Cleanup, call pmux2shiftx even without -nosrl

This commit is contained in:
Eddie Hung 2019-04-22 12:14:37 -07:00
parent 4cfef7897f
commit 79fb291dbe
6 changed files with 30 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -30,9 +30,8 @@ $(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/drams_map.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/arith_map.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/ff_map.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/lut_map.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/cells_box.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/cells.lut))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/abc.lut))
$(eval $(call add_gen_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/brams_init_36.vh))
$(eval $(call add_gen_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/brams_init_32.vh))

View File

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
# from
# F7BMUX slower than F7AMUX
# Inputs: 0 1 S0
# Outputs: OUT
# Inputs: I0 I1 S0
# Outputs: O
F7BMUX 1 1 3 1
217 223 296
# Inputs: 0 1 S0
# Outputs: OUT
# Inputs: I0 I1 S0
# Outputs: O
MUXF8 2 1 3 1
104 94 273

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
(* abc_box_id = 1 *)
module MUXF7(output O, input I0, I1, S);
assign O = S ? I1 : I0;
(* abc_box_id = 2 *)
module MUXF8(output O, input I0, I1, S);
assign O = S ? I1 : I0;
(* abc_box_id = 3 *)
module MUXCY(output O, input CI, DI, S);
assign O = S ? CI : DI;
(* abc_box_id = 4 *)
module XORCY(output O, input CI, LI);
assign O = CI ^ LI;

View File

@ -155,18 +155,22 @@ module LUT6_2(output O6, output O5, input I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5);
assign O5 = I0 ? s5_1[1] : s5_1[0];
(* abc_box_id = 3, lib_whitebox *)
module MUXCY(output O, input CI, DI, S);
assign O = S ? CI : DI;
(* abc_box_id = 1, lib_whitebox *)
module MUXF7(output O, input I0, I1, S);
assign O = S ? I1 : I0;
(* abc_box_id = 2, lib_whitebox *)
module MUXF8(output O, input I0, I1, S);
assign O = S ? I1 : I0;
(* abc_box_id = 4, lib_whitebox *)
module XORCY(output O, input CI, LI);
assign O = CI ^ LI;
@ -202,7 +206,7 @@ endmodule
module FDRE (output reg Q, input C, CE, D, R);
module FDRE ((* abc_flop_q *) output reg Q, input C, CE, input D, R);
parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0;
parameter [0:0] IS_D_INVERTED = 1'b0;
@ -214,7 +218,7 @@ module FDRE (output reg Q, input C, CE, D, R);
endcase endgenerate
module FDSE (output reg Q, input C, CE, D, S);
module FDSE ((* abc_flop_q *) output reg Q, input C, CE, D, S);
parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0;
parameter [0:0] IS_D_INVERTED = 1'b0;
@ -226,7 +230,7 @@ module FDSE (output reg Q, input C, CE, D, S);
endcase endgenerate
module FDCE (output reg Q, input C, CE, D, CLR);
module FDCE ((* abc_flop_q *) output reg Q, input C, CE, D, CLR);
parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0;
parameter [0:0] IS_D_INVERTED = 1'b0;
@ -240,7 +244,7 @@ module FDCE (output reg Q, input C, CE, D, CLR);
endcase endgenerate
module FDPE (output reg Q, input C, CE, D, PRE);
module FDPE ((* abc_flop_q *) output reg Q, input C, CE, D, PRE);
parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0;
parameter [0:0] IS_D_INVERTED = 1'b0;
@ -254,32 +258,32 @@ module FDPE (output reg Q, input C, CE, D, PRE);
endcase endgenerate
module FDRE_1 (output reg Q, input C, CE, D, R);
module FDRE_1 ((* abc_flop_q *) output reg Q, input C, CE, D, R);
parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
initial Q <= INIT;
always @(negedge C) if (R) Q <= 1'b0; else if(CE) Q <= D;
module FDSE_1 (output reg Q, input C, CE, D, S);
module FDSE_1 ((* abc_flop_q *) output reg Q, input C, CE, D, S);
parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b1;
initial Q <= INIT;
always @(negedge C) if (S) Q <= 1'b1; else if(CE) Q <= D;
module FDCE_1 (output reg Q, input C, CE, D, CLR);
module FDCE_1 ((* abc_flop_q *) output reg Q, input C, CE, D, CLR);
parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
initial Q <= INIT;
always @(negedge C, posedge CLR) if (CLR) Q <= 1'b0; else if (CE) Q <= D;
module FDPE_1 (output reg Q, input C, CE, D, PRE);
module FDPE_1 ((* abc_flop_q *) output reg Q, input C, CE, D, PRE);
parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b1;
initial Q <= INIT;
always @(negedge C, posedge PRE) if (PRE) Q <= 1'b1; else if (CE) Q <= D;
module RAM64X1D (
output DPO, SPO,
(* abc_flop_q *) output DPO, SPO,
input D, WCLK, WE,
input A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5,
@ -296,7 +300,7 @@ module RAM64X1D (
module RAM128X1D (
output DPO, SPO,
(* abc_flop_q *) output DPO, SPO,
input D, WCLK, WE,
input [6:0] A, DPRA
@ -310,7 +314,7 @@ module RAM128X1D (
module SRL16E (
output Q,
(* abc_flop_q *) output Q,
input A0, A1, A2, A3, CE, CLK, D
parameter [15:0] INIT = 16'h0000;
@ -328,7 +332,7 @@ module SRL16E (
module SRLC32E (
output Q,
(* abc_flop_q *) output Q,
output Q31,
input [4:0] A,
input CE, CLK, D

View File

@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public Pass
log(" opt -fast\n");
log(" map_cells:\n");
log(" pmux2shiftx\n");
log(" simplemap t:$dff t:$dffe (without '-nosrl' only)\n");
log(" pmux2shiftx (without '-nosrl' only)\n");
log(" opt_expr -mux_undef (without '-nosrl' only)\n");
log(" shregmap -tech xilinx -minlen 3 (without '-nosrl' only)\n");
log(" techmap -map +/xilinx/cells_map.v\n");
@ -288,14 +288,16 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public Pass
if (check_label(active, run_from, run_to, "map_cells"))
// shregmap -tech xilinx can cope with $shiftx and $mux
// cells for identifying variable-length shift registers,
// so attempt to convert $pmux-es to the former
// Also: wide multiplexers inference benefits from this too
Pass::call(design, "pmux2shiftx");
if (!nosrl) {
// shregmap operates on bit-level flops, not word-level,
// so break those down here
Pass::call(design, "simplemap t:$dff t:$dffe");
// shregmap -tech xilinx can cope with $shiftx and $mux
// cells for identifiying variable-length shift registers,
// so attempt to convert $pmux-es to the former
Pass::call(design, "pmux2shiftx");
// pmux2shiftx can leave behind a $pmux with a single entry
// -- need this to clean that up before shregmap
Pass::call(design, "opt_expr -mux_undef");
@ -311,9 +313,8 @@ struct SynthXilinxPass : public Pass
Pass::call(design, "opt -full");
Pass::call(design, "techmap -map +/techmap.v -D _NO_POS_SR -map +/xilinx/ff_map.v");
Pass::call(design, "read_verilog +/xilinx/cells_box.v");
if (abc == "abc9")
Pass::call(design, abc + " -lut +/xilinx/cells.lut -box +/xilinx/" + string(retime ? " -dff" : ""));
Pass::call(design, abc + " -lut +/xilinx/abc.lut -box +/xilinx/" + string(retime ? " -dff" : ""));
Pass::call(design, abc + " -luts 2:2,3,6:5,10,20" + string(retime ? " -dff" : ""));
Pass::call(design, "clean");