sf2 ff have no initial values, but some IP cores use initial values.
In order to use those cores on sf2, it is required to discard the
initial value (to be carefully used).
Uses the regex below to search (using vscode):
Finds any log messages double indented (which help messages are)
and checks if *either* there are is no newline character at the end,
*or* the number of characters before the newline is more than 80.
This pass is a proper subset of opt_rmdff, which is called by opt, which
is called by every synth flow in the coarse part. Thus, it never
actually does anything and can be safely removed.
The initial list of hits was generated with the codespell command
below, and each hit was evaluated and fixed manually while taking
context into consideration.
DIRS="kernel/ frontends/ backends/ passes/ techlibs/"
DIRS="${DIRS} libs/ezsat/ libs/subcircuit"
codespell $DIRS -S *.o -L upto,iff,thru,synopsys,uint
More hits were found by looking through comments and strings manually.