/* * yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite * * Copyright (C) 2012 Clifford Wolf * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "kernel/yosys.h" #include "kernel/sigtools.h" USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct mutate_t { string mode; pool src; IdString module, cell; IdString port, wire; int portbit = -1; int ctrlbit = -1; int wirebit = -1; bool used = false; }; struct mutate_opts_t { int seed = 0; std::string mode; pool src; IdString module, cell, port, wire; int portbit = -1; int ctrlbit = -1; int wirebit = -1; IdString ctrl_name; int ctrl_width, ctrl_value; }; void database_add(std::vector &database, const mutate_opts_t &opts, const mutate_t &entry) { if (!opts.mode.empty() && opts.mode != entry.mode) return; if (!opts.src.empty()) { bool found_match = false; for (auto &s : opts.src) { if (entry.src.count(s)) found_match = true; } if (!found_match) return; } if (!opts.module.empty() && opts.module != entry.module) return; if (!opts.cell.empty() && opts.cell != entry.cell) return; if (!opts.port.empty() && opts.port != entry.port) return; if (opts.portbit >= 0 && opts.portbit != entry.portbit) return; if (opts.ctrlbit >= 0 && opts.ctrlbit != entry.ctrlbit) return; if (!opts.wire.empty() && opts.wire != entry.wire) return; if (opts.wirebit >= 0 && opts.wirebit != entry.wirebit) return; database.push_back(entry); } struct xs128_t { uint32_t x = 123456789; uint32_t y = 0, z = 0, w = 0; xs128_t(int seed = 0) : w(seed) { next(); next(); next(); } void next() { uint32_t t = x ^ (x << 11); x = y, y = z, z = w; w ^= (w >> 19) ^ t ^ (t >> 8); } int operator()() { next(); return w & 0x3fffffff; } int operator()(int n) { if (n < 2) return 0; while (1) { int k = (*this)(), p = k % n; if ((k - p + n) <= 0x40000000) return p; } } }; struct mutate_leaf_queue_t { pool db; mutate_t *pick(xs128_t &rng, dict &coverdb) { mutate_t *m = nullptr; if (rng(3)) { vector candidates; int best_score = -1; for (auto p : db) { if (p->used || p->src.empty()) continue; int this_score = -1; for (auto &s : p->src) { if (this_score == -1 || this_score > coverdb.at(s)) this_score = coverdb.at(s); } log_assert(this_score != -1); if (best_score == -1 || this_score < best_score) { candidates.clear(); best_score = this_score; } if (best_score == this_score) candidates.push_back(p); } if (!candidates.empty()) m = candidates[rng(GetSize(candidates))]; } if (m == nullptr) { while (!db.empty()) { int i = rng(GetSize(db)); auto it = db.element(i); mutate_t *p = *it; db.erase(it); if (p->used == false) { m = p; break; } } } if (m != nullptr) { m->used = true; for (auto &s : m->src) coverdb[s]++; } return m; } void add(mutate_t *m) { db.insert(m); } }; template struct mutate_inner_queue_t { dict db; mutate_t *pick(xs128_t &rng, dict &coverdb) { while (!db.empty()) { int i = rng(GetSize(db)); auto it = db.element(i); mutate_t *m = it->second.pick(rng, coverdb); if (m != nullptr) return m; db.erase(it); } return nullptr; } template void add(mutate_t *m, K key, Args... args) { db[key].add(m, args...); } }; void database_reduce(std::vector &database, const mutate_opts_t &/* opts */, int N, xs128_t &rng) { std::vector new_database; dict coverdb; int weight_pq_w = 100; int weight_pq_b = 100; int weight_pq_c = 100; int weight_pq_s = 100; int weight_pq_mw = 100; int weight_pq_mb = 100; int weight_pq_mc = 100; int weight_pq_ms = 100; int total_weight = weight_pq_w + weight_pq_b + weight_pq_c + weight_pq_s; total_weight += weight_pq_mw + weight_pq_mb + weight_pq_mc + weight_pq_ms; if (N >= GetSize(database)) return; mutate_inner_queue_t primary_queue_wire; mutate_inner_queue_t, mutate_leaf_queue_t> primary_queue_bit; mutate_inner_queue_t primary_queue_cell; mutate_inner_queue_t primary_queue_src; mutate_inner_queue_t> primary_queue_module_wire; mutate_inner_queue_t, mutate_leaf_queue_t>> primary_queue_module_bit; mutate_inner_queue_t> primary_queue_module_cell; mutate_inner_queue_t> primary_queue_module_src; for (auto &m : database) { if (!m.wire.empty()) { primary_queue_wire.add(&m, m.wire); primary_queue_bit.add(&m, pair(m.wire, m.wirebit)); primary_queue_module_wire.add(&m, m.module, m.wire); primary_queue_module_bit.add(&m, m.module, pair(m.wire, m.wirebit)); } primary_queue_cell.add(&m, m.cell); primary_queue_module_cell.add(&m, m.module, m.cell); for (auto &s : m.src) { coverdb[s] = 0; primary_queue_src.add(&m, s); primary_queue_module_src.add(&m, m.module, s); } } while (GetSize(new_database) < N) { int k = rng(total_weight); #define X(__wght, __queue) \ k -= __wght; \ if (k < 0) { \ mutate_t *m = __queue.pick(rng, coverdb); \ if (m != nullptr) \ new_database.push_back(*m); \ continue; \ } X(weight_pq_w, primary_queue_wire) X(weight_pq_b, primary_queue_bit) X(weight_pq_c, primary_queue_cell) X(weight_pq_s, primary_queue_src) X(weight_pq_mw, primary_queue_module_wire) X(weight_pq_mb, primary_queue_module_bit) X(weight_pq_mc, primary_queue_module_cell) X(weight_pq_ms, primary_queue_module_src) } std::swap(new_database, database); int covered_cnt = 0; for (auto &it : coverdb) if (it.second) covered_cnt++; log("Covered %d/%d src attributes (%.2f%%).\n", covered_cnt, GetSize(coverdb), 100.0 * covered_cnt / GetSize(coverdb)); } void mutate_list(Design *design, const mutate_opts_t &opts, const string &filename, int N) { std::vector database; xs128_t rng(opts.seed); for (auto module : design->selected_modules()) { if (!opts.module.empty() && module->name != opts.module) continue; SigMap sigmap(module); for (auto wire : module->selected_wires()) { for (SigBit bit : SigSpec(wire)) { SigBit sigbit = sigmap(bit); if (bit.wire == nullptr || sigbit.wire == nullptr) continue; if (!bit.wire->port_id != !sigbit.wire->port_id) { if (bit.wire->port_id) sigmap.add(bit); continue; } if (!bit.wire->name[0] != !sigbit.wire->name[0]) { if (bit.wire->name[0] == '\\') sigmap.add(bit); continue; } } } for (auto cell : module->selected_cells()) { if (!opts.cell.empty() && cell->name != opts.cell) continue; for (auto &conn : cell->connections()) { for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(conn.second); i++) { mutate_t entry; entry.module = module->name; entry.cell = cell->name; entry.port = conn.first; entry.portbit = i; for (auto &s : cell->get_strpool_attribute("\\src")) entry.src.insert(s); SigBit bit = sigmap(conn.second[i]); if (bit.wire && bit.wire->name[0] == '\\') { for (auto &s : bit.wire->get_strpool_attribute("\\src")) entry.src.insert(s); entry.wire = bit.wire->name; entry.wirebit = bit.offset; } entry.mode = "inv"; database_add(database, opts, entry); entry.mode = "const0"; database_add(database, opts, entry); entry.mode = "const1"; database_add(database, opts, entry); entry.mode = "cnot0"; entry.ctrlbit = rng(GetSize(conn.second)); if (entry.ctrlbit != entry.portbit && conn.second[entry.ctrlbit].wire) database_add(database, opts, entry); entry.mode = "cnot1"; entry.ctrlbit = rng(GetSize(conn.second)); if (entry.ctrlbit != entry.portbit && conn.second[entry.ctrlbit].wire) database_add(database, opts, entry); } } } } log("Raw database size: %d\n", GetSize(database)); if (N != 0) { database_reduce(database, opts, N, rng); log("Reduced database size: %d\n", GetSize(database)); } std::ofstream fout; if (!filename.empty()) { fout.open(filename, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); if (!fout.is_open()) log_error("Could not open file \"%s\" with write access.\n", filename.c_str()); } int ctrl_value = opts.ctrl_value; for (auto &entry : database) { string str = "mutate"; if (!opts.ctrl_name.empty()) str += stringf(" -ctrl %s %d %d", log_id(opts.ctrl_name), opts.ctrl_width, ctrl_value++); str += stringf(" -mode %s", entry.mode.c_str()); if (!entry.module.empty()) str += stringf(" -module %s", log_id(entry.module)); if (!entry.cell.empty()) str += stringf(" -cell %s", log_id(entry.cell)); if (!entry.port.empty()) str += stringf(" -port %s", log_id(entry.port)); if (entry.portbit >= 0) str += stringf(" -portbit %d", entry.portbit); if (entry.ctrlbit >= 0) str += stringf(" -ctrlbit %d", entry.ctrlbit); if (!entry.wire.empty()) str += stringf(" -wire %s", log_id(entry.wire)); if (entry.wirebit >= 0) str += stringf(" -wirebit %d", entry.wirebit); for (auto &s : entry.src) str += stringf(" -src %s", s.c_str()); if (filename.empty()) log("%s\n", str.c_str()); else fout << str << std::endl; } } SigSpec mutate_ctrl_sig(Module *module, IdString name, int width) { Wire *ctrl_wire = module->wire(name); if (ctrl_wire == nullptr) { log("Adding ctrl port %s to module %s.