The extract pass ---------------- - Like the :cmd:ref:`techmap` pass, the :cmd:ref:`extract` pass is called with a map file. It compares the circuits inside the modules of the map file with the design and looks for sub-circuits in the design that match any of the modules in the map file. - If a match is found, the :cmd:ref:`extract` pass will replace the matching subcircuit with an instance of the module from the map file. - In a way the :cmd:ref:`extract` pass is the inverse of the techmap pass. .. todo:: add/expand supporting text, also mention custom pattern matching and pmgen Example code can be found in |code_examples/macc|_. .. |code_examples/macc| replace:: :file:`docs/source/code_examples/macc` .. _code_examples/macc: .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_simple_test.ys :language: yoscrypt :lines: 1-2 .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_simple_test_00a.* :class: width-helper before :cmd:ref:`extract` .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_simple_test.ys :language: yoscrypt :lines: 6 .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_simple_test_00b.* :class: width-helper after :cmd:ref:`extract` .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_simple_test.v :language: verilog :caption: :file:`macc_simple_test.v` .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_simple_xmap.v :language: verilog :caption: :file:`macc_simple_xmap.v` .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_simple_test_01.v :language: verilog :caption: :file:`macc_simple_test_01.v` .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_simple_test_01a.* :class: width-helper .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_simple_test_01b.* :class: width-helper .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_simple_test_02.v :language: verilog :caption: :file:`macc_simple_test_02.v` .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_simple_test_02a.* :class: width-helper .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_simple_test_02b.* :class: width-helper The wrap-extract-unwrap method ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Often a coarse-grain element has a constant bit-width, but can be used to implement operations with a smaller bit-width. For example, a 18x25-bit multiplier can also be used to implement 16x20-bit multiplication. A way of mapping such elements in coarse grain synthesis is the wrap-extract-unwrap method: wrap Identify candidate-cells in the circuit and wrap them in a cell with a constant wider bit-width using :cmd:ref:`techmap`. The wrappers use the same parameters as the original cell, so the information about the original width of the ports is preserved. Then use the :cmd:ref:`connwrappers` command to connect up the bit-extended in- and outputs of the wrapper cells. extract Now all operations are encoded using the same bit-width as the coarse grain element. The :cmd:ref:`extract` command can be used to replace circuits with cells of the target architecture. unwrap The remaining wrapper cell can be unwrapped using :cmd:ref:`techmap`. Example: DSP48_MACC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section details an example that shows how to map MACC operations of arbitrary size to MACC cells with a 18x25-bit multiplier and a 48-bit adder (such as the Xilinx DSP48 cells). Preconditioning: :file:`macc_xilinx_swap_map.v` Make sure ``A`` is the smaller port on all multipliers .. todo:: add/expand supporting text .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_swap_map.v :language: verilog :caption: :file:`macc_xilinx_swap_map.v` Wrapping multipliers: :file:`macc_xilinx_wrap_map.v` .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_wrap_map.v :language: verilog :lines: 1-46 :caption: :file:`macc_xilinx_wrap_map.v` Wrapping adders: :file:`macc_xilinx_wrap_map.v` .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_wrap_map.v :language: verilog :lines: 48-89 :caption: :file:`macc_xilinx_wrap_map.v` Extract: :file:`macc_xilinx_xmap.v` .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_xmap.v :language: verilog :caption: :file:`macc_xilinx_xmap.v` ... simply use the same wrapping commands on this module as on the design to create a template for the :cmd:ref:`extract` command. Unwrapping multipliers: :file:`macc_xilinx_unwrap_map.v` .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_unwrap_map.v :language: verilog :lines: 1-30 :caption: ``$__mul_wrapper`` module in :file:`macc_xilinx_unwrap_map.v` Unwrapping adders: :file:`macc_xilinx_unwrap_map.v` .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_unwrap_map.v :language: verilog :lines: 32-61 :caption: ``$__add_wrapper`` module in :file:`macc_xilinx_unwrap_map.v` .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test.v :language: verilog :lines: 1-6 :caption: ``test1`` of :file:`macc_xilinx_test.v` .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test1a.* :class: width-helper .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test1b.* :class: width-helper .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test.v :language: verilog :lines: 8-13 :caption: ``test2`` of :file:`macc_xilinx_test.v` .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test2a.* :class: width-helper .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test2b.* :class: width-helper Wrapping in ``test1``: .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test1b.* :class: width-helper .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test.ys :language: yoscrypt :start-after: part c :end-before: end part c .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test1c.* :class: width-helper Wrapping in ``test2``: .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test2b.* :class: width-helper .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test.ys :language: yoscrypt :start-after: part c :end-before: end part c .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test2c.* :class: width-helper Extract in ``test1``: .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test1c.* :class: width-helper .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test.ys :language: yoscrypt :start-after: part d :end-before: end part d .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test1d.* :class: width-helper Extract in ``test2``: .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test2c.* :class: width-helper .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test.ys :language: yoscrypt :start-after: part d :end-before: end part d .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test2d.* :class: width-helper Unwrap in ``test2``: .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test2d.* :class: width-helper .. literalinclude:: /code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test.ys :language: yoscrypt :start-after: part e :end-before: end part e .. figure:: /_images/code_examples/macc/macc_xilinx_test2e.* :class: width-helper