rewrite smtlib pass to use SExpr class

This commit is contained in:
Emily Schmidt 2024-07-10 14:28:48 +01:00
parent 80582ed3af
commit 9f660b1e4b
3 changed files with 398 additions and 378 deletions

View File

@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
#include "kernel/yosys.h"
#include "kernel/functionalir.h"
#include <ctype.h>
const char illegal_characters[] = "!\"#%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]\\^`{|}~ ";
const char *reserved_keywords[] = {
@ -42,6 +42,16 @@ const char *reserved_keywords[] = {
template<typename Id> struct CxxScope : public FunctionalTools::Scope<Id> {
CxxScope() {
for(const char **p = reserved_keywords; *p != nullptr; p++)
bool is_character_legal(char c) override {
return isascii(c) && (isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c == '$');
struct CxxType {
FunctionalIR::Sort sort;
CxxType(FunctionalIR::Sort sort) : sort(sort) {}
@ -61,30 +71,30 @@ using CxxWriter = FunctionalTools::Writer;
struct CxxStruct {
std::string name;
dict<IdString, CxxType> types;
FunctionalTools::Scope scope;
CxxScope<IdString> scope;
CxxStruct(std::string name)
: name(name), scope(illegal_characters, reserved_keywords) {
: name(name) {
void insert(IdString name, CxxType type) {
scope(name, name);
types.insert({name, type});
void print(CxxWriter &f) {
f.print("\tstruct {} {{\n", name);
for (auto p : types) {
f.print("\t\t{} {};\n", p.second.to_string(), scope(p.first));
f.print("\t\t{} {};\n", p.second.to_string(), scope(p.first, p.first));
f.print("\n\t\ttemplate <typename T> void visit(T &&fn) {{\n");
for (auto p : types) {
f.print("\t\t\tfn(\"{}\", {});\n", RTLIL::unescape_id(p.first), scope(p.first));
f.print("\t\t\tfn(\"{}\", {});\n", RTLIL::unescape_id(p.first), scope(p.first, p.first));
std::string operator[](IdString field) {
return scope(field);
return scope(field, field);
@ -165,7 +175,7 @@ struct CxxModule {
output_struct.insert(name, sort);
for (auto [name, sort] : ir.state())
state_struct.insert(name, sort);
module_name = FunctionalTools::Scope(illegal_characters, reserved_keywords)(module->name);
module_name = CxxScope<int>().unique_name(module->name);
void write_header(CxxWriter &f) {
f.print("#include \"sim.h\"\n\n");
@ -180,7 +190,7 @@ struct CxxModule {
void write_eval_def(CxxWriter &f) {
f.print("void {0}::eval({0}::Inputs const &input, {0}::Outputs &output, {0}::State const &current_state, {0}::State &next_state)\n{{\n", module_name);
FunctionalTools::Scope locals(illegal_characters, reserved_keywords);
CxxScope<int> locals;

View File

@ -19,363 +19,385 @@
#include "kernel/functionalir.h"
#include "kernel/yosys.h"
#include <ctype.h>
const char illegal_characters[] = "#:\\";
const char *reserved_keywords[] = {nullptr};
const char *reserved_keywords[] = {
"BINARY", "DECIMAL", "HEXADECIMAL", "NUMERAL", "STRING", "_", "!", "as", "let", "exists", "forall", "match", "par",
"assert", "check-sat", "check-sat-assuming", "declare-const", "declare-datatype", "declare-datatypes",
"declare-fun", "declare-sort", "define-fun", "define-fun-rec", "define-funs-rec", "define-sort",
"exit", "get-assertions", "symbol", "sort", "get-assignment", "get-info", "get-model",
"get-option", "get-proof", "get-unsat-assumptions", "get-unsat-core", "get-value",
"pop", "push", "reset", "reset-assertions", "set-info", "set-logic", "set-option",
struct SmtScope {
pool<std::string> used_names;
dict<IdString, std::string> name_map;
FunctionalTools::Scope scope;
SmtScope() : scope(illegal_characters, reserved_keywords) {}
"pair", "Pair", "first", "second",
"inputs", "state",
void reserve(const std::string &name) { used_names.insert(name); }
std::string insert(IdString id)
std::string name = scope(id);
if (used_names.count(name) == 0) {
name_map[id] = name;
return name;
struct SmtScope : public FunctionalTools::Scope<int> {
SmtScope() {
for(const char **p = reserved_keywords; *p != nullptr; p++)
for (int idx = 0;; ++idx) {
std::string new_name = name + "_" + std::to_string(idx);
if (used_names.count(new_name) == 0) {
name_map[id] = new_name;
return new_name;
bool is_character_legal(char c) override {
return isascii(c) && (isalnum(c) || strchr("~!@$%^&*_-+=<>.?/", c));
class SExpr {
std::variant<std::vector<SExpr>, std::string> _v;
SExpr(std::string a) : _v(std::move(a)) {}
SExpr(const char *a) : _v(a) {}
SExpr(int n) : _v(std::to_string(n)) {}
SExpr(std::vector<SExpr> const &a) : _v(std::in_place_index<0>, a) {}
SExpr(std::vector<SExpr> &&a) : _v(std::in_place_index<0>, std::move(a)) {}
SExpr(std::initializer_list<SExpr> a) : _v(std::in_place_index<0>, a) {}
bool is_atom() const { return std::holds_alternative<std::string>(_v); }
std::string const &atom() const { return std::get<std::string>(_v); }
bool is_list() const { return std::holds_alternative<std::vector<SExpr>>(_v); }
std::vector<SExpr> const &list() const { return std::get<std::vector<SExpr>>(_v); }
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, SExpr const &sexpr) {
os << sexpr.atom();
else if(sexpr.is_list()){
os << "(";
auto l = sexpr.list();
for(size_t i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
if(i > 0) os << " ";
os << l[i];
os << ")";
os << "<invalid>";
return os;
std::string to_string() const {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << *this;
return ss.str();
class SExprWriter {
std::ostream &os;
int _max_line_width;
int _indent = 0;
int _pos = 0;
bool _pending_nl = false;
vector<bool> _unclosed;
vector<size_t> _unclosed_stack;
void nl_if_pending() {
if(_pending_nl) {
os << '\n';
_pos = 0;
_pending_nl = false;
std::string operator[](IdString id)
if (name_map.count(id)) {
return name_map[id];
void puts(std::string const &s) {
if(s.empty()) return;
for(auto c : s) {
if(c == '\n') {
os << c;
_pos = 0;
} else {
return insert(id);
if(_pos == 0) {
for(int i = 0; i < _indent; i++)
os << " ";
_pos = 2 * _indent;
os << c;
int width(SExpr const &sexpr) {
return sexpr.atom().size();
else if(sexpr.is_list()) {
int w = 2;
for(auto arg : sexpr.list())
w += width(arg);
if(sexpr.list().size() > 1)
w += sexpr.list().size() - 1;
return w;
} else
return 0;
void print(SExpr const &sexpr, bool close = true, bool indent_rest = true) {
else if(sexpr.is_list()) {
auto args = sexpr.list();
bool vertical = args.size() > 1 && _pos + width(sexpr) > _max_line_width;
if(vertical) _indent++;
for(size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
if(i > 0) puts(vertical ? "\n" : " ");
_indent += (!close && indent_rest) - vertical;
else {
_pending_nl = true;
log_error("shouldn't happen in SExprWriter::print");
SExprWriter(std::ostream &os, int max_line_width = 80)
: os(os)
, _max_line_width(max_line_width)
void open(SExpr const &sexpr, bool indent_rest = true) {
print(sexpr, false, indent_rest);
void close(size_t n = 1) {
log_assert(_unclosed.size() - (_unclosed_stack.empty() ? 0 : _unclosed_stack.back()) >= n);
while(n-- > 0) {
bool indented = _unclosed[_unclosed.size() - 1];
_pending_nl = _pos >= _max_line_width;
_pending_nl = true;
void push() {
void pop() {
auto t = _unclosed_stack.back();
log_assert(_unclosed.size() >= t);
close(_unclosed.size() - t);
SExprWriter &operator <<(SExpr const &sexpr) {
_pending_nl = true;
return *this;
void comment(std::string const &str, bool hanging = false) {
if(hanging) {
if(_pending_nl) {
_pending_nl = false;
puts(" ");
puts("; ");
~SExprWriter() {
struct SmtSort {
FunctionalIR::Sort sort;
SmtSort(FunctionalIR::Sort sort) : sort(sort) {}
SExpr to_sexpr() const {
if(sort.is_memory()) {
return SExpr{"Array", {"_", "BitVec", sort.addr_width()}, {"_", "BitVec", sort.data_width()}};
} else if(sort.is_signal()) {
return SExpr{"_", "BitVec", sort.width()};
} else {
log_error("unknown sort");
struct SmtWriter {
std::ostream &stream;
SmtWriter(std::ostream &out) : stream(out) {}
void print(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
stream << vstringf(fmt, args);
template <class NodeNames> struct SmtPrintVisitor {
using Node = FunctionalIR::Node;
NodeNames np;
class SmtStruct {
struct Field {
SmtSort sort;
std::string accessor;
idict<IdString> field_names;
vector<Field> fields;
SmtScope &scope;
SmtPrintVisitor(NodeNames np, SmtScope &scope) : np(np), scope(scope) {}
template <class T> std::string arg_to_string(T n) { return std::to_string(n); }
std::string arg_to_string(std::string n) { return n; }
std::string arg_to_string(Node n) { return np(n); }
template <typename... Args> std::string format(std::string fmt, Args &&...args)
std::vector<std::string> arg_strings = {arg_to_string(std::forward<Args>(args))...};
for (size_t i = 0; i < arg_strings.size(); ++i) {
std::string placeholder = "%" + std::to_string(i);
size_t pos = 0;
while ((pos = fmt.find(placeholder, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
fmt.replace(pos, placeholder.length(), arg_strings[i]);
pos += arg_strings[i].length();
std::string name;
SmtStruct(std::string name, SmtScope &scope) : scope(scope), name(name) {}
void insert(IdString field_name, SmtSort sort) {
auto accessor = scope.unique_name("\\" + name + "_" + RTLIL::unescape_id(field_name));
fields.emplace_back(Field{sort, accessor});
void write_definition(SExprWriter &w) {{"declare-datatype", name});{}));{name});
for(const auto &field : fields)
w << SExpr{field.accessor, field.sort.to_sexpr()};
return fmt;
template<typename Fn> void write_value(SExprWriter &w, Fn fn) {<SExpr>{name}));
for(auto field_name : field_names) {
w << fn(field_name);
w.comment(RTLIL::unescape_id(field_name), true);
std::string buf(Node, Node n) { return np(n); }
SExpr access(SExpr record, IdString name) {
size_t i =;
return SExpr{fields[i].accessor, std::move(record)};
std::string slice(Node, Node a, int, int offset, int out_width)
return format("((_ extract %2 %1) %0)", np(a), offset, offset + out_width - 1);
struct SmtPrintVisitor {
using Node = FunctionalIR::Node;
std::function<SExpr(Node)> n;
SmtStruct &input_struct;
SmtStruct &state_struct;
SmtPrintVisitor(SmtStruct &input_struct, SmtStruct &state_struct) : input_struct(input_struct), state_struct(state_struct) {}
std::string literal(RTLIL::Const c) {
std::string s = "#b";
for(int i = c.size(); i-- > 0; )
s += c[i] == State::S1 ? '1' : '0';
return s;
std::string zero_extend(Node, Node a, int, int out_width) { return format("((_ zero_extend %1) %0)", np(a), out_width - a.width()); }
std::string sign_extend(Node, Node a, int, int out_width) { return format("((_ sign_extend %1) %0)", np(a), out_width - a.width()); }
std::string concat(Node, Node a, int, Node b, int) { return format("(concat %0 %1)", np(a), np(b)); }
std::string add(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return format("(bvadd %0 %1)", np(a), np(b)); }
std::string sub(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return format("(bvsub %0 %1)", np(a), np(b)); }
std::string mul(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return format("(bvmul %0 %1)", np(a), np(b)); }
std::string unsigned_div(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return format("(bvudiv %0 %1)", np(a), np(b)); }
std::string unsigned_mod(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return format("(bvurem %0 %1)", np(a), np(b)); }
std::string bitwise_and(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return format("(bvand %0 %1)", np(a), np(b)); }
std::string bitwise_or(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return format("(bvor %0 %1)", np(a), np(b)); }
std::string bitwise_xor(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return format("(bvxor %0 %1)", np(a), np(b)); }
std::string bitwise_not(Node, Node a, int) { return format("(bvnot %0)", np(a)); }
std::string unary_minus(Node, Node a, int) { return format("(bvneg %0)", np(a)); }
std::string reduce_and(Node, Node a, int) {
std::stringstream ss;
// We use ite to set the result to bit vector, to ensure appropriate type
ss << "(ite (= " << np(a) << " #b" << std::string(a.width(), '1') << ") #b1 #b0)";
return ss.str();
SExpr from_bool(SExpr &&arg) {
return SExpr{"ite", std::move(arg), "#b1", "#b0"};
SExpr to_bool(SExpr &&arg) {
return SExpr{"=", std::move(arg), "#b1"};
SExpr extract(SExpr &&arg, int offset, int out_width = 1) {
return SExpr{{"_", "extract", offset + out_width - 1, offset}, std::move(arg)};
std::string reduce_or(Node, Node a, int)
std::stringstream ss;
// We use ite to set the result to bit vector, to ensure appropriate type
ss << "(ite (= " << np(a) << " #b" << std::string(a.width(), '0') << ") #b0 #b1)";
return ss.str();
SExpr buf(Node, Node a) { return n(a); }
SExpr slice(Node, Node a, int, int offset, int out_width) { return extract(n(a), offset, out_width); }
SExpr zero_extend(Node, Node a, int, int out_width) { return SExpr{{"_", "zero_extend", out_width - a.width()}, n(a)}; }
SExpr sign_extend(Node, Node a, int, int out_width) { return SExpr{{"_", "sign_extend", out_width - a.width()}, n(a)}; }
SExpr concat(Node, Node a, int, Node b, int) { return SExpr{"concat", n(a), n(b)}; }
SExpr add(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return SExpr{"bvadd", n(a), n(b)}; }
SExpr sub(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return SExpr{"bvsub", n(a), n(b)}; }
SExpr mul(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return SExpr{"bvmul", n(a), n(b)}; }
SExpr unsigned_div(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return SExpr{"bvudiv", n(a), n(b)}; }
SExpr unsigned_mod(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return SExpr{"bvurem", n(a), n(b)}; }
SExpr bitwise_and(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return SExpr{"bvand", n(a), n(b)}; }
SExpr bitwise_or(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return SExpr{"bvor", n(a), n(b)}; }
SExpr bitwise_xor(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return SExpr{"bvxor", n(a), n(b)}; }
SExpr bitwise_not(Node, Node a, int) { return SExpr{"bvnot", n(a)}; }
SExpr unary_minus(Node, Node a, int) { return SExpr{"bvneg", n(a)}; }
SExpr reduce_and(Node, Node a, int) { return from_bool(SExpr{"=", n(a), literal(RTLIL::Const(State::S1, a.width()))}); }
SExpr reduce_or(Node, Node a, int) { return from_bool(SExpr{"=", n(a), literal(RTLIL::Const(State::S0, a.width()))}); }
SExpr reduce_xor(Node, Node a, int) {
vector<SExpr> s { "bvxor" };
for(int i = 0; i < a.width(); i++)
s.push_back(extract(n(a), i));
return s;
SExpr equal(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return from_bool(SExpr{"=", n(a), n(b)}); }
SExpr not_equal(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return from_bool(SExpr{"distinct", n(a), n(b)}); }
SExpr signed_greater_than(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return from_bool(SExpr{"bvsgt", n(a), n(b)}); }
SExpr signed_greater_equal(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return from_bool(SExpr{"bvsge", n(a), n(b)}); }
SExpr unsigned_greater_than(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return from_bool(SExpr{"bvugt", n(a), n(b)}); }
SExpr unsigned_greater_equal(Node, Node a, Node b, int) { return from_bool(SExpr{"bvuge", n(a), n(b)}); }
std::string reduce_xor(Node, Node a, int) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "(bvxor ";
for (int i = 0; i < a.width(); ++i) {
if (i > 0) ss << " ";
ss << "((_ extract " << i << " " << i << ") " << np(a) << ")";
SExpr extend(SExpr &&a, int in_width, int out_width) {
if(in_width < out_width)
return SExpr{{"_", "zero_extend", out_width - in_width}, std::move(a)};
return std::move(a);
ss << ")";
return ss.str();
SExpr logical_shift_left(Node, Node a, Node b, int, int) { return SExpr{"bvshl", n(a), extend(n(b), b.width(), a.width())}; }
SExpr logical_shift_right(Node, Node a, Node b, int, int) { return SExpr{"bvshr", n(a), extend(n(b), b.width(), a.width())}; }
SExpr arithmetic_shift_right(Node, Node a, Node b, int, int) { return SExpr{"bvasr", n(a), extend(n(b), b.width(), a.width())}; }
SExpr mux(Node, Node a, Node b, Node s, int) { return SExpr{"ite", to_bool(n(s)), n(a), n(b)}; }
SExpr pmux(Node, Node a, Node b, Node s, int, int) {
SExpr rv = n(a);
for(int i = 0; i < s.width(); i++)
rv = SExpr{"ite", to_bool(extract(n(s), i)), extract(n(b), a.width() * i, a.width()), rv};
return rv;
SExpr constant(Node, RTLIL::Const value) { return literal(value); }
SExpr memory_read(Node, Node mem, Node addr, int, int) { return SExpr{"select", n(mem), n(addr)}; }
SExpr memory_write(Node, Node mem, Node addr, Node data, int, int) { return SExpr{"store", n(mem), n(addr), n(data)}; }
std::string equal(Node, Node a, Node b, int) {
return format("(ite (= %0 %1) #b1 #b0)", np(a), np(b));
SExpr input(Node, IdString name) { return input_struct.access("inputs", name); }
SExpr state(Node, IdString name) { return state_struct.access("state", name); }
std::string not_equal(Node, Node a, Node b, int) {
return format("(ite (distinct %0 %1) #b1 #b0)", np(a), np(b));
std::string signed_greater_than(Node, Node a, Node b, int) {
return format("(ite (bvsgt %0 %1) #b1 #b0)", np(a), np(b));
std::string signed_greater_equal(Node, Node a, Node b, int) {
return format("(ite (bvsge %0 %1) #b1 #b0)", np(a), np(b));
std::string unsigned_greater_than(Node, Node a, Node b, int) {
return format("(ite (bvugt %0 %1) #b1 #b0)", np(a), np(b));
std::string unsigned_greater_equal(Node, Node a, Node b, int) {
return format("(ite (bvuge %0 %1) #b1 #b0)", np(a), np(b));
std::string logical_shift_left(Node, Node a, Node b, int, int) {
// Get the bit-widths of a and b
int bit_width_a = a.width();
int bit_width_b = b.width();
// Extend b to match the bit-width of a if necessary
std::ostringstream oss;
if (bit_width_a > bit_width_b) {
oss << "((_ zero_extend " << (bit_width_a - bit_width_b) << ") " << np(b) << ")";
} else {
oss << np(b); // No extension needed if b's width is already sufficient
std::string b_extended = oss.str();
// Format the bvshl operation with the extended b
oss.str(""); // Clear the stringstream
oss << "(bvshl " << np(a) << " " << b_extended << ")";
return oss.str();
std::string logical_shift_right(Node, Node a, Node b, int, int) {
// Get the bit-widths of a and b
int bit_width_a = a.width();
int bit_width_b = b.width();
// Extend b to match the bit-width of a if necessary
std::ostringstream oss;
if (bit_width_a > bit_width_b) {
oss << "((_ zero_extend " << (bit_width_a - bit_width_b) << ") " << np(b) << ")";
} else {
oss << np(b); // No extension needed if b's width is already sufficient
std::string b_extended = oss.str();
// Format the bvlshr operation with the extended b
oss.str(""); // Clear the stringstream
oss << "(bvlshr " << np(a) << " " << b_extended << ")";
return oss.str();
std::string arithmetic_shift_right(Node, Node a, Node b, int, int) {
// Get the bit-widths of a and b
int bit_width_a = a.width();
int bit_width_b = b.width();
// Extend b to match the bit-width of a if necessary
std::ostringstream oss;
if (bit_width_a > bit_width_b) {
oss << "((_ zero_extend " << (bit_width_a - bit_width_b) << ") " << np(b) << ")";
} else {
oss << np(b); // No extension needed if b's width is already sufficient
std::string b_extended = oss.str();
// Format the bvashr operation with the extended b
oss.str(""); // Clear the stringstream
oss << "(bvashr " << np(a) << " " << b_extended << ")";
return oss.str();
std::string mux(Node, Node a, Node b, Node s, int) {
return format("(ite (= %2 #b1) %0 %1)", np(a), np(b), np(s));
std::string pmux(Node, Node a, Node b, Node s, int, int)
// Assume s is a bit vector, combine a and b based on the selection bits