\n", log_id(name), log_id(module)); ctrl_wire = module->addWire(name, width); ctrl_wire->port_input = true; module->fixup_ports(); for (auto mod : module->design->modules()) for (auto cell : mod->cells()) { if (cell->type != module->name) continue; SigSpec ctrl = mutate_ctrl_sig(mod, name, width); log("Connecting ctrl port to cell %s in module %s.\n", log_id(cell), log_id(mod)); cell->setPort(name, ctrl); } } log_assert(GetSize(ctrl_wire) == width); return ctrl_wire; } SigBit mutate_ctrl(Module *module, const mutate_opts_t &opts) { if (opts.ctrl_name.empty()) return State::S1; SigSpec sig = mutate_ctrl_sig(module, opts.ctrl_name, opts.ctrl_width); return module->Eq(NEW_ID, sig, Const(opts.ctrl_value, GetSize(sig))); } SigSpec mutate_ctrl_mux(Module *module, const mutate_opts_t &opts, SigSpec unchanged_sig, SigSpec changed_sig) { SigBit ctrl_bit = mutate_ctrl(module, opts); if (ctrl_bit == State::S0) return unchanged_sig; if (ctrl_bit == State::S1) return changed_sig; return module->Mux(NEW_ID, unchanged_sig, changed_sig, ctrl_bit); } void mutate_inv(Design *design, const mutate_opts_t &opts) { Module *module = design->module(opts.module); Cell *cell = module->cell(opts.cell); SigBit bit = cell->getPort(opts.port)[opts.portbit]; SigBit inbit, outbit; if (cell->input(opts.port)) { log("Add input inverter at %s.%s.%s[%d].\n", log_id(module), log_id(cell), log_id(opts.port), opts.portbit); SigBit outbit = module->Not(NEW_ID, bit); bit = mutate_ctrl_mux(module, opts, bit, outbit); } else { log("Add output inverter at %s.%s.%s[%d].\n", log_id(module), log_id(cell), log_id(opts.port), opts.portbit); SigBit inbit = module->addWire(NEW_ID); SigBit outbit = module->Not(NEW_ID, inbit); module->connect(bit, mutate_ctrl_mux(module, opts, inbit, outbit)); bit = inbit; } SigSpec s = cell->getPort(opts.port); s[opts.portbit] = bit; cell->setPort(opts.port, s); } void mutate_const(Design *design, const mutate_opts_t &opts, bool one) { Module *module = design->module(opts.module); Cell *cell = module->cell(opts.cell); SigBit bit = cell->getPort(opts.port)[opts.portbit]; SigBit inbit, outbit; if (cell->input(opts.port)) { log("Add input constant %d at %s.%s.%s[%d].\n", one ? 1 : 0, log_id(module), log_id(cell), log_id(opts.port), opts.portbit); SigBit outbit = one ? State::S1 : State::S0; bit = mutate_ctrl_mux(module, opts, bit, outbit); } else { log("Add output constant %d at %s.%s.%s[%d].\n", one ? 1 : 0, log_id(module), log_id(cell), log_id(opts.port), opts.portbit); SigBit inbit = module->addWire(NEW_ID); SigBit outbit = one ? State::S1 : State::S0; module->connect(bit, mutate_ctrl_mux(module, opts, inbit, outbit)); bit = inbit; } SigSpec s = cell->getPort(opts.port); s[opts.portbit] = bit; cell->setPort(opts.port, s); } void mutate_cnot(Design *design, const mutate_opts_t &opts, bool one) { Module *module = design->module(opts.module); Cell *cell = module->cell(opts.cell); SigBit bit = cell->getPort(opts.port)[opts.portbit]; SigBit ctrl = cell->getPort(opts.port)[opts.ctrlbit]; SigBit inbit, outbit; if (cell->input(opts.port)) { log("Add input cnot%d at %s.%s.%s[%d,%d].\n", one ? 1 : 0, log_id(module), log_id(cell), log_id(opts.port), opts.portbit, opts.ctrlbit); SigBit outbit = one ? module->Xor(NEW_ID, bit, ctrl) : module->Xnor(NEW_ID, bit, ctrl); bit = mutate_ctrl_mux(module, opts, bit, outbit); } else { log("Add output cnot%d at %s.%s.%s[%d,%d].\n", one ? 1 : 0, log_id(module), log_id(cell), log_id(opts.port), opts.portbit, opts.ctrlbit); SigBit inbit = module->addWire(NEW_ID); SigBit outbit = one ? module->Xor(NEW_ID, inbit, ctrl) : module->Xnor(NEW_ID, inbit, ctrl); module->connect(bit, mutate_ctrl_mux(module, opts, inbit, outbit)); bit = inbit; } SigSpec s = cell->getPort(opts.port); s[opts.portbit] = bit; cell->setPort(opts.port, s); } struct MutatePass : public Pass { MutatePass() : Pass("mutate", "generate or apply design mutations") { } void help() YS_OVERRIDE { // |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---| log("\n"); log(" mutate -list N [options] [selection]\n"); log("\n"); log("Create a list of N mutations using an even sampling.