/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/rtlil.h" #include "kernel/register.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" #include "kernel/celltypes.h" #include "kernel/log.h" #include USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct BtorWorker { std::ostream &f; SigMap sigmap; RTLIL::Module *module; bool verbose; bool single_bad; int next_nid = 1; int initstate_nid = -1; // => dict sorts_bv; // (, ) => dict, int> sorts_mem; // SigBit => (, ) dict> bit_nid; // => dict nid_width; // SigSpec => dict sig_nid; // bit to driving cell dict bit_cell; // nids for constants dict consts; // ff inputs that need to be evaluated (, ) vector> ff_todo; pool cell_recursion_guard; vector bad_properties; dict initbits; pool statewires; string indent; void btorf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); f << indent << vstringf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } void btorf_push(const string &id) { if (verbose) { f << indent << stringf(" ; begin %s\n", id.c_str()); indent += " "; } } void btorf_pop(const string &id) { if (verbose) { indent = indent.substr(4); f << indent << stringf(" ; end %s\n", id.c_str()); } } int get_bv_sid(int width) { if (sorts_bv.count(width) == 0) { int nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d sort bitvec %d\n", nid, width); sorts_bv[width] = nid; } return sorts_bv.at(width); } int get_mem_sid(int abits, int dbits) { pair key(abits, dbits); if (sorts_mem.count(key) == 0) { int addr_sid = get_bv_sid(abits); int data_sid = get_bv_sid(dbits); int nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d sort array %d %d\n", nid, addr_sid, data_sid); sorts_mem[key] = nid; } return sorts_mem.at(key); } void add_nid_sig(int nid, const SigSpec &sig) { if (verbose) f << indent << stringf("; %d %s\n", nid, log_signal(sig)); for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig); i++) bit_nid[sig[i]] = make_pair(nid, i); sig_nid[sig] = nid; nid_width[nid] = GetSize(sig); } void export_cell(Cell *cell) { log_assert(cell_recursion_guard.count(cell) == 0); cell_recursion_guard.insert(cell); btorf_push(log_id(cell)); if (cell->type.in("$add", "$sub", "$and", "$or", "$xor", "$xnor", "$shl", "$sshl", "$shr", "$sshr", "$shift", "$shiftx", "$_AND_", "$_NAND_", "$_OR_", "$_NOR_", "$_XOR_", "$_XNOR_")) { string btor_op; if (cell->type == "$add") btor_op = "add"; if (cell->type == "$sub") btor_op = "sub"; if (cell->type.in("$shl", "$sshl")) btor_op = "sll"; if (cell->type == "$shr") btor_op = "srl"; if (cell->type == "$sshr") btor_op = "sra"; if (cell->type.in("$shift", "$shiftx")) btor_op = "shift"; if (cell->type.in("$and", "$_AND_")) btor_op = "and"; if (cell->type.in("$or", "$_OR_")) btor_op = "or"; if (cell->type.in("$xor", "$_XOR_")) btor_op = "xor"; if (cell->type == "$_NAND_") btor_op = "nand"; if (cell->type == "$_NOR_") btor_op = "nor"; if (cell->type.in("$xnor", "$_XNOR_")) btor_op = "xnor"; log_assert(!btor_op.empty()); int width = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")); width = std::max(width, GetSize(cell->getPort("\\A"))); width = std::max(width, GetSize(cell->getPort("\\B"))); bool a_signed = cell->hasParam("\\A_SIGNED") ? cell->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool() : false; bool b_signed = cell->hasParam("\\B_SIGNED") ? cell->getParam("\\B_SIGNED").as_bool() : false; if (btor_op == "shift" && !b_signed) btor_op = "srl"; if (cell->type.in("$shl", "$sshl", "$shr", "$sshr")) b_signed = false; if (cell->type == "$sshr" && !a_signed) btor_op = "srl"; int sid = get_bv_sid(width); int nid; if (btor_op == "shift") { int nid_a = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\A"), width, false); int nid_b = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\B"), width, b_signed); int nid_r = next_nid++; btorf("%d srl %d %d %d\n", nid_r, sid, nid_a, nid_b); int nid_b_neg = next_nid++; btorf("%d neg %d %d\n", nid_b_neg, sid, nid_b); int nid_l = next_nid++; btorf("%d sll %d %d %d\n", nid_l, sid, nid_a, nid_b_neg); int sid_bit = get_bv_sid(1); int nid_zero = get_sig_nid(Const(0, width)); int nid_b_ltz = next_nid++; btorf("%d slt %d %d %d\n", nid_b_ltz, sid_bit, nid_b, nid_zero); nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d ite %d %d %d %d\n", nid, sid, nid_b_ltz, nid_l, nid_r); } else { int nid_a = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\A"), width, a_signed); int nid_b = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\B"), width, b_signed); nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d %s %d %d %d\n", nid, btor_op.c_str(), sid, nid_a, nid_b); } SigSpec sig = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")); if (GetSize(sig) < width) { int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(sig)); int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d slice %d %d %d 0\n", nid2, sid, nid, GetSize(sig)-1); nid = nid2; } add_nid_sig(nid, sig); goto okay; } if (cell->type.in("$_ANDNOT_", "$_ORNOT_")) { int sid = get_bv_sid(1); int nid_a = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\A")); int nid_b = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\B")); int nid1 = next_nid++; int nid2 = next_nid++; if (cell->type == "$_ANDNOT_") { btorf("%d not %d %d\n", nid1, sid, nid_b); btorf("%d and %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, nid_a, nid1); } if (cell->type == "$_ORNOT_") { btorf("%d not %d %d\n", nid1, sid, nid_b); btorf("%d or %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, nid_a, nid1); } SigSpec sig = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")); add_nid_sig(nid2, sig); goto okay; } if (cell->type.in("$_OAI3_", "$_AOI3_")) { int sid = get_bv_sid(1); int nid_a = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\A")); int nid_b = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\B")); int nid_c = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\C")); int nid1 = next_nid++; int nid2 = next_nid++; int nid3 = next_nid++; if (cell->type == "$_OAI3_") { btorf("%d or %d %d %d\n", nid1, sid, nid_a, nid_b); btorf("%d and %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, nid1, nid_c); btorf("%d not %d %d\n", nid3, sid, nid2); } if (cell->type == "$_AOI3_") { btorf("%d and %d %d %d\n", nid1, sid, nid_a, nid_b); btorf("%d or %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, nid1, nid_c); btorf("%d not %d %d\n", nid3, sid, nid2); } SigSpec sig = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")); add_nid_sig(nid3, sig); goto okay; } if (cell->type.in("$_OAI4_", "$_AOI4_")) { int sid = get_bv_sid(1); int nid_a = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\A")); int nid_b = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\B")); int nid_c = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\C")); int nid_d = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\D")); int nid1 = next_nid++; int nid2 = next_nid++; int nid3 = next_nid++; int nid4 = next_nid++; if (cell->type == "$_OAI4_") { btorf("%d or %d %d %d\n", nid1, sid, nid_a, nid_b); btorf("%d or %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, nid_c, nid_d); btorf("%d and %d %d %d\n", nid3, sid, nid1, nid2); btorf("%d not %d %d\n", nid4, sid, nid3); } if (cell->type == "$_AOI4_") { btorf("%d and %d %d %d\n", nid1, sid, nid_a, nid_b); btorf("%d and %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, nid_c, nid_d); btorf("%d or %d %d %d\n", nid3, sid, nid1, nid2); btorf("%d not %d %d\n", nid4, sid, nid3); } SigSpec sig = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")); add_nid_sig(nid4, sig); goto okay; } if (cell->type.in("$lt", "$le", "$eq", "$eqx", "$ne", "$nex", "$ge", "$gt")) { string btor_op; if (cell->type == "$lt") btor_op = "lt"; if (cell->type == "$le") btor_op = "lte"; if (cell->type.in("$eq", "$eqx")) btor_op = "eq"; if (cell->type.in("$ne", "$nex")) btor_op = "ne"; if (cell->type == "$ge") btor_op = "gte"; if (cell->type == "$gt") btor_op = "gt"; log_assert(!btor_op.empty()); int width = 1; width = std::max(width, GetSize(cell->getPort("\\A"))); width = std::max(width, GetSize(cell->getPort("\\B"))); bool a_signed = cell->hasParam("\\A_SIGNED") ? cell->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool() : false; bool b_signed = cell->hasParam("\\B_SIGNED") ? cell->getParam("\\B_SIGNED").as_bool() : false; int sid = get_bv_sid(1); int nid_a = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\A"), width, a_signed); int nid_b = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\B"), width, b_signed); int nid = next_nid++; if (cell->type.in("$lt", "$le", "$ge", "$gt")) { btorf("%d %c%s %d %d %d\n", nid, a_signed || b_signed ? 's' : 'u', btor_op.c_str(), sid, nid_a, nid_b); } else { btorf("%d %s %d %d %d\n", nid, btor_op.c_str(), sid, nid_a, nid_b); } SigSpec sig = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")); if (GetSize(sig) > 1) { int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(sig)); int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d uext %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, nid, GetSize(sig) - 1); nid = nid2; } add_nid_sig(nid, sig); goto okay; } if (cell->type.in("$not", "$neg", "$_NOT_")) { string btor_op; if (cell->type.in("$not", "$_NOT_")) btor_op = "not"; if (cell->type == "$neg") btor_op = "neg"; log_assert(!btor_op.empty()); int width = GetSize(cell->getPort("\\Y")); width = std::max(width, GetSize(cell->getPort("\\A"))); bool a_signed = cell->hasParam("\\A_SIGNED") ? cell->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool() : false; int sid = get_bv_sid(width); int nid_a = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\A"), width, a_signed); int nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d %s %d %d\n", nid, btor_op.c_str(), sid, nid_a); SigSpec sig = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")); if (GetSize(sig) < width) { int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(sig)); int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d slice %d %d %d 0\n", nid2, sid, nid, GetSize(sig)-1); nid = nid2; } add_nid_sig(nid, sig); goto okay; } if (cell->type.in("$logic_and", "$logic_or", "$logic_not")) { string btor_op; if (cell->type == "$logic_and") btor_op = "and"; if (cell->type == "$logic_or") btor_op = "or"; if (cell->type == "$logic_not") btor_op = "not"; log_assert(!btor_op.empty()); int sid = get_bv_sid(1); int nid_a = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\A")); int nid_b = btor_op != "not" ? get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\B")) : 0; if (GetSize(cell->getPort("\\A")) > 1) { int nid_red_a = next_nid++; btorf("%d redor %d %d\n", nid_red_a, sid, nid_a); nid_a = nid_red_a; } if (btor_op != "not" && GetSize(cell->getPort("\\B")) > 1) { int nid_red_b = next_nid++; btorf("%d redor %d %d\n", nid_red_b, sid, nid_b); nid_b = nid_red_b; } int nid = next_nid++; if (btor_op != "not") btorf("%d %s %d %d %d\n", nid, btor_op.c_str(), sid, nid_a, nid_b); else btorf("%d %s %d %d\n", nid, btor_op.c_str(), sid, nid_a); SigSpec sig = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")); if (GetSize(sig) > 1) { int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(sig)); int zeros_nid = get_sig_nid(Const(0, GetSize(sig)-1)); int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d concat %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, zeros_nid, nid); nid = nid2; } add_nid_sig(nid, sig); goto okay; } if (cell->type.in("$reduce_and", "$reduce_or", "$reduce_bool", "$reduce_xor", "$reduce_xnor")) { string btor_op; if (cell->type == "$reduce_and") btor_op = "redand"; if (cell->type.in("$reduce_or", "$reduce_bool")) btor_op = "redor"; if (cell->type.in("$reduce_xor", "$reduce_xnor")) btor_op = "redxor"; log_assert(!btor_op.empty()); int sid = get_bv_sid(1); int nid_a = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\A")); int nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d %s %d %d\n", nid, btor_op.c_str(), sid, nid_a); if (cell->type == "$reduce_xnor") { int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d not %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, nid); nid = nid2; } SigSpec sig = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")); if (GetSize(sig) > 1) { int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(sig)); int zeros_nid = get_sig_nid(Const(0, GetSize(sig)-1)); int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d concat %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, zeros_nid, nid); nid = nid2; } add_nid_sig(nid, sig); goto okay; } if (cell->type.in("$mux", "$_MUX_")) { SigSpec sig_a = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\A")); SigSpec sig_b = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\B")); SigSpec sig_s = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\S")); SigSpec sig_y = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")); int nid_a = get_sig_nid(sig_a); int nid_b = get_sig_nid(sig_b); int nid_s = get_sig_nid(sig_s); int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(sig_y)); int nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d ite %d %d %d %d\n", nid, sid, nid_s, nid_b, nid_a); add_nid_sig(nid, sig_y); goto okay; } if (cell->type == "$pmux") { SigSpec sig_a = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\A")); SigSpec sig_b = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\B")); SigSpec sig_s = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\S")); SigSpec sig_y = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")); int width = GetSize(sig_a); int sid = get_bv_sid(width); int nid = get_sig_nid(sig_a); for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig_s); i++) { int nid_b = get_sig_nid(sig_b.extract(i*width, width)); int nid_s = get_sig_nid(sig_s.extract(i)); int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d ite %d %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, nid_s, nid_b, nid); nid = nid2; } add_nid_sig(nid, sig_y); goto okay; } if (cell->type.in("$dff", "$ff", "$_DFF_P_", "$_DFF_N", "$_FF_")) { SigSpec sig_d = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\D")); SigSpec sig_q = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Q")); IdString symbol; if (sig_q.is_wire()) { Wire *w = sig_q.as_wire(); if (w->port_id == 0) { statewires.insert(w); symbol = w->name; } } int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(sig_q)); int nid = next_nid++; if (symbol.empty()) btorf("%d state %d\n", nid, sid); else btorf("%d state %d %s\n", nid, sid, log_id(symbol)); Const initval; for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig_q); i++) if (initbits.count(sig_q[i])) initval.bits.push_back(initbits.at(sig_q[i]) ? State::S1 : State::S0); else initval.bits.push_back(State::Sx); if (!initval.is_fully_undef()) { int nid_init_val = get_sig_nid(initval); int nid_init = next_nid++; if (verbose) btorf("; initval = %s\n", log_signal(initval)); btorf("%d init %d %d %d\n", nid_init, sid, nid, nid_init_val); } ff_todo.push_back(make_pair(nid, cell)); add_nid_sig(nid, sig_q); goto okay; } if (cell->type.in("$anyconst", "$anyseq")) { SigSpec sig_y = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")); int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(sig_y)); int nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d state %d\n", nid, sid); if (cell->type == "$anyconst") { int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d next %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, nid, nid); } add_nid_sig(nid, sig_y); goto okay; } if (cell->type == "$initstate") { SigSpec sig_y = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")); if (initstate_nid < 0) { int sid = get_bv_sid(1); int one_nid = get_sig_nid(Const(1, 1)); int zero_nid = get_sig_nid(Const(0, 1)); initstate_nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d state %d\n", initstate_nid, sid); btorf("%d init %d %d %d\n", next_nid++, sid, initstate_nid, one_nid); btorf("%d next %d %d %d\n", next_nid++, sid, initstate_nid, zero_nid); } add_nid_sig(initstate_nid, sig_y); goto okay; } if (cell->type == "$mem") { int abits = cell->getParam("\\ABITS").as_int(); int width = cell->getParam("\\WIDTH").as_int(); int rdports = cell->getParam("\\RD_PORTS").as_int(); int wrports = cell->getParam("\\WR_PORTS").as_int(); Const wr_clk_en = cell->getParam("\\WR_CLK_ENABLE"); Const rd_clk_en = cell->getParam("\\RD_CLK_ENABLE"); bool asyncwr = wr_clk_en.is_fully_zero(); if (!asyncwr && !wr_clk_en.is_fully_ones()) log_error("Memory %s.%s has mixed async/sync write ports.\n", log_id(module), log_id(cell)); if (!rd_clk_en.is_fully_zero()) log_error("Memory %s.%s has sync read ports.\n", log_id(module), log_id(cell)); SigSpec sig_rd_addr = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\RD_ADDR")); SigSpec sig_rd_data = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\RD_DATA")); SigSpec sig_wr_addr = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\WR_ADDR")); SigSpec sig_wr_data = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\WR_DATA")); SigSpec sig_wr_en = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\WR_EN")); int data_sid = get_bv_sid(width); int bool_sid = get_bv_sid(1); int sid = get_mem_sid(abits, width); int nid = next_nid++; int nid_head = nid; if (cell->name[0] == '$') btorf("%d state %d\n", nid, sid); else btorf("%d state %d %s\n", nid, sid, log_id(cell)); if (asyncwr) { for (int port = 0; port < wrports; port++) { SigSpec wa = sig_wr_addr.extract(port*abits, abits); SigSpec wd = sig_wr_data.extract(port*width, width); SigSpec we = sig_wr_en.extract(port*width, width); int wa_nid = get_sig_nid(wa); int wd_nid = get_sig_nid(wd); int we_nid = get_sig_nid(we); int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d read %d %d %d\n", nid2, data_sid, nid_head, wa_nid); int nid3 = next_nid++; btorf("%d not %d %d\n", nid3, data_sid, we_nid); int nid4 = next_nid++; btorf("%d and %d %d %d\n", nid4, data_sid, nid2, nid3); int nid5 = next_nid++; btorf("%d and %d %d %d\n", nid5, data_sid, wd_nid, we_nid); int nid6 = next_nid++; btorf("%d or %d %d %d\n", nid6, data_sid, nid5, nid4); int nid7 = next_nid++; btorf("%d write %d %d %d %d\n", nid7, sid, nid_head, wa_nid, nid6); int nid8 = next_nid++; btorf("%d redor %d %d\n", nid8, bool_sid, we_nid); int nid9 = next_nid++; btorf("%d ite %d %d %d %d\n", nid9, sid, nid8, nid7, nid_head); nid_head = nid9; } } for (int port = 0; port < rdports; port++) { SigSpec ra = sig_rd_addr.extract(port*abits, abits); SigSpec rd = sig_rd_data.extract(port*width, width); int ra_nid = get_sig_nid(ra); int rd_nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d read %d %d %d\n", rd_nid, data_sid, nid_head, ra_nid); add_nid_sig(rd_nid, rd); } if (!asyncwr) { ff_todo.push_back(make_pair(nid, cell)); } else { int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d next %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, nid, nid_head); } goto okay; } log_error("Unsupported cell type: %s (%s)\n", log_id(cell->type), log_id(cell)); okay: btorf_pop(log_id(cell)); cell_recursion_guard.erase(cell); } int get_sig_nid(SigSpec sig, int to_width = -1, bool is_signed = false) { int nid = -1; sigmap.apply(sig); for (auto bit : sig) if (bit == State::Sx) goto has_undef_bits; if (0) { has_undef_bits: SigSpec sig_mask_undef, sig_noundef; int first_undef = -1; for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig); i++) if (sig[i] == State::Sx) { if (first_undef < 0) first_undef = i; sig_mask_undef.append(State::S1); sig_noundef.append(State::S0); } else { sig_mask_undef.append(State::S0); sig_noundef.append(sig[i]); } if (to_width < 0 || first_undef < to_width) { int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(sig)); int nid_input = next_nid++; btorf("%d input %d\n", nid_input, sid); int nid_masked_input; if (sig_mask_undef.is_fully_ones()) { nid_masked_input = nid_input; } else { int nid_mask_undef = get_sig_nid(sig_mask_undef); nid_masked_input = next_nid++; btorf("%d and %d %d %d\n", nid_masked_input, sid, nid_input, nid_mask_undef); } if (sig_noundef.is_fully_zero()) { nid = nid_masked_input; } else { int nid_noundef = get_sig_nid(sig_noundef); nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d or %d %d %d\n", nid, sid, nid_masked_input, nid_noundef); } goto extend_or_trim; } sig = sig_noundef; } if (sig_nid.count(sig) == 0) { // , vector> nidbits; // collect all bits for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig); i++) { SigBit bit = sig[i]; if (bit_nid.count(bit) == 0) { if (bit.wire == nullptr) { Const c(bit.data); while (i+GetSize(c) < GetSize(sig) && sig[i+GetSize(c)].wire == nullptr) c.bits.push_back(sig[i+GetSize(c)].data); if (consts.count(c) == 0) { int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(c)); int nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d const %d %s\n", nid, sid, c.as_string().c_str()); consts[c] = nid; nid_width[nid] = GetSize(c); } int nid = consts.at(c); for (int j = 0; j < GetSize(c); j++) nidbits.push_back(make_pair(nid, j)); i += GetSize(c)-1; continue; } else { export_cell(bit_cell.at(bit)); log_assert(bit_nid.count(bit)); } } nidbits.push_back(bit_nid.at(bit)); } int width = 0; int nid = -1; // group bits and emit slice-concat chain for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(nidbits); i++) { int nid2 = nidbits[i].first; int lower = nidbits[i].second; int upper = lower; while (i+1 < GetSize(nidbits) && nidbits[i+1].first == nidbits[i].first && nidbits[i+1].second == nidbits[i].second+1) upper++, i++; int nid3 = nid2; if (lower != 0 || upper+1 != nid_width.at(nid2)) { int sid = get_bv_sid(upper-lower+1); nid3 = next_nid++; btorf("%d slice %d %d %d %d\n", nid3, sid, nid2, upper, lower); } int nid4 = nid3; if (nid >= 0) { int sid = get_bv_sid(width+upper-lower+1); nid4 = next_nid++; btorf("%d concat %d %d %d\n", nid4, sid, nid3, nid); } width += upper-lower+1; nid = nid4; } sig_nid[sig] = nid; nid_width[nid] = width; } nid = sig_nid.at(sig); extend_or_trim: if (to_width >= 0 && to_width != GetSize(sig)) { if (to_width < GetSize(sig)) { int sid = get_bv_sid(to_width); int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d slice %d %d %d 0\n", nid2, sid, nid, to_width-1); nid = nid2; } else { int sid = get_bv_sid(to_width); int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d %s %d %d %d\n", nid2, is_signed ? "sext" : "uext", sid, nid, to_width - GetSize(sig)); nid = nid2; } } return nid; } BtorWorker(std::ostream &f, RTLIL::Module *module, bool verbose, bool single_bad) : f(f), sigmap(module), module(module), verbose(verbose), single_bad(single_bad) { btorf_push("inputs"); for (auto wire : module->wires()) { if (wire->attributes.count("\\init")) { Const attrval = wire->attributes.at("\\init"); for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(wire) && i < GetSize(attrval); i++) if (attrval[i] == State::S0 || attrval[i] == State::S1) initbits[sigmap(SigBit(wire, i))] = (attrval[i] == State::S1); } if (!wire->port_id || !wire->port_input) continue; SigSpec sig = sigmap(wire); int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(sig)); int nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d input %d %s\n", nid, sid, log_id(wire)); add_nid_sig(nid, sig); } btorf_pop("inputs"); for (auto cell : module->cells()) for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) { if (!cell->output(conn.first)) continue; for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second)) bit_cell[bit] = cell; } for (auto wire : module->wires()) { if (!wire->port_id || !wire->port_output) continue; btorf_push(stringf("output %s", log_id(wire))); int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(wire)); int nid = get_sig_nid(wire); btorf("%d output %d %d %s\n", next_nid++, sid, nid, log_id(wire)); btorf_pop(stringf("output %s", log_id(wire))); } for (auto cell : module->cells()) { if (cell->type == "$assume") { btorf_push(log_id(cell)); int sid = get_bv_sid(1); int nid_a = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\A")); int nid_en = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\EN")); int nid_not_en = next_nid++; int nid_a_or_not_en = next_nid++; int nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d not %d %d\n", nid_not_en, sid, nid_en); btorf("%d or %d %d %d\n", nid_a_or_not_en, sid, nid_a, nid_not_en); btorf("%d constraint %d\n", nid, nid_a_or_not_en); btorf_pop(log_id(cell)); } if (cell->type == "$assert") { btorf_push(log_id(cell)); int sid = get_bv_sid(1); int nid_a = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\A")); int nid_en = get_sig_nid(cell->getPort("\\EN")); int nid_not_a = next_nid++; int nid_en_and_not_a = next_nid++; btorf("%d not %d %d\n", nid_not_a, sid, nid_a); btorf("%d and %d %d %d\n", nid_en_and_not_a, sid, nid_en, nid_not_a); if (single_bad) { bad_properties.push_back(nid_en_and_not_a); } else { int nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d bad %d\n", nid, nid_en_and_not_a); } btorf_pop(log_id(cell)); } } for (auto wire : module->wires()) { if (wire->port_id || wire->name[0] == '$') continue; btorf_push(stringf("wire %s", log_id(wire))); int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(wire)); int