mirror of https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys.git
Added fst2tb pass for generating testbench
This commit is contained in:
@ -1327,6 +1327,210 @@ struct SimWorker : SimShared
std::string define_signal(Wire *wire)
std::stringstream f;
if (wire->width==1)
f << stringf("%s", RTLIL::unescape_id(wire->name).c_str());
if (wire->upto)
f << stringf("[%d:%d] %s", wire->start_offset, wire->width - 1 + wire->start_offset, RTLIL::unescape_id(wire->name).c_str());
f << stringf("[%d:%d] %s", wire->width - 1 + wire->start_offset, wire->start_offset, RTLIL::unescape_id(wire->name).c_str());
return f.str();
std::string signal_list(std::map<Wire*,fstHandle> &signals)
std::stringstream f;
for(auto item=signals.begin();item!=signals.end();item++)
f << stringf("%c%s", (item==signals.begin() ? ' ' : ','), RTLIL::unescape_id(item->first->name).c_str());
return f.str();
void generate_tb(Module *topmod, std::string tb_filename, int numcycles)
fst = new FstData(sim_filename);
if (scope.empty())
log_error("Scope must be defined for co-simulation.\n");
if ((clock.size()+clockn.size())==0)
log_error("Clock signal must be specified.\n");
std::vector<fstHandle> fst_clock;
std::map<Wire*,fstHandle> clocks;
for (auto portname : clock)
Wire *w = topmod->wire(portname);
if (!w)
log_error("Can't find port %s on module %s.\n", log_id(portname), log_id(top->module));
if (!w->port_input)
log_error("Clock port %s on module %s is not input.\n", log_id(portname), log_id(top->module));
fstHandle id = fst->getHandle(scope + "." + RTLIL::unescape_id(portname));
if (id==0)
log_error("Can't find port %s.%s in FST.\n", scope.c_str(), log_id(portname));
clocks[w] = id;
for (auto portname : clockn)
Wire *w = topmod->wire(portname);
if (!w)
log_error("Can't find port %s on module %s.\n", log_id(portname), log_id(top->module));
if (!w->port_input)
log_error("Clock port %s on module %s is not input.\n", log_id(portname), log_id(top->module));
fstHandle id = fst->getHandle(scope + "." + RTLIL::unescape_id(portname));
if (id==0)
log_error("Can't find port %s.%s in FST.\n", scope.c_str(), log_id(portname));
clocks[w] = id;
SigMap sigmap(topmod);
std::map<Wire*,fstHandle> inputs;
std::map<Wire*,fstHandle> outputs;
for (auto wire : topmod->wires()) {
fstHandle id = fst->getHandle(scope + "." + RTLIL::unescape_id(wire->name));
if (id==0 && (wire->port_input || wire->port_output))
log_error("Unable to find required '%s' signal in file\n",(scope + "." + RTLIL::unescape_id(wire->name)).c_str());
if (wire->port_input)
if (clocks.find(wire)==clocks.end())
inputs[wire] = id;
if (wire->port_output)
outputs[wire] = id;
uint64_t startCount = 0;
uint64_t stopCount = 0;
if (start_time==0) {
if (start_time < fst->getStartTime())
log_warning("Start time is before simulation file start time\n");
startCount = fst->getStartTime();
} else if (start_time==-1)
startCount = fst->getEndTime();
else {
startCount = start_time / fst->getTimescale();
if (startCount > fst->getEndTime()) {
startCount = fst->getEndTime();
log_warning("Start time is after simulation file end time\n");
if (stop_time==0) {
if (stop_time < fst->getStartTime())
log_warning("Stop time is before simulation file start time\n");
stopCount = fst->getStartTime();
} else if (stop_time==-1)
stopCount = fst->getEndTime();
else {
stopCount = stop_time / fst->getTimescale();
if (stopCount > fst->getEndTime()) {
stopCount = fst->getEndTime();
log_warning("Stop time is after simulation file end time\n");
if (stopCount<startCount) {
log_error("Stop time is before start time\n");
int cycle = 0;
log("Generate testbench data from %lu%s to %lu%s", (unsigned long)startCount, fst->getTimescaleString(), (unsigned long)stopCount, fst->getTimescaleString());
if (cycles_set)
log(" for %d clock cycle(s)",numcycles);
std::stringstream f;
f << stringf("`timescale 1%s/1%s\n", fst->getTimescaleString(),fst->getTimescaleString());
f << stringf("module %s();\n",tb_filename.c_str());
int clk_len = 0;
int inputs_len = 0;
int outputs_len = 0;
for(auto &item : clocks) {
clk_len += item.first->width;
f << "\treg " << define_signal(item.first) << ";\n";
for(auto &item : inputs) {
inputs_len += item.first->width;
f << "\treg " << define_signal(item.first) << ";\n";
for(auto &item : outputs) {
outputs_len += item.first->width;
f << "\twire " << define_signal(item.first) << ";\n";
int data_len = clk_len + inputs_len + outputs_len + 32;
f << "\n";
f << stringf("\t%s uut(",RTLIL::unescape_id(topmod->name).c_str());
for(auto item=clocks.begin();item!=clocks.end();item++)
f << stringf("%c.%s(%s)", (item==clocks.begin() ? ' ' : ','), RTLIL::unescape_id(item->first->name).c_str(), RTLIL::unescape_id(item->first->name).c_str());
for(auto &item : inputs)
f << stringf(",.%s(%s)", RTLIL::unescape_id(item.first->name).c_str(), RTLIL::unescape_id(item.first->name).c_str());
for(auto &item : outputs)
f << stringf(",.%s(%s)", RTLIL::unescape_id(item.first->name).c_str(), RTLIL::unescape_id(item.first->name).c_str());
f << ");\n";
f << "\n";
f << "\tinteger i;\n";
uint64_t prev_time = startCount;
log("Writing data to `%s`\n", (tb_filename+".txt").c_str());
