Added $div and $mod technology mapping

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2013-08-09 17:09:24 +02:00
parent 376150c926
commit c8763301b4
4 changed files with 134 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ RTLIL::SigSpec AstNode::genRTLIL(int width_hint, bool sign_hint)
if (width > width_hint && width_hint > 0)
width = width_hint;
if (width < width_hint) {
if (type == AST_ADD || type == AST_SUB)
if (type == AST_ADD || type == AST_SUB || type == AST_DIV)
if (type == AST_SUB && (!children[0]->is_signed || !children[1]->is_signed))
width = width_hint;

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@ -993,7 +993,76 @@ wire [Y_WIDTH-1:0] A_buf, B_buf;
// --------------------------------------------------------
module \$div_mod_u (A, B, Y, R);
parameter WIDTH = 1;
input [WIDTH-1:0] A, B;
output [WIDTH-1:0] Y, R;
wire [WIDTH*WIDTH-1:0] chaindata;
assign R = chaindata[WIDTH*WIDTH-1:WIDTH*(WIDTH-1)];
genvar i;
generate begin
for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i=i+1) begin:stage
wire [WIDTH-1:0] stage_in;
if (i == 0) begin:cp
assign stage_in = A;
end else begin:cp
assign stage_in = chaindata[i*WIDTH-1:(i-1)*WIDTH];
assign Y[WIDTH-(i+1)] = stage_in >= {B, {WIDTH-(i+1){1'b0}}};
assign chaindata[(i+1)*WIDTH-1:i*WIDTH] = Y[WIDTH-(i+1)] ? stage_in - {B, {WIDTH-(i+1){1'b0}}} : stage_in;
end endgenerate
// --------------------------------------------------------
module \$div_mod (A, B, Y, R);
parameter A_SIGNED = 0;
parameter B_SIGNED = 0;
parameter A_WIDTH = 1;
parameter B_WIDTH = 1;
parameter Y_WIDTH = 1;
localparam WIDTH =
input [A_WIDTH-1:0] A;
input [B_WIDTH-1:0] B;
output [Y_WIDTH-1:0] Y, R;
wire [WIDTH-1:0] A_buf, B_buf;
\$pos #(.A_SIGNED(A_SIGNED && B_SIGNED), .A_WIDTH(A_WIDTH), .Y_WIDTH(WIDTH)) A_conv (.A(A), .Y(A_buf));
\$pos #(.A_SIGNED(A_SIGNED && B_SIGNED), .A_WIDTH(B_WIDTH), .Y_WIDTH(WIDTH)) B_conv (.A(B), .Y(B_buf));
wire [WIDTH-1:0] A_buf_u, B_buf_u, Y_u, R_u;
assign A_buf_u = A_SIGNED && B_SIGNED && A_buf[WIDTH-1] ? -A_buf : A_buf;
assign B_buf_u = A_SIGNED && B_SIGNED && B_buf[WIDTH-1] ? -B_buf : B_buf;
\$div_mod_u #(
) div_mod_u (
assign Y = A_SIGNED && B_SIGNED && (A_buf[WIDTH-1] != B_buf[WIDTH-1]) ? -Y_u : Y_u;
assign R = A_SIGNED && B_SIGNED && A_buf[WIDTH-1] ? -R_u : R_u;
// --------------------------------------------------------
module \$div (A, B, Y);
@ -1008,10 +1077,17 @@ input [A_WIDTH-1:0] A;
input [B_WIDTH-1:0] B;
output [Y_WIDTH-1:0] Y;
wire signed [A_WIDTH:0] buffer_a = A_SIGNED ? $signed(A) : A;
wire signed [B_WIDTH:0] buffer_b = B_SIGNED ? $signed(B) : B;
assign Y = buffer_a / buffer_b;
\$div_mod #(
) div_mod (
@ -1029,13 +1105,21 @@ input [A_WIDTH-1:0] A;
input [B_WIDTH-1:0] B;
output [Y_WIDTH-1:0] Y;
wire signed [A_WIDTH:0] buffer_a = A_SIGNED ? $signed(A) : A;
wire signed [B_WIDTH:0] buffer_b = B_SIGNED ? $signed(B) : B;
assign Y = buffer_a % buffer_b;
\$div_mod #(
) div_mod (
// --------------------------------------------------------
module \$pow (A, B, Y);

