Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/eddie/fix1132' into xc7mux

This commit is contained in:
Eddie Hung 2019-06-26 14:48:35 -07:00
commit 812469aaa3
9 changed files with 352 additions and 93 deletions

View File

@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
// [[CITE]] Btor2 , BtorMC and Boolector 3.0
// Aina Niemetz, Mathias Preiner, Clifford Wolf, Armin Biere
// Computer Aided Verification - 30th International Conference, CAV 2018
#include "kernel/rtlil.h"
#include "kernel/register.h"
#include "kernel/sigtools.h"
@ -875,9 +880,28 @@ struct BtorWorker
if (bit_cell.count(bit) == 0)
log_error("No driver for signal bit %s.\n", log_signal(bit));
SigSpec s = bit;
while (i+GetSize(s) < GetSize(sig) && sig[i+GetSize(s)].wire != nullptr &&
bit_cell.count(sig[i+GetSize(s)]) == 0)
log_warning("No driver for signal %s.\n", log_signal(s));
int sid = get_bv_sid(GetSize(s));
int nid = next_nid++;
btorf("%d input %d %s\n", nid, sid);
nid_width[nid] = GetSize(s);
i += GetSize(s)-1;

View File

@ -1043,7 +1043,10 @@ class MkVcd:
scope = scope[:-1]
while uipath[:-1] != scope:
print("$scope module %s $end" % uipath[len(scope)], file=self.f)
scopename = uipath[len(scope)]
if scopename.startswith("$"):
scopename = "\\" + scopename
print("$scope module %s $end" % scopename, file=self.f)
if path in self.clocks and self.clocks[path][1] == "event":

View File

@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ AstNode *VERILOG_FRONTEND::const2ast(std::string code, char case_type, bool warn
if (warn_z) {
AstNode *ret = const2ast(code, case_type);
if (std::find(ret->bits.begin(), ret->bits.end(), RTLIL::State::Sz) != ret->bits.end())
if (ret != nullptr && std::find(ret->bits.begin(), ret->bits.end(), RTLIL::State::Sz) != ret->bits.end())
log_warning("Yosys has only limited support for tri-state logic at the moment. (%s:%d)\n",
current_filename.c_str(), get_line_num());
return ret;

View File

@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ bool rmunused_module_signals(RTLIL::Module *module, bool purge_mode, bool verbos
if (wire->port_id != 0 || wire->get_bool_attribute("\\keep") || !initval.is_fully_undef()) {
// do not delete anything with "keep" or module ports or initialized wires
} else
if (!purge_mode && check_public_name(wire->name)) {
// do not get rid of public names unless in purge mode
if (!purge_mode && check_public_name(wire->name) && (raw_used_signals.check_any(s1) || used_signals.check_any(s2) || s1 != s2)) {
// do not get rid of public names unless in purge mode or if the wire is entirely unused, not even aliased
} else
if (!raw_used_signals.check_any(s1)) {
// delete wires that aren't used by anything directly
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ void rmunused_module(RTLIL::Module *module, bool purge_mode, bool verbose, bool
std::vector<RTLIL::Cell*> delcells;
for (auto cell : module->cells())
if (cell->"$pos", "$_BUF_")) {
if (cell->"$pos", "$_BUF_") && !cell->has_keep_attr()) {
bool is_signed = cell->type == "$pos" && cell->getParam("\\A_SIGNED").as_bool();
RTLIL::SigSpec a = cell->getPort("\\A");
RTLIL::SigSpec y = cell->getPort("\\Y");

