#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # yosys -- Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite # # Copyright (C) 2022 Jannis Harder # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # import os, sys, itertools, re ##yosys-sys-path## import json import click from ywio import ReadWitness, WriteWitness, WitnessSig, WitnessSigMap, WitnessValues, coalesce_signals @click.group() def cli(): pass @cli.command(help=""" Display a Yosys witness trace in a human readable format. """) @click.argument("input", type=click.File("r")) @click.option("--skip-x", help="Treat x bits as unassigned.", is_flag=True) def display(input, skip_x): click.echo(f"Reading Yosys witness trace {input.name!r}...") inyw = ReadWitness(input) if skip_x: inyw.skip_x() def output(): yield click.style("*** RTLIL bit-order below may differ from source level declarations ***", fg="red") if inyw.clocks: yield click.style("=== Clock Signals ===", fg="blue") for clock in inyw.clocks: yield f" {clock['edge']} {WitnessSig(clock['path'], clock['offset']).pretty()}" for t, values in inyw.steps(): if t: yield click.style(f"=== Step {t} ===", fg="blue") else: yield click.style("=== Initial State ===", fg="blue") step_prefix = click.style(f"#{t}", fg="bright_black") signals, missing = values.present_signals(inyw.sigmap) assert not missing for sig in signals: display_bits = values[sig].replace("?", click.style("?", fg="bright_black")) yield f" {step_prefix} {sig.pretty()} = {display_bits}" click.echo_via_pager([line + "\n" for line in output()]) @cli.command(help=""" Display statistics of a Yosys witness trace. """) @click.argument("input", type=click.File("r")) def stats(input): click.echo(f"Reading Yosys witness trace {input.name!r}...") inyw = ReadWitness(input) total = 0 for t, values in inyw.steps(): click.echo(f"{t:5}: {len(values.values):8} bits") total += len(values.values) click.echo(f"total: {total:8} bits") @cli.command(help=""" Transform a Yosys witness trace. Currently no transformations are implemented, so it is only useful for testing. If two or more inputs are provided they will be concatenated together into the output. """) @click.argument("inputs", type=click.File("r"), nargs=-1) @click.argument("output", type=click.File("w")) @click.option("--append", "-p", type=int, multiple=True, help="Number of steps (+ve or -ve) to append to end of input trace. " +"Can be defined multiple times, following the same order as input traces. ") @click.option("--skip-x", help="Leave input x bits unassigned.", is_flag=True) def yw2yw(inputs, output, append, skip_x): if len(inputs) == 0: raise click.ClickException(f"no inputs specified") outyw = WriteWitness(output, "yosys-witness yw2yw") join_inputs = len(inputs) > 1 inyws = {} if not append: # default to 0 append = [0] * len(inputs) if len(append) != len(inputs): print(f"Mismatch in number of --append values ({len(append)}) and input traces ({len(inputs)}).") sys.exit(1) for (input, p) in zip(inputs, append): if (join_inputs): click.echo(f"Loading signals from yosys witness trace {input.name!r}...") inyw = ReadWitness(input) if p: click.echo(f" appending {p} steps") if (p + len(inyw) <= 0): click.echo(f" skipping {input.name!r} (only {len(inyw)} steps to skip)") continue inyw.append_steps(p) inyws[input] = inyw for clock in inyw.clocks: if clock not in outyw.clocks: outyw.add_clock(clock["path"], clock["offset"], clock["edge"]) for sig in inyw.signals: if sig not in outyw.signals: outyw.add_sig(sig.path, sig.offset, sig.width, sig.init_only) init_values = sum([inyw.init_step() for inyw in inyws.values()], start=WitnessValues()) first_witness = True for (input, inyw) in inyws.items(): click.echo(f"Copying yosys witness trace from {input.name!r} to {output.name!r}...") if first_witness: outyw.step(init_values, skip_x=skip_x) else: outyw.step(inyw.first_step(), skip_x=skip_x) for t, values in inyw.steps(1): outyw.step(values, skip_x=skip_x) click.echo(f" copied {t + 1} time steps.") first_witness = False outyw.end_trace() if join_inputs: click.echo(f"Copied {outyw.t} total time steps.") class AigerMap: def __init__(self, mapfile): data = json.load(mapfile) version = data.get("version") if isinstance(data, dict) else {} if version != "Yosys Witness Aiger map": raise click.ClickException(f"{mapfile.name}: unexpected file format version {version!r}") self.latch_count = data["latch_count"] self.input_count = data["input_count"] self.clocks = data["clocks"] self.sigmap = WitnessSigMap() self.init_inputs = set(init["input"] for