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@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
module test(clk, mode, u1, s1, u2, s2, y);
input clk;
input [5:0] mode;
input [6:0] mode;
input [3:0] u1, u2;
input signed [3:0] s1, s2;
@ -72,25 +71,45 @@ always @(posedge clk) begin
46: y <= s1 - u2;
47: y <= s1 - s2;
48: y <= +u1;
49: y <= -u1;
50: y <= +s1;
51: y <= -s1;
48: y <= u1 * u2;
49: y <= u1 * s2;
50: y <= s1 * u2;
51: y <= s1 * s2;
52: y <= { &u1, ~&u1, |u1, ~|u1, ^u1, ~^u1, ^~u1 };
53: y <= { &s1, ~&s1, |s1, ~|s1, ^s1, ~^s1, ^~s1 };
54: y <= { &u1[1:0], ~&u1[1:0], |u1[1:0], ~|u1[1:0], ^u1[1:0], ~^u1[1:0], ^~u1[1:0] };
55: y <= { &s1[1:0], ~&s1[1:0], |s1[1:0], ~|s1[1:0], ^s1[1:0], ~^s1[1:0], ^~s1[1:0] };
52: y <= u1 / u2;
53: y <= u1 / s2;
54: y <= s1 / u2;
55: y <= s1 / s2;
56: y <= { u1[1:0] && u2[1:0], u1[1:0] && u2[1:0], !u1[1:0] };
57: y <= {4{u1[1:0]}};
58: y <= {u1, u2} ^ {s1, s2};
59: y <= {u1, u2} & {s1, s2};
56: y <= u1 % u2;
57: y <= u1 % s2;
58: y <= s1 % u2;
59: y <= s1 % s2;
60: y <= u1[0] ? u1 : u2;
61: y <= u1[0] ? u1 : s2;
62: y <= u1[0] ? s1 : u2;
63: y <= u1[0] ? s1 : s2;
60: y <= +u1;
61: y <= -u1;
62: y <= ~u1;
63: y <= !u1;
64: y <= +s1;
65: y <= -s1;
66: y <= ~s1;
67: y <= !s1;
68: y <= { &u1, ~&u1, |u1, ~|u1, ^u1, ~^u1, ^~u1 };
69: y <= { &s1, ~&s1, |s1, ~|s1, ^s1, ~^s1, ^~s1 };
70: y <= { &u1[1:0], ~&u1[1:0], |u1[1:0], ~|u1[1:0], ^u1[1:0], ~^u1[1:0], ^~u1[1:0] };
71: y <= { &s1[1:0], ~&s1[1:0], |s1[1:0], ~|s1[1:0], ^s1[1:0], ~^s1[1:0], ^~s1[1:0] };
72: y <= { u1[1:0] && u2[1:0], u1[1:0] && u2[1:0], !u1[1:0] };
73: y <= {4{u1[1:0]}};
74: y <= {u1, u2} ^ {s1, s2};
75: y <= {u1, u2} & {s1, s2};
76: y <= u1[0] ? u1 : u2;
77: y <= u1[0] ? u1 : s2;
78: y <= u1[0] ? s1 : u2;
79: y <= u1[0] ? s1 : s2;

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@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ do
if [ -n "$scriptfiles" ]; then
test_passes -p hierarchy -p proc -p memory -p opt -p fsm -p opt
test_passes -p hierarchy -p proc -p memory -p opt -p fsm -p opt -p techmap -p opt
# test_passes -p hierarchy -p proc -p memory -p opt -p techmap -p opt -p abc -p opt
test_passes -p "hierarchy; proc; memory; opt; fsm; opt"
test_passes -p "hierarchy; proc; memory; opt; fsm; opt; techmap; opt"
# test_passes -p "hierarchy; proc; memory; opt; fsm; opt; techmap -opt; opt; abc; opt"
touch ../${bn}.log