std::ofstream data_file(tb_filename+".txt");
try {
fst->reconstructAllAtTimes(fst_clock, startCount, stopCount, [&](uint64_t time) {
for(auto &item : clocks)
data_file << stringf("%s",fst->valueOf(item.second).c_str());
for(auto &item : inputs)
data_file << stringf("%s",fst->valueOf(item.second).c_str());
for(auto &item : outputs)
data_file << stringf("%s",fst->valueOf(item.second).c_str());
data_file << stringf("%s\n",Const(time-prev_time).as_string().c_str());
prev_time = time;
// Limit to number of cycles if provided
if (cycles_set && cycle > numcycles *2)
throw fst_end_of_data_exception();
if (time==stopCount)
throw fst_end_of_data_exception();
} catch(fst_end_of_data_exception) {
// end of data detected
f << stringf("\treg [0:%d] data [0:%d];\n", data_len-1, cycle-1);
f << "\tinitial begin;\n";
f << stringf("\t\t$dumpfile(\"%s\");\n",tb_filename.c_str());
f << stringf("\t\t$dumpvars(0,%s);\n",tb_filename.c_str());
f << stringf("\t\t$readmemb(\"%s.txt\", data);\n",tb_filename.c_str());
f << stringf("\t\t#(data[0][%d:%d]);\n", data_len-32, data_len-1);
f << stringf("\t\t{%s } = data[0][%d:%d];\n", signal_list(clocks).c_str(), 0, clk_len-1);
f << stringf("\t\t{%s } <= data[0][%d:%d];\n", signal_list(inputs).c_str(), clk_len, clk_len+inputs_len-1);
f << stringf("\t\tfor (i = 1; i < %d; i++) begin\n",cycle);
f << stringf("\t\t\t#(data[i][%d:%d]);\n", data_len-32, data_len-1);
f << stringf("\t\t\t{%s } = data[i][%d:%d];\n", signal_list(clocks).c_str(), 0, clk_len-1);
f << stringf("\t\t\t{%s } <= data[i][%d:%d];\n", signal_list(inputs).c_str(), clk_len, clk_len+inputs_len-1);
f << stringf("\t\t\tif ({%s } != data[i-1][%d:%d]) begin\n", signal_list(outputs).c_str(), clk_len+inputs_len, clk_len+inputs_len+outputs_len-1);
f << "\t\t\t\t$error(\"Signal difference detected\\n\");\n";
f << "\t\t\tend\n";
f << "\t\tend\n";
f << "\t\t$finish;\n";
f << "\tend\n";
f << "endmodule\n";
log("Writing testbench to `%s`\n", (tb_filename+".v").c_str());
std::ofstream tb_file(tb_filename+".v");
tb_file << f.str();
delete fst;
struct VCDWriter : public OutputWriter
@ -1825,4 +2029,119 @@ struct SimPass : public Pass {
} SimPass;
struct Fst2TbPass : public Pass {
Fst2TbPass() : Pass("fst2tb", "generate testbench out of fst file") { }
void help() override
// |---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|---v---|
log(" fst2tb [options] [top-level]\n");
log("This command generates testbench for the circuit using the given top-level module\n");
log("and simulus signal from FST file\n");
log(" -tb <name>\n");
log(" generated testbench name.\n");
log(" files <name>.v and <name>.txt are created as result.\n");
log(" -r <filename>\n");
log(" read simulation FST file\n");
log(" -clock <portname>\n");
log(" name of top-level clock input\n");
log(" -clockn <portname>\n");
log(" name of top-level clock input (inverse polarity)\n");
log(" -scope <name>\n");
log(" scope of simulation top model\n");
log(" -start <time>\n");
log(" start co-simulation in arbitary time (default 0)\n");
log(" -stop <time>\n");
log(" stop co-simulation in arbitary time (default END)\n");
log(" -n <integer>\n");
log(" number of clock cycles to simulate (default: 20)\n");
void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) override
SimWorker worker;
int numcycles = 20;
bool stop_set = false;
std::string tb_filename;
log_header(design, "Executing FST2FB pass.\n");
size_t argidx;
for (argidx = 1; argidx < args.size(); argidx++) {
if (args[argidx] == "-clock" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
if (args[argidx] == "-clockn" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
if (args[argidx] == "-r" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
std::string sim_filename = args[++argidx];
worker.sim_filename = sim_filename;
if (args[argidx] == "-n" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
numcycles = atoi(args[++argidx].c_str());
worker.cycles_set = true;
if (args[argidx] == "-scope" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
worker.scope = args[++argidx];
if (args[argidx] == "-start" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
worker.start_time = stringToTime(args[++argidx]);
if (args[argidx] == "-stop" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
worker.stop_time = stringToTime(args[++argidx]);
stop_set = true;
if (args[argidx] == "-tb" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
tb_filename = args[++argidx];
extra_args(args, argidx, design);
if (stop_set && worker.cycles_set)
log_error("'stop' and 'n' can only be used exclusively'\n");
Module *top_mod = nullptr;
if (design->full_selection()) {
top_mod = design->top_module();
if (!top_mod)
log_cmd_error("Design has no top module, use the 'hierarchy' command to specify one.\n");
} else {
auto mods = design->selected_whole_modules();
if (GetSize(mods) != 1)
log_cmd_error("Only one top module must be selected.\n");
top_mod = mods.front();
if (tb_filename.empty())
log_cmd_error("Testbench name must be defined.\n");
if (worker.sim_filename.empty())
log_cmd_error("Stimulus FST file must be defined.\n");
worker.generate_tb(top_mod, tb_filename, numcycles);
} Fst2TbPass;
Reference in New Issue