init in data["inits"]) for bit in data["inputs"] + data["seqs"] + data["inits"]: self.sigmap.add_bit((tuple(bit["path"]), bit["offset"]), bit["input"]) @cli.command(help=""" Convert an AIGER witness trace into a Yosys witness trace. This requires a Yosys witness AIGER map file as generated by 'write_aiger -ywmap'. """) @click.argument("input", type=click.File("r")) @click.argument("mapfile", type=click.File("r")) @click.argument("output", type=click.File("w")) @click.option("--skip-x", help="Leave input x bits unassigned.", is_flag=True) @click.option("--present-only", help="Only include bits present in at least one time step.", is_flag=True) def aiw2yw(input, mapfile, output, skip_x, present_only): input_name = input.name click.echo(f"Converting AIGER witness trace {input_name!r} to Yosys witness trace {output.name!r}...") click.echo(f"Using Yosys witness AIGER map file {mapfile.name!r}") aiger_map = AigerMap(mapfile) header_lines = list(itertools.islice(input, 0, 2)) if len(header_lines) == 2 and header_lines[1][0] in ".bcjf": status = header_lines[0].strip() if status == "0": raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: file contains no trace, the AIGER status is unsat") elif status == "2": raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: file contains no trace, the AIGER status is sat") elif status != "1": raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: unexpected data in AIGER witness file") else: input = itertools.chain(header_lines, input) ffline = next(input, None) if ffline is None: raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: unexpected end of file") ffline = ffline.strip() if not re.match(r'[01x]*$', ffline): raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: unexpected data in AIGER witness file") if not re.match(r'[0]*$', ffline): raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: non-default initial state not supported") if not present_only: outyw = WriteWitness(output, "yosys-witness aiw2yw") for clock in aiger_map.clocks: outyw.add_clock(clock["path"], clock["offset"], clock["edge"]) for (path, offset), id in aiger_map.sigmap.bit_to_id.items(): outyw.add_sig(path, offset, init_only=id in aiger_map.init_inputs) missing = set() seen = set() buffered_steps = [] skip = "x?" if skip_x else "?" t = -1 while True: inline = next(input, None) if inline is None: click.echo(f"Warning: {input_name}: file may be incomplete") break inline = inline.strip() if inline in [".", "# DONE"]: break if inline.startswith("#"): continue t += 1 if not re.match(r"[01x]*$", inline): raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: unexpected data in AIGER witness file") if len(inline) != aiger_map.input_count: raise click.ClickException( f"{input_name}: {mapfile.name}: number of inputs does not match, " f"{len(inline)} in witness, {aiger_map.input_count} in map file" ) values = WitnessValues() for i, v in enumerate(inline): if v in skip or (t > 0 and i in aiger_map.init_inputs): continue try: bit = aiger_map.sigmap.id_to_bit[i] except IndexError: bit = None if bit is None: missing.add(i) elif present_only: seen.add(i) values[bit] = v if present_only: buffered_steps.append(values) else: outyw.step(values) if present_only: outyw = WriteWitness(output, "yosys-witness aiw2yw") for clock in aiger_map.clocks: outyw.add_clock(clock["path"], clock["offset"], clock["edge"]) for (path, offset), id in aiger_map.sigmap.bit_to_id.items(): if id in seen: outyw.add_sig(path, offset, init_only=id in aiger_map.init_inputs) for values in buffered_steps: outyw.step(values) outyw.end_trace() if missing: click.echo("The following AIGER inputs belong to unknown signals:") click.echo(" " + " ".join(str(id) for id in sorted(missing))) click.echo(f"Converted {outyw.t} time steps.") @cli.command(help=""" Convert a Yosys witness trace into an AIGER witness trace. This requires a Yosys witness AIGER map file as generated by 'write_aiger -ywmap'. """) @click.argument("input", type=click.File("r")) @click.argument("mapfile", type=click.File("r")) @click.argument("output", type=click.File("w")) def yw2aiw(input, mapfile, output): click.echo(f"Converting Yosys witness trace {input.name!r} to AIGER witness trace {output.name!r}...") click.echo(f"Using Yosys witness AIGER map file {mapfile.name!r}") aiger_map = AigerMap(mapfile) inyw = ReadWitness(input) print("1", file=output) print("b0", file=output) # TODO the b0 status isn't really accurate, but we don't have any better info here print("0" * aiger_map.latch_count, file=output) all_missing = set() for t, step in inyw.steps(): bits, missing = step.pack_present(aiger_map.sigmap) bits = bits[::-1].replace('?', 'x') all_missing.update(missing) bits += 'x' * (aiger_map.input_count - len(bits)) print(bits, file=output) print(".", file=output) if all_missing: click.echo("The following signals are missing in the AIGER map file and will be dropped:") for sig in coalesce_signals(WitnessSig(*bit) for bit in all_missing): click.echo(" " + sig.pretty()) click.echo(f"Converted {len(inyw)} time steps.") class BtorMap: def __init__(self, mapfile): self.data = data = json.load(mapfile) version = data.get("version") if isinstance(data, dict) else {} if version != "Yosys Witness BTOR map": raise click.ClickException(f"{mapfile.name}: unexpected file format version {version!r}") self.sigmap = WitnessSigMap() for mode in ("states", "inputs"): for btor_signal_def in data[mode]: if btor_signal_def is None: continue if isinstance(btor_signal_def, dict): btor_signal_def["path"] = tuple(btor_signal_def["path"]) else: for chunk in btor_signal_def: chunk["path"] = tuple(chunk["path"]) @cli.command(help=""" Convert a BTOR witness trace into a Yosys witness trace. This requires a Yosys witness BTOR map file as generated by 'write_btor -ywmap'. """) @click.argument("input", type=click.File("r")) @click.argument("mapfile", type=click.File("r")) @click.argument("output", type=click.File("w")) def wit2yw(input, mapfile, output): input_name = input.name click.echo(f"Converting BTOR witness trace {input_name!r} to Yosys witness trace {output.name!r}...") click.echo(f"Using Yosys witness BTOR map file {mapfile.name!r}") btor_map = BtorMap(mapfile) input = filter(None, (line.split(';', 1)[0].strip() for line in input)) sat = next(input, None) if sat != "sat": raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: not a BTOR witness file") props = next(input, None) t = -1 line = next(input, None) frames = [] bits = {} while line and not line.startswith('.'): current_t = int(line[1:].strip()) if line[0] == '#': mode = "states" elif line[0] == '@': mode = "inputs" else: raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: unexpected data in BTOR witness file") if current_t > t: t = current_t values = WitnessValues() array_inits = set() frames.append(values) line = next(input, None) while line and line[0] not in "#@.": if current_t > 0 and mode == "states": line = next(input, None) continue tokens = line.split() line = next(input, None) btor_sig = btor_map.data[mode][int(tokens[0])] btor_sigs = [btor_sig] if btor_sig is None: continue if isinstance(btor_sig, dict): addr = tokens[1] if not addr.startswith('['): addr = '[*]' value = tokens[1] else: value = tokens[2] if not addr.endswith(']'): raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: expected address in BTOR witness file") path = btor_sig["path"] width = btor_sig["width"] size = btor_sig["size"] if addr == '[*]': btor_sigs = [ [{ "path": (*path, f"\\[{addr}]"), "width": width, "offset": 0, }] for addr in range(size) if (path, addr) not in array_inits ] array_inits.update((path, addr) for addr in range(size)) else: addr = int(addr[1:-1], 2) if addr < 0 or addr >= size: raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: out of bounds address in BTOR witness file") array_inits.add((path, addr)) btor_sig = [{ "path": (*path, f"\\[{addr}]"), "width": width, "offset": 0, }] btor_sigs = [btor_sig] else: value = tokens[1] for btor_sig in btor_sigs: value_bits = iter(reversed(value)) for chunk in btor_sig: offset = chunk["offset"] path = chunk["path"] for i in range(offset, offset + chunk["width"]): key = (path, i) bits[key] = mode == "inputs" values[key] = next(value_bits) if next(value_bits, None) is not None: raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: excess bits in BTOR witness file") if line is None: raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: unexpected end of BTOR witness file") if line.strip() != '.': raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: unexpected data in BTOR witness file") if next(input, None) is not None: raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: unexpected trailing data in BTOR witness file") outyw = WriteWitness(output, 'yosys-witness wit2yw') outyw.signals = coalesce_signals((), bits) for clock in btor_map.data["clocks"]: outyw.add_clock(clock["path"], clock["offset"], clock["edge"]) for values in frames: outyw.step(values) outyw.end_trace() click.echo(f"Converted {outyw.t} time steps.") if __name__ == "__main__": cli()