begin(), chunks.end(), compare_sigchunks); for (size_t i = 1; i < chunks.size(); i++) { RTLIL::SigChunk &ch1 = chunks[i-1]; RTLIL::SigChunk &ch2 = chunks[i]; if (!compare_sigchunks(ch1, ch2) && !compare_sigchunks(ch2, ch1)) { chunks.erase(chunks.begin()+i); width -= chunks[i].width; i--; } } optimize(); } void RTLIL::SigSpec::replace(const RTLIL::SigSpec &pattern, const RTLIL::SigSpec &with) { replace(pattern, with, this); } void RTLIL::SigSpec::replace(const RTLIL::SigSpec &pattern, const RTLIL::SigSpec &with, RTLIL::SigSpec *other) const { int pos = 0, restart_pos = 0; assert(other == NULL || width == other->width); for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) { restart: const RTLIL::SigChunk &ch1 = chunks[i]; if (chunks[i].wire != NULL && pos >= restart_pos) for (size_t j = 0, poff = 0; j < pattern.chunks.size(); j++) { const RTLIL::SigChunk &ch2 = pattern.chunks[j]; assert(ch2.wire != NULL); if (ch1.wire == ch2.wire) { int lower = std::max(ch1.offset, ch2.offset); int upper = std::min(ch1.offset + ch1.width, ch2.offset + ch2.width); if (lower < upper) { restart_pos = pos+upper-ch1.offset; other->replace(pos+lower-ch1.offset, with.extract(poff+lower-ch2.offset, upper-lower)); goto restart; } } poff += ch2.width; } pos += chunks[i].width; } check(); } void RTLIL::SigSpec::remove(const RTLIL::SigSpec &pattern) { remove2(pattern, NULL); } void RTLIL::SigSpec::remove(const RTLIL::SigSpec &pattern, RTLIL::SigSpec *other) const { RTLIL::SigSpec tmp = *this; tmp.remove2(pattern, other); } void RTLIL::SigSpec::remove2(const RTLIL::SigSpec &pattern, RTLIL::SigSpec *other) { int pos = 0; assert(other == NULL || width == other->width); for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) { restart: const RTLIL::SigChunk &ch1 = chunks[i]; if (chunks[i].wire != NULL) for (size_t j = 0; j < pattern.chunks.size(); j++) { const RTLIL::SigChunk &ch2 = pattern.chunks[j]; assert(ch2.wire != NULL); if (ch1.wire == ch2.wire) { int lower = std::max(ch1.offset, ch2.offset); int upper = std::min(ch1.offset + ch1.width, ch2.offset + ch2.width); if (lower < upper) { if (other) other->remove(pos+lower-ch1.offset, upper-lower); remove(pos+lower-ch1.offset, upper-lower); if (i == chunks.size()) break; goto restart; } } } pos += chunks[i].width; } check(); } RTLIL::SigSpec RTLIL::SigSpec::extract(RTLIL::SigSpec pattern, RTLIL::SigSpec *other) const { int pos = 0; RTLIL::SigSpec ret; pattern.sort_and_unify(); assert(other == NULL || width == other->width); for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) { const RTLIL::SigChunk &ch1 = chunks[i]; if (chunks[i].wire != NULL) for (size_t j = 0; j < pattern.chunks.size(); j++) { RTLIL::SigChunk &ch2 = pattern.chunks[j]; assert(ch2.wire != NULL); if (ch1.wire == ch2.wire) { int lower = std::max(ch1.offset, ch2.offset); int upper = std::min(ch1.offset + ch1.width, ch2.offset + ch2.width); if (lower < upper) { if (other) ret.append(other->extract(pos+lower-ch1.offset, upper-lower)); else ret.append(extract(pos+lower-ch1.offset, upper-lower)); } } } pos += chunks[i].width; } ret.check(); return ret; } void RTLIL::SigSpec::replace(int offset, const RTLIL::SigSpec &with) { int pos = 0; assert(offset >= 0); assert(with.width >= 0); assert(offset+with.width <= width); remove(offset, with.width); for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) { if (pos == offset) { chunks.insert(chunks.begin()+i, with.chunks.begin(), with.chunks.end()); width += with.width; check(); return; } pos += chunks[i].width; } assert(pos == offset); chunks.insert(chunks.end(), with.chunks.begin(), with.chunks.end()); width += with.width; check(); } void RTLIL::SigSpec::remove_const() { for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) { if (chunks[i].wire != NULL) continue; width -= chunks[i].width; chunks.erase(chunks.begin() + (i--)); } check(); } void RTLIL::SigSpec::remove(int