/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Claire Xenia Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/cellaigs.h" YOSYS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN AigNode::AigNode() { portbit = -1; inverter = false; left_parent = -1; right_parent = -1; } bool AigNode::operator==(const AigNode &other) const { if (portname != other.portname) return false; if (portbit != other.portbit) return false; if (inverter != other.inverter) return false; if (left_parent != other.left_parent) return false; if (right_parent != other.right_parent) return false; return true; } unsigned int AigNode::hash() const { unsigned int h = mkhash_init; h = mkhash(portname.hash(), portbit); h = mkhash(h, inverter); h = mkhash(h, left_parent); h = mkhash(h, right_parent); return h; } bool Aig::operator==(const Aig &other) const { return name == other.name; } unsigned int Aig::hash() const { return hash_ops::hash(name); } struct AigMaker { Aig *aig; Cell *cell; idict aig_indices; int the_true_node; int the_false_node; AigMaker(Aig *aig, Cell *cell) : aig(aig), cell(cell) { the_true_node = -1; the_false_node = -1; } int node2index(const AigNode &node) { if (node.left_parent > node.right_parent) { AigNode n(node); std::swap(n.left_parent, n.right_parent); return node2index(n); } if (!aig_indices.count(node)) { aig_indices.expect(node, GetSize(aig->nodes)); aig->nodes.push_back(node); } return aig_indices.at(node); } int bool_node(bool value) { AigNode node; node.inverter = value; return node2index(node); } int inport(IdString portname, int portbit = 0, bool inverter = false) { if (portbit >= GetSize(cell->getPort(portname))) { if (cell->parameters.count(portname.str() + "_SIGNED") && cell->getParam(portname.str() + "_SIGNED").as_bool()) return inport(portname, GetSize(cell->getPort(portname))-1, inverter); return bool_node(inverter); } AigNode node; node.portname = portname; node.portbit = portbit; node.inverter = inverter; return node2index(node); } vector inport_vec(IdString portname, int width) { vector vec; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) vec.push_back(inport(portname, i)); return vec; } int not_inport(IdString portname, int portbit = 0) { return inport(portname, portbit, true); } int not_gate(int A) { AigNode node(aig_indices[A]); node.outports.clear(); node.inverter = !node.inverter; return node2index(node); } int and_gate(int A, int B, bool inverter = false) { if (A == B) return inverter ? not_gate(A) : A; const AigNode &nA = aig_indices[A]; const AigNode &nB = aig_indices[B]; AigNode nB_inv(nB); nB_inv.inverter = !nB_inv.inverter; if (nA == nB_inv) return bool_node(inverter); bool nA_bool = nA.portbit < 0 && nA.left_parent < 0 && nA.right_parent < 0; bool nB_bool = nB.portbit < 0 && nB.left_parent < 0 && nB.right_parent < 0; if (nA_bool && nB_bool) { bool bA = nA.inverter; bool bB = nB.inverter; return bool_node(inverter != (bA && bB)); } if (nA_bool) { bool bA = nA.inverter; if (inverter) return bA ? not_gate(B) : bool_node(true); return bA ? B : bool_node(false); } if (nB_bool) { bool bB = nB.inverter; if (inverter) return bB ? not_gate(A) : bool_node(true); return bB ? A : bool_node(false); } AigNode node; node.inverter = inverter; node.left_parent = A; node.right_parent = B; return node2index(node); } int nand_gate(int A, int B) { return and_gate(A, B, true); } int or_gate(int A, int B) { return nand_gate(not_gate(A), not_gate(B)); } int nor_gate(int A, int B) { return and_gate(not_gate(A), not_gate(B)); } int xor_gate(int A, int B) { return nor_gate(and_gate(A, B), nor_gate(A, B)); } int xnor_gate(int A, int B) { return or_gate(and_gate(A, B), nor_gate(A, B)); } int andnot_gate(int A, int B) { return and_gate(A, not_gate(B)); } int ornot_gate(int A, int B) { return or_gate(A, not_gate(B)); } int mux_gate(int A, int B, int S) { return or_gate(and_gate(A, not_gate(S)), and_gate(B, S)); } vector adder(const vector &A, const vector &B, int carry, vector *X = nullptr, vector *CO = nullptr) { vector Y(GetSize(A)); log_assert(GetSize(A) == GetSize(B)); for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(A); i++) { Y[i] = xor_gate(xor_gate(A[i], B[i]), carry); carry = or_gate(and_gate(A[i], B[i]), and_gate(or_gate(A[i], B[i]), carry)); if (X != nullptr) X->at(i) = xor_gate(A[i], B[i]); if (CO != nullptr) CO->at(i) = carry; } return Y; } void outport(int node, IdString portname, int portbit = 0) { if (portbit < GetSize(cell->getPort(portname))) aig->nodes.at(node).outports.push_back(pair(portname, portbit)); } void outport_bool(int node, IdString portname) { outport(node, portname); for (int i = 1; i < GetSize(cell->getPort(portname)); i++) outport(bool_node(false), portname, i); } void outport_vec(const vector &vec, IdString portname) { for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(vec); i++) outport(vec.at(i), portname, i); } }; Aig::Aig(Cell *cell) { if (cell->type[0] != '$') return; AigMaker mk(this, cell); name = cell->type.str(); string mkname_last; bool mkname_a_signed = false; bool mkname_b_signed = false; bool mkname_is_signed = false; cell->parameters.sort(); for (auto p : cell->parameters) { if (p.first == ID::A_WIDTH && mkname_a_signed) { name = mkname_last + stringf(":%d%c", p.second.as_int(), mkname_is_signed ? 'S' : 'U'); } else if (p.first == ID::B_WIDTH && mkname_b_signed) { name = mkname_last + stringf(":%d%c", p.second.as_int(), mkname_is_signed ? 'S' : 'U'); } else { mkname_last = name; name += stringf(":%d", p.second.as_int()); } mkname_a_signed = false; mkname_b_signed = false; mkname_is_signed = false; if (p.first == ID::A_SIGNED) { mkname_a_signed = true; mkname_is_signed = p.second.as_bool(); } if (p.first == ID::B_SIGNED) { mkname_b_signed = true; mkname_is_signed = p.second.as_bool(); } } if (cell->type.in(ID($not), ID($_NOT_), ID($pos), ID($buf), ID($_BUF_))) { for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); i++) { int A = mk.inport(ID::A, i); int Y = cell->type.in(ID($not), ID($_NOT_)) ? mk.not_gate(A) : A; mk.outport(Y, ID::Y, i); } goto optimize; } if (cell->type.in(ID($and), ID($_AND_), ID($_NAND_), ID($or), ID($_OR_), ID($_NOR_), ID($xor), ID($xnor), ID($_XOR_), ID($_XNOR_), ID($_ANDNOT_), ID($_ORNOT_))) { for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); i++) { int A = mk.inport(ID::A, i); int B = mk.inport(ID::B, i); int Y = cell->type.in(ID($and), ID($_AND_)) ? mk.and_gate(A, B) : cell->type.in(ID($_NAND_)) ? mk.nand_gate(A, B) : cell->type.in(ID($or), ID($_OR_)) ? mk.or_gate(A, B) : cell->type.in(ID($_NOR_)) ? mk.nor_gate(A, B) : cell->type.in(ID($xor), ID($_XOR_)) ? mk.xor_gate(A, B) : cell->type.in(ID($xnor), ID($_XNOR_)) ? mk.xnor_gate(A, B) : cell->type.in(ID($_ANDNOT_)) ? mk.andnot_gate(A, B) : cell->type.in(ID($_ORNOT_)) ? mk.ornot_gate(A, B) : -1; mk.outport(Y, ID::Y, i); } goto optimize; } if (cell->type.in(ID($mux), ID($_MUX_), ID($_NMUX_))) { int S = mk.inport(ID::S); for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); i++) { int A = mk.inport(ID::A, i); int B = mk.inport(ID::B, i); int Y = mk.mux_gate(A, B, S); if (cell->type == ID($_NMUX_)) Y = mk.not_gate(Y); mk.outport(Y, ID::Y, i); } goto optimize; } if (cell->type.in(ID($reduce_and), ID($reduce_or), ID($reduce_xor), ID($reduce_xnor), ID($reduce_bool))) { int Y = mk.inport(ID::A, 0); for (int i = 1; i < GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)); i++) { int A = mk.inport(ID::A, i); if (cell->type == ID($reduce_and)) Y = mk.and_gate(A, Y); if (cell->type == ID($reduce_or)) Y = mk.or_gate(A, Y); if (cell->type == ID($reduce_bool)) Y = mk.or_gate(A, Y); if (cell->type == ID($reduce_xor)) Y = mk.xor_gate(A, Y); if (cell->type == ID($reduce_xnor)) Y = mk.xor_gate(A, Y); } if (cell->type == ID($reduce_xnor)) Y = mk.not_gate(Y); mk.outport(Y, ID::Y, 0); for (int i = 1; i < GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); i++) mk.outport(mk.bool_node(false), ID::Y, i); goto optimize; } if (cell->type.in(ID($logic_not), ID($logic_and), ID($logic_or))) { int A = mk.inport(ID::A, 0), Y = -1; for (int i = 1; i < GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)); i++) A = mk.or_gate(mk.inport(ID::A, i), A); if (cell->type.in(ID($logic_and), ID($logic_or))) { int B = mk.inport(ID::B, 0); for (int i = 1; i < GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::B)); i++) B = mk.or_gate(mk.inport(ID::B, i), B); if (cell->type == ID($logic_and)) Y = mk.and_gate(A, B); if (cell->type == ID($logic_or)) Y = mk.or_gate(A, B); } else { if (cell->type == ID($logic_not)) Y = mk.not_gate(A); } mk.outport_bool(Y, ID::Y); goto optimize; } if (cell->type.in(ID($add), ID($sub))) { int width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); vector A = mk.inport_vec(ID::A, width); vector B = mk.inport_vec(ID::B, width); int carry = mk.bool_node(false); if (cell->type == ID($sub)) { for (auto &n : B) n = mk.not_gate(n); carry = mk.not_gate(carry); } vector Y = mk.adder(A, B, carry); mk.outport_vec(Y, ID::Y); goto optimize; } if (cell->type.in(ID($lt), ID($gt), ID($le), ID($ge))) { int width = std::max(GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)), GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::B))) + 1; vector A = mk.inport_vec(ID::A, width); vector B = mk.inport_vec(ID::B, width); if (cell->type.in(ID($gt), ID($ge))) std::swap(A, B); int carry = mk.bool_node(!cell->type.in(ID($le), ID($ge))); for (auto &n : B) n = mk.not_gate(n); vector Y = mk.adder(A, B, carry); mk.outport(Y.back(), ID::Y); for (int i = 1; i < GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); i++) mk.outport(mk.bool_node(false), ID::Y, i); goto optimize; } if (cell->type == ID($alu)) { int width = GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::Y)); vector A = mk.inport_vec(ID::A, width); vector B = mk.inport_vec(ID::B, width); int carry = mk.inport(ID::CI); int binv = mk.inport(ID::BI); for (auto &n : B) n = mk.xor_gate(n, binv); vector X(width), CO(width); vector Y = mk.adder(A, B, carry, &X, &CO); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) X[i] = mk.xor_gate(A[i], B[i]); mk.outport_vec(Y, ID::Y); mk.outport_vec(X, ID::X); mk.outport_vec(CO, ID::CO); goto optimize; } if (cell->type.in(ID($eq), ID($ne))) { int width = max(GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::A)), GetSize(cell->getPort(ID::B))); vector A = mk.inport_vec(ID::A, width); vector B = mk.inport_vec(ID::B, width); int Y = mk.bool_node(false); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) Y = mk.or_gate(Y, mk.xor_gate(A[i], B[i])); if (cell->type == ID($eq)) Y = mk.not_gate(Y); mk.outport_bool(Y, ID::Y); goto optimize; } if (cell->type == ID($_AOI3_)) { int A = mk.inport(ID::A); int B = mk.inport(ID::B); int C = mk.inport(ID::C); int Y = mk.nor_gate(mk.and_gate(A, B), C); mk.outport(Y, ID::Y); goto optimize; } if (cell->type == ID($_OAI3_)) { int A = mk.inport(ID::A); int B = mk.inport(ID::B); int C = mk.inport(ID::C); int Y = mk.nand_gate(mk.or_gate(A, B), C); mk.outport(Y, ID::Y); goto optimize; } if (cell->type == ID($_AOI4_)) { int A = mk.inport(ID::A); int B = mk.inport(ID::B); int C = mk.inport(ID::C); int D = mk.inport(ID::D); int Y = mk.nor_gate(mk.and_gate(A, B), mk.and_gate(C, D)); mk.outport(Y, ID::Y); goto optimize; } if (cell->type == ID($_OAI4_)) { int A = mk.inport(ID::A); int B = mk.inport(ID::B); int C = mk.inport(ID::C); int D = mk.inport(ID::D); int Y = mk.nand_gate(mk.or_gate(A, B), mk.or_gate(C, D)); mk.outport(Y, ID::Y); goto optimize; } name.clear(); return; optimize:; pool used_old_ids; vector new_nodes; dict old_to_new_ids; old_to_new_ids[-1] = -1; for (int i = GetSize(nodes)-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!nodes[i].outports.empty()) used_old_ids.insert(i); if (!used_old_ids.count(i)) continue; if (nodes[i].left_parent >= 0) used_old_ids.insert(nodes[i].left_parent); if (nodes[i].right_parent >= 0) used_old_ids.insert(nodes[i].right_parent); } for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(nodes); i++) { if (!used_old_ids.count(i)) continue; nodes[i].left_parent = old_to_new_ids.at(nodes[i].left_parent); nodes[i].right_parent = old_to_new_ids.at(nodes[i].right_parent); old_to_new_ids[i] = GetSize(new_nodes); new_nodes.push_back(nodes[i]); } new_nodes.swap(nodes); } YOSYS_NAMESPACE_END