mirror of https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys.git
abc: Preserve naming through ABC using 'dress' command
Signed-off-by: David Shah <dave@ds0.me>
This commit is contained in:
@ -329,6 +329,18 @@ void extract_cell(RTLIL::Cell *cell, bool keepff)
std::string remap_name(RTLIL::IdString abc_name)
std::string abc_sname = abc_name.substr(1);
if (abc_sname.substr(0, 5) == "ys__n") {
int sid = std::stoi(abc_sname.substr(5));
bool inv = abc_sname.back() == 'v';
for (auto sig : signal_list) {
if (sig.id == sid) {
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << "$abc$" << map_autoidx << "$" << log_signal(sig.bit) << (inv ? "_inv" : "");
return sstr.str();
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << "$abc$" << map_autoidx << "$" << abc_name.substr(1);
return sstr.str();
@ -353,12 +365,12 @@ void dump_loop_graph(FILE *f, int &nr, std::map<int, std::set<int>> &edges, std:
for (auto n : nodes)
fprintf(f, " n%d [label=\"%s\\nid=%d, count=%d\"%s];\n", n, log_signal(signal_list[n].bit),
fprintf(f, " ys__n%d [label=\"%s\\nid=%d, count=%d\"%s];\n", n, log_signal(signal_list[n].bit),
n, in_counts[n], workpool.count(n) ? ", shape=box" : "");
for (auto &e : edges)
for (auto n : e.second)
fprintf(f, " n%d -> n%d;\n", e.first, n);
fprintf(f, " ys__n%d -> ys__n%d;\n", e.first, n);
fprintf(f, "}\n");
@ -624,7 +636,7 @@ struct abc_output_filter
void abc_module(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *current_module, std::string script_file, std::string exe_file,
std::string liberty_file, std::string constr_file, bool cleanup, vector<int> lut_costs, bool dff_mode, std::string clk_str,
bool keepff, std::string delay_target, std::string sop_inputs, std::string sop_products, std::string lutin_shared, bool fast_mode,
const std::vector<RTLIL::Cell*> &cells, bool show_tempdir, bool sop_mode)
const std::vector<RTLIL::Cell*> &cells, bool show_tempdir, bool sop_mode, bool abc_dress)
module = current_module;
map_autoidx = autoidx++;
@ -728,7 +740,8 @@ void abc_module(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *current_module, std::strin
for (size_t pos = abc_script.find("{S}"); pos != std::string::npos; pos = abc_script.find("{S}", pos))
abc_script = abc_script.substr(0, pos) + lutin_shared + abc_script.substr(pos+3);
if (abc_dress)
abc_script += "; dress";
abc_script += stringf("; write_blif %s/output.blif", tempdir_name.c_str());
abc_script = add_echos_to_abc_cmd(abc_script);
@ -784,7 +797,7 @@ void abc_module(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *current_module, std::strin
for (auto &si : signal_list) {
if (!si.is_port || si.type != G(NONE))
fprintf(f, " n%d", si.id);
fprintf(f, " ys__n%d", si.id);
pi_map[count_input++] = log_signal(si.bit);
if (count_input == 0)
@ -796,17 +809,17 @@ void abc_module(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *current_module, std::strin
for (auto &si : signal_list) {
if (!si.is_port || si.type == G(NONE))
fprintf(f, " n%d", si.id);
fprintf(f, " ys__n%d", si.id);
po_map[count_output++] = log_signal(si.bit);
fprintf(f, "\n");
for (auto &si : signal_list)
fprintf(f, "# n%-5d %s\n", si.id, log_signal(si.bit));
fprintf(f, "# ys__n%-5d %s\n", si.id, log_signal(si.bit));
for (auto &si : signal_list) {
if (si.bit.wire == NULL) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d\n", si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d\n", si.id);
if (si.bit == RTLIL::State::S1)
fprintf(f, "1\n");
@ -815,68 +828,68 @@ void abc_module(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *current_module, std::strin
int count_gates = 0;
for (auto &si : signal_list) {
if (si.type == G(BUF)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.id);
fprintf(f, "1 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(NOT)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.id);
fprintf(f, "0 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(AND)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, "11 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(NAND)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, "0- 1\n");
fprintf(f, "-0 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(OR)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, "-1 1\n");
fprintf(f, "1- 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(NOR)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, "00 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(XOR)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, "01 1\n");
fprintf(f, "10 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(XNOR)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, "00 1\n");
fprintf(f, "11 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(ANDNOT)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, "10 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(ORNOT)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.id);
fprintf(f, "1- 1\n");
fprintf(f, "-0 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(MUX)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.in3, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.in3, si.id);
fprintf(f, "1-0 1\n");
fprintf(f, "-11 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(AOI3)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.in3, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.in3, si.id);
fprintf(f, "-00 1\n");
fprintf(f, "0-0 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(OAI3)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.in3, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.in3, si.id);
fprintf(f, "00- 1\n");
fprintf(f, "--0 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(AOI4)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d n%d n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.in3, si.in4, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.in3, si.in4, si.id);
fprintf(f, "-0-0 1\n");
fprintf(f, "-00- 1\n");
fprintf(f, "0--0 1\n");
fprintf(f, "0-0- 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(OAI4)) {
fprintf(f, ".names n%d n%d n%d n%d n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.in3, si.in4, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".names ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d ys__n%d\n", si.in1, si.in2, si.in3, si.in4, si.id);
fprintf(f, "00-- 1\n");
fprintf(f, "--00 1\n");
} else if (si.type == G(FF)) {
if (si.init == State::S0 || si.init == State::S1) {
fprintf(f, ".latch n%d n%d %d\n", si.in1, si.id, si.init == State::S1 ? 1 : 0);
fprintf(f, ".latch ys__n%d ys__n%d %d\n", si.in1, si.id, si.init == State::S1 ? 1 : 0);
recover_init = true;
} else
fprintf(f, ".latch n%d n%d 2\n", si.in1, si.id);
fprintf(f, ".latch ys__n%d ys__n%d 2\n", si.in1, si.id);
} else if (si.type != G(NONE))
if (si.type != G(NONE))
@ -889,7 +902,6 @@ void abc_module(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *current_module, std::strin
log("Extracted %d gates and %d wires to a netlist network with %d inputs and %d outputs.\n",
count_gates, GetSize(signal_list), count_input, count_output);
if (count_output > 0)
log_header(design, "Executing ABC.\n");
@ -1213,7 +1225,7 @@ void abc_module(RTLIL::Design *design, RTLIL::Module *current_module, std::strin
for (auto &si : signal_list)
if (si.is_port) {
char buffer[100];
snprintf(buffer, 100, "\\n%d", si.id);
snprintf(buffer, 100, "\\ys__n%d", si.id);
RTLIL::SigSig conn;
if (si.type != G(NONE)) {
conn.first = si.bit;
@ -1407,6 +1419,11 @@ struct AbcPass : public Pass {
log(" this attribute is a unique integer for each ABC process started. This\n");
log(" is useful for debugging the partitioning of clock domains.\n");
log(" -dress\n");
log(" run the 'dress' command after all other ABC commands. This aims to\n");
log(" preserve naming by an equivalence check between the original and post-ABC\n");
log(" netlists (experimental).\n");
log("When neither -liberty nor -lut is used, the Yosys standard cell library is\n");
log("loaded into ABC before the ABC script is executed.\n");
@ -1441,6 +1458,7 @@ struct AbcPass : public Pass {
std::string delay_target, sop_inputs, sop_products, lutin_shared = "-S 1";
bool fast_mode = false, dff_mode = false, keepff = false, cleanup = true;
bool show_tempdir = false, sop_mode = false;
bool abc_dress = false;
vector<int> lut_costs;
markgroups = false;
@ -1555,6 +1573,10 @@ struct AbcPass : public Pass {
map_mux16 = true;
if (arg == "-dress") {
abc_dress = true;
if (arg == "-g" && argidx+1 < args.size()) {
for (auto g : split_tokens(args[++argidx], ",")) {
vector<string> gate_list;
@ -1704,7 +1726,7 @@ struct AbcPass : public Pass {
if (!dff_mode || !clk_str.empty()) {
abc_module(design, mod, script_file, exe_file, liberty_file, constr_file, cleanup, lut_costs, dff_mode, clk_str, keepff,
delay_target, sop_inputs, sop_products, lutin_shared, fast_mode, mod->selected_cells(), show_tempdir, sop_mode);
delay_target, sop_inputs, sop_products, lutin_shared, fast_mode, mod->selected_cells(), show_tempdir, sop_mode, abc_dress);
@ -1849,7 +1871,7 @@ struct AbcPass : public Pass {
en_polarity = std::get<2>(it.first);
en_sig = assign_map(std::get<3>(it.first));
abc_module(design, mod, script_file, exe_file, liberty_file, constr_file, cleanup, lut_costs, !clk_sig.empty(), "$",
keepff, delay_target, sop_inputs, sop_products, lutin_shared, fast_mode, it.second, show_tempdir, sop_mode);
keepff, delay_target, sop_inputs, sop_products, lutin_shared, fast_mode, it.second, show_tempdir, sop_mode, abc_dress);
Reference in New Issue