offset, int length) { int pos = 0; assert(offset >= 0); assert(length >= 0); assert(offset+length <= width); for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) { int orig_width = chunks[i].width; if (pos+chunks[i].width > offset && pos < offset+length) { int off = offset - pos; int len = length; if (off < 0) { len += off; off = 0; } if (len > chunks[i].width-off) len = chunks[i].width-off; RTLIL::SigChunk lsb_chunk = chunks[i].extract(0, off); RTLIL::SigChunk msb_chunk = chunks[i].extract(off+len, chunks[i].width-off-len); if (lsb_chunk.width == 0 && msb_chunk.width == 0) { chunks.erase(chunks.begin()+i); i--; } else if (lsb_chunk.width == 0 && msb_chunk.width != 0) { chunks[i] = msb_chunk; } else if (lsb_chunk.width != 0 && msb_chunk.width == 0) { chunks[i] = lsb_chunk; } else if (lsb_chunk.width != 0 && msb_chunk.width != 0) { chunks[i] = lsb_chunk; chunks.insert(chunks.begin()+i+1, msb_chunk); i++; } else assert(0); width -= len; } pos += orig_width; } check(); } RTLIL::SigSpec RTLIL::SigSpec::extract(int offset, int length) const { int pos = 0; RTLIL::SigSpec ret; assert(offset >= 0); assert(length >= 0); assert(offset+length <= width); for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) { if (pos+chunks[i].width > offset && pos < offset+length) { int off = offset - pos; int len = length; if (off < 0) { len += off; off = 0; } if (len > chunks[i].width-off) len = chunks[i].width-off; ret.chunks.push_back(chunks[i].extract(off, len)); ret.width += len; offset += len; length -= len; } pos += chunks[i].width; } assert(length == 0); ret.check(); return ret; } void RTLIL::SigSpec::append(const RTLIL::SigSpec &signal) { for (size_t i = 0; i < signal.chunks.size(); i++) { chunks.push_back(signal.chunks[i]); width += signal.chunks[i].width; } check(); } bool RTLIL::SigSpec::combine(RTLIL::SigSpec signal, RTLIL::State freeState, bool override) { bool no_collisions = true; assert(width == signal.width); expand(); signal.expand(); for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) { bool self_free = chunks[i].wire == NULL && chunks[i].data.bits[0] == freeState; bool other_free = signal.chunks[i].wire == NULL && signal.chunks[i].data.bits[0] == freeState; if (!self_free && !other_free) { if (override) chunks[i] = signal.chunks[i]; else chunks[i] = RTLIL::SigChunk(RTLIL::State::Sx, 1); no_collisions = false; } if (self_free && !other_free) chunks[i] = signal.chunks[i]; } optimize(); return no_collisions; } void RTLIL::SigSpec::extend(int width, bool is_signed) { if (this->width > width) remove(width, this->width - width); if (this->width < width) { RTLIL::SigSpec padding = this->width > 0 ? extract(this->width - 1, 1) : RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::S0); if (!is_signed && padding != RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::Sx) && padding != RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::Sz) && padding != RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::Sa) && padding != RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::Sm)) padding = RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::S0); while (this->width < width) append(padding); } optimize(); } void RTLIL::SigSpec::check() const { int w = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < chunks.size(); i++) { const RTLIL::SigChunk chunk = chunks[i]; if (chunk.wire == NULL) { assert(chunk.offset == 0); assert(chunk.data.bits.size() == (size_t)chunk.width); assert(chunk.data.str.size() == 0 || chunk.data.str.size()*8 == chunk.data.bits.size()); } else { assert(chunk.offset >= 0); assert(chunk.width >= 0); assert(chunk.offset + chunk.width <= chunk.wire->width); assert(chunk.data.bits.size() == 0); assert(chunk.data.str.size() == 0); } w += chunk.width; } assert(w == width); } bool RTLIL::SigSpec::operator <(const RTLIL::SigSpec &other) const { if (width != other.width) return width < other.width; RTLIL::SigSpec a = *this, b = other; a.optimize(); b.optimize(); if (a.chunks.size() != b.chunks.size()) return a.chunks.size() < b.chunks.