View File

@ -324,13 +324,7 @@ struct MuxcoverWorker
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(G, tree, bit, "BBA");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(H, tree, bit, "BBB");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S1, tree, bit, "AAS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S2, tree, bit, "ABS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S3, tree, bit, "BAS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S4, tree, bit, "BBS");
if (nodecode)
ok = ok && S1 == S2 && S2 == S3 && S3 == S4;
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(U1, tree, bit, "S");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T1, tree, bit, "AS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T2, tree, bit, "BS");
@ -338,7 +332,14 @@ struct MuxcoverWorker
if (nodecode)
ok = ok && T1 == T2;
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(U1, tree, bit, "S");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S1, tree, bit, "AAS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S2, tree, bit, "ABS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S3, tree, bit, "BAS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S4, tree, bit, "BBS");
if (nodecode)
ok = ok && S1 == S2 && /*S2 == S3 &&*/ S3 == S4;
// ^^ Should already be checked by T1 == T2 above
if (ok)
@ -353,12 +354,16 @@ struct MuxcoverWorker
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S2, T1, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S3, S4, T2, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S3, U1, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(T1, T2, U1, bit);
if (T1 != RTLIL::Sx) {
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S2, T1, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S3, S4, T2, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S3, U1, bit);
S1 = RTLIL::Sx;
@ -397,6 +402,23 @@ struct MuxcoverWorker
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(O, tree, bit, "BBBA");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(P, tree, bit, "BBBB");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(V1, tree, bit, "S");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(U1, tree, bit, "AS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(U2, tree, bit, "BS");
if (nodecode)
ok = ok && U1 == U2;
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T1, tree, bit, "AAS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T2, tree, bit, "ABS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T3, tree, bit, "BAS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T4, tree, bit, "BBS");
if (nodecode)
ok = ok && T1 == T2 && /*T2 == T3 &&*/ T3 == T4;
// ^^ Should already be checked by U1 == U2 above
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S1, tree, bit, "AAAS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S2, tree, bit, "AABS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S3, tree, bit, "ABAS");
@ -407,23 +429,7 @@ struct MuxcoverWorker
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(S8, tree, bit, "BBBS");
if (nodecode)
ok = ok && S1 == S2 && S2 == S3 && S3 == S4 && S4 == S5 && S5 == S6 && S6 == S7 && S7 == S8;
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T1, tree, bit, "AAS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T2, tree, bit, "ABS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T3, tree, bit, "BAS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(T4, tree, bit, "BBS");
if (nodecode)
ok = ok && T1 == T2 && T2 == T3 && T3 == T4;
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(U1, tree, bit, "AS");
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(U2, tree, bit, "BS");
if (nodecode)
ok = ok && U1 == U2;
ok = ok && follow_muxtree(V1, tree, bit, "S");
ok = ok && S1 == S2 && /*S2 == S3 &&*/ S3 == S4 && /*S4 == S5 &&*/ S5 == S6 && /*S6 == S7 &&*/ S7 == S8;
if (ok)
@ -446,20 +452,30 @@ struct MuxcoverWorker
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S2, T1, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S3, S4, T2, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S5, S6, T3, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S7, S8, T4, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S3, U1, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S5, S7, U2, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S5, V1, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(T1, T2, U1, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(T3, T4, U2, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(T1, T3, V1, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(U1, U2, V1, bit);
if (U1 != RTLIL::Sx) {
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(T1, T2, U1, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(T3, T4, U2, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(T1, T3, V1, bit);
if (T1 != RTLIL::Sx) {
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S2, T1, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S3, S4, T2, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S5, S6, T3, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S7, S8, T4, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S3, U1, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S5, S7, U2, bit);
mux.cost += prepare_decode_mux(S1, S5, V1, bit);
S1 = RTLIL::Sx;
else {
T1 = RTLIL::Sx;
S1 = RTLIL::Sx;

View File

@ -47,6 +47,28 @@ module \$__DFFSE_NP1 (input D, C, E, R, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"
module \$__DFFSE_PP0 (input D, C, E, R, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("CE"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("RESET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(C), .CE(E), .LSR(R), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module \$__DFFSE_PP1 (input D, C, E, R, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("CE"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(C), .CE(E), .LSR(R), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
// TODO: Diamond flip-flops
// module FD1P3AX(); endmodule
// module FD1P3AY(); endmodule
// module FD1P3BX(); endmodule
// module FD1P3DX(); endmodule
// module FD1P3IX(); endmodule
// module FD1P3JX(); endmodule
// module FD1S3AX(); endmodule
// module FD1S3AY(); endmodule
module FD1S3BX(input PD, D, CK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("ASYNC")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(CK), .LSR(PD), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module FD1S3DX(input CD, D, CK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("RESET"), .SRMODE("ASYNC")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(CK), .LSR(CD), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module FD1S3IX(input CD, D, CK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("RESET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(CK), .LSR(CD), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module FD1S3JX(input PD, D, CK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(CK), .LSR(PD), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
// module FL1P3AY(); endmodule
// module FL1P3AZ(); endmodule
// module FL1P3BX(); endmodule
// module FL1P3DX(); endmodule
// module FL1P3IY(); endmodule
// module FL1P3JY(); endmodule
// module FL1S3AX(); endmodule
// module FL1S3AY(); endmodule
// Diamond I/O buffers
module IB (input I, output O); (* PULLMODE="NONE" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(I), .O(O)); endmodule
module IBPU (input I, output O); (* PULLMODE="UP" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(I), .O(O)); endmodule
@ -62,8 +84,22 @@ module BBPD (input I, T, output O, inout B); (* PULLMODE="DOWN" *) TRELLIS_IO #(
module ILVDS(input A, AN, output Z); TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(A), .O(Z)); endmodule
module OLVDS(input A, output Z, ZN); TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.B(Z), .I(A)); endmodule
// For Diamond compatibility, FIXME: add all Diamond flipflop mappings
module FD1S3BX(input PD, D, CK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("ASYNC")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(CK), .LSR(PD), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
// Diamond I/O registers
module IFS1P3BX(input PD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("ASYNC")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(PD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module IFS1P3DX(input CD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("RESET"), .SRMODE("ASYNC")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(CD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module IFS1P3IX(input CD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("RESET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(CD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module IFS1P3JX(input PD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(PD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module OFS1P3BX(input PD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("ASYNC")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(PD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module OFS1P3DX(input CD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("RESET"), .SRMODE("ASYNC")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(CD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module OFS1P3IX(input CD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("RESET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(CD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module OFS1P3JX(input PD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) _TECHMAP_REPLACE_ (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(PD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
// TODO: Diamond I/O latches
// module IFS1S1B(input PD, D, SCLK, output Q); endmodule
// module IFS1S1D(input CD, D, SCLK, output Q); endmodule
// module IFS1S1I(input PD, D, SCLK, output Q); endmodule
// module IFS1S1J(input CD, D, SCLK, output Q); endmodule
`ifndef NO_LUT
module \$lut (A, Y);

View File

@ -260,18 +260,6 @@ module TRELLIS_FF(input CLK, LSR, CE, DI, M, output reg Q);
// ---------------------------------------
module OBZ(input I, T, output O);
assign O = T ? 1'bz : I;
// ---------------------------------------
module IB(input I, output O);
assign O = I;
// ---------------------------------------
(* keep *)
module TRELLIS_IO(
@ -303,19 +291,6 @@ endmodule
// ---------------------------------------
module OB(input I, output O);
assign O = I;
// ---------------------------------------
module BB(input I, T, output O, inout B);
assign B = T ? 1'bz : I;
assign O = B;
// ---------------------------------------
module INV(input A, output Z);
assign Z = !A;
@ -568,19 +543,56 @@ module DP16KD(
parameter INITVAL_3F = 320'h00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
// For Diamond compatibility, FIXME: add all Diamond flipflop mappings
module FD1S3BX(input PD, D, CK, output Q);
) tff_i (
// TODO: Diamond flip-flops
// module FD1P3AX(); endmodule
// module FD1P3AY(); endmodule
// module FD1P3BX(); endmodule
// module FD1P3DX(); endmodule
// module FD1P3IX(); endmodule
// module FD1P3JX(); endmodule
// module FD1S3AX(); endmodule
// module FD1S3AY(); endmodule
module FD1S3BX(input PD, D, CK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("ASYNC")) tff (.CLK(CK), .LSR(PD), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module FD1S3DX(input CD, D, CK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("RESET"), .SRMODE("ASYNC")) tff (.CLK(CK), .LSR(CD), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module FD1S3IX(input CD, D, CK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("RESET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) tff (.CLK(CK), .LSR(CD), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module FD1S3JX(input PD, D, CK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) tff (.CLK(CK), .LSR(PD), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
// module FL1P3AY(); endmodule
// module FL1P3AZ(); endmodule
// module FL1P3BX(); endmodule
// module FL1P3DX(); endmodule
// module FL1P3IY(); endmodule
// module FL1P3JY(); endmodule
// module FL1S3AX(); endmodule
// module FL1S3AY(); endmodule
// Diamond I/O buffers
module IB (input I, output O); (* PULLMODE="NONE" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) tio (.B(I), .O(O)); endmodule
module IBPU (input I, output O); (* PULLMODE="UP" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) tio (.B(I), .O(O)); endmodule
module IBPD (input I, output O); (* PULLMODE="DOWN" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) tio (.B(I), .O(O)); endmodule
module OB (input I, output O); (* PULLMODE="NONE" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) tio (.B(O), .I(I)); endmodule
module OBZ (input I, T, output O); (* PULLMODE="NONE" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) tio (.B(O), .I(I), .T(T)); endmodule
module OBZPU(input I, T, output O); (* PULLMODE="UP" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) tio (.B(O), .I(I), .T(T)); endmodule
module OBZPD(input I, T, output O); (* PULLMODE="DOWN" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) tio (.B(O), .I(I), .T(T)); endmodule
module OBCO (input I, output OT, OC); OLVDS olvds (.A(I), .Z(OT), .ZN(OC)); endmodule
module BB (input I, T, output O, inout B); (* PULLMODE="NONE" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("BIDIR")) tio (.B(B), .I(I), .O(O), .T(T)); endmodule
module BBPU (input I, T, output O, inout B); (* PULLMODE="UP" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("BIDIR")) tio (.B(B), .I(I), .O(O), .T(T)); endmodule
module BBPD (input I, T, output O, inout B); (* PULLMODE="DOWN" *) TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("BIDIR")) tio (.B(B), .I(I), .O(O), .T(T)); endmodule
module ILVDS(input A, AN, output Z); TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("INPUT")) tio (.B(A), .O(Z)); endmodule
module OLVDS(input A, output Z, ZN); TRELLIS_IO #(.DIR("OUTPUT")) tio (.B(Z), .I(A)); endmodule
// Diamond I/O registers
module IFS1P3BX(input PD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("ASYNC")) tff (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(PD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module IFS1P3DX(input CD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("RESET"), .SRMODE("ASYNC")) tff (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(CD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module IFS1P3IX(input CD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("RESET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) tff (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(CD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module IFS1P3JX(input PD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) tff (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(PD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module OFS1P3BX(input PD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("ASYNC")) tff (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(PD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module OFS1P3DX(input CD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("RESET"), .SRMODE("ASYNC")) tff (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(CD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module OFS1P3IX(input CD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("RESET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) tff (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(CD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
module OFS1P3JX(input PD, D, SP, SCLK, output Q); TRELLIS_FF #(.GSR("DISABLED"), .CEMUX("1"), .CLKMUX("CLK"), .LSRMUX("LSR"), .REGSET("SET"), .SRMODE("LSR_OVER_CE")) tff (.CLK(SCLK), .LSR(PD), .CE(SP), .DI(D), .Q(Q)); endmodule
// TODO: Diamond I/O latches
// module IFS1S1B(input PD, D, SCLK, output Q); endmodule
// module IFS1S1D(input CD, D, SCLK, output Q); endmodule
// module IFS1S1I(input PD, D, SCLK, output Q); endmodule
// module IFS1S1J(input CD, D, SCLK, output Q); endmodule

View File

@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ module RAM32X1D (
output DPO, SPO,
input D, WCLK, WE,
input A0, A1, A2, A3, A4,
input DPRA0, DPRA1, DPRA2, DPRA3, DPRA4,
parameter INIT = 32'h0;
parameter IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0;

View File

@ -188,3 +188,171 @@ design -import gate -as gate
miter -equiv -flatten -make_assert -make_outputs gold gate miter
sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-ports miter
## MUX2 in MUX4 ::
design -reset
read_verilog -formal <<EOT
module mux2in4(input [1:0] i, input s, output o);
assign o = s ? i[1] : i[0];
design -save gold
muxcover -mux4=0 -nodecode
opt_expr -mux_bool
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX_
select -assert-count 1 t:$_MUX4_
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX8_
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX16_
techmap -map +/simcells.v t:$_MUX4_
design -stash gate
design -import gold -as gold
design -import gate -as gate
miter -equiv -flatten -make_assert -make_outputs gold gate miter
sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-ports miter
## MUX2 in MUX8 ::
design -reset
read_verilog -formal <<EOT
module mux2in8(input [1:0] i, input s, output o);
assign o = s ? i[1] : i[0];
design -save gold
muxcover -mux8=0 -nodecode
opt_expr -mux_bool
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX_
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX4_
select -assert-count 1 t:$_MUX8_
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX16_
techmap -map +/simcells.v t:$_MUX8_
design -stash gate
design -import gold -as gold
design -import gate -as gate
miter -equiv -flatten -make_assert -make_outputs gold gate miter
sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-ports miter
## MUX4 in MUX8 ::
design -reset
read_verilog -formal <<EOT
module mux4in8(input [3:0] i, input [1:0] s, output o);
assign o = s[1] ? (s[0] ? i[3] : i[2]) : (s[0] ? i[1] : i[0]);
design -save gold
muxcover -mux8=0 -nodecode
opt_expr -mux_bool
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX_
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX4_
select -assert-count 1 t:$_MUX8_
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX16_
techmap -map +/simcells.v t:$_MUX8_
design -stash gate
design -import gold -as gold
design -import gate -as gate
miter -equiv -flatten -make_assert -make_outputs gold gate miter
sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-ports miter
## MUX2 in MUX16 ::
design -reset
read_verilog -formal <<EOT
module mux2in16(input [1:0] i, input s, output o);
assign o = s ? i[1] : i[0];
design -save gold
muxcover -mux16=0 -nodecode
opt_expr -mux_bool
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX_
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX4_
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX8_
select -assert-count 1 t:$_MUX16_
techmap -map +/simcells.v t:$_MUX16_
design -stash gate
design -import gold -as gold
design -import gate -as gate
miter -equiv -flatten -make_assert -make_outputs gold gate miter
sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-ports miter
## MUX4 in MUX16 ::
design -reset
read_verilog -formal <<EOT
module mux4in16(input [3:0] i, input [1:0] s, output o);
assign o = s[1] ? (s[0] ? i[3] : i[2]) : (s[0] ? i[1] : i[0]);
design -save gold
muxcover -mux16=0 -nodecode
opt_expr -mux_bool
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX_
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX4_
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX8_
select -assert-count 1 t:$_MUX16_
techmap -map +/simcells.v t:$_MUX16_
design -stash gate
design -import gold -as gold
design -import gate -as gate
miter -equiv -flatten -make_assert -make_outputs gold gate miter
sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-ports miter
## MUX8 in MUX16 ::
design -reset
read_verilog -formal <<EOT
module mux4in16(input [7:0] i, input [2:0] s, output o);
assign o = s[2] ? s[1] ? (s[0] ? i[3] : i[2]) : (s[0] ? i[1] : i[0])
: s[1] ? (s[0] ? i[7] : i[6]) : (s[0] ? i[5] : i[4]);
design -save gold
muxcover -mux16=0 -nodecode
opt_expr -mux_bool
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX_
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX4_
select -assert-count 0 t:$_MUX8_
select -assert-count 1 t:$_MUX16_
techmap -map +/simcells.v t:$_MUX16_
design -stash gate
design -import gold -as gold
design -import gate -as gate
miter -equiv -flatten -make_assert -make_outputs gold gate miter
sat -verify -prove-asserts -show-ports miter