Add iopad_external_pin to some basic io primitives

This commit is contained in:
Miodrag Milanovic 2023-03-17 16:45:03 +01:00 committed by myrtle
parent 10589c57bf
commit db367bd69e
2 changed files with 13 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
// Diamond I/O buffers
module IB (input I, output O); (* PULLMODE="NONE" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(I), .O(O)); endmodule
module IBPU (input I, output O); (* PULLMODE="UP" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(I), .O(O)); endmodule
module IBPD (input I, output O); (* PULLMODE="DOWN" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(I), .O(O)); endmodule
module OB (input I, output O); (* PULLMODE="NONE" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(O), .I(I)); endmodule
module OBZ (input I, T, output O); (* PULLMODE="NONE" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(O), .I(I), .T(T)); endmodule
module OBZPU(input I, T, output O); (* PULLMODE="UP" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(O), .I(I), .T(T)); endmodule
module OBZPD(input I, T, output O); (* PULLMODE="DOWN" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(O), .I(I), .T(T)); endmodule
module IB ((* iopad_external_pin *) input I, output O); (* PULLMODE="NONE" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(I), .O(O)); endmodule
module IBPU ((* iopad_external_pin *) input I, output O); (* PULLMODE="UP" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(I), .O(O)); endmodule
module IBPD ((* iopad_external_pin *) input I, output O); (* PULLMODE="DOWN" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(I), .O(O)); endmodule
module OB (input I, (* iopad_external_pin *) output O); (* PULLMODE="NONE" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(O), .I(I)); endmodule
module OBZ (input I, T, (* iopad_external_pin *) output O); (* PULLMODE="NONE" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(O), .I(I), .T(T)); endmodule
module OBZPU(input I, T, (* iopad_external_pin *) output O); (* PULLMODE="UP" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(O), .I(I), .T(T)); endmodule
module OBZPD(input I, T, (* iopad_external_pin *) output O); (* PULLMODE="DOWN" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(O), .I(I), .T(T)); endmodule
module OBCO (input I, output OT, OC); OLVDS olvds (.A(I), .Z(OT), .ZN(OC)); endmodule
module BB (input I, T, output O, inout B); (* PULLMODE="NONE" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("BIDIR")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(B), .I(I), .O(O), .T(T)); endmodule
module BBPU (input I, T, output O, inout B); (* PULLMODE="UP" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("BIDIR")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(B), .I(I), .O(O), .T(T)); endmodule
module BBPD (input I, T, output O, inout B); (* PULLMODE="DOWN" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("BIDIR")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(B), .I(I), .O(O), .T(T)); endmodule
module ILVDS(input A, AN, output Z ); TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(A), .O(Z)); endmodule
module OLVDS(input A, output Z, ZN); TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(Z), .I(A)); endmodule
module BB (input I, T, output O, (* iopad_external_pin *) inout B); (* PULLMODE="NONE" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("BIDIR")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(B), .I(I), .O(O), .T(T)); endmodule
module BBPU (input I, T, output O, (* iopad_external_pin *) inout B); (* PULLMODE="UP" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("BIDIR")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(B), .I(I), .O(O), .T(T)); endmodule
module BBPD (input I, T, output O, (* iopad_external_pin *) inout B); (* PULLMODE="DOWN" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("BIDIR")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(B), .I(I), .O(O), .T(T)); endmodule
module ILVDS(input A, AN, (* iopad_external_pin *) output Z ); TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(A), .O(Z)); endmodule
module OLVDS(input A, (* iopad_external_pin *) output Z, output ZN); TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(Z), .I(A)); endmodule

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@ -378,6 +378,7 @@ endmodule
// ---------------------------------------
(* keep *)
module TRELLIS_IO(
(* iopad_external_pin *)
inout B,
input I,
input T,