nid = get_sig_nid(sigmap(wire)); if (statewires.count(wire)) continue; int this_nid = next_nid++; btorf("%d uext %d %d %d %s\n", this_nid, sid, nid, 0, log_id(wire)); btorf_pop(stringf("wire %s", log_id(wire))); continue; } while (!ff_todo.empty()) { vector> todo; todo.swap(ff_todo); for (auto &it : todo) { int nid = it.first; Cell *cell = it.second; btorf_push(stringf("next %s", log_id(cell))); if (cell->type == "$mem") { int abits = cell->getParam("\\ABITS").as_int(); int width = cell->getParam("\\WIDTH").as_int(); int wrports = cell->getParam("\\WR_PORTS").as_int(); SigSpec sig_wr_addr = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\WR_ADDR")); SigSpec sig_wr_data = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\WR_DATA")); SigSpec sig_wr_en = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\WR_EN")); int data_sid = get_bv_sid(width); int bool_sid = get_bv_sid(1); int sid = get_mem_sid(abits, width); int nid_head = nid; for (int port = 0; port < wrports; port++) { SigSpec wa = sig_wr_addr.extract(port*abits, abits); SigSpec wd = sig_wr_data.extract(port*width, width); SigSpec we = sig_wr_en.extract(port*width, width); int wa_nid = get_sig_nid(wa); int wd_nid = get_sig_nid(wd); int we_nid = get_sig_nid(we); int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d read %d %d %d\n", nid2, data_sid, nid_head, wa_nid); int nid3 = next_nid++; btorf("%d not %d %d\n", nid3, data_sid, we_nid); int nid4 = next_nid++; btorf("%d and %d %d %d\n", nid4, data_sid, nid2, nid3); int nid5 = next_nid++; btorf("%d and %d %d %d\n", nid5, data_sid, wd_nid, we_nid); int nid6 = next_nid++; btorf("%d or %d %d %d\n", nid6, data_sid, nid5, nid4); int nid7 = next_nid++; btorf("%d write %d %d %d %d\n", nid7, sid, nid_head, wa_nid, nid6); int nid8 = next_nid++; btorf("%d redor %d %d\n", nid8, bool_sid, we_nid); int nid9 = next_nid++; btorf("%d ite %d %d %d %d\n", nid9, sid, nid8, nid7, nid_head); nid_head = nid9; } int nid2 = next_nid++; btorf("%d next %d %d %d\n", nid2, sid, nid, nid_head); } else { SigSpec sig = sigmap(cell->getPort("\\D")); int nid_q = get_sig_nid(sig); int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(sig)); btorf("%d next %d %d %d\n", next_nid++, sid, nid, nid_q); } btorf_pop(stringf("next %s", log_id(cell))); } } while (!bad_properties.empty()) { vector todo; bad_properties.swap(todo); int sid = get_bv_sid(1); int cursor = 0; while (cursor+1 < GetSize(todo)) { int nid_a = todo[cursor++]; int nid_b = todo[cursor++]; int nid = next_nid++; bad_properties.push_back(nid); btorf("%d or %d %d %d\n", nid, sid, nid_a, nid_b); } if (!bad_properties.empty()) { if (cursor < GetSize(todo)) bad_properties.push_back(todo[cursor++]); log_assert(cursor == GetSize(todo)); } else { int nid = next_nid++; log_assert(cursor == 0); log_assert(GetSize(todo) == 1); btorf("%d bad %d\n", nid, todo[cursor]); } } } }; struct BtorBackend : public Backend { BtorBackend() : Backend("btor", "write design to BTOR file") { } virtual void help() { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" write_btor [options] [filename]\n"); log("\n"); log("Write a BTOR description of the current design.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -v\n"); log(" Add comments and indentation to BTOR output file\n"); log("\n"); log(" -s\n"); log(" Output only a single bad property for all asserts\n"); log("\n"); } virtual void execute(std::ostream *&f, std::string filename, std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) { bool verbose = false, single_bad = false; log_header(design, "Executing BTOR backend.\n"); size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (args[argidx] == "-v") { verbose = true; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-s") { single_bad = true; continue; } break; } extra_args(f, filename, args, argidx); RTLIL::Module *topmod = design->top_module(); if (topmod == nullptr) log_cmd_error("No top module found.\n"); *f << stringf("; BTOR description generated by %s for module %s.\n", yosys_version_str, log_id(topmod)); BtorWorker(*f, topmod, verbose, single_bad); *f << stringf("; end of yosys output\n"); } } BtorBackend; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END