mirror of https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys.git
Merge pull request #4698 from YosysHQ/lofty/dfflibmap-enable
dfflibmap: enable inference
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,6 +66,11 @@ static void logmap_all()
@ -76,6 +81,115 @@ static void logmap_all()
static bool parse_next_state(const LibertyAst *cell, const LibertyAst *attr, std::string &data_name, bool &data_not_inverted, std::string &enable_name, bool &enable_not_inverted)
static pool<std::string> warned_cells{};
if (cell == nullptr || attr == nullptr || attr->value.empty())
return false;
auto expr = attr->value;
auto cell_name = cell->args[0];
for (size_t pos = expr.find_first_of("\" \t"); pos != std::string::npos; pos = expr.find_first_of("\" \t"))
expr.erase(pos, 1);
// if this isn't an enable flop, the next_state variable is usually just the input pin name.
if (expr[expr.size()-1] == '\'') {
data_name = expr.substr(0, expr.size()-1);
data_not_inverted = false;
} else if (expr[0] == '!') {
data_name = expr.substr(1, expr.size()-1);
data_not_inverted = false;
} else {
data_name = expr;
data_not_inverted = true;
for (auto child : cell->children)
if (child->id == "pin" && child->args.size() == 1 && child->args[0] == data_name)
return true;
// the next_state variable isn't just a pin name; perhaps this is an enable?
auto helper = LibertyExpression::Lexer(expr);
auto tree = LibertyExpression::parse(helper);
if (tree.kind == LibertyExpression::Kind::EMPTY) {
if (!warned_cells.count(cell_name)) {
log_warning("Invalid expression '%s' in next_state attribute of cell '%s' - skipping.\n", expr.c_str(), cell_name.c_str());
return false;
auto pin_names = pool<std::string>{};
// from the `ff` block, we know the flop output signal name for loopback.
auto ff = cell->find("ff");
if (ff == nullptr || ff->args.size() != 2)
return false;
auto ff_output = ff->args.at(0);
// This test is redundant with the one in enable_pin, but we're in a
// position that gives better diagnostics here.
if (!pin_names.count(ff_output)) {
if (!warned_cells.count(cell_name)) {
log_warning("Inference failed on expression '%s' in next_state attribute of cell '%s' because it does not contain ff output '%s' - skipping.\n", expr.c_str(), cell_name.c_str(), ff_output.c_str());
return false;
data_not_inverted = true;
data_name = "";
enable_not_inverted = true;
enable_name = "";
if (pin_names.size() == 3 && pin_names.count(ff_output)) {
auto pins = std::vector<std::string>(pin_names.begin(), pin_names.end());
int lut = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
auto values = dict<std::string, bool>{};
values.insert(std::make_pair(pins[0], (n & 1) == 1));
values.insert(std::make_pair(pins[1], (n & 2) == 2));
values.insert(std::make_pair(ff_output, (n & 4) == 4));
if (tree.eval(values))
lut |= 1 << n;
// the ff output Q is in a known bit location, so we now just have to compare the LUT mask to known values to find the enable pin and polarity.
if (lut == 0xD8) {
data_name = pins[1];
enable_name = pins[0];
return true;
if (lut == 0xB8) {
data_name = pins[0];
enable_name = pins[1];
return true;
enable_not_inverted = false;
if (lut == 0xE4) {
data_name = pins[1];
enable_name = pins[0];
return true;
if (lut == 0xE2) {
data_name = pins[0];
enable_name = pins[1];
return true;
// this does not match an enable flop.
if (!warned_cells.count(cell_name)) {
log_warning("Inference failed on expression '%s' in next_state attribute of cell '%s' because it does not evaluate to an enable flop - skipping.\n", expr.c_str(), cell_name.c_str());
return false;
static bool parse_pin(const LibertyAst *cell, const LibertyAst *attr, std::string &pin_name, bool &pin_pol)
if (cell == nullptr || attr == nullptr || attr->value.empty())
@ -115,7 +229,7 @@ static bool parse_pin(const LibertyAst *cell, const LibertyAst *attr, std::strin
return false;
static void find_cell(const LibertyAst *ast, IdString cell_type, bool clkpol, bool has_reset, bool rstpol, bool rstval, std::vector<std::string> &dont_use_cells)
static void find_cell(const LibertyAst *ast, IdString cell_type, bool clkpol, bool has_reset, bool rstpol, bool rstval, bool has_enable, bool enapol, std::vector<std::string> &dont_use_cells)
const LibertyAst *best_cell = nullptr;
std::map<std::string, char> best_cell_ports;
@ -151,12 +265,12 @@ static void find_cell(const LibertyAst *ast, IdString cell_type, bool clkpol, bo
if (ff == nullptr)
std::string cell_clk_pin, cell_rst_pin, cell_next_pin;
bool cell_clk_pol, cell_rst_pol, cell_next_pol;
std::string cell_clk_pin, cell_rst_pin, cell_next_pin, cell_enable_pin;
bool cell_clk_pol, cell_rst_pol, cell_next_pol, cell_enable_pol;
if (!parse_pin(cell, ff->find("clocked_on"), cell_clk_pin, cell_clk_pol) || cell_clk_pol != clkpol)
if (!parse_pin(cell, ff->find("next_state"), cell_next_pin, cell_next_pol))
if (!parse_next_state(cell, ff->find("next_state"), cell_next_pin, cell_next_pol, cell_enable_pin, cell_enable_pol) || (has_enable && (cell_enable_pin.empty() || cell_enable_pol != enapol)))
if (has_reset && rstval == false) {
if (!parse_pin(cell, ff->find("clear"), cell_rst_pin, cell_rst_pol) || cell_rst_pol != rstpol)
@ -171,6 +285,8 @@ static void find_cell(const LibertyAst *ast, IdString cell_type, bool clkpol, bo
this_cell_ports[cell_clk_pin] = 'C';
if (has_reset)
this_cell_ports[cell_rst_pin] = 'R';
if (has_enable)
this_cell_ports[cell_enable_pin] = 'E';
this_cell_ports[cell_next_pin] = 'D';
double area = 0;
@ -239,7 +355,7 @@ static void find_cell(const LibertyAst *ast, IdString cell_type, bool clkpol, bo
static void find_cell_sr(const LibertyAst *ast, IdString cell_type, bool clkpol, bool setpol, bool clrpol, std::vector<std::string> &dont_use_cells)
static void find_cell_sr(const LibertyAst *ast, IdString cell_type, bool clkpol, bool setpol, bool clrpol, bool has_enable, bool enapol, std::vector<std::string> &dont_use_cells)
const LibertyAst *best_cell = nullptr;
std::map<std::string, char> best_cell_ports;
@ -247,6 +363,8 @@ static void find_cell_sr(const LibertyAst *ast, IdString cell_type, bool clkpol,
bool best_cell_noninv = false;
double best_cell_area = 0;
log_assert(!enapol && "set/reset cell with enable is unimplemented due to lack of cells for testing");
if (ast->id != "library")
log_error("Format error in liberty file.\n");
@ -275,12 +393,12 @@ static void find_cell_sr(const LibertyAst *ast, IdString cell_type, bool clkpol,
if (ff == nullptr)
std::string cell_clk_pin, cell_set_pin, cell_clr_pin, cell_next_pin;
bool cell_clk_pol, cell_set_pol, cell_clr_pol, cell_next_pol;
std::string cell_clk_pin, cell_set_pin, cell_clr_pin, cell_next_pin, cell_enable_pin;
bool cell_clk_pol, cell_set_pol, cell_clr_pol, cell_next_pol, cell_enable_pol;
if (!parse_pin(cell, ff->find("clocked_on"), cell_clk_pin, cell_clk_pol) || cell_clk_pol != clkpol)
if (!parse_pin(cell, ff->find("next_state"), cell_next_pin, cell_next_pol))
if (!parse_next_state(cell, ff->find("next_state"), cell_next_pin, cell_next_pol, cell_enable_pin, cell_enable_pol))
if (!parse_pin(cell, ff->find("preset"), cell_set_pin, cell_set_pol) || cell_set_pol != setpol)
@ -291,6 +409,8 @@ static void find_cell_sr(const LibertyAst *ast, IdString cell_type, bool clkpol,
this_cell_ports[cell_clk_pin] = 'C';
this_cell_ports[cell_set_pin] = 'S';
this_cell_ports[cell_clr_pin] = 'R';
if (has_enable)
this_cell_ports[cell_enable_pin] = 'E';
this_cell_ports[cell_next_pin] = 'D';
double area = 0;
@ -526,26 +646,31 @@ struct DfflibmapPass : public Pass {
LibertyParser libparser(f);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_N_), false, false, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_P_), true, false, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_N_), false, false, false, false, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_P_), true, false, false, false, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_NN0_), false, true, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_NN1_), false, true, false, true, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_NP0_), false, true, true, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_NP1_), false, true, true, true, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_PN0_), true, true, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_PN1_), true, true, false, true, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_PP0_), true, true, true, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_PP1_), true, true, true, true, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_NN0_), false, true, false, false, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_NN1_), false, true, false, true, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_NP0_), false, true, true, false, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_NP1_), false, true, true, true, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_PN0_), true, true, false, false, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_PN1_), true, true, false, true, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_PP0_), true, true, true, false, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFF_PP1_), true, true, true, true, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_NNN_), false, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_NNP_), false, false, true, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_NPN_), false, true, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_NPP_), false, true, true, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_PNN_), true, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_PNP_), true, false, true, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_PPN_), true, true, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_PPP_), true, true, true, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFE_NN_), false, false, false, false, true, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFE_NP_), false, false, false, false, true, true, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFE_PN_), true, false, false, false, true, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFE_PP_), true, false, false, false, true, true, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_NNN_), false, false, false, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_NNP_), false, false, true, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_NPN_), false, true, false, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_NPP_), false, true, true, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_PNN_), true, false, false, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_PNP_), true, false, true, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_PPN_), true, true, false, false, false, dont_use_cells);
find_cell_sr(libparser.ast, ID($_DFFSR_PPP_), true, true, true, false, false, dont_use_cells);
log(" final dff cell mappings:\n");
@ -80,6 +80,152 @@ void LibertyAst::dump(FILE *f, sieve &blacklist, sieve &whitelist, std::string i
fprintf(f, " ;\n");
// https://matklad.github.io/2020/04/13/simple-but-powerful-pratt-parsing.html
LibertyExpression LibertyExpression::parse(Lexer &s, int min_prio) {
if (s.empty())
return LibertyExpression{};
char c = s.peek();
auto lhs = LibertyExpression{};
while (isspace(c)) {
if (s.empty())
return lhs;
c = s.peek();
if (isalpha(c)) { // pin
lhs.kind = Kind::PIN;
lhs.name = s.pin();
} else if (c == '(') { // parens
lhs = parse(s);
if (s.peek() != ')') {
log_warning("expected ')' instead of '%c' while parsing Liberty expression '%s'\n", s.peek(), s.full_expr().c_str());
return lhs;
} else if (c == '!') { // prefix NOT
lhs.kind = Kind::NOT;
lhs.children.push_back(parse(s, 7));
} else {
log_warning("unrecognised character '%c' while parsing Liberty expression '%s'\n", c, s.full_expr().c_str());
return lhs;
while (true) {
if (s.empty())
c = s.peek();
while (isspace(c)) {
if (s.empty())
return lhs;
c = s.peek();
if (c == '\'') { // postfix NOT
if (min_prio > 7)
auto n = LibertyExpression{};
n.kind = Kind::NOT;
lhs = std::move(n);
} else if (c == '^') { // infix XOR
if (min_prio > 5)
auto rhs = parse(s, 6);
auto n = LibertyExpression{};
n.kind = Kind::XOR;
lhs = std::move(n);
} else if (c == '&' || c == '*') { // infix AND
// technically space should be considered infix AND. it seems rare in practice.
if (min_prio > 3)
auto rhs = parse(s, 4);
auto n = LibertyExpression{};
n.kind = Kind::AND;
lhs = std::move(n);
} else if (c == '+' || c == '|') { // infix OR
if (min_prio > 1)
auto rhs = parse(s, 2);
auto n = LibertyExpression{};
n.kind = Kind::OR;
lhs = std::move(n);
return lhs;
void LibertyExpression::get_pin_names(pool<std::string>& names) {
if (kind == Kind::PIN) {
} else {
for (auto& child : children)
bool LibertyExpression::eval(dict<std::string, bool>& values) {
bool result = false;
switch (kind) {
case Kind::AND:
result = true;
for (auto& child : children)
result &= child.eval(values);
return result;
case Kind::OR:
result = false;
for (auto& child : children)
result |= child.eval(values);
return result;
case Kind::NOT:
log_assert(children.size() == 1);
return !children[0].eval(values);
case Kind::XOR:
result = false;
for (auto& child : children)
result ^= child.eval(values);
return result;
case Kind::PIN:
return values.at(name);
case Kind::EMPTY:
return false;
int LibertyParser::lexer(std::string &str)
int c;
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#ifndef LIBPARSE_H
#define LIBPARSE_H
#include "kernel/yosys.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
@ -39,6 +40,52 @@ namespace Yosys
void dump(FILE *f, sieve &blacklist, sieve &whitelist, std::string indent = "", std::string path = "", bool path_ok = false) const;
struct LibertyExpression
struct Lexer {
std::string s, expr;
Lexer(std::string s) : s{s}, expr{s} {}
bool empty() { return s.empty();}
char peek() { return s[0]; }
std::string full_expr() { return expr; }
char next() {
char c = s[0];
s = s.substr(1, s.size());
return c;
std::string pin() {
auto length = s.find_first_of("\t()'!^*& +|");
auto pin = s.substr(0, length);
s = s.substr(length, s.size());
return pin;
enum Kind {
// the standard specifies constants, but they're probably rare in practice.
Kind kind;
std::string name;
std::vector<LibertyExpression> children;
LibertyExpression() : kind(Kind::EMPTY) {}
static LibertyExpression parse(Lexer &s, int min_prio = 0);
void get_pin_names(pool<std::string>& names);
bool eval(dict<std::string, bool>& values);
class LibertyParser
Reference in New Issue