/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/register.h" #include "kernel/celltypes.h" #include "kernel/log.h" #include <string.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <readline/readline.h> using RTLIL::id2cstr; #undef CLUSTER_CELLS_AND_PORTBOXES struct ShowWorker { CellTypes ct; std::vector<std::string> dot_escape_store; std::map<RTLIL::IdString, int> dot_id2num_store; std::map<RTLIL::IdString, int> autonames; int single_idx_count; struct net_conn { std::set<std::string> in, out; int bits; std::string color; }; std::map<std::string, net_conn> net_conn_map; FILE *f; RTLIL::Design *design; RTLIL::Module *module; uint32_t currentColor; bool genWidthLabels; bool stretchIO; bool enumerateIds; bool abbreviateIds; int page_counter; const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, RTLIL::Selection>> &color_selections; const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, RTLIL::Selection>> &label_selections; uint32_t xorshift32(uint32_t x) { x ^= x << 13; x ^= x >> 17; x ^= x << 5; return x; } std::string nextColor() { if (currentColor == 0) return "color=\"black\""; return stringf("colorscheme=\"dark28\", color=\"%d\", fontcolor=\"%d\"", currentColor%8+1); } std::string nextColor(std::string presetColor) { if (presetColor.empty()) return nextColor(); return presetColor; } std::string nextColor(RTLIL::SigSpec sig, std::string defaultColor) { sig.sort_and_unify(); for (auto &c : sig.chunks) { if (c.wire != NULL) for (auto &s : color_selections) if (s.second.selected_members.count(module->name) > 0 && s.second.selected_members.at(module->name).count(c.wire->name) > 0) return stringf("color=\"%s\", fontcolor=\"%d\"", s.first.c_str(), s.first.c_str()); } return defaultColor; } std::string nextColor(RTLIL::SigSig &conn, std::string defaultColor) { return nextColor(conn.first, nextColor(conn.second, defaultColor)); } std::string nextColor(RTLIL::SigSpec &sig) { return nextColor(sig, nextColor()); } std::string nextColor(RTLIL::SigSig &conn) { return nextColor(conn, nextColor()); } std::string widthLabel(int bits) { if (bits <= 1) return "label=\"\""; if (!genWidthLabels) return "style=\"setlinewidth(3)\", label=\"\""; return stringf("style=\"setlinewidth(3)\", label=\"<%d>\"", bits); } const char *escape(std::string id, bool is_name = false) { if (id.size() == 0) return ""; if (id[0] == '$' && is_name) { if (enumerateIds) { if (autonames.count(id) == 0) { autonames[id] = autonames.size() + 1; log("Generated short name for internal identifier: _%d_ -> %s\n", autonames[id], id.c_str()); } id = stringf("_%d_", autonames[id]); } else if (abbreviateIds) { const char *p = id.c_str(); const char *q = strrchr(p, '$'); id = std::string(q); } } if (id[0] == '\\') id = id.substr(1); std::string str; for (char ch : id) { if (ch == '\\' || ch == '"') str += "\\"; str += ch; } dot_escape_store.push_back(str); return dot_escape_store.back().c_str(); } int id2num(RTLIL::IdString id) { if (dot_id2num_store.count(id) > 0) return dot_id2num_store[id]; return dot_id2num_store[id] = dot_id2num_store.size() + 1; } std::string gen_signode_simple(RTLIL::SigSpec sig, bool range_check = true) { sig.optimize(); if (sig.chunks.size() == 0) { fprintf(f, "v%d [ label=\"\" ];\n", single_idx_count); return stringf("v%d", single_idx_count++); } if (sig.chunks.size() == 1) { RTLIL::SigChunk &c = sig.chunks[0]; if (c.wire != NULL && design->selected_member(module->name, c.wire->name)) { if (!range_check || c.wire->width == c.width) return stringf("n%d", id2num(c.wire->name)); } else { fprintf(f, "v%d [ label=\"%s\" ];\n", single_idx_count, escape(log_signal(c), true)); return stringf("v%d", single_idx_count++); } } return std::string(); } std::string gen_portbox(std::string port, RTLIL::SigSpec sig, bool driver, std::string *node = NULL) { std::string