#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite # # Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # import os, sys, getopt, re ##yosys-sys-path## from smtio import SmtIo, SmtOpts, MkVcd from collections import defaultdict got_topt = False skip_steps = 0 step_size = 1 num_steps = 20 append_steps = 0 vcdfile = None cexfile = None aimfile = None aiwfile = None aigheader = True btorwitfile = None vlogtbfile = None vlogtbtop = None inconstr = list() outconstr = None gentrace = False covermode = False tempind = False dumpall = False assume_skipped = None final_only = False topmod = None noinfo = False presat = False smtcinit = False smtctop = None noinit = False binarymode = False so = SmtOpts() def usage(): print(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + """ [options] -t -t : -t :: default: skip_steps=0, step_size=1, num_steps=20 -g generate an arbitrary trace that satisfies all assertions and assumptions. -i instead of BMC run temporal induction -c instead of regular BMC run cover analysis -m name of the top module --smtc read constraints file --cex read cex file as written by ABC's "write_cex -n" --aig read AIGER map file (as written by Yosys' "write_aiger -map") and AIGER witness file. The file names are .aim for the map file and .aiw for the witness file. --aig : like above, but for map files and witness files that do not share a filename prefix (or use different file extensions). --aig-noheader the AIGER witness file does not include the status and properties lines. --btorwit read a BTOR witness. --noinfo only run the core proof, do not collect and print any additional information (e.g. which assert failed) --presat check if the design with assumptions but without assertions is SAT before checking if assertions are UNSAT. This will detect if there are contradicting assumptions. In some cases this will also help to "warm up" the solver, potentially yielding a speedup. --final-only only check final constraints, assume base case --assume-skipped assume asserts in skipped steps in BMC. no assumptions are created for skipped steps before . --dump-vcd write trace to this VCD file (hint: use 'write_smt2 -wires' for maximum coverage of signals in generated VCD file) --dump-vlogtb write trace as Verilog test bench --vlogtb-top use the given entity as top module for the generated Verilog test bench. The is relative to the design top module without the top module name. --dump-smtc write trace as constraints file --smtc-init write just the last state as initial constraint to smtc file --smtc-top [:] replace with in constraints dumped to smtc file and only dump object below in design hierarchy. --noinit do not assume initial conditions in state 0 --dump-all when using -g or -i, create a dump file for each step. The character '%' is replaces in all dump filenames with the step number. --append add time steps at the end of the trace when creating a counter example (this additional time steps will still be constrained by assumptions) --binary dump anyconst values as raw bit strings """ + so.helpmsg()) sys.exit(1) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], so.shortopts + "t:igcm:", so.longopts + ["final-only", "assume-skipped=", "smtc=", "cex=", "aig=", "aig-noheader", "btorwit=", "presat", "dump-vcd=", "dump-vlogtb=", "vlogtb-top=", "dump-smtc=", "dump-all", "noinfo", "append=", "smtc-init", "smtc-top=", "noinit", "binary"]) except: usage() for o, a in opts: if o == "-t": got_topt = True a = a.split(":") if len(a) == 1: num_steps = int(a[0]) elif len(a) == 2: skip_steps = int(a[0]) num_steps = int(a[1]) elif len(a) == 3: skip_steps = int(a[0]) step_size = int(a[1]) num_steps = int(a[2]) else: assert False elif o == "--assume-skipped": assume_skipped = int(a) elif o == "--final-only": final_only = True elif o == "--smtc": inconstr.append(a) elif o == "--cex": cexfile = a elif o == "--aig": if ":" in a: aimfile, aiwfile = a.split(":") else: aimfile = a + ".aim" aiwfile = a + ".aiw" elif o == "--aig-noheader": aigheader = False elif o == "--btorwit": btorwitfile = a elif o == "--dump-vcd": vcdfile = a elif o == "--dump-vlogtb": vlogtbfile = a elif o == "--vlogtb-top": vlogtbtop = a elif o == "--dump-smtc": outconstr = a elif o == "--smtc-init": smtcinit = True elif o == "--smtc-top": smtctop = a.split(":") if len(smtctop) == 1: smtctop.append("") assert len(smtctop) == 2 smtctop = tuple(smtctop) elif o == "--dump-all": dumpall = True elif o == "--presat": presat = True elif o == "--noinfo": noinfo = True elif o == "--noinit": noinit = True elif o == "--append": append_steps = int(a) elif o == "-i": tempind = True elif o == "-g": gentrace = True elif o == "-c": covermode = True elif o == "-m": topmod = a elif o == "--binary": binarymode = True elif so.handle(o, a): pass else: usage() if len(args) != 1: usage() if sum([tempind, gentrace, covermode]) > 1: usage() constr_final_start = None constr_asserts = defaultdict(list) constr_assumes = defaultdict(list) constr_write = list() for fn in inconstr: current_states = None current_line = 0 with open(fn, "r") as f: for line in f: current_line += 1 if line.startswith("#"): continue tokens = line.split() if len(tokens) == 0: continue if tokens[0] == "initial": current_states = set() if not tempind: current_states.add(0) continue if tokens[0] == "final": constr_final = True if len(tokens) == 1: current_states = set(["final-%d" % i for i in range(0, num_steps+1)]) constr_final_start = 0 elif len(tokens) == 2: arg = abs(int(tokens[1])) current_states = set(["final-%d" % i for i in range(arg, num_steps+1)]) constr_final_start = arg if constr_final_start is None else min(constr_final_start, arg) else: assert False continue if tokens[0] == "state": current_states = set() if not tempind: for token in tokens[1:]: tok = token.split(":") if len(tok) == 1: current_states.add(int(token)) elif len(tok) == 2: lower = int(tok[0]) if tok[1] == "*": upper = num_steps else: upper = int(tok[1]) for i in range(lower, upper+1): current_states.add(i) else: assert False continue if tokens[0] == "always": if len(tokens) == 1: current_states = set(range(0, num_steps+1)) elif len(tokens) == 2: arg = abs(int(tokens[1])) current_states = set(range(arg, num_steps+1)) else: assert False continue if tokens[0] == "assert": assert current_states is not None for state in current_states: constr_asserts[state].append(("%s:%d" % (fn, current_line), " ".join(tokens[1:]))) continue if tokens[0] == "assume": assert current_states is not None for state in current_states: constr_assumes[state].append(("%s:%d" % (fn, current_line), " ".join(tokens[1:]))) continue if tokens[0] == "write": constr_write.append(" ".join(tokens[1:])) continue if tokens[0] == "logic": so.logic = " ".join(tokens[1:]) continue assert False def get_constr_expr(db, state, final=False, getvalues=False): if final: if ("final-%d" % state) not in db: return ([], [], []) if getvalues else "true" else: if state not in db: return ([], [], []) if getvalues else "true" netref_regex = re.compile(r'(^|[( ])\[(-?[0-9]+:|)([^\]]*|\S*)\](?=[ )]|$)') def replace_netref(match): state_sel = match.group(2) if state_sel == "": st = state elif state_sel[0] == "-": st = state + int(state_sel[:-1]) else: st = int(state_sel[:-1]) expr = smt.net_expr(topmod, "s%d" % st, smt.get_path(topmod, match.group(3))) return match.group(1) + expr expr_list = list() for loc, expr in db[("final-%d" % state) if final else state]: actual_expr = netref_regex.sub(replace_netref, expr) if getvalues: expr_list.append((loc, expr, actual_expr)) else: expr_list.append(actual_expr) if getvalues: loc_list, expr_list, acual_expr_list = zip(*expr_list) value_list = smt.get_list(acual_expr_list) return loc_list, expr_list, value_list if len(expr_list) == 0: return "true" if len(expr_list) == 1: return expr_list[0] return "(and %s)" % " ".join(expr_list) smt = SmtIo(opts=so) if noinfo and vcdfile is None and vlogtbfile is None and outconstr is None: smt.produce_models = False def print_msg(msg): print("%s %s" % (smt.timestamp(), msg)) sys.stdout.flush() print_msg("Solver: %s" % (so.solver)) with open(args[0], "r") as f: for line in f: smt.write(line) for line in constr_write: smt.write(line) if topmod is None: topmod = smt.topmod assert topmod is not None assert topmod in smt.modinfo if cexfile is not None: if not got_topt: assume_skipped = 0 skip_steps = 0 num_steps = 0 with open(cexfile, "r") as f: cex_regex = re.compile(r'([^\[@=]+)(\[\d+\])?([^@=]*)(@\d+)=([01])') for entry in f.read().split(): match = cex_regex.match(entry) assert match name, bit, extra_name, step, val = match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3), match.group(4), match.group(5) if extra_name != "": continue if name not in smt.modinfo[topmod].inputs: continue if bit is None: bit = 0 else: bit = int(bit[1:-1]) step = int(step[1:]) val = int(val) if smt.modinfo[topmod].wsize[name] == 1: assert bit == 0 smtexpr = "(= [%s] %s)" % (name, "true" if val else "false") else: smtexpr = "(= ((_ extract %d %d) [%s]) #b%d)" % (bit, bit, name, val) # print("cex@%d: %s" % (step, smtexpr)) constr_assumes[step].append((cexfile, smtexpr)) if not got_topt: skip_steps = max(skip_steps, step) num_steps = max(num_steps, step+1) if aimfile is not None: input_map = dict() init_map = dict() latch_map = dict() if not got_topt: assume_skipped = 0 skip_steps = 0 num_steps = 0 with open(aimfile, "r") as f: for entry in f.read().splitlines(): entry = entry.split() if entry[0] == "input": input_map[int(entry[1])] = (entry[3], int(entry[2])) continue if entry[0] == "init": init_map[int(entry[1])] = (entry[3], int(entry[2])) continue if entry[0] in ["latch", "invlatch"]: latch_map[int(entry[1])] = (entry[3], int(entry[2]), entry[0] == "invlatch") continue if entry[0] in ["output", "wire"]: continue assert False with open(aiwfile, "r") as f: got_state = False got_ffinit = False step = 0 if not aigheader: got_state = True for entry in f.read().splitlines(): if len(entry) == 0 or entry[0] in "bcjfu.": continue if not got_state: got_state = True assert entry == "1" continue if not got_ffinit: got_ffinit = True if len(init_map) == 0: for i in range(len(entry)): if entry[i] == "x": continue if i in latch_map: value = int(entry[i]) name = latch_map[i][0] bitidx = latch_map[i][1] invert = latch_map[i][2] if invert: value = 1 - value path = smt.get_path(topmod, name) width = smt.net_width(topmod, path) if width == 1: assert bitidx == 0 smtexpr = "(= [%s] %s)" % (name, "true" if value else "false") else: smtexpr = "(= ((_ extract %d %d) [%s]) #b%d)" % (bitidx, bitidx, name, value) constr_assumes[0].append((cexfile, smtexpr)) continue for i in range(len(entry)): if entry[i] == "x": continue if (step == 0) and (i in init_map): value = int(entry[i]) name = init_map[i][0] bitidx = init_map[i][1] path = smt.get_path(topmod, name) if not smt.net_exists(topmod, path): match = re.match(r"(.*)\[(\d+)\]$", path[-1]) if match: path[-1] = match.group(1) addr = int(match.group(2)) if not match or not smt.mem_exists(topmod, path): print_msg("Ignoring init value for unknown net: %s" % (name)) continue meminfo = smt.mem_info(topmod, path) smtexpr = "(select [%s] #b%s)" % (".".join(path), bin(addr)[2:].zfill(meminfo[0])) width = meminfo[1] else: smtexpr = "[%s]" % name width = smt.net_width(topmod, path) if width == 1: assert bitidx == 0 smtexpr = "(= %s %s)" % (smtexpr, "true" if value else "false") else: smtexpr = "(= ((_ extract %d %d) %s) #b%d)" % (bitidx, bitidx, smtexpr, value) constr_assumes[0].append((cexfile, smtexpr)) if i in input_map: value = int(entry[i]) name = input_map[i][0] bitidx = input_map[i][1] path = smt.get_path(topmod, name) width = smt.net_width(topmod, path) if width == 1: assert bitidx == 0 smtexpr = "(= [%s] %s)" % (name, "true" if value else "false") else: smtexpr = "(= ((_ extract %d %d) [%s]) #b%d)" % (bitidx, bitidx, name, value) constr_assumes[step].append((cexfile, smtexpr)) if not got_topt: skip_steps = max(skip_steps, step) num_steps = max(num_steps, step+1) step += 1 if btorwitfile is not None: with open(btorwitfile, "r") as f: step = None suffix = None altsuffix = None header_okay = False for line in f: line = line.strip() if line == "sat": header_okay = True continue if not header_okay: continue if line == "" or line[0] == "b" or line[0] == "j": continue if line == ".": break if line[0] == '#' or line[0] == '@': step = int(line[1:]) suffix = line altsuffix = suffix if suffix[0] == "@": altsuffix = "#" + suffix[1:] else: altsuffix = "@" + suffix[1:] continue line = line.split() if len(line) == 0: continue if line[-1].endswith(suffix): line[-1] = line[-1][0:len(line[-1]) - len(suffix)] if line[-1].endswith(altsuffix): line[-1] = line[-1][0:len(line[-1]) - len(altsuffix)] if line[-1][0] == "$": continue # BV assignments if len(line) == 3 and line[1][0] != "[": value = line[1] name = line[2] path = smt.get_path(topmod, name) if not smt.net_exists(topmod, path): continue width = smt.net_width(topmod, path) if width == 1: assert value in ["0", "1"] value = "true" if value == "1" else "false" else: value = "#b" + value smtexpr = "(= [%s] %s)" % (name, value) constr_assumes[step].append((btorwitfile, smtexpr)) # Array assignments if len(line) == 4 and line[1][0] == "[": index = line[1] value = line[2] name = line[3] path = smt.get_path(topmod, name) if not smt.mem_exists(topmod, path): continue meminfo = smt.mem_info(topmod, path) if meminfo[1] == 1: assert value in ["0", "1"] value = "true" if value == "1" else "false" else: value = "#b" + value assert index[0] == "[" assert index[-1] == "]" index = "#b" + index[1:-1] smtexpr = "(= (select [%s] %s) %s)" % (name, index, value) constr_assumes[step].append((btorwitfile, smtexpr)) skip_steps = step num_steps = step+1 def write_vcd_trace(steps_start, steps_stop, index): filename = vcdfile.replace("%", index) print_msg("Writing trace to VCD file: %s" % (filename)) with open(filename, "w") as vcd_file: vcd = MkVcd(vcd_file) path_list = list() for netpath in sorted(smt.hiernets(topmod)): hidden_net = False for n in netpath: if n.startswith("$"): hidden_net = True if not hidden_net: edge = smt.net_clock(topmod, netpath) if edge is None: vcd.add_net([topmod] + netpath, smt.net_width(topmod, netpath)) else: vcd.add_clock([topmod] + netpath, edge) path_list.append(netpath) mem_trace_data = dict() for mempath in sorted(smt.hiermems(topmod)): abits, width, rports, wports, asyncwr = smt.mem_info(topmod, mempath) expr_id = list() expr_list = list() for i in range(steps_start, steps_stop): for j in range(rports): expr_id.append(('R', i-steps_start, j, 'A')) expr_id.append(('R', i-steps_start, j, 'D')) expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(topmod, "s%d" % i, mempath, "R%dA" % j)) expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(topmod, "s%d" % i, mempath, "R%dD" % j)) for j in range(wports): expr_id.append(('W', i-steps_start, j, 'A')) expr_id.append(('W', i-steps_start, j, 'D')) expr_id.append(('W', i-steps_start, j, 'M')) expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(topmod, "s%d" % i, mempath, "W%dA" % j)) expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(topmod, "s%d" % i, mempath, "W%dD" % j)) expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(topmod, "s%d" % i, mempath, "W%dM" % j)) rdata = list() wdata = list() addrs = set() for eid, edat in zip(expr_id, smt.get_list(expr_list)): t, i, j, f = eid if t == 'R': c = rdata elif t == 'W': c = wdata else: assert False while len(c) <= i: c.append(list()) c = c[i] while len(c) <= j: c.append(dict()) c = c[j] c[f] = smt.bv2bin(edat) if f == 'A': addrs.add(c[f]) for addr in addrs: tdata = list() data = ["x"] * width gotread = False if len(wdata) == 0 and len(rdata) != 0: wdata = [[]] * len(rdata) assert len(rdata) == len(wdata) for i in range(len(wdata)): if not gotread: for j_data in rdata[i]: if j_data["A"] == addr: data = list(j_data["D"]) gotread = True break if gotread: buf = data[:] for i in reversed(range(len(tdata))): for k in range(width): if tdata[i][k] == "x": tdata[i][k] = buf[k] else: buf[k] = tdata[i][k] if not asyncwr: tdata.append(data[:]) for j_data in wdata[i]: if j_data["A"] != addr: continue D = j_data["D"] M = j_data["M"] for k in range(width): if M[k] == "1": data[k] = D[k] if asyncwr: tdata.append(data[:]) assert len(tdata) == len(rdata) netpath = mempath[:] netpath[-1] += "<%0*x>" % ((len(addr)+3) // 4, int(addr, 2)) vcd.add_net([topmod] + netpath, width) for i in range(steps_start, steps_stop): if i not in mem_trace_data: mem_trace_data[i] = list() mem_trace_data[i].append((netpath, "".join(tdata[i-steps_start]))) for i in range(steps_start, steps_stop): vcd.set_time(i) value_list = smt.get_net_bin_list(topmod, path_list, "s%d" % i) for path, value in zip(path_list, value_list): vcd.set_net([topmod] + path, value) if i in mem_trace_data: for path, value in mem_trace_data[i]: vcd.set_net([topmod] + path, value) vcd.set_time(steps_stop) def write_vlogtb_trace(steps_start, steps_stop, index): filename = vlogtbfile.replace("%", index) print_msg("Writing trace to Verilog testbench: %s" % (filename)) vlogtb_topmod = topmod vlogtb_state = "s@@step_idx@@" if vlogtbtop is not None: for item in vlogtbtop.split("."): if item in smt.modinfo[vlogtb_topmod].cells: vlogtb_state = "(|%s_h %s| %s)" % (vlogtb_topmod, item, vlogtb_state) vlogtb_topmod = smt.modinfo[vlogtb_topmod].cells[item] else: print_msg("Vlog top module '%s' not found: no cell '%s' in module '%s'" % (vlogtbtop, item, vlogtb_topmod)) break with open(filename, "w") as f: print("`ifndef VERILATOR", file=f) print("module testbench;", file=f) print(" reg [4095:0] vcdfile;", file=f) print(" reg clock;", file=f) print("`else", file=f) print("module testbench(input clock, output reg genclock);", file=f) print(" initial genclock = 1;", file=f) print("`endif", file=f) print(" reg genclock = 1;", file=f) print(" reg [31:0] cycle = 0;", file=f) primary_inputs = list() clock_inputs = set() for name in smt.modinfo[vlogtb_topmod].inputs: if name in ["clk", "clock", "CLK", "CLOCK"]: clock_inputs.add(name) width = smt.modinfo[vlogtb_topmod].wsize[name] primary_inputs.append((name, width)) for name, width in primary_inputs: if name in clock_inputs: print(" wire [%d:0] PI_%s = clock;" % (width-1, name), file=f) else: print(" reg [%d:0] PI_%s;" % (width-1, name), file=f) print(" %s UUT (" % vlogtb_topmod, file=f) print(",\n".join(" .{name}(PI_{name})".format(name=name) for name, _ in primary_inputs), file=f) print(" );", file=f) print("`ifndef VERILATOR", file=f) print(" initial begin", file=f) print(" if ($value$plusargs(\"vcd=%s\", vcdfile)) begin", file=f) print(" $dumpfile(vcdfile);", file=f) print(" $dumpvars(0, testbench);", file=f) print(" end", file=f) print(" #5 clock = 0;", file=f) print(" while (genclock) begin", file=f) print(" #5 clock = 0;", file=f) print(" #5 clock = 1;", file=f) print(" end", file=f) print(" end", file=f) print("`endif", file=f) print(" initial begin", file=f) regs = sorted(smt.hiernets(vlogtb_topmod, regs_only=True)) regvals = smt.get_net_bin_list(vlogtb_topmod, regs, vlogtb_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(steps_start))) print("`ifndef VERILATOR", file=f) print(" #1;", file=f) print("`endif", file=f) for reg, val in zip(regs, regvals): hidden_net = False for n in reg: if n.startswith("$"): hidden_net = True print(" %sUUT.%s = %d'b%s;" % ("// " if hidden_net else "", ".".join(reg), len(val), val), file=f) anyconsts = sorted(smt.hieranyconsts(vlogtb_topmod)) for info in anyconsts: if info[3] is not None: modstate = smt.net_expr(vlogtb_topmod, vlogtb_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(steps_start)), info[0]) value = smt.bv2bin(smt.get("(|%s| %s)" % (info[1], modstate))) print(" UUT.%s = %d'b%s;" % (".".join(info[0] + [info[3]]), len(value), value), file=f); mems = sorted(smt.hiermems(vlogtb_topmod)) for mempath in mems: abits, width, rports, wports, asyncwr = smt.mem_info(vlogtb_topmod, mempath) addr_expr_list = list() data_expr_list = list() for i in range(steps_start, steps_stop): for j in range(rports): addr_expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(vlogtb_topmod, vlogtb_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(i)), mempath, "R%dA" % j)) data_expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(vlogtb_topmod, vlogtb_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(i)), mempath, "R%dD" % j)) addr_list = smt.get_list(addr_expr_list) data_list = smt.get_list(data_expr_list) addr_data = dict() for addr, data in zip(addr_list, data_list): addr = smt.bv2bin(addr) data = smt.bv2bin(data) if addr not in addr_data: addr_data[addr] = data for addr, data in addr_data.items(): print(" UUT.%s[%d'b%s] = %d'b%s;" % (".".join(mempath), len(addr), addr, len(data), data), file=f) print("", file=f) anyseqs = sorted(smt.hieranyseqs(vlogtb_topmod)) for i in range(steps_start, steps_stop): pi_names = [[name] for name, _ in primary_inputs if name not in clock_inputs] pi_values = smt.get_net_bin_list(vlogtb_topmod, pi_names, vlogtb_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(i))) print(" // state %d" % i, file=f) if i > 0: print(" if (cycle == %d) begin" % (i-1), file=f) for name, val in zip(pi_names, pi_values): if i > 0: print(" PI_%s <= %d'b%s;" % (".".join(name), len(val), val), file=f) else: print(" PI_%s = %d'b%s;" % (".".join(name), len(val), val), file=f) for info in anyseqs: if info[3] is not None: modstate = smt.net_expr(vlogtb_topmod, vlogtb_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(i)), info[0]) value = smt.bv2bin(smt.get("(|%s| %s)" % (info[1], modstate))) if i > 0: print(" UUT.%s <= %d'b%s;" % (".".join(info[0] + [info[3]]), len(value), value), file=f); else: print(" UUT.%s = %d'b%s;" % (".".join(info[0] + [info[3]]), len(value), value), file=f); if i > 0: print(" end", file=f) print("", file=f) if i == 0: print(" end", file=f) print(" always @(posedge clock) begin", file=f) print(" genclock <= cycle < %d;" % (steps_stop-1), file=f) print(" cycle <= cycle + 1;", file=f) print(" end", file=f) print("endmodule", file=f) def write_constr_trace(steps_start, steps_stop, index): filename = outconstr.replace("%", index) print_msg("Writing trace to constraints file: %s" % (filename)) constr_topmod = topmod constr_state = "s@@step_idx@@" constr_prefix = "" if smtctop is not None: for item in smtctop[0].split("."): assert item in smt.modinfo[constr_topmod].cells constr_state = "(|%s_h %s| %s)" % (constr_topmod, item, constr_state) constr_topmod = smt.modinfo[constr_topmod].cells[item] if smtctop[1] != "": constr_prefix = smtctop[1] + "." if smtcinit: steps_start = steps_stop - 1 with open(filename, "w") as f: primary_inputs = list() for name in smt.modinfo[constr_topmod].inputs: width = smt.modinfo[constr_topmod].wsize[name] primary_inputs.append((name, width)) if steps_start == 0 or smtcinit: print("initial", file=f) else: print("state %d" % steps_start, file=f) regnames = sorted(smt.hiernets(constr_topmod, regs_only=True)) regvals = smt.get_net_list(constr_topmod, regnames, constr_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(steps_start))) for name, val in zip(regnames, regvals): print("assume (= [%s%s] %s)" % (constr_prefix, ".".join(name), val), file=f) mems = sorted(smt.hiermems(constr_topmod)) for mempath in mems: abits, width, rports, wports, asyncwr = smt.mem_info(constr_topmod, mempath) addr_expr_list = list() data_expr_list = list() for i in range(steps_start, steps_stop): for j in range(rports): addr_expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(constr_topmod, constr_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(i)), mempath, "R%dA" % j)) data_expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(constr_topmod, constr_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(i)), mempath, "R%dD" % j)) addr_list = smt.get_list(addr_expr_list) data_list = smt.get_list(data_expr_list) addr_data = dict() for addr, data in zip(addr_list, data_list): if addr not in addr_data: addr_data[addr] = data for addr, data in addr_data.items(): print("assume (= (select [%s%s] %s) %s)" % (constr_prefix, ".".join(mempath), addr, data), file=f) for k in range(steps_start, steps_stop): if not smtcinit: print("", file=f) print("state %d" % k, file=f) pi_names = [[name] for name, _ in sorted(primary_inputs)] pi_values = smt.get_net_list(constr_topmod, pi_names, constr_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(k))) for name, val in zip(pi_names, pi_values): print("assume (= [%s%s] %s)" % (constr_prefix, ".".join(name), val), file=f) def write_trace(steps_start, steps_stop, index): if vcdfile is not None: write_vcd_trace(steps_start, steps_stop, index) if vlogtbfile is not None: write_vlogtb_trace(steps_start, steps_stop, index) if outconstr is not None: write_constr_trace(steps_start, steps_stop, index) def print_failed_asserts_worker(mod, state, path, extrainfo): assert mod in smt.modinfo found_failed_assert = False if smt.get("(|%s_a| %s)" % (mod, state)) in ["true", "#b1"]: return for cellname, celltype in smt.modinfo[mod].cells.items(): if print_failed_asserts_worker(celltype, "(|%s_h %s| %s)" % (mod, cellname, state), path + "." + cellname, extrainfo): found_failed_assert = True for assertfun, assertinfo in smt.modinfo[mod].asserts.items(): if smt.get("(|%s| %s)" % (assertfun, state)) in ["false", "#b0"]: print_msg("Assert failed in %s: %s%s" % (path, assertinfo, extrainfo)) found_failed_assert = True return found_failed_assert def print_failed_asserts(state, final=False, extrainfo=""): if noinfo: return loc_list, expr_list, value_list = get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, state, final=final, getvalues=True) found_failed_assert = False for loc, expr, value in zip(loc_list, expr_list, value_list): if smt.bv2int(value) == 0: print_msg("Assert %s failed: %s%s" % (loc, expr, extrainfo)) found_failed_assert = True if not final: if print_failed_asserts_worker(topmod, "s%d" % state, topmod, extrainfo): found_failed_assert = True return found_failed_assert def print_anyconsts_worker(mod, state, path): assert mod in smt.modinfo for cellname, celltype in smt.modinfo[mod].cells.items(): print_anyconsts_worker(celltype, "(|%s_h %s| %s)" % (mod, cellname, state), path + "." + cellname) for fun, info in smt.modinfo[mod].anyconsts.items(): if info[1] is None: if not binarymode: print_msg("Value for anyconst in %s (%s): %d" % (path, info[0], smt.bv2int(smt.get("(|%s| %s)" % (fun, state))))) else: print_msg("Value for anyconst in %s (%s): %s" % (path, info[0], smt.bv2bin(smt.get("(|%s| %s)" % (fun, state))))) else: if not binarymode: print_msg("Value for anyconst %s.%s (%s): %d" % (path, info[1], info[0], smt.bv2int(smt.get("(|%s| %s)" % (fun, state))))) else: print_msg("Value for anyconst %s.%s (%s): %s" % (path, info[1], info[0], smt.bv2bin(smt.get("(|%s| %s)" % (fun, state))))) def print_anyconsts(state): if noinfo: return print_anyconsts_worker(topmod, "s%d" % state, topmod) def get_cover_list(mod, base): assert mod in smt.modinfo cover_expr = list() cover_desc = list() for expr, desc in smt.modinfo[mod].covers.items(): cover_expr.append("(ite (|%s| %s) #b1 #b0)" % (expr, base)) cover_desc.append(desc) for cell, submod in smt.modinfo[mod].cells.items(): e, d = get_cover_list(submod, "(|%s_h %s| %s)" % (mod, cell, base)) cover_expr += e cover_desc += d return cover_expr, cover_desc states = list() asserts_antecedent_cache = [list()] asserts_consequent_cache = [list()] asserts_cache_dirty = False def smt_state(step): smt.write("(declare-fun s%d () |%s_s|)" % (step, topmod)) states.append("s%d" % step) def smt_assert(expr): if expr == "true": return smt.write("(assert %s)" % expr) def smt_assert_antecedent(expr): if expr == "true": return smt.write("(assert %s)" % expr) global asserts_cache_dirty asserts_cache_dirty = True asserts_antecedent_cache[-1].append(expr) def smt_assert_consequent(expr): if expr == "true": return smt.write("(assert %s)" % expr) global asserts_cache_dirty asserts_cache_dirty = True asserts_consequent_cache[-1].append(expr) def smt_forall_assert(): if not smt.forall: return global asserts_cache_dirty asserts_cache_dirty = False assert (len(smt.modinfo[topmod].maximize) + len(smt.modinfo[topmod].minimize) <= 1) def make_assert_expr(asserts_cache): expr = list() for lst in asserts_cache: expr += lst assert len(expr) != 0 if len(expr) == 1: expr = expr[0] else: expr = "(and %s)" % (" ".join(expr)) return expr antecedent_expr = make_assert_expr(asserts_antecedent_cache) consequent_expr = make_assert_expr(asserts_consequent_cache) states_db = set(states) used_states_db = set() new_antecedent_expr = list() new_consequent_expr = list() assert_expr = list() def make_new_expr(new_expr, expr): cursor = 0 while cursor < len(expr): l = 1 if expr[cursor] in '|"': while cursor+l+1 < len(expr) and expr[cursor] != expr[cursor+l]: l += 1 l += 1 elif expr[cursor] not in '() ': while cursor+l < len(expr) and expr[cursor+l] not in '|"() ': l += 1 word = expr[cursor:cursor+l] if word in states_db: used_states_db.add(word) word += "_" new_expr.append(word) cursor += l make_new_expr(new_antecedent_expr, antecedent_expr) make_new_expr(new_consequent_expr, consequent_expr) new_antecedent_expr = ["".join(new_antecedent_expr)] new_consequent_expr = ["".join(new_consequent_expr)] if states[0] in used_states_db: new_antecedent_expr.append("(|%s_ex_state_eq| %s %s_)" % (topmod, states[0], states[0])) for s in states: if s in used_states_db: new_antecedent_expr.append("(|%s_ex_input_eq| %s %s_)" % (topmod, s, s)) if len(new_antecedent_expr) == 0: new_antecedent_expr = "true" elif len(new_antecedent_expr) == 1: new_antecedent_expr = new_antecedent_expr[0] else: new_antecedent_expr = "(and %s)" % (" ".join(new_antecedent_expr)) if len(new_consequent_expr) == 0: new_consequent_expr = "true" elif len(new_consequent_expr) == 1: new_consequent_expr = new_consequent_expr[0] else: new_consequent_expr = "(and %s)" % (" ".join(new_consequent_expr)) assert_expr.append("(assert (forall (") first_state = True for s in states: if s in used_states_db: assert_expr.append("%s(%s_ |%s_s|)" % ("" if first_state else " ", s, topmod)) first_state = False assert_expr.append(") (=> %s %s)))" % (new_antecedent_expr, new_consequent_expr)) smt.write("".join(assert_expr)) if len(smt.modinfo[topmod].maximize) > 0: for s in states: if s in used_states_db: smt.write("(maximize (|%s| %s))\n" % (smt.modinfo[topmod].maximize.copy().pop(), s)) break if len(smt.modinfo[topmod].minimize) > 0: for s in states: if s in used_states_db: smt.write("(minimize (|%s| %s))\n" % (smt.modinfo[topmod].minimize.copy().pop(), s)) break def smt_push(): global asserts_cache_dirty asserts_cache_dirty = True asserts_antecedent_cache.append(list()) asserts_consequent_cache.append(list()) smt.write("(push 1)") def smt_pop(): global asserts_cache_dirty asserts_cache_dirty = True asserts_antecedent_cache.pop() asserts_consequent_cache.pop() smt.write("(pop 1)") def smt_check_sat(): if asserts_cache_dirty: smt_forall_assert() return smt.check_sat() if tempind: retstatus = "FAILED" skip_counter = step_size for step in range(num_steps, -1, -1): if smt.forall: print_msg("Temporal induction not supported for exists-forall problems.") break smt_state(step) smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_u| s%d)" % (topmod, step)) smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_h| s%d)" % (topmod, step)) smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, step)) smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step)) if step == num_steps: smt_assert("(not (and (|%s_a| s%d) %s))" % (topmod, step, get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, step))) else: smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, step, step+1)) smt_assert("(|%s_a| s%d)" % (topmod, step)) smt_assert(get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, step)) if step > num_steps-skip_steps: print_msg("Skipping induction in step %d.." % (step)) continue skip_counter += 1 if skip_counter < step_size: print_msg("Skipping induction in step %d.." % (step)) continue skip_counter = 0 print_msg("Trying induction in step %d.." % (step)) if smt_check_sat() == "sat": if step == 0: print_msg("Temporal induction failed!") print_anyconsts(num_steps) print_failed_asserts(num_steps) write_trace(step, num_steps+1, '%') elif dumpall: print_anyconsts(num_steps) print_failed_asserts(num_steps) write_trace(step, num_steps+1, "%d" % step) else: print_msg("Temporal induction successful.") retstatus = "PASSED" break elif covermode: cover_expr, cover_desc = get_cover_list(topmod, "state") cover_mask = "1" * len(cover_desc) if len(cover_expr) > 1: cover_expr = "(concat %s)" % " ".join(cover_expr) elif len(cover_expr) == 1: cover_expr = cover_expr[0] else: cover_expr = "#b0" coveridx = 0 smt.write("(define-fun covers_0 ((state |%s_s|)) (_ BitVec %d) %s)" % (topmod, len(cover_desc), cover_expr)) step = 0 retstatus = "FAILED" found_failed_assert = False assert step_size == 1 while step < num_steps: smt_state(step) smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_u| s%d)" % (topmod, step)) smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_h| s%d)" % (topmod, step)) smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step)) if step == 0: if noinit: smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, step)) else: smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_i| s0)" % (topmod)) smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_is| s0)" % (topmod)) else: smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, step-1, step)) smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, step)) while "1" in cover_mask: print_msg("Checking cover reachability in step %d.." % (step)) smt_push() smt_assert("(distinct (covers_%d s%d) #b%s)" % (coveridx, step, "0" * len(cover_desc))) if smt_check_sat() == "unsat": smt_pop() break if append_steps > 0: for i in range(step+1, step+1+append_steps): print_msg("Appending additional step %d." % i) smt_state(i) smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, i)) smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_u| s%d)" % (topmod, i)) smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_h| s%d)" % (topmod, i)) smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, i-1, i)) smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, i)) print_msg("Re-solving with appended steps..") if smt_check_sat() == "unsat": print("%s Cannot appended steps without violating assumptions!" % smt.timestamp()) found_failed_assert = True retstatus = "FAILED" break reached_covers = smt.bv2bin(smt.get("(covers_%d s%d)" % (coveridx, step))) assert len(reached_covers) == len(cover_desc) new_cover_mask = [] for i in range(len(reached_covers)): if reached_covers[i] == "0": new_cover_mask.append(cover_mask[i]) continue print_msg("Reached cover statement at %s in step %d." % (cover_desc[i], step)) new_cover_mask.append("0") cover_mask = "".join(new_cover_mask) for i in range(step+1+append_steps): if print_failed_asserts(i, extrainfo=" (step %d)" % i): found_failed_assert = True write_trace(0, step+1+append_steps, "%d" % coveridx) if found_failed_assert: break coveridx += 1 smt_pop() smt.write("(define-fun covers_%d ((state |%s_s|)) (_ BitVec %d) (bvand (covers_%d state) #b%s))" % (coveridx, topmod, len(cover_desc), coveridx-1, cover_mask)) if found_failed_assert: break if "1" not in cover_mask: retstatus = "PASSED" break step += 1 if "1" in cover_mask: for i in range(len(cover_mask)): if cover_mask[i] == "1": print_msg("Unreached cover statement at %s." % cover_desc[i]) else: # not tempind, covermode step = 0 retstatus = "PASSED" while step < num_steps: smt_state(step) smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_u| s%d)" % (topmod, step)) smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_h| s%d)" % (topmod, step)) smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step)) if step == 0: if noinit: smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, step)) else: smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_i| s0)" % (topmod)) smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_is| s0)" % (topmod)) else: smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, step-1, step)) smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, step)) if step < skip_steps: if assume_skipped is not None and step >= assume_skipped: print_msg("Skipping step %d (and assuming pass).." % (step)) smt_assert("(|%s_a| s%d)" % (topmod, step)) smt_assert(get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, step)) else: print_msg("Skipping step %d.." % (step)) step += 1 continue last_check_step = step for i in range(1, step_size): if step+i < num_steps: smt_state(step+i) smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, step+i)) smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_u| s%d)" % (topmod, step+i)) smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_h| s%d)" % (topmod, step+i)) smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, step+i-1, step+i)) smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step+i)) last_check_step = step+i if not gentrace: if presat: if last_check_step == step: print_msg("Checking assumptions in step %d.." % (step)) else: print_msg("Checking assumptions in steps %d to %d.." % (step, last_check_step)) if smt_check_sat() == "unsat": print("%s Assumptions are unsatisfiable!" % smt.timestamp()) retstatus = "PREUNSAT" break if not final_only: if last_check_step == step: print_msg("Checking assertions in step %d.." % (step)) else: print_msg("Checking assertions in steps %d to %d.." % (step, last_check_step)) smt_push() smt_assert("(not (and %s))" % " ".join(["(|%s_a| s%d)" % (topmod, i) for i in range(step, last_check_step+1)] + [get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i) for i in range(step, last_check_step+1)])) if smt_check_sat() == "sat": print("%s BMC failed!" % smt.timestamp()) if append_steps > 0: for i in range(last_check_step+1, last_check_step+1+append_steps): print_msg("Appending additional step %d." % i) smt_state(i) smt_assert_antecedent("(not (|%s_is| s%d))" % (topmod, i)) smt_assert_consequent("(|%s_u| s%d)" % (topmod, i)) smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_h| s%d)" % (topmod, i)) smt_assert_antecedent("(|%s_t| s%d s%d)" % (topmod, i-1, i)) smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, i)) print_msg("Re-solving with appended steps..") if smt_check_sat() == "unsat": print("%s Cannot appended steps without violating assumptions!" % smt.timestamp()) retstatus = "FAILED" break print_anyconsts(step) for i in range(step, last_check_step+1): print_failed_asserts(i) write_trace(0, last_check_step+1+append_steps, '%') retstatus = "FAILED" break smt_pop() if (constr_final_start is not None) or (last_check_step+1 != num_steps): for i in range(step, last_check_step+1): smt_assert("(|%s_a| s%d)" % (topmod, i)) smt_assert(get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i)) if constr_final_start is not None: for i in range(step, last_check_step+1): if i < constr_final_start: continue print_msg("Checking final constraints in step %d.." % (i)) smt_push() smt_assert_consequent(get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, i, final=True)) smt_assert("(not %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i, final=True)) if smt_check_sat() == "sat": print("%s BMC failed!" % smt.timestamp()) print_anyconsts(i) print_failed_asserts(i, final=True) write_trace(0, i+1, '%') retstatus = "FAILED" break smt_pop() if retstatus == "FAILED" or retstatus == "PREUNSAT": break else: # gentrace for i in range(step, last_check_step+1): smt_assert("(|%s_a| s%d)" % (topmod, i)) smt_assert(get_constr_expr(constr_asserts, i)) print_msg("Solving for step %d.." % (last_check_step)) if smt_check_sat() != "sat": print("%s No solution found!" % smt.timestamp()) retstatus = "FAILED" break elif dumpall: print_anyconsts(0) write_trace(0, last_check_step+1, "%d" % step) step += step_size if gentrace and retstatus == "PASSED": print_anyconsts(0) write_trace(0, num_steps, '%') smt.write("(exit)") smt.wait() print_msg("Status: %s" % retstatus) sys.exit(0 if retstatus == "PASSED" else 1)