return format("(pmux %0 %1 %2)", np(a), np(b), np(s));
std::string constant(Node, RTLIL::Const value) { return format("#b%0", value.as_string()); }
std::string input(Node, IdString name) { return format("%0", scope[name]); }
std::string state(Node, IdString name) { return format("(%0 current_state)", scope[name]); }
std::string memory_read(Node, Node mem, Node addr, int, int) { return format("(select %0 %1)", np(mem), np(addr)); }
std::string memory_write(Node, Node mem, Node addr, Node data, int, int) { return format("(store %0 %1 %2)", np(mem), np(addr), np(data)); }
std::string undriven(Node, int width) { return format("#b%0", std::string(width, '0')); }
SExpr undriven(Node, int width) { return literal(RTLIL::Const(State::S0, width)); }
struct SmtModule {
std::string name;
SmtScope scope;
FunctionalIR ir;
SmtScope scope;
std::string name;
SmtModule(const std::string &module_name, FunctionalIR ir) : name(module_name), ir(std::move(ir)) {}
SmtStruct input_struct;
SmtStruct output_struct;
SmtStruct state_struct;
SmtModule(Module *module)
: ir(FunctionalIR::from_module(module))
, scope()
, name(scope.unique_name(module->name))
, input_struct(scope.unique_name(module->name.str() + "_Inputs"), scope)
, output_struct(scope.unique_name(module->name.str() + "_Outputs"), scope)
, state_struct(scope.unique_name(module->name.str() + "_State"), scope)
for (const auto &input : ir.inputs())
input_struct.insert(input.first, input.second);
for (const auto &output : ir.outputs())
output_struct.insert(output.first, output.second);
for (const auto &state : ir.state())
state_struct.insert(state.first, state.second);
void write(std::ostream &out)
const bool stateful = ir.state().size() != 0;
SmtWriter writer(out);
SExprWriter w(out);
writer.print("(declare-fun %s () Bool)\n\n", name.c_str());
writer.print("(declare-datatypes () ((Inputs (mk_inputs");
for (const auto &input : ir.inputs()) {
std::string input_name = scope[input.first];
writer.print(" (%s (_ BitVec %d))", input_name.c_str(), input.second.width());
w << SExpr{"declare-datatypes", {{"Pair", 2}}, {{"par", {"X", "Y"}, {{"pair", {"first", "X"}, {"second", "Y"}}}}}};
writer.print("(declare-datatypes () ((Outputs (mk_outputs");
for (const auto &output : ir.outputs()) {
std::string output_name = scope[output.first];
writer.print(" (%s (_ BitVec %d))", output_name.c_str(), output.second.width());
if (stateful) {
writer.print("(declare-datatypes () ((State (mk_state");
for (const auto &state : ir.state()) {
std::string state_name = scope[state.first];
writer.print(" (%s (_ BitVec %d))", state_name.c_str(), state.second.width());
writer.print("(declare-datatypes () ((Pair (mk-pair (outputs Outputs) (next_state State)))))\n");
if (stateful)
writer.print("(define-fun %s_step ((current_state State) (inputs Inputs)) Pair", name.c_str());
w.push();{"define-fun", name,
auto inlined = [&](FunctionalIR::Node n) {
return n.fn() == FunctionalIR::Fn::constant ||
n.fn() == FunctionalIR::Fn::undriven;
SmtPrintVisitor visitor(input_struct, state_struct);
auto node_to_sexpr = [&](FunctionalIR::Node n) -> SExpr {
return n.visit(visitor);
writer.print("(define-fun %s_step ((inputs Inputs)) Outputs", name.c_str());
writer.print(" (let (");
for (const auto &input : ir.inputs()) {
std::string input_name = scope[input.first];
writer.print(" (%s (%s inputs))", input_name.c_str(), input_name.c_str());
return scope(,;
visitor.n = node_to_sexpr;
for(auto n : ir)
if(!inlined(n)) {{"let", {{node_to_sexpr(n), n.visit(visitor)}}}, false);
w.comment(SmtSort(n.sort()).to_sexpr().to_string(), true);
writer.print(" )");
auto node_to_string = [&](FunctionalIR::Node n) { return scope[]; };
SmtPrintVisitor<decltype(node_to_string)> visitor(node_to_string, scope);
for (auto it = ir.begin(); it != ir.end(); ++it) {
const FunctionalIR::Node &node = *it;
if (ir.inputs().count( > 0)
std::string node_name = scope[];