code; std::string net = gen_signode_simple(sig); if (net.empty()) { std::string label_string; sig.optimize(); int pos = sig.width-1; int idx = single_idx_count++; for (int i = int(sig.chunks.size())-1; i >= 0; i--) { RTLIL::SigChunk &c = sig.chunks[i]; net = gen_signode_simple(c, false); assert(!net.empty()); if (driver) { label_string += stringf("<s%d> %d:%d - %d:%d |", i, pos, pos-c.width+1, c.offset+c.width-1, c.offset); net_conn_map[net].in.insert(stringf("x%d:s%d", idx, i)); net_conn_map[net].bits = c.width; net_conn_map[net].color = nextColor(c, net_conn_map[net].color); } else { label_string += stringf("<s%d> %d:%d - %d:%d |", i, c.offset+c.width-1, c.offset, pos, pos-c.width+1); net_conn_map[net].out.insert(stringf("x%d:s%d", idx, i)); net_conn_map[net].bits = c.width; net_conn_map[net].color = nextColor(c, net_conn_map[net].color); } pos -= c.width; } if (label_string[label_string.size()-1] == '|') label_string = label_string.substr(0, label_string.size()-1); code += stringf("x%d [ shape=record, style=rounded, label=\"%s\" ];\n", idx, label_string.c_str()); if (!port.empty()) { currentColor = xorshift32(currentColor); if (driver) code += stringf("%s:e -> x%d:w [arrowhead=odiamond, arrowtail=odiamond, dir=both, %s, %s];\n", port.c_str(), idx, nextColor(sig).c_str(), widthLabel(sig.width).c_str()); else code += stringf("x%d:e -> %s:w [arrowhead=odiamond, arrowtail=odiamond, dir=both, %s, %s];\n", idx, port.c_str(), nextColor(sig).c_str(), widthLabel(sig.width).c_str()); } if (node != NULL) *node = stringf("x%d", idx); } else { if (!port.empty()) { if (driver) net_conn_map[net].in.insert(port); else net_conn_map[net].out.insert(port); net_conn_map[net].bits = sig.width; net_conn_map[net].color = nextColor(sig, net_conn_map[net].color); } if (node != NULL) *node = net; } return code; } void collect_proc_signals(std::vector<RTLIL::SigSpec> &obj, std::set<RTLIL::SigSpec> &signals) { for (auto &it : obj) if (!it.is_fully_const()) signals.insert(it); } void collect_proc_signals(std::vector<RTLIL::SigSig> &obj, std::set<RTLIL::SigSpec> &input_signals, std::set<RTLIL::SigSpec> &output_signals) { for (auto &it : obj) { output_signals.insert(it.first); if (!it.second.is_fully_const()) input_signals.insert(it.second); } } void collect_proc_signals(RTLIL::CaseRule *obj, std::set<RTLIL::SigSpec> &input_signals, std::set<RTLIL::SigSpec> &output_signals) { collect_proc_signals(obj->compare, input_signals); collect_proc_signals(obj->actions, input_signals, output_signals); for (auto it : obj->switches) collect_proc_signals(it, input_signals, output_signals); } void collect_proc_signals(RTLIL::SwitchRule *obj, std::set<RTLIL::SigSpec> &input_signals, std::set<RTLIL::SigSpec> &output_signals) { input_signals.insert(obj->signal); for (auto it : obj->cases) collect_proc_signals(it, input_signals, output_signals); } void collect_proc_signals(RTLIL::SyncRule *obj, std::set<RTLIL::SigSpec> &input_signals, std::set<RTLIL::SigSpec> &output_signals) { input_signals.insert(obj->signal); collect_proc_signals(obj->actions, input_signals, output_signals); } void collect_proc_signals(RTLIL::Process *obj, std::set<RTLIL::SigSpec> &input_signals, std::set<RTLIL::SigSpec> &output_signals) { collect_proc_signals(&obj->root_case, input_signals, output_signals); for (auto it : obj->syncs) collect_proc_signals(it, input_signals, output_signals); } void handle_module() { single_idx_count = 0; dot_escape_store.clear(); dot_id2num_store.clear(); net_conn_map.clear(); fprintf(f, "digraph \"%s\" {\n", escape(module->name)); fprintf(f, "label=\"%s\";\n", escape(module->name)); fprintf(f, "rankdir=\"LR\";\n"); fprintf(f, "remincross=true;\n"); std::set<std::string> all_sources, all_sinks; std::map<std::string, std::string> wires_on_demand; for (auto &it : module->wires) { if (!design->selected_member(module->name, it.first)) continue; const char *shape = "diamond"; if (it.second->port_input || it.second->port_output) shape = "octagon"; if (it.first[0] == '\\') { fprintf(f, "n%d [ shape=%s, label=\"%s\", %s, fontcolor=\"black\" ];\n", id2num(it.first), shape, escape(it.first), nextColor(RTLIL::SigSpec(it.second), "color=\"black\"").c_str()); if (it.second->port_input) all_sources.insert(stringf("n%d", id2num(it.first))); else if (it.second->port_output) all_sinks.insert(stringf("n%d", id2num(it.first))); } else { wires_on_demand[stringf("n%d", id2num(it.first))] = it.first; } } if (stretchIO) { fprintf(f, "{ rank=\"source\";"); for (auto n : all_sources) fprintf(f, " %s;", n.c_str()); fprintf(f, "}\n"); fprintf(f, "{ rank=\"sink\";"); for (auto n : all_sinks) fprintf(f, " %s;", n.c_str()); fprintf(f, "}\n"); } for (auto &it : module->cells) { if (!design->selected_member(module->name, it.first)) continue; std::vector<RTLIL::IdString> in_ports, out_ports; for (auto &conn : it.second->connections) { if (!ct.cell_output(it.second->type, conn.first)) in_ports.push_back(conn.first); else out_ports.push_back(conn.first); } std::string label_string = "{{"; for (auto &p : in_ports) label_string += stringf("<p%d> %s|", id2num(p), escape(p)); if (label_string[label_string.size()-1] == '|') label_string = label_string.substr(0, label_string.size()-1); label_string += stringf("}|%s\\n%s|{", escape(it.first, true), escape(it.second->type)); for (auto &p : out_ports) label_string += stringf("<p%d> %s|", id2num(p), escape(p)); if (label_string[label_string.size()-1] == '|') label_string = label_string.substr(0, label_string.size()-1); label_string += "}}"; std::string code; for (auto &conn : it.second->connections) { code += gen_portbox(stringf("c%d:p%d", id2num(it.first), id2num(conn.first)), conn.second, ct.cell_output(it.second->type, conn.first)); } #ifdef CLUSTER_CELLS_AND_PORTBOXES if (!code.empty()) fprintf(f, "subgraph cluster_c%d {\nc%d [ shape=record, label=\"%s\" ];\n%s}\n", id2num(it.first), id2num(it.first), label_string.c_str(), code.c_str()); else #endif fprintf(f, "c%d [ shape=record, label=\"%s\" ];\n%s", id2num(it.first), label_string.c_str(), code.c_str()); } for (auto &it : module->processes) { RTLIL::Process *proc = it.second; if (!design->selected_member(module->name, proc->name)) continue; std::set<RTLIL::SigSpec> input_signals, output_signals; collect_proc_signals(proc, input_signals, output_signals); int pidx = single_idx_count++; input_signals.erase(RTLIL::SigSpec()); output_signals.erase(RTLIL::SigSpec()); for (auto &sig : input_signals) { std::string code, node; code += gen_portbox("", sig, false, &node); fprintf(f, "%s", code.c_str()); net_conn_map[node].out.insert(stringf("p%d", pidx)); net_conn_map[node].bits = sig.width; net_conn_map[node].color = nextColor(sig, net_conn_map[node].color); } for (auto &sig : output_signals) { std::string code, node; code += gen_portbox("", sig, true, &node); fprintf(f, "%s", code.c_str()); net_conn_map[node].in.insert(stringf("p%d", pidx)); net_conn_map[node].bits = sig.width; net_conn_map[node].color = nextColor(sig, net_conn_map[node].color); } std::string proc_src = RTLIL::unescape_id(proc->name); if (proc->attributes.count("\\src") > 0) proc_src = proc->attributes.at("\\src").decode_string(); fprintf(f, "p%d [shape=box, style=rounded, label=\"PROC %s\\n%s\"];\n", pidx, escape(proc->name, true), proc_src.c_str()); } for (auto &conn : module->connections) { bool found_lhs_wire = false; for (auto &c : conn.first.chunks) { if (c.wire == NULL || design->selected_member(module->name, c.wire->name)) found_lhs_wire = true; } bool found_rhs_wire = false; for (auto &c : conn.second.chunks) { if (c.wire == NULL || design->selected_member(module->name, c.wire->name)) found_rhs_wire = true; } if (!found_lhs_wire || !found_rhs_wire) continue; std::string code, left_node, right_node; code += gen_portbox("", conn.second, false, &left_node); code += gen_portbox("", conn.first, true, &right_node); fprintf(f, "%s", code.c_str()); if (left_node[0] == 'x' && right_node[0] == 'x') { currentColor = xorshift32(currentColor); fprintf(f, "%s:e -> %s:w [arrowhead=odiamond, arrowtail=odiamond, dir=both, %s, %s];\n", left_node.c_str(), right_node.c_str(), nextColor(conn).c_str(), widthLabel(conn.first.width).c_str()); } else { net_conn_map[right_node].bits = conn.first.width; net_conn_map[right_node].color = nextColor(conn, net_conn_map[right_node].color); net_conn_map[left_node].bits = conn.first.width; net_conn_map[left_node].color = nextColor(conn, net_conn_map[left_node].color); if (left_node[0] == 'x') { net_conn_map[right_node].in.insert(left_node); } else if (right_node[0] == 'x') { net_conn_map[left_node].out.insert(right_node); } else { net_conn_map[right_node].in.insert(stringf("x%d:e", single_idx_count)); net_conn_map[left_node].out.insert(stringf("x%d:w", single_idx_count)); fprintf(f, "x%d [shape=box, style=rounded, label=\"BUF\"];\n", single_idx_count++); } } } for (auto &it : net_conn_map) { currentColor = xorshift32(currentColor); if (wires_on_demand.count(it.first) > 0) { if (it.second.in.size() == 1 && it.second.out.size() > 1 && it.second.in.begin()->substr(0, 1) == "p") it.second.out.erase(*it.second.in.begin()); if (it.second.in.size() == 1 && it.second.out.size() == 1) { std::string from = *it.second.in.begin(), to = *it.second.out.begin(); if (from != to || from.substr(0, 1) != "p") fprintf(f, "%s:e -> %s:w [%s, %s];\n", from.c_str(), to.c_str(), nextColor(it.second.color).c_str(), widthLabel(it.second.bits).c_str()); continue; } if (it.second.in.size() == 0 || it.second.out.size() == 0) fprintf(f, "%s [ shape=diamond, label=\"%s\" ];\n", it.first.c_str(), escape(wires_on_demand[it.first], true)); else fprintf(f, "%s [ shape=point ];\n", it.first.c_str()); } for (auto &it2 : it.second.in) fprintf(f, "%s:e -> %s:w [%s, %s];\n", it2.c_str(), it.first.c_str(), nextColor(it.second.color).c_str(), widthLabel(it.second.bits).c_str()); for (auto &it2 : it.second.out) fprintf(f, "%s:e -> %s:w [%s, %s];\n", it.first.c_str(), it2.c_str(), nextColor(it.second.color).c_str(), widthLabel(it.second.bits).c_str()); } fprintf(f, "};\n"); } ShowWorker(FILE *f, RTLIL::Design *design, std::vector<RTLIL::Design*> &libs, uint32_t colorSeed, bool genWidthLabels, bool stretchIO, bool enumerateIds, bool abbreviateIds, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, RTLIL::Selection>> &color_selections, const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, RTLIL::Selection>> &label_selections) : f(f), design(design), currentColor(colorSeed), genWidthLabels(genWidthLabels), stretchIO(stretchIO), enumerateIds(enumerateIds), abbreviateIds(abbreviateIds), color_selections(color_selections), label_selections(label_selections) { ct.setup_internals(); ct.setup_internals_mem(); ct.setup_stdcells(); ct.setup_stdcells_mem(); ct.setup_design(design); for (auto lib : libs) ct.setup_design(lib); design->optimize(); page_counter = 0; for (auto &mod_it : design->modules) { module = mod_it.second; if (!design->selected_module(module->name)) continue; if (design->selected_whole_module(module->name)) { if (module->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox")) { log("Skipping blackbox module %s.\n", id2cstr(module->name)); continue; } else if (module->cells.empty() && module->connections.empty() && module->processes.empty()) { log("Skipping empty module %s.\n", id2cstr(module->name)); continue; } else log("Dumping module %s to page %d.\n", id2cstr(module->name), ++page_counter); } else log("Dumping selected parts of module %s to page %d.\n", id2cstr(module->name), ++page_counter); handle_module(); } } }; struct ShowPass : public Pass { ShowPass() : Pass("show", "generate schematics using graphviz") { } virtual void help() { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" show [options] [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("Create a graphviz DOT file for the selected part of the design and compile it\n"); log("to a graphics file (usually SVG or PostScript).\n"); log("\n"); log(" -viewer <viewer>\n"); log(" Run the specified command with the graphics file as parameter.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -format <format>\n"); log(" Generate a graphics file in the specified format.\n"); log(" Usually <format> is 'svg' or 'ps'.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -lib <verilog_or_ilang_file>\n"); log(" Use the specified library file for determining whether cell ports are\n"); log(" inputs or outputs. This option can be used multiple times to specify\n"); log(" more than one library.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -prefix <prefix>\n"); log(" generate <prefix>.* instead of ~/.yosys_show.*\n"); log("\n"); log(" -color <color> <wire>\n"); log(" assign the specified color to the specified wire. The object can be\n"); log(" a single selection wildcard expressions or a saved set of objects in\n"); log(" the @<name> syntax (see \"help select\" for details).\n"); log("\n"); log(" -colors <seed>\n"); log(" Randomly assign colors to the wires. The integer argument is the seed\n"); log(" for the random number generator. Change the seed value if the colored\n"); log(" graph still is ambigous. A seed of zero deactivates the coloring.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -width\n"); log(" annotate busses with a label indicating the width of the bus.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -stretch\n"); log(" stretch the graph so all inputs are on the left side and all outputs\n"); log(" (including inout ports) are on the right side.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -pause\n"); log(" wait for the use to press enter to before returning\n"); log("\n"); log(" -enum\n"); log(" enumerate objects with internal ($-prefixed) names\n"); log("\n"); log(" -long\n"); log(" do not abbeviate objects with internal ($-prefixed) names\n"); log("\n"); log("When no <format> is specified, SVG is used. When no <format> and <viewer> is\n"); log("specified, 'yosys-svgviewer' is used to display the schematic.\n"); log("\n"); log("The generated output files are '~/.yosys_show.dot' and '~/.yosys_show.<format>',\n"); log("unless another prefix is specified using -prefix <prefix>.\n"); log("\n"); } virtual void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) { log_header("Generating Graphviz representation of design.\n"); log_push(); std::vector<std::pair<std::string, RTLIL::Selection>> color_selections; std::vector<std::pair<std::string, RTLIL::Selection>> label_selections; std::string format; std::string viewer_exe; std::string prefix = stringf("%s/.yosys_show", getenv("HOME") ? getenv("HOME") : "."); std::vector<std::string> libfiles; std::vector<RTLIL::Design*> libs; uint32_t colorSeed = 0; bool flag_width = false; bool flag_stretch = false; bool flag_pause = false; bool flag_enum = false; bool flag_abbeviate = true; size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { std::string arg = args[argidx]; if (arg == "-viewer" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { viewer_exe = args[++argidx]; continue; } if (arg == "-lib" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { libfiles.push_back(args[++argidx]); continue; } if (arg == "-prefix" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { prefix = args[++argidx]; continue; } if (arg == "-color" && argidx+2 < args.size()) { std::pair<std::string, RTLIL::Selection> data; data.first = args[++argidx], argidx++; handle_extra_select_args(this, args, argidx, argidx+1, design); data.second = design->selection_stack.back(); design->selection_stack.pop_back(); color_selections.push_back(data); continue; } if (arg == "-label" && argidx+2 < args.size() && false) { std::pair<std::string, RTLIL::Selection> data; data.first = args[++argidx], argidx++; handle_extra_select_args(this, args, argidx, argidx+1, design); data.second = design->selection_stack.back(); design->selection_stack.pop_back(); label_selections.push_back(data); continue; } if (arg == "-colors" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { colorSeed = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str()); continue; } if (arg == "-format" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { format = args[++argidx]; continue; } if (arg == "-width") { flag_width= true; continue; } if (arg == "-stretch") { flag_stretch= true; continue; } if (arg == "-pause") { flag_pause= true; continue; } if (arg == "-enum") { flag_enum = true; flag_abbeviate = false; continue; } if (arg == "-long") { flag_enum = false; flag_abbeviate = false; continue; } break; } extra_args(args, argidx, design); if (format != "ps") { int modcount = 0; for (auto &mod_it : design->modules) { if (mod_it.second->get_bool_attribute("\\blackbox")) continue; if (mod_it.second->cells.empty() && mod_it.second->connections.empty()) continue; if (design->selected_module(mod_it.first)) modcount++; } if (modcount > 1) log_cmd_error("For formats different than 'ps' only one module must be selected.\n"); } for (auto filename : libfiles) { FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rt"); if (f == NULL) log_error("Can't open lib file `%s'.\n", filename.c_str()); RTLIL::Design *lib = new RTLIL::Design; Frontend::frontend_call(lib, f, filename, (filename.size() > 3 && filename.substr(filename.size()-3) == ".il") ? "ilang" : "verilog"); libs.push_back(lib); fclose(f); } if (libs.size() > 0) log_header("Continuing show pass.\n"); std::string dot_file = stringf("%s.dot", prefix.c_str()); std::string out_file = stringf("%s.%s", prefix.c_str(), format.empty() ? "svg" : format.c_str()); log("Writing dot description to `%s'.\n", dot_file.c_str()); FILE *f = fopen(dot_file.c_str(), "w"); if (f == NULL) { for (auto lib : libs) delete lib; log_cmd_error("Can't open dot file `%s' for writing.\n", dot_file.c_str()); } ShowWorker worker(f, design, libs, colorSeed, flag_width, flag_stretch, flag_enum, flag_abbeviate, color_selections, label_selections); fclose(f); for (auto lib : libs) delete lib; if (worker.page_counter == 0) log_cmd_error("Nothing there to show.\n"); if (format != "dot") { std::string cmd = stringf("dot -T%s -o '%s' '%s'", format.empty() ? "svg" : format.c_str(), out_file.c_str(), dot_file.c_str()); log("Exec: %s\n", cmd.c_str()); if (system(cmd.c_str()) != 0) log_cmd_error("Shell command failed!\n"); } if (!viewer_exe.empty()) { std::string cmd = stringf("%s '%s' &", viewer_exe.c_str(), out_file.c_str()); log("Exec: %s\n", cmd.c_str()); if (system(cmd.c_str()) != 0) log_cmd_error("Shell command failed!\n"); } else if (format.empty()) { std::string cmd = stringf("fuser -s '%s' || '%s' '%s' &", out_file.c_str(), rewrite_yosys_exe("yosys-svgviewer").c_str(), out_file.c_str()); log("Exec: %s\n", cmd.c_str()); if (system(cmd.c_str()) != 0) log_cmd_error("Shell command failed!\n"); } if (flag_pause) { char *input = NULL; while ((input = readline("Press ENTER to continue (or type 'shell' to open a shell)> ")) != NULL) { if (input[strspn(input, " \t\r\n")] == 0) break; char *p = input + strspn(input, " \t\r\n"); if (!strcmp(p, "shell")) { Pass::call(design, "shell"); break; } } } log_pop(); } } ShowPass;