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < a.chunks.size(); i++) if (a.chunks[i] != b.chunks[i]) return a.chunks[i] < b.chunks[i]; return false; } bool RTLIL::SigSpec::operator ==(const RTLIL::SigSpec &other) const { if (width != other.width) return false; RTLIL::SigSpec a = *this, b = other; a.optimize(); b.optimize(); if (a.chunks.size() != b.chunks.size()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < a.chunks.size(); i++) if (a.chunks[i] != b.chunks[i]) return false; return true; } bool RTLIL::SigSpec::operator !=(const RTLIL::SigSpec &other) const { if (*this == other) return false; return true; } bool RTLIL::SigSpec::is_fully_const() const { for (auto it = chunks.begin(); it != chunks.end(); it++) if (it->width > 0 && it->wire != NULL) return false; return true; } bool RTLIL::SigSpec::is_fully_def() const { for (auto it = chunks.begin(); it != chunks.end(); it++) { if (it->width > 0 && it->wire != NULL) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < it->data.bits.size(); i++) if (it->data.bits[i] != RTLIL::State::S0 && it->data.bits[i] != RTLIL::State::S1) return false; } return true; } bool RTLIL::SigSpec::is_fully_undef() const { for (auto it = chunks.begin(); it != chunks.end(); it++) { if (it->width > 0 && it->wire != NULL) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < it->data.bits.size(); i++) if (it->data.bits[i] != RTLIL::State::Sx && it->data.bits[i] != RTLIL::State::Sz) return false; } return true; } bool RTLIL::SigSpec::has_marked_bits() const { for (auto it = chunks.begin(); it != chunks.end(); it++) if (it->width > 0 && it->wire == NULL) { for (size_t i = 0; i < it->data.bits.size(); i++) if (it->data.bits[i] == RTLIL::State::Sm) return true; } return false; } bool RTLIL::SigSpec::as_bool() const { assert(is_fully_const()); SigSpec sig = *this; sig.optimize(); if (sig.width) return sig.chunks[0].data.as_bool(); return false; } int RTLIL::SigSpec::as_int() const { assert(is_fully_const()); SigSpec sig = *this; sig.optimize(); if (sig.width) return sig.chunks[0].data.as_int(); return 0; } std::string RTLIL::SigSpec::as_string() const { std::string str; for (size_t i = chunks.size(); i > 0; i--) { const RTLIL::SigChunk &chunk = chunks[i-1]; if (chunk.wire != NULL) for (int j = 0; j < chunk.width; j++) str += "?"; else str += chunk.data.as_string(); } return str; } RTLIL::Const RTLIL::SigSpec::as_const() const { assert(is_fully_const()); SigSpec sig = *this; sig.optimize(); if (sig.width) return sig.chunks[0].data; return RTLIL::Const(); } bool RTLIL::SigSpec::match(std::string pattern) const { std::string str = as_string(); assert(pattern.size() == str.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < pattern.size(); i++) { if (pattern[i] == ' ') continue; if (pattern[i] == '*') { if (str[i] != 'z' && str[i] != 'x') return false; continue; } if (pattern[i] != str[i]) return false; } return true; } RTLIL::CaseRule::~CaseRule() { for (auto it = switches.begin(); it != switches.end(); it++) delete *it; } void RTLIL::CaseRule::optimize() { for (auto it : switches) it->optimize(); for (auto &it : compare) it.optimize(); for (auto &it : actions) { it.first.optimize(); it.second.optimize(); } } RTLIL::SwitchRule::~SwitchRule() { for (auto it = cases.begin(); it != cases.end(); it++) delete *it; } void RTLIL::SwitchRule::optimize() { signal.optimize(); for (auto it : cases) it->optimize(); } void RTLIL::SyncRule::optimize() { signal.optimize(); for (auto &it : actions) { it.first.optimize(); it.second.optimize(); } } RTLIL::Process::~Process() { for (auto it = syncs.begin(); it != syncs.end(); it++) delete *it; } void RTLIL::Process::optimize() { root_case.optimize(); for (auto it : syncs) it->optimize(); }