std::string node_expr = node.visit(visitor);
writer.print(" (let ( (%s %s))", node_name.c_str(), node_expr.c_str());
if (stateful) {
writer.print(" (let ( (next_state (mk_state ");
for (const auto &state : ir.state()) {
std::string state_name = scope[state.first];
const std::string state_assignment = ir.get_state_next_node(state.first).name().c_str();
writer.print(" %s", state_assignment.substr(1).c_str());
writer.print(" )))");
if (stateful) {
writer.print(" (let ( (outputs (mk_outputs ");
for (const auto &output : ir.outputs()) {
std::string output_name = scope[output.first];
writer.print(" %s", output_name.c_str());
writer.print(" )))");
writer.print("(mk-pair outputs next_state)");
else {
writer.print(" (mk_outputs ");
for (const auto &output : ir.outputs()) {
std::string output_name = scope[output.first];
writer.print(" %s", output_name.c_str());
writer.print(" )"); // Closing mk_outputs
if (stateful) {
writer.print(" )"); // Closing outputs let statement
writer.print(" )"); // Closing next_state let statement
// Close the nested lets
for (size_t i = 0; i < ir.size() - ir.inputs().size(); ++i) {
writer.print(" )"); // Closing each node
if (ir.size() == ir.inputs().size())
writer.print(" )"); // Corner case
writer.print(" )"); // Closing inputs let statement
writer.print(")\n"); // Closing step function{"pair"});
output_struct.write_value(w, [&](IdString name) { return node_to_sexpr(ir.get_output_node(name)); });
state_struct.write_value(w, [&](IdString name) { return node_to_sexpr(ir.get_state_next_node(name)); });
@ -393,8 +415,7 @@ struct FunctionalSmtBackend : public Backend {
for (auto module : design->selected_modules()) {
log("Processing module `%s`.\n", module->name.c_str());
auto ir = FunctionalIR::from_module(module);
SmtModule smt(RTLIL::unescape_id(module->name), ir);
SmtModule smt(module);

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ USING_YOSYS_NAMESPACE
class FunctionalIR {
enum class Fn {
@ -69,7 +70,6 @@ class FunctionalIR {
class Sort {
std::variant<int, std::pair<int, int>> _v;
@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ public:
return std::string("\\n") + std::to_string(id());
Fn fn() const { return _ref.function().fn(); }
Sort sort() const { return _ref.attr().sort; }
int width() const { return sort().width(); }
Node arg(int n) const { return Node(_ref.arg(n)); }
@ -380,16 +381,22 @@ public:
namespace FunctionalTools {
class Scope {
const char *_illegal_characters;
template<class Id> class Scope {
char substitution_character = '_';
virtual bool is_character_legal(char) = 0;
pool<std::string> _used_names;
dict<int, std::string> _by_id;
dict<IdString, std::string> _by_name;
std::string allocate_name(IdString suggestion) {
dict<Id, std::string> _by_id;
void reserve(std::string name) {
std::string unique_name(IdString suggestion) {
std::string str = RTLIL::unescape_id(suggestion);
for(size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++)
if(strchr(_illegal_characters, str[i]))
str[i] = '_';
str[i] = substitution_character;
if(_used_names.count(str) == 0) {
return str;
@ -402,32 +409,14 @@ namespace FunctionalTools {
Scope(const char *illegal_characters = "", const char **keywords = nullptr) {
_illegal_characters = illegal_characters;
if(keywords != nullptr)
for(const char **p = keywords; *p != nullptr; p++)
void reserve(std::string name) {
std::string operator()(int id, IdString suggestion) {
std::string operator()(Id id, IdString suggestion) {
auto it = _by_id.find(id);
if(it != _by_id.end())
return it->second;
std::string str = allocate_name(suggestion);
std::string str = unique_name(suggestion);
_by_id.insert({id, str});
return str;
std::string operator()(IdString idstring) {
auto it = _by_name.find(idstring);
if(it != _by_name.end())
return it->second;
std::string str = allocate_name(idstring);
_by_name.insert({idstring, str});
return str;
class Writer {
std::ostream *os;