yosys-witness: Add aiw2yw --present-only to omit unused signals

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Jannis Harder 2023-12-14 16:45:19 +01:00
parent 3fab4d42ec
commit 94d7c22714
1 changed files with 41 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -183,7 +183,8 @@ This requires a Yosys witness AIGER map file as generated by 'write_aiger -ywmap
@click.argument("mapfile", type=click.File("r"))
@click.argument("output", type=click.File("w"))
@click.option("--skip-x", help="Leave input x bits unassigned.", is_flag=True)
def aiw2yw(input, mapfile, output, skip_x):
@click.option("--present-only", help="Only include bits present in at least one time step.", is_flag=True)
def aiw2yw(input, mapfile, output, skip_x, present_only):
input_name = input.name
click.echo(f"Converting AIGER witness trace {input_name!r} to Yosys witness trace {output.name!r}...")
click.echo(f"Using Yosys witness AIGER map file {mapfile.name!r}")
@ -211,7 +212,8 @@ def aiw2yw(input, mapfile, output, skip_x):
if not re.match(r'[0]*$', ffline):
raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: non-default initial state not supported")
outyw = WriteWitness(output, 'yosys-witness aiw2yw')
if not present_only:
outyw = WriteWitness(output, "yosys-witness aiw2yw")
for clock in aiger_map.clocks:
outyw.add_clock(clock["path"], clock["offset"], clock["edge"])
@ -220,7 +222,13 @@ def aiw2yw(input, mapfile, output, skip_x):
outyw.add_sig(path, offset, init_only=id in aiger_map.init_inputs)
missing = set()
seen = set()
buffered_steps = []
skip = "x?" if skip_x else "?"
t = -1
while True:
inline = next(input, None)
if inline is None:
@ -232,17 +240,20 @@ def aiw2yw(input, mapfile, output, skip_x):
if inline.startswith("#"):
if not re.match(r'[01x]*$', ffline):
t += 1
if not re.match(r"[01x]*$", inline):
raise click.ClickException(f"{input_name}: unexpected data in AIGER witness file")
if len(inline) != aiger_map.input_count:
raise click.ClickException(
f"{input_name}: {mapfile.name}: number of inputs does not match, "
f"{len(inline)} in witness, {aiger_map.input_count} in map file")
f"{len(inline)} in witness, {aiger_map.input_count} in map file"
values = WitnessValues()
for i, v in enumerate(inline):
if outyw.t > 0 and i in aiger_map.init_inputs:
if v in skip or (t > 0 and i in aiger_map.init_inputs):
@ -250,11 +261,29 @@ def aiw2yw(input, mapfile, output, skip_x):
except IndexError:
bit = None
if bit is None:
elif present_only:
values[bit] = v
outyw.step(values, skip_x=skip_x)
if present_only:
if present_only:
outyw = WriteWitness(output, "yosys-witness aiw2yw")
for clock in aiger_map.clocks:
outyw.add_clock(clock["path"], clock["offset"], clock["edge"])
for (path, offset), id in aiger_map.sigmap.bit_to_id.items():
if id in seen:
outyw.add_sig(path, offset, init_only=id in aiger_map.init_inputs)
for values in buffered_steps: