pattern shiftmul_left // // Optimize mul+shift pairs that result from expressions such as foo[s*W+:W] // match shift select shift->$shift, $shiftx, $shl) select shift->$shl) || param(shift, \B_SIGNED).as_bool() filter !port(shift, \B).empty() endmatch match neg if shift->$shift, $shiftx) select neg->type == $neg index port(neg, \Y) === port(shift, \B) filter !port(shift, \A).empty() endmatch // the left shift amount state shift_amount // log2 scale factor in interpreting of shift_amount // due to zero padding on the shift cell's B port state log2scale code shift_amount log2scale if (neg) { // case of `$shift`, `$shiftx` shift_amount = port(neg, \A); if (!param(neg, \A_SIGNED).as_bool()) shift_amount.append(State::S0); } else { // case of `$shl` shift_amount = port(shift, \B); if (!param(shift, \B_SIGNED).as_bool()) shift_amount.append(State::S0); } // at this point shift_amount is signed, make // sure we can never go negative if (shift_amount.bits().back() != State::S0) reject; while (shift_amount.bits().back() == State::S0) { shift_amount.remove(GetSize(shift_amount) - 1); if (shift_amount.empty()) reject; } log2scale = 0; while (shift_amount[0] == State::S0) { shift_amount.remove(0); if (shift_amount.empty()) reject; log2scale++; } if (GetSize(shift_amount) > 20) reject; endcode state mul_din state mul_const match mul select mul->$mul) index port(mul, \Y) === shift_amount filter !param(mul, \A_SIGNED).as_bool() choice constport {\A, \B} filter port(mul, constport).is_fully_const() define varport (constport == \A ? \B : \A) set mul_const SigSpec({port(mul, constport), SigSpec(State::S0, log2scale)}).as_const() // get mul_din unmapped (so no `port()` shorthand) // because we will be using it to set the \A port // on the shift cell, and we want to stay close // to the original design set mul_din mul->getPort(varport) endmatch code { if (mul_const.empty() || GetSize(mul_const) > 20) reject; // make sure there's no overlap in the signal // selections by the shiftmul pattern if (GetSize(port(shift, \A)) > mul_const.as_int()) reject; int factor_bits = ceil_log2(mul_const.as_int()); // make sure the multiplication never wraps around if (GetSize(shift_amount) < factor_bits + GetSize(mul_din)) reject; if (neg) { // make sure the negation never wraps around if (GetSize(port(shift, \B)) < factor_bits + GetSize(mul_din) + log2scale + 1) reject; } did_something = true; log("left shiftmul pattern in %s: shift=%s, mul=%s\n", log_id(module), log_id(shift), log_id(mul)); int const_factor = mul_const.as_int(); int new_const_factor = 1 << factor_bits; SigSpec padding(State::Sm, new_const_factor-const_factor); SigSpec old_y = port(shift, \Y), new_y; int trunc = 0; if (GetSize(old_y) % const_factor != 0) { trunc = const_factor - GetSize(old_y) % const_factor; old_y.append(SigSpec(State::Sm, trunc)); } for (int i = 0; i*const_factor < GetSize(old_y); i++) { SigSpec slice = old_y.extract(i*const_factor, const_factor); new_y.append(slice); new_y.append(padding); } if (trunc > 0) new_y.remove(GetSize(new_y)-trunc, trunc); { // Now replace occurences of Sm in new_y with bits // of a dummy wire int padbits = 0; for (auto bit : new_y) if (bit == SigBit(State::Sm)) padbits++; SigSpec padwire = module->addWire(NEW_ID, padbits); for (int i = new_y.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (new_y[i] == SigBit(State::Sm)) { new_y[i] = padwire.bits().back(); padwire.remove(padwire.size() - 1); } } SigSpec new_b = {mul_din, SigSpec(State::S0, factor_bits)}; shift->setPort(\Y, new_y); shift->setParam(\Y_WIDTH, GetSize(new_y)); if (shift->type == $shl) { if (param(shift, \B_SIGNED).as_bool()) new_b.append(State::S0); shift->setPort(\B, new_b); shift->setParam(\B_WIDTH, GetSize(new_b)); } else { SigSpec b_neg = module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(new_b) + 1); module->addNeg(NEW_ID, new_b, b_neg); shift->setPort(\B, b_neg); shift->setParam(\B_WIDTH, GetSize(b_neg)); } blacklist(shift); accept; } endcode