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -o filename\n"); log(" Write list to this file instead of console output\n"); log("\n"); log(" -seed N\n"); log(" RNG seed for selecting mutations\n"); log("\n"); log(" -ctrl name width value\n"); log(" Add -ctrl options to the output. Use 'value' for first mutation, then\n"); log(" simply count up from there.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -mode name\n"); log(" -module name\n"); log(" -cell name\n"); log(" -port name\n"); log(" -portbit int\n"); log(" -ctrlbit int\n"); log(" -wire name\n"); log(" -wirebit int\n"); log(" -src string\n"); log(" Filter list of mutation candidates to those matching\n"); log(" the given parameters.\n"); log("\n"); log("\n"); log(" mutate -mode MODE [options]\n"); log("\n"); log("Apply the given mutation.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -ctrl name width value\n"); log(" Add a control signal with the given name and width. The mutation is\n"); log(" activated if the control signal equals the given value.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -module name\n"); log(" -cell name\n"); log(" -port name\n"); log(" -portbit int\n"); log(" -ctrlbit int\n"); log(" Mutation parameters, as generated by 'mutate -list N'.\n"); log("\n"); log(" -wire name\n"); log(" -wirebit int\n"); log(" -src string\n"); log(" Ignored. (They are generated by -list for documentation purposes.)\n"); log("\n"); } void execute(std::vector args, RTLIL::Design *design) YS_OVERRIDE { mutate_opts_t opts; string filename; int N = -1; log_header(design, "Executing MUTATE pass.\n"); size_t argidx; for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) { if (args[argidx] == "-list" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { N = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str()); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-o" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { filename = args[++argidx]; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-seed" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { opts.seed = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str()); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-mode" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { opts.mode = args[++argidx]; continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-ctrl" && argidx+3 < args.size()) { opts.ctrl_name = RTLIL::escape_id(args[++argidx]); opts.ctrl_width = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str()); opts.ctrl_value = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str()); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-module" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { opts.module = RTLIL::escape_id(args[++argidx]); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-cell" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { opts.cell = RTLIL::escape_id(args[++argidx]); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-port" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { opts.port = RTLIL::escape_id(args[++argidx]); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-portbit" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { opts.portbit = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str()); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-ctrlbit" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { opts.ctrlbit = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str()); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-wire" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { opts.wire = RTLIL::escape_id(args[++argidx]); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-wirebit" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { opts.wirebit = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str()); continue; } if (args[argidx] == "-src" && argidx+1 < args.size()) { opts.src.insert(args[++argidx]); continue; } break; } extra_args(args, argidx, design); if (N >= 0) { mutate_list(design, opts, filename, N); return; } if (opts.mode == "inv") { mutate_inv(design, opts); return; } if (opts.mode == "const0" || opts.mode == "const1") { mutate_const(design, opts, opts.mode == "const1"); return; } if (opts.mode == "cnot0" || opts.mode == "cnot1") { mutate_cnot(design, opts, opts.mode == "cnot1"); return; } log_cmd_error("Invalid mode: %s\n", opts.mode.c_str()); } } MutatePass; PRIVATE_NAMESPACE_END