backend/firrtl: Convert to use Mem helpers.

This commit is contained in:
Marcelina Kościelnicka 2021-05-24 00:41:31 +02:00
parent ef4ddfacf3
commit b6721aa9d8
1 changed files with 88 additions and 264 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "kernel/celltypes.h"
#include "kernel/cellaigs.h"
#include "kernel/log.h"
#include "kernel/mem.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
@ -366,126 +367,6 @@ struct FirrtlWorker
RTLIL::Design *design;
std::string indent;
// Define read/write ports and memories.
// We'll collect their definitions and emit the corresponding FIRRTL definitions at the appropriate point in module construction.
// For the moment, we don't handle $readmemh or $readmemb.
// These will be part of a subsequent PR.
struct read_port {
string name;
bool clk_enable;
bool clk_parity;
bool transparent;
RTLIL::SigSpec clk;
RTLIL::SigSpec ena;
RTLIL::SigSpec addr;
read_port(string name, bool clk_enable, bool clk_parity, bool transparent, RTLIL::SigSpec clk, RTLIL::SigSpec ena, RTLIL::SigSpec addr) : name(name), clk_enable(clk_enable), clk_parity(clk_parity), transparent(transparent), clk(clk), ena(ena), addr(addr) {
// Current (3/13/2019) conventions:
// generate a constant 0 for clock and a constant 1 for enable if they are undefined.
if (!clk.is_fully_def())
this->clk = SigSpec(State::S0);
if (!ena.is_fully_def())
this->ena = SigSpec(State::S1);
string gen_read(const char * indent) {
string addr_expr = make_expr(addr);
string ena_expr = make_expr(ena);
string clk_expr = make_expr(clk);
string addr_str = stringf("%s%s.addr <= %s\n", indent, name.c_str(), addr_expr.c_str());
string ena_str = stringf("%s%s.en <= %s\n", indent, name.c_str(), ena_expr.c_str());
string clk_str = stringf("%s%s.clk <= asClock(%s)\n", indent, name.c_str(), clk_expr.c_str());
return addr_str + ena_str + clk_str;
struct write_port : read_port {
RTLIL::SigSpec mask;
write_port(string name, bool clk_enable, bool clk_parity, bool transparent, RTLIL::SigSpec clk, RTLIL::SigSpec ena, RTLIL::SigSpec addr, RTLIL::SigSpec mask) : read_port(name, clk_enable, clk_parity, transparent, clk, ena, addr), mask(mask) {
if (!clk.is_fully_def())
this->clk = SigSpec(RTLIL::Const(0));
if (!ena.is_fully_def())
this->ena = SigSpec(RTLIL::Const(0));
if (!mask.is_fully_def())
this->ena = SigSpec(RTLIL::Const(1));
string gen_read(const char * /* indent */) {
log_error("gen_read called on write_port: %s\n", name.c_str());
return stringf("gen_read called on write_port: %s\n", name.c_str());
string gen_write(const char * indent) {
string addr_expr = make_expr(addr);
string ena_expr = make_expr(ena);
string clk_expr = make_expr(clk);
string mask_expr = make_expr(mask);
string mask_str = stringf("%s%s.mask <= %s\n", indent, name.c_str(), mask_expr.c_str());
string addr_str = stringf("%s%s.addr <= %s\n", indent, name.c_str(), addr_expr.c_str());
string ena_str = stringf("%s%s.en <= %s\n", indent, name.c_str(), ena_expr.c_str());
string clk_str = stringf("%s%s.clk <= asClock(%s)\n", indent, name.c_str(), clk_expr.c_str());
return addr_str + ena_str + clk_str + mask_str;
/* Memories defined within this module. */
struct memory {
Cell *pCell; // for error reporting
string name; // memory name
int abits; // number of address bits
int size; // size (in units) of the memory
int width; // size (in bits) of each element
int read_latency;
int write_latency;
vector<read_port> read_ports;
vector<write_port> write_ports;
std::string init_file;
std::string init_file_srcFileSpec;
string srcLine;
memory(Cell *pCell, string name, int abits, int size, int width) : pCell(pCell), name(name), abits(abits), size(size), width(width), read_latency(0), write_latency(1), init_file(""), init_file_srcFileSpec("") {
// Provide defaults for abits or size if one (but not the other) is specified.
if (this->abits == 0 && this->size != 0) {
this->abits = ceil_log2(this->size);
} else if (this->abits != 0 && this->size == 0) {
this->size = 1 << this->abits;
// Sanity-check this construction.
if (this->name == "") {
log_error("Nameless memory%s\n", this->atLine());
if (this->abits == 0 && this->size == 0) {
log_error("Memory %s has zero address bits and size%s\n", this->name.c_str(), this->atLine());
if (this->width == 0) {
log_error("Memory %s has zero width%s\n", this->name.c_str(), this->atLine());
// We need a default constructor for the dict insert.
memory() : pCell(0), read_latency(0), write_latency(1), init_file(""), init_file_srcFileSpec(""){}
const char *atLine() {
if (srcLine == "") {
if (pCell) {
auto p = pCell->attributes.find(ID::src);
srcLine = " at " + p->second.decode_string();
return srcLine.c_str();
void add_memory_read_port(read_port &rp) {
void add_memory_write_port(write_port &wp) {
void add_memory_file(std::string init_file, std::string init_file_srcFileSpec) {
this->init_file = init_file;
this->init_file_srcFileSpec = init_file_srcFileSpec;
dict<string, memory> memories;
void register_memory(memory &m)
memories[] = m;
void register_reverse_wire_map(string id, SigSpec sig)
for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig); i++)
@ -658,7 +539,9 @@ struct FirrtlWorker
std::string moduleFileinfo = getFileinfo(module);
f << stringf(" module %s: %s\n", make_id(module->name), moduleFileinfo.c_str());
vector<string> port_decls, wire_decls, cell_exprs, wire_exprs;
vector<string> port_decls, wire_decls, mem_exprs, cell_exprs, wire_exprs;
std::vector<Mem> memories = Mem::get_all_memories(module);
for (auto wire : module->wires())
@ -686,14 +569,15 @@ struct FirrtlWorker
for (auto cell : module->cells())
static Const ndef(0, 0);
Const ndef(0, 0);
// Is this cell is a module instance?
if (cell->type[0] != '$')
if (module->design->module(cell->type))
process_instance(cell, wire_exprs);
// Not a module instance. Set up cell properties
bool extract_y_bits = false; // Assume no extraction of final bits will be required.
int a_width = cell->, ndef).as_int(); // The width of "A"
@ -1004,126 +888,9 @@ struct FirrtlWorker
if (cell->$mem)))
if (cell->is_mem_cell())
string mem_id = make_id(cell->name);
int abits = cell->;
int width = cell->;
int size = cell->;
memory m(cell, mem_id, abits, size, width);
int rd_ports = cell->;
int wr_ports = cell->;
Const initdata = cell->;
for (State bit : initdata.bits)
if (bit != State::Sx)
log_error("Memory with initialization data: %s.%s\n", log_id(module), log_id(cell));
Const rd_clk_enable = cell->;
Const wr_clk_enable = cell->;
Const wr_clk_polarity = cell->;
int offset = cell->;
if (offset != 0)
log_error("Memory with nonzero offset: %s.%s\n", log_id(module), log_id(cell));
for (int i = 0; i < rd_ports; i++)
if (rd_clk_enable[i] != State::S0)
log_error("Clocked read port %d on memory %s.%s.\n", i, log_id(module), log_id(cell));
SigSpec addr_sig = cell->getPort(ID::RD_ADDR).extract(i*abits, abits);
SigSpec data_sig = cell->getPort(ID::RD_DATA).extract(i*width, width);
string addr_expr = make_expr(addr_sig);
string name(stringf("%s.r%d",, i));
bool clk_enable = false;
bool clk_parity = true;
bool transparency = false;
SigSpec ena_sig = RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::S1, 1);
SigSpec clk_sig = RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::S0, 1);
read_port rp(name, clk_enable, clk_parity, transparency, clk_sig, ena_sig, addr_sig);
register_reverse_wire_map(stringf("", name.c_str()), data_sig);
for (int i = 0; i < wr_ports; i++)
if (wr_clk_enable[i] != State::S1)
log_error("Unclocked write port %d on memory %s.%s.\n", i, log_id(module), log_id(cell));
if (wr_clk_polarity[i] != State::S1)
log_error("Negedge write port %d on memory %s.%s.\n", i, log_id(module), log_id(cell));
string name(stringf("%s.w%d",, i));
bool clk_enable = true;
bool clk_parity = true;
bool transparency = false;
SigSpec addr_sig =cell->getPort(ID::WR_ADDR).extract(i*abits, abits);
string addr_expr = make_expr(addr_sig);
SigSpec data_sig =cell->getPort(ID::WR_DATA).extract(i*width, width);
string data_expr = make_expr(data_sig);
SigSpec clk_sig = cell->getPort(ID::WR_CLK).extract(i);
string clk_expr = make_expr(clk_sig);
SigSpec wen_sig = cell->getPort(ID::WR_EN).extract(i*width, width);
string wen_expr = make_expr(wen_sig[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < GetSize(wen_sig); i++)
if (wen_sig[0] != wen_sig[i])
log_error("Complex write enable on port %d on memory %s.%s.\n", i, log_id(module), log_id(cell));
SigSpec mask_sig = RTLIL::SigSpec(RTLIL::State::S1, 1);
write_port wp(name, clk_enable, clk_parity, transparency, clk_sig, wen_sig[0], addr_sig, mask_sig);
cell_exprs.push_back(stringf(" <= %s\n", indent.c_str(), name.c_str(), data_expr.c_str()));
if (cell->$memwr), ID($memrd), ID($meminit)))
std::string cell_type = fid(cell->type);
std::string mem_id = make_id(cell->parameters[ID::MEMID].decode_string());
int abits = cell->;
int width = cell->;
memory *mp = nullptr;
if (cell->type == ID($meminit) ) {
log_error("$meminit (%s.%s.%s) currently unsupported\n", log_id(module), log_id(cell), mem_id.c_str());
} else {
// It's a $memwr or $memrd. Remember the read/write port parameters for the eventual FIRRTL memory definition.
auto addrSig = cell->getPort(ID::ADDR);
auto dataSig = cell->getPort(ID::DATA);
auto enableSig = cell->getPort(ID::EN);
auto clockSig = cell->getPort(ID::CLK);
Const clk_enable = cell->;
Const clk_polarity = cell->;
// Do we already have an entry for this memory?
if (memories.count(mem_id) == 0) {
memory m(cell, mem_id, abits, 0, width);
mp = &;
int portNum = 0;
bool transparency = false;
string data_expr = make_expr(dataSig);
if (cell->$memwr))) {
portNum = (int) mp->write_ports.size();
write_port wp(stringf("%s.w%d", mem_id.c_str(), portNum), clk_enable.as_bool(), clk_polarity.as_bool(), transparency, clockSig, enableSig, addrSig, dataSig);
cell_exprs.push_back(stringf(" <= %s\n", indent.c_str(),, data_expr.c_str()));
} else if (cell->$memrd))) {
portNum = (int) mp->read_ports.size();
read_port rp(stringf("%s.r%d", mem_id.c_str(), portNum), clk_enable.as_bool(), clk_polarity.as_bool(), transparency, clockSig, enableSig, addrSig);
register_reverse_wire_map(stringf("",, dataSig);
// Will be handled below, as part of a Mem.
@ -1145,12 +912,6 @@ struct FirrtlWorker
// This may be a parameterized module - paramod.
if (cell->type.begins_with("$paramod"))
process_instance(cell, wire_exprs);
if (cell->type == ID($shiftx)) {
// assign y = a[b +: y_width];
// We'll extract the correct bits as part of the primop.
@ -1215,6 +976,82 @@ struct FirrtlWorker
log_error("Cell type not supported: %s (%s.%s)\n", log_id(cell->type), log_id(module), log_id(cell));
for (auto &mem : memories) {
string mem_id = make_id(mem.memid);
Const init_data = mem.get_init_data();
if (!init_data.is_fully_undef())
log_error("Memory with initialization data: %s.%s\n", log_id(module), log_id(mem.memid));
if (mem.start_offset != 0)
log_error("Memory with nonzero offset: %s.%s\n", log_id(module), log_id(mem.memid));
for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(mem.rd_ports); i++)
auto &port = mem.rd_ports[i];
string port_name(stringf("%s.r%d", mem_id.c_str(), i));
if (port.clk_enable)
log_error("Clocked read port %d on memory %s.%s.\n", i, log_id(module), log_id(mem.memid));
std::ostringstream rpe;
string addr_expr = make_expr(port.addr);
string ena_expr = make_expr(State::S1);
string clk_expr = make_expr(State::S0);
rpe << stringf("%s%s.addr <= %s\n", indent.c_str(), port_name.c_str(), addr_expr.c_str());
rpe << stringf("%s%s.en <= %s\n", indent.c_str(), port_name.c_str(), ena_expr.c_str());
rpe << stringf("%s%s.clk <= asClock(%s)\n", indent.c_str(), port_name.c_str(), clk_expr.c_str());
register_reverse_wire_map(stringf("", port_name.c_str()),;
for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(mem.wr_ports); i++)
auto &port = mem.wr_ports[i];
string port_name(stringf("%s.w%d", mem_id.c_str(), i));
if (!port.clk_enable)
log_error("Unclocked write port %d on memory %s.%s.\n", i, log_id(module), log_id(mem.memid));
if (!port.clk_polarity)
log_error("Negedge write port %d on memory %s.%s.\n", i, log_id(module), log_id(mem.memid));
for (int i = 1; i < GetSize(port.en); i++)
if (port.en[0] != port.en[i])
log_error("Complex write enable on port %d on memory %s.%s.\n", i, log_id(module), log_id(mem.memid));
std::ostringstream wpe;
string data_expr = make_expr(;
string addr_expr = make_expr(port.addr);
string ena_expr = make_expr(port.en[0]);
string clk_expr = make_expr(port.clk);
string mask_expr = make_expr(State::S1);
wpe << stringf(" <= %s\n", indent.c_str(), port_name.c_str(), data_expr.c_str());
wpe << stringf("%s%s.addr <= %s\n", indent.c_str(), port_name.c_str(), addr_expr.c_str());
wpe << stringf("%s%s.en <= %s\n", indent.c_str(), port_name.c_str(), ena_expr.c_str());
wpe << stringf("%s%s.clk <= asClock(%s)\n", indent.c_str(), port_name.c_str(), clk_expr.c_str());
wpe << stringf("%s%s.mask <= %s\n", indent.c_str(), port_name.c_str(), mask_expr.c_str());
std::ostringstream me;
me << stringf(" mem %s:\n", mem_id.c_str());
me << stringf(" data-type => UInt<%d>\n", mem.width);
me << stringf(" depth => %d\n", mem.size);
for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(mem.rd_ports); i++)
me << stringf(" reader => r%d\n", i);
for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(mem.wr_ports); i++)
me << stringf(" writer => w%d\n", i);
me << stringf(" read-latency => %d\n", 0);
me << stringf(" write-latency => %d\n", 1);
me << stringf(" read-under-write => undefined\n");
for (auto conn : module->connections())
string y_id = next_id();
@ -1316,22 +1153,9 @@ struct FirrtlWorker
f << stringf("\n");
// If we have any memory definitions, output them.
for (auto kv : memories) {
memory &m = kv.second;
f << stringf(" mem %s:\n",;
f << stringf(" data-type => UInt<%d>\n", m.width);
f << stringf(" depth => %d\n", m.size);
for (int i = 0; i < (int) m.read_ports.size(); i += 1) {
f << stringf(" reader => r%d\n", i);
for (int i = 0; i < (int) m.write_ports.size(); i += 1) {
f << stringf(" writer => w%d\n", i);
f << stringf(" read-latency => %d\n", m.read_latency);
f << stringf(" write-latency => %d\n", m.write_latency);
f << stringf(" read-under-write => undefined\n");
for (auto str : mem_exprs)
f << str;
f << stringf("\n");
for (auto str : cell_exprs)