Merge branch 'stv0g-master'

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2017-02-11 10:20:10 +01:00
commit a431f4ee31
2 changed files with 40 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -57,23 +57,31 @@ CXXFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -ggdb -I. -I"$(YOSYS_SRC)" -MD -D_YOSYS_ -fPIC -I$(PRE
LDLIBS = -lstdc++ -lm
PKG_CONFIG = pkg-config
SED = sed
BISON = bison
PKG_CONFIG ?= pkg-config
SED ?= sed
BISON ?= bison
ifeq (Darwin,$(findstring Darwin,$(shell uname)))
# add macports/homebrew include and library path to search directories, don't use '-rdynamic' and '-lrt':
CXXFLAGS += -I/opt/local/include -I/usr/local/opt/readline/include
LDFLAGS += -L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/local/opt/readline/lib
# add homebrew's libffi include and library path
CXXFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$$(brew list libffi | grep pkgconfig | xargs dirname) pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags libffi)
LDFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$$(brew list libffi | grep pkgconfig | xargs dirname) pkg-config --silence-errors --libs libffi)
# use bison installed by homebrew if available
BISON = $(shell (brew list bison | grep -m1 "bin/bison") || echo bison)
SED = sed
# homebrew search paths
ifneq ($(shell which brew),)
BREW_PREFIX := $(shell brew --prefix)/opt
CXXFLAGS += -I$(BREW_PREFIX)/readline/include
LDFLAGS += -L$(BREW_PREFIX)/readline/lib
PKG_CONFIG_PATH := $(BREW_PREFIX)/libffi/lib/pkgconfig:$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH)
PKG_CONFIG_PATH := $(BREW_PREFIX)/tcl-tk/lib/pkgconfig:$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH)
export PATH := $(BREW_PREFIX)/bison/bin:$(BREW_PREFIX)/gettext/bin:$(BREW_PREFIX)/flex/bin:$(PATH)
# macports search paths
else ifneq ($(shell which port),)
PORT_PREFIX := $(patsubst %/bin/port,%,$(shell which port))
export PATH := $(PORT_PREFIX)/bin:$(PATH)
LDFLAGS += -rdynamic
LDLIBS += -lrt
LDFLAGS += -rdynamic
LDLIBS += -lrt
YOSYS_VER := 0.7+$(shell cd $(YOSYS_SRC) && test -e .git && { git log --oneline 61f6811.. | wc -l; })
@ -210,15 +218,16 @@ endif
ifeq ($(ENABLE_PLUGINS),1)
CXXFLAGS += -DYOSYS_ENABLE_PLUGINS $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --silence-errors --cflags libffi)
LDLIBS += $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --silence-errors --libs libffi || echo -lffi) -ldl
CXXFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH) $(PKG_CONFIG) --silence-errors --cflags libffi) -DYOSYS_ENABLE_PLUGINS
LDLIBS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH) $(PKG_CONFIG) --silence-errors --libs libffi || echo -lffi) -ldl
ifeq ($(ENABLE_TCL),1)
TCL_VERSION ?= tcl$(shell bash -c "tclsh <(echo 'puts [info tclversion]')")
TCL_INCLUDE ?= /usr/include/$(TCL_VERSION)
CXXFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH) $(PKG_CONFIG) --silence-errors --cflags tcl || echo -I$(TCL_INCLUDE)) -DYOSYS_ENABLE_TCL
LDLIBS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(PKG_CONFIG_PATH) $(PKG_CONFIG) --silence-errors --libs tcl || echo -l$(TCL_VERSION))
ifeq ($(ENABLE_GPROF),1)

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@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ Web Site
More information and documentation can be found on the Yosys web site:
Getting Started
You need a C++ compiler with C++11 support (up-to-date CLANG or GCC is
recommended) and some standard tools such as GNU Flex, GNU Bison, and GNU Make.
TCL, readline and libffi are optional (see ``ENABLE_*`` settings in Makefile).
Xdot (graphviz) is used by the ``show`` command in yosys to display schematics.
For example on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS the following commands will install all
prerequisites for building yosys:
@ -55,6 +55,13 @@ prerequisites for building yosys:
libreadline-dev gawk tcl-dev libffi-dev git mercurial \
graphviz xdot pkg-config python3
Similarily, on Mac OS X MacPorts or Homebrew can be used to install dependencies:
$ brew install bison flex gawk libffi \
git mercurial graphviz pkg-config python3
$ sudo port install bison flex readline gawk libffi \
git mercurial graphviz pkgconfig python36
There are also pre-compiled Yosys binary packages for Ubuntu and Win32 as well
as a source distribution for Visual Studio. Visit the Yosys download page for
more information:
@ -80,6 +87,9 @@ To build Yosys simply type 'make' in this directory.
Note that this also downloads, builds and installs ABC (using yosys-abc
as executable name).
Getting Started
Yosys can be used with the interactive command shell, with
synthesis scripts or with command line arguments. Let's perform
a simple synthesis job using the interactive command shell: