mirror of https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys.git
fix a few bugs in the functional backend and refactor the testing
This commit is contained in:
@ -226,26 +226,36 @@ public:
T b = extend(inputs.at(ID(B)), b_width, width, is_signed);
if(is_signed) {
if(cellType == ID($div)) {
// divide absolute values, then flip the sign if input signs differ
// but extend the width first, to handle the case (most negative value) / (-1)
T abs_y = factory.unsigned_div(abs(a, width), abs(b, width), width);
T out_sign = factory.not_equal(sign(a, width), sign(b, width), 1);
return neg_if(extend(abs_y, width, y_width, true), y_width, out_sign);
return neg_if(extend(abs_y, width, y_width, false), y_width, out_sign);
} else if(cellType == ID($mod)) {
// similar to division but output sign == divisor sign
T abs_y = factory.unsigned_mod(abs(a, width), abs(b, width), width);
return neg_if(extend(abs_y, width, y_width, true), y_width, sign(a, width));
return neg_if(extend(abs_y, width, y_width, false), y_width, sign(a, width));
} else if(cellType == ID($divfloor)) {
// if b is negative, flip both signs so that b is positive
T b_sign = sign(b, width);
T a1 = neg_if(a, width, b_sign);
T b1 = neg_if(b, width, b_sign);
T a1_sign = sign(a1, width);
// if a is now negative, calculate ~((~a) / b) = -((-a - 1) / b + 1)
// which equals the negative of (-a) / b with rounding up rather than down
// note that to handle the case where a = most negative value properly,
// we have to calculate a1_sign from the original values rather than using sign(a1, width)
T a1_sign = factory.bitwise_and(factory.not_equal(sign(a, width), sign(b, width), 1), reduce_or(a, width), 1);
T a2 = factory.mux(a1, factory.bitwise_not(a1, width), a1_sign, width);
T y1 = factory.unsigned_div(a2, b1, width);
T y2 = factory.mux(y1, factory.bitwise_not(y1, width), a1_sign, width);
return extend(y2, width, y_width, true);
T y2 = extend(y1, width, y_width, false);
return factory.mux(y2, factory.bitwise_not(y2, y_width), a1_sign, y_width);
} else if(cellType == ID($modfloor)) {
// calculate |a| % |b| and then subtract from |b| if input signs differ and the remainder is non-zero
T abs_b = abs(b, width);
T abs_y = factory.unsigned_mod(abs(a, width), abs_b, width);
T flip_y = factory.bitwise_and(factory.bitwise_xor(sign(a, width), sign(b, width), 1), factory.reduce_or(abs_y, width), 1);
T y_flipped = factory.mux(abs_y, factory.sub(abs_b, abs_y, width), flip_y, width);
// since y_flipped is strictly less than |b|, the top bit is always 0 and we can just sign extend the flipped result
T y = neg_if(y_flipped, width, sign(b, b_width));
return extend(y, width, y_width, true);
} else
@ -261,22 +271,8 @@ public:
} else if (cellType == ID($lut)) {
int width = parameters.at(ID(WIDTH)).as_int();
Const lut_table = parameters.at(ID(LUT));
T a = inputs.at(ID(A));
// Output initialization
T y = factory.constant(Const(0, 1));
// Iterate over each possible input combination
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << width); ++i) {
// Create a constant representing the value of i
T i_val = factory.constant(Const(i, width));
// Check if the input matches this value
T match = factory.equal(a, i_val, width);
// Get the corresponding LUT value
bool lut_val = lut_table.bits[i] == State::S1;
T lut_output = factory.constant(Const(lut_val, 1));
// Use a multiplexer to select the correct output based on the match
y = factory.mux(y, lut_output, match, 1);
return y;
lut_table.extu(1 << width);
return handle_bmux(factory.constant(lut_table), inputs.at(ID(A)), 1 << width, 0, 1, width, width);
} else if (cellType == ID($bwmux)) {
int width = parameters.at(ID(WIDTH)).as_int();
T a = inputs.at(ID(A));
@ -526,7 +522,7 @@ void FunctionalIR::topological_sort() {
if(scc) log_error("combinational loops, aborting\n");
IdString merge_name(IdString a, IdString b) {
static IdString merge_name(IdString a, IdString b) {
if(a[0] == '$' && b[0] == '\\')
return b;
@ -1,14 +1,30 @@
import pytest
from rtlil_cells import generate_test_cases
import random
random_seed = random.getrandbits(32)
def pytest_addoption(parser):
"--per-cell", type=int, default=None, help="run only N tests per cell"
parser.addoption("--per-cell", type=int, default=None, help="run only N tests per cell")
parser.addoption("--steps", type=int, default=1000, help="run each test for N steps")
parser.addoption("--seed", type=int, default=random_seed, help="seed for random number generation, use random seed if unspecified")
def pytest_collection_finish(session):
print('random seed: {}'.format(session.config.getoption("seed")))
def num_steps(request):
return request.config.getoption("steps")
def rnd(request):
seed1 = request.config.getoption("seed")
return lambda seed2: random.Random('{}-{}'.format(seed1, seed2))
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if "cell" in metafunc.fixturenames:
per_cell = metafunc.config.getoption("per_cell", default=None)
names, cases = generate_test_cases(per_cell)
seed1 = metafunc.config.getoption("seed")
rnd = lambda seed2: random.Random('{}-{}'.format(seed1, seed2))
names, cases = generate_test_cases(per_cell, rnd)
metafunc.parametrize("cell,parameters", cases, ids=names)
@ -1,30 +1,6 @@
from itertools import chain
import random
widths = [
(16, 32, 48, True),
(16, 32, 48, False),
(32, 16, 48, True),
(32, 16, 48, False),
(32, 32, 16, True),
(32, 32, 16, False)
shift_widths = [
(32, 6, 32, True, False),
(32, 6, 32, False, False),
(32, 6, 64, True, False),
(32, 6, 64, False, False),
(32, 32, 16, True, False),
(32, 32, 16, False, False),
(32, 6, 32, True, True),
(32, 6, 32, False, True),
(32, 6, 64, True, True),
(32, 6, 64, False, True),
(32, 32, 16, True, True),
(32, 32, 16, False, True),
def write_rtlil_cell(f, cell_type, inputs, outputs, parameters):
f.write('autoidx 1\n')
f.write('module \\gold\n')
@ -37,207 +13,260 @@ def write_rtlil_cell(f, cell_type, inputs, outputs, parameters):
idx += 1
f.write(f'\tcell ${cell_type} \\UUT\n')
for (name, value) in parameters.items():
f.write(f'\t\tparameter \\{name} {value}\n')
if value >= 2**32:
f.write(f'\t\tparameter \\{name} {value.bit_length()}\'{value:b}\n')
f.write(f'\t\tparameter \\{name} {value}\n')
for name in chain(inputs.keys(), outputs.keys()):
f.write(f'\t\tconnect \\{name} \\{name}\n')
class BaseCell:
def __init__(self, name):
def __init__(self, name, parameters, inputs, outputs, test_values):
self.name = name
self.parameters = parameters
self.inputs = inputs
self.outputs = outputs
self.test_values = test_values
def get_port_width(self, port, parameters):
def parse_specifier(spec):
if isinstance(spec, int):
return spec
if isinstance(spec, str):
return parameters[spec]
if callable(spec):
return spec(parameters)
assert False, "expected int, str or lambda"
if port in self.inputs:
return parse_specifier(self.inputs[port])
elif port in self.outputs:
return parse_specifier(self.outputs[port])
assert False, "expected input or output"
def generate_tests(self, rnd):
def print_parameter(v):
if isinstance(v, bool):
return "S" if v else "U"
return str(v)
for values in self.test_values:
if isinstance(values, int):
values = [values]
name = '-'.join([print_parameter(v) for v in values])
parameters = {parameter: int(values[i]) for i, parameter in enumerate(self.parameters)}
if self.is_test_valid(values):
yield (name, parameters)
def write_rtlil_file(self, path, parameters):
inputs = {port: self.get_port_width(port, parameters) for port in self.inputs}
outputs = {port: self.get_port_width(port, parameters) for port in self.outputs}
with open(path, 'w') as f:
write_rtlil_cell(f, self.name, inputs, outputs, parameters)
def is_test_valid(self, values):
return True
class UnaryCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name):
def generate_tests(self):
for (a_width, _, y_width, signed) in widths:
yield (f'{a_width}-{y_width}-{'S' if signed else 'U'}',
{'A_WIDTH' : a_width,
'A_SIGNED' : int(signed),
'Y_WIDTH' : y_width})
def write_rtlil_file(self, f, parameters):
write_rtlil_cell(f, self.name, {'A': parameters['A_WIDTH']}, {'Y': parameters['Y_WIDTH']}, parameters)
def __init__(self, name, values):
super().__init__(name, ['A_WIDTH', 'Y_WIDTH', 'A_SIGNED'], {'A': 'A_WIDTH'}, {'Y': 'Y_WIDTH'}, values)
class BinaryCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name):
def generate_tests(self):
for (a_width, b_width, y_width, signed) in widths:
yield (f'{a_width}-{b_width}-{y_width}-{'S' if signed else 'U'}',
{'A_WIDTH' : a_width,
'A_SIGNED' : int(signed),
'B_WIDTH' : b_width,
'B_SIGNED' : int(signed),
'Y_WIDTH' : y_width})
def write_rtlil_file(self, f, parameters):
write_rtlil_cell(f, self.name, {'A': parameters['A_WIDTH'], 'B': parameters['B_WIDTH']}, {'Y': parameters['Y_WIDTH']}, parameters)
def __init__(self, name, values):
super().__init__(name, ['A_WIDTH', 'B_WIDTH', 'Y_WIDTH', 'A_SIGNED', 'B_SIGNED'], {'A': 'A_WIDTH', 'B': 'B_WIDTH'}, {'Y': 'Y_WIDTH'}, values)
class ShiftCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name):
def generate_tests(self):
for (a_width, b_width, y_width, a_signed, b_signed) in shift_widths:
if not self.name in ('shift', 'shiftx') and b_signed: continue
if self.name == 'shiftx' and a_signed: continue
yield (f'{a_width}-{b_width}-{y_width}-{'S' if a_signed else 'U'}{'S' if b_signed else 'U'}',
{'A_WIDTH' : a_width,
'A_SIGNED' : int(a_signed),
'B_WIDTH' : b_width,
'B_SIGNED' : int(b_signed),
'Y_WIDTH' : y_width})
def write_rtlil_file(self, f, parameters):
write_rtlil_cell(f, self.name, {'A': parameters['A_WIDTH'], 'B': parameters['B_WIDTH']}, {'Y': parameters['Y_WIDTH']}, parameters)
def __init__(self, name, values):
super().__init__(name, ['A_WIDTH', 'B_WIDTH', 'Y_WIDTH', 'A_SIGNED', 'B_SIGNED'], {'A': 'A_WIDTH', 'B': 'B_WIDTH'}, {'Y': 'Y_WIDTH'}, values)
def is_test_valid(self, values):
(a_width, b_width, y_width, a_signed, b_signed) = values
if not self.name in ('shift', 'shiftx') and b_signed: return False
if self.name == 'shiftx' and a_signed: return False
return True
class MuxCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name):
def generate_tests(self):
for width in [10, 20, 40]:
yield (f'{width}', {'WIDTH' : width})
def write_rtlil_file(self, f, parameters):
write_rtlil_cell(f, self.name, {'A': parameters['WIDTH'], 'B': parameters['WIDTH'], 'S': 1}, {'Y': parameters['WIDTH']}, parameters)
def __init__(self, name, values):
super().__init__(name, ['WIDTH'], {'A': 'WIDTH', 'B': 'WIDTH', 'S': 1}, {'Y': 'WIDTH'}, values)
class BWCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name):
def generate_tests(self):
for width in [10, 20, 40]:
yield (f'{width}', {'WIDTH' : width})
def write_rtlil_file(self, f, parameters):
inputs = {'A': parameters['WIDTH'], 'B': parameters['WIDTH']}
if self.name == "bwmux": inputs['S'] = parameters['WIDTH']
write_rtlil_cell(f, self.name, inputs, {'Y': parameters['WIDTH']}, parameters)
def __init__(self, name, values):
inputs = {'A': 'WIDTH', 'B': 'WIDTH'}
if name == "bwmux": inputs['S'] = 'WIDTH'
super().__init__(name, ['WIDTH'], inputs, {'Y': 'WIDTH'}, values)
class PMuxCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name):
def generate_tests(self):
for (width, s_width) in [(10, 1), (10, 4), (20, 4)]:
yield (f'{width}-{s_width}',
{'WIDTH' : width,
'S_WIDTH' : s_width})
def write_rtlil_file(self, f, parameters):
s_width = parameters['S_WIDTH']
b_width = parameters['WIDTH'] * s_width
write_rtlil_cell(f, self.name, {'A': parameters['WIDTH'], 'B': b_width, 'S': s_width}, {'Y': parameters['WIDTH']}, parameters)
def __init__(self, name, values):
b_width = lambda par: par['WIDTH'] * par['S_WIDTH']
super().__init__(name, ['WIDTH', 'S_WIDTH'], {'A': 'WIDTH', 'B': b_width, 'S': 'S_WIDTH'}, {'Y': 'WIDTH'}, values)
class BMuxCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name):
def generate_tests(self):
for (width, s_width) in [(10, 1), (10, 2), (10, 4)]:
yield (f'{width}-{s_width}', {'WIDTH' : width, 'S_WIDTH' : s_width})
def write_rtlil_file(self, f, parameters):
write_rtlil_cell(f, self.name, {'A': parameters['WIDTH'] << parameters['S_WIDTH'], 'S': parameters['S_WIDTH']}, {'Y': parameters['WIDTH']}, parameters)
def __init__(self, name, values):
a_width = lambda par: par['WIDTH'] << par['S_WIDTH']
super().__init__(name, ['WIDTH', 'S_WIDTH'], {'A': a_width, 'S': 'S_WIDTH'}, {'Y': 'WIDTH'}, values)
class DemuxCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name):
def generate_tests(self):
for (width, s_width) in [(10, 1), (32, 2), (16, 4)]:
yield (f'{width}-{s_width}', {'WIDTH' : width, 'S_WIDTH' : s_width})
def write_rtlil_file(self, f, parameters):
write_rtlil_cell(f, self.name, {'A': parameters['WIDTH'], 'S': parameters['S_WIDTH']}, {'Y': parameters['WIDTH'] << parameters['S_WIDTH']}, parameters)
def seeded_randint(seed, a, b):
r = random.getstate()
n = random.randint(a, b)
return n
def __init__(self, name, values):
y_width = lambda par: par['WIDTH'] << par['S_WIDTH']
super().__init__(name, ['WIDTH', 'S_WIDTH'], {'A': 'WIDTH', 'S': 'S_WIDTH'}, {'Y': y_width}, values)
class LUTCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name):
def generate_tests(self):
for width in [4, 6, 8]:
lut = seeded_randint(width, 0, 2**width - 1)
def __init__(self, name, values):
super().__init__(name, ['WIDTH', 'LUT'], {'A': 'WIDTH'}, {'Y': 1}, values)
def generate_tests(self, rnd):
for width in self.test_values:
lut = rnd(f'lut-{width}').getrandbits(2**width)
yield (f'{width}', {'WIDTH' : width, 'LUT' : lut})
def write_rtlil_file(self, f, parameters):
write_rtlil_cell(f, self.name, {'A': parameters['WIDTH']}, {'Y': 1}, parameters)
class ConcatCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name):
def generate_tests(self):
for (a_width, b_width) in [(16, 16), (8, 14), (20, 10)]:
yield (f'{a_width}-{b_width}', {'A_WIDTH' : a_width, 'B_WIDTH' : b_width})
def write_rtlil_file(self, f, parameters):
write_rtlil_cell(f, self.name, {'A': parameters['A_WIDTH'], 'B' : parameters['B_WIDTH']}, {'Y': parameters['A_WIDTH'] + parameters['B_WIDTH']}, parameters)
def __init__(self, name, values):
y_width = lambda par: par['A_WIDTH'] + par['B_WIDTH']
super().__init__(name, ['A_WIDTH', 'B_WIDTH'], {'A': 'A_WIDTH', 'B': 'B_WIDTH'}, {'Y': y_width}, values)
class SliceCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name):
def generate_tests(self):
for (a_width, offset, y_width) in [(32, 10, 15), (8, 0, 4), (10, 0, 10)]:
yield (f'{a_width}-{offset}-{y_width}', {'A_WIDTH' : a_width, 'OFFSET' : offset, 'Y_WIDTH': y_width})
def write_rtlil_file(self, f, parameters):
write_rtlil_cell(f, self.name, {'A': parameters['A_WIDTH']}, {'Y': parameters['Y_WIDTH']}, parameters)
def __init__(self, name, values):
super().__init__(name, ['A_WIDTH', 'OFFSET', 'Y_WIDTH'], {'A': 'A_WIDTH'}, {'Y': 'Y_WIDTH'}, values)
class FailCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name):
def generate_tests(self):
super().__init__(name, [], {}, {})
def generate_tests(self, rnd):
yield ('', {})
def write_rtlil_file(self, f, parameters):
def write_rtlil_file(self, path, parameters):
raise Exception(f'\'{self.name}\' cell unimplemented in test generator')
class FFCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name, values):
super().__init__(name, ['WIDTH'], ['D'], ['Q'], values)
def write_rtlil_file(self, path, parameters):
from test_functional import yosys_synth
verilog_file = path.parent / 'verilog.v'
with open(verilog_file, 'w') as f:
module gold(
input wire clk,
input wire [{0}:0] D,
output reg [{0}:0] Q
always @(posedge clk)
Q <= D;
endmodule""".format(parameters['WIDTH'] - 1))
yosys_synth(verilog_file, path)
class MemCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name, values):
super().__init__(name, ['DATA_WIDTH', 'ADDR_WIDTH'], {'WA': 'ADDR_WIDTH', 'RA': 'ADDR_WIDTH', 'WD': 'DATA_WIDTH'}, {'RD': 'DATA_WIDTH'}, values)
def write_rtlil_file(self, path, parameters):
from test_functional import yosys_synth
verilog_file = path.parent / 'verilog.v'
with open(verilog_file, 'w') as f:
module gold(
input wire clk,
input wire [{1}:0] WA,
input wire [{0}:0] WD,
output reg [{0}:0] RD
reg [{0}:0] mem[0:{1}];
always @(*)
RD = mem[RA];
always @(posedge clk)
mem[WA] <= WD;
endmodule""".format(parameters['DATA_WIDTH'] - 1, parameters['ADDR_WIDTH'] - 1))
yosys_synth(verilog_file, path)
binary_widths = [
# try to cover extending A operand, extending B operand, extending/truncating result
(16, 32, 48, True, True),
(16, 32, 48, False, False),
(32, 16, 48, True, True),
(32, 16, 48, False, False),
(32, 32, 16, True, True),
(32, 32, 16, False, False),
# have at least one test that checks small inputs, which will exercise the cornercases more
(4, 4, 8, True, True),
(4, 4, 8, False, False)
unary_widths = [
(6, 12, True),
(6, 12, False),
(32, 16, True),
(32, 16, False)
# note that meaningless combinations of signednesses are eliminated,
# like e.g. most shift operations don't take signed shift amounts
shift_widths = [
# one set of tests that definitely checks all possible shift amounts
# with a bigger result width to make sure it's not truncated
(32, 6, 64, True, False),
(32, 6, 64, False, False),
(32, 6, 64, True, True),
(32, 6, 64, False, True),
# one set that checks very oversized shifts
(32, 32, 64, True, False),
(32, 32, 64, False, False),
(32, 32, 64, True, True),
(32, 32, 64, False, True),
# at least one test where the result is going to be truncated
(32, 6, 16, False, False)
rtlil_cells = [
UnaryCell("not", unary_widths),
UnaryCell("pos", unary_widths),
UnaryCell("neg", unary_widths),
BinaryCell("and", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("or", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("xor", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("xnor", binary_widths),
UnaryCell("reduce_and", unary_widths),
UnaryCell("reduce_or", unary_widths),
UnaryCell("reduce_xor", unary_widths),
UnaryCell("reduce_xnor", unary_widths),
UnaryCell("reduce_bool", unary_widths),
ShiftCell("shl", shift_widths),
ShiftCell("shr", shift_widths),
ShiftCell("sshl", shift_widths),
ShiftCell("sshr", shift_widths),
ShiftCell("shift", shift_widths),
ShiftCell("shiftx", shift_widths),
# ("fa", ["A", "B", "C", "X", "Y"]),
# ("lcu", ["P", "G", "CI", "CO"]),
# ("alu", ["A", "B", "CI", "BI", "X", "Y", "CO"]),
BinaryCell("lt", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("le", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("eq", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("ne", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("eqx", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("nex", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("ge", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("gt", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("add", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("sub", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("mul", binary_widths),
# BinaryCell("macc"),
BinaryCell("div", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("mod", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("divfloor", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("modfloor", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("pow", binary_widths),
UnaryCell("logic_not", unary_widths),
BinaryCell("logic_and", binary_widths),
BinaryCell("logic_or", binary_widths),
SliceCell("slice", [(32, 10, 15), (8, 0, 4), (10, 0, 10)]),
ConcatCell("concat", [(16, 16), (8, 14), (20, 10)]),
MuxCell("mux", [10, 16, 40]),
BMuxCell("bmux", [(10, 1), (10, 2), (10, 4)]),
PMuxCell("pmux", [(10, 1), (10, 4), (20, 4)]),
DemuxCell("demux", [(10, 1), (32, 2), (16, 4)]),
LUTCell("lut", [4, 6, 8]),
# ("sop", ["A", "Y"]),
# ("tribuf", ["A", "EN", "Y"]),
# ("specify2", ["EN", "SRC", "DST"]),
# ("specify3", ["EN", "SRC", "DST", "DAT"]),
# ("specrule", ["EN_SRC", "EN_DST", "SRC", "DST"]),
BWCell("bweqx", [10, 16, 40]),
BWCell("bwmux", [10, 16, 40]),
FFCell("ff", [10, 20, 40]),
MemCell("mem", [(32, 4)])
# ("assert", ["A", "EN"]),
# ("assume", ["A", "EN"]),
# ("live", ["A", "EN"]),
@ -260,12 +289,12 @@ rtlil_cells = [
# ("scopeinfo", []),
def generate_test_cases(per_cell):
def generate_test_cases(per_cell, rnd):
tests = []
names = []
for cell in rtlil_cells:
seen_names = set()
for (name, parameters) in cell.generate_tests():
for (name, parameters) in cell.generate_tests(rnd):
if not name in seen_names:
tests.append((cell, parameters))
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import sys
import argparse
import random
import os
import smtio
import re
@ -40,9 +39,10 @@ class SExprParser:
rv, self.stack[0] = self.stack[0], []
return rv
def simulate_smt_with_smtio(smt_file_path, vcd_path, smt_io):
def simulate_smt_with_smtio(smt_file_path, vcd_path, smt_io, num_steps, rnd):
inputs = {}
outputs = {}
states = {}
def handle_datatype(lst):
@ -60,6 +60,14 @@ def simulate_smt_with_smtio(smt_file_path, vcd_path, smt_io):
bitvec_size = declaration[1][2]
assert output_name.startswith("gold_Outputs_")
outputs[output_name[len("gold_Outputs_"):]] = int(bitvec_size)
elif datatype_name.endswith("_State"):
for declaration in declarations:
state_name = declaration[0]
assert state_name.startswith("gold_State_")
if declaration[1][0] == "_":
states[state_name[len("gold_State_"):]] = int(declaration[1][2])
states[state_name[len("gold_State_"):]] = (declaration[1][1][2], declaration[1][2][2])
parser = SExprParser()
with open(smt_file_path, 'r') as smt_file:
@ -73,25 +81,44 @@ def simulate_smt_with_smtio(smt_file_path, vcd_path, smt_io):
assert smt_io.check_sat() == 'sat'
def initial_state(states):
mk_state_parts = []
rv = []
for name, width in states.items():
if isinstance(width, int):
binary_string = format(0, '0{}b'.format(width))
binary_string = format(0, '0{}b'.format(width[1]))
rv.append(f"(declare-const test_state_initial_mem_{name} (Array (_ BitVec {width[0]}) (_ BitVec {width[1]})))")
rv.append(f"(assert (forall ((i (_ BitVec {width[0]}))) (= (select test_state_initial_mem_{name} i) #b{binary_string})))")
if len(states) == 0:
mk_state_call = "gold_State"
mk_state_call = "(gold_State {})".format(" ".join(mk_state_parts))
rv.append(f"(define-const test_state_step_n0 gold_State {mk_state_call})\n")
return rv
def set_step(inputs, step):
# This function assumes 'inputs' is a dictionary like {"A": 5, "B": 4}
# and 'input_values' is a dictionary like {"A": 5, "B": 13} specifying the concrete values for each input.
mk_inputs_parts = []
for input_name, width in inputs.items():
value = random.getrandbits(width) # Generate a random number up to the maximum value for the bit size
value = rnd.getrandbits(width) # Generate a random number up to the maximum value for the bit size
binary_string = format(value, '0{}b'.format(width)) # Convert value to binary with leading zeros
mk_inputs_call = "gold_Inputs " + " ".join(mk_inputs_parts)
define_inputs = f"(define-const test_inputs_step_n{step} gold_Inputs ({mk_inputs_call}))\n"
return [
f"(define-const test_inputs_step_n{step} gold_Inputs ({mk_inputs_call}))\n",
f"(define-const test_results_step_n{step} (Pair gold_Outputs gold_State) (gold test_inputs_step_n{step} test_state_step_n{step}))\n",
f"(define-const test_outputs_step_n{step} gold_Outputs (first test_results_step_n{step}))\n",
f"(define-const test_state_step_n{step+1} gold_State (second test_results_step_n{step}))\n",
define_outputs = f"(define-const test_outputs_step_n{step} gold_Outputs (first (gold test_inputs_step_n{step} gold_State)))\n"
smt_commands = [define_inputs, define_outputs]
return smt_commands
num_steps = 1000
smt_commands = []
smt_commands = initial_state(states)
for step in range(num_steps):
for step_command in set_step(inputs, step):
@ -168,13 +195,13 @@ def simulate_smt_with_smtio(smt_file_path, vcd_path, smt_io):
write_vcd(vcd_path, signals)
def simulate_smt(smt_file_path, vcd_path):
def simulate_smt(smt_file_path, vcd_path, num_steps, rnd):
so = smtio.SmtOpts()
so.solver = "z3"
so.logic = "BV"
so.logic = "ABV"
so.debug_print = True
smt_io = smtio.SmtIo(opts=so)
simulate_smt_with_smtio(smt_file_path, vcd_path, smt_io)
simulate_smt_with_smtio(smt_file_path, vcd_path, smt_io, num_steps, rnd)
@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ from pathlib import Path
base_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.parent
# quote a string or pathlib path so that it can be used by bash or yosys
# TODO: is this really appropriate for yosys?
def quote(path):
return shlex.quote(str(path))
# run a shell command and require the return code to be 0
def run(cmd, **kwargs):
print(' '.join([shlex.quote(str(x)) for x in cmd]))
print(' '.join([quote(x) for x in cmd]))
status = subprocess.run(cmd, **kwargs)
assert status.returncode == 0, f"{cmd[0]} failed"
@ -20,7 +23,24 @@ def yosys(script):
def compile_cpp(in_path, out_path, args):
run(['g++', '-g', '-std=c++17'] + args + [str(in_path), '-o', str(out_path)])
def test_cxx(cell, parameters, tmp_path):
def yosys_synth(verilog_file, rtlil_file):
yosys(f"read_verilog {quote(verilog_file)} ; prep ; clk2fflogic ; write_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)}")
# simulate an rtlil file with yosys, comparing with a given vcd file, and writing out the yosys simulation results into a second vcd file
def yosys_sim(rtlil_file, vcd_reference_file, vcd_out_file):
yosys(f"read_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)}; sim -r {quote(vcd_reference_file)} -scope gold -vcd {quote(vcd_out_file)} -timescale 1us -sim-gold")
# if yosys sim fails it's probably because of a simulation mismatch
# since yosys sim aborts on simulation mismatch to generate vcd output
# we have to re-run with a different set of flags
# on this run we ignore output and return code, we just want a best-effort attempt to get a vcd
subprocess.run([base_path / 'yosys', '-Q', '-p',
f'read_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)}; sim -vcd {quote(vcd_out_file)} -a -r {quote(vcd_reference_file)} -scope gold -timescale 1us'],
capture_output=True, check=False)
def test_cxx(cell, parameters, tmp_path, num_steps, rnd):
rtlil_file = tmp_path / 'rtlil.il'
vcdharness_cc_file = base_path / 'tests/functional/vcd_harness.cc'
cc_file = tmp_path / 'my_module_functional_cxx.cc'
@ -28,20 +48,14 @@ def test_cxx(cell, parameters, tmp_path):
vcd_functional_file = tmp_path / 'functional.vcd'
vcd_yosys_sim_file = tmp_path / 'yosys.vcd'
with open(rtlil_file, 'w') as f:
cell.write_rtlil_file(f, parameters)
cell.write_rtlil_file(rtlil_file, parameters)
yosys(f"read_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)} ; write_functional_cxx {quote(cc_file)}")
compile_cpp(vcdharness_cc_file, vcdharness_exe_file, ['-I', tmp_path, '-I', str(base_path / 'backends/functional/cxx_runtime')])
run([str(vcdharness_exe_file.resolve()), str(vcd_functional_file)])
yosys(f"read_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)}; sim -r {quote(vcd_functional_file)} -scope gold -vcd {quote(vcd_yosys_sim_file)} -timescale 1us -sim-gold")
subprocess.run([base_path / 'yosys', '-Q', '-p',
f'read_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)}; sim -vcd {quote(vcd_yosys_sim_file)} -r {quote(vcd_functional_file)} -scope gold -timescale 1us'],
capture_output=True, check=False)
seed = str(rnd(cell.name + "-cxx").getrandbits(32))
run([str(vcdharness_exe_file.resolve()), str(vcd_functional_file), str(num_steps), str(seed)])
yosys_sim(rtlil_file, vcd_functional_file, vcd_yosys_sim_file)
def test_smt(cell, parameters, tmp_path):
def test_smt(cell, parameters, tmp_path, num_steps, rnd):
import smt_vcd
rtlil_file = tmp_path / 'rtlil.il'
@ -49,15 +63,8 @@ def test_smt(cell, parameters, tmp_path):
vcd_functional_file = tmp_path / 'functional.vcd'
vcd_yosys_sim_file = tmp_path / 'yosys.vcd'
with open(rtlil_file, 'w') as f:
cell.write_rtlil_file(f, parameters)
cell.write_rtlil_file(rtlil_file, parameters)
yosys(f"read_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)} ; write_functional_smt2 {quote(smt_file)}")
run(['z3', smt_file])
smt_vcd.simulate_smt(smt_file, vcd_functional_file)
yosys(f"read_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)}; sim -r {quote(vcd_functional_file)} -scope gold -vcd {quote(vcd_yosys_sim_file)} -timescale 1us -sim-gold")
subprocess.run([base_path / 'yosys', '-Q', '-p',
f'read_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)}; sim -vcd {quote(vcd_yosys_sim_file)} -r {quote(vcd_functional_file)} -scope gold -timescale 1us'],
capture_output=True, check=False)
run(['z3', smt_file]) # check if output is valid smtlib before continuing
smt_vcd.simulate_smt(smt_file, vcd_functional_file, num_steps, rnd(cell.name + "-smt"))
yosys_sim(rtlil_file, vcd_functional_file, vcd_yosys_sim_file)
@ -2,15 +2,46 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <random>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <vector>
#include "my_module_functional_cxx.cc"
std::string vcd_name_mangle(std::string name) {
std::string ret = name;
bool escape = ret.empty() || !isalpha(ret[0]) && ret[0] != '_';
for(size_t i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) {
if(isspace(ret[i])) ret[i] = '_';
if(!isalnum(ret[i]) && ret[i] != '_' && ret[i] != '$')
escape = true;
return "\\" + ret;
return ret;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> codes;
struct DumpHeader {
std::ofstream &ofs;
std::string code = "!";
DumpHeader(std::ofstream &ofs) : ofs(ofs) {}
void increment_code() {
for(size_t i = 0; i < code.size(); i++)
if(code[i]++ == '~')
code[i] = '!';
template <size_t n>
void operator()(const char *name, Signal<n> value) {
ofs << "$var wire " << n << " " << name[0] << " " << name << " $end\n";
ofs << "$var wire " << n << " " << code << " " << vcd_name_mangle(name) << " $end\n";
codes[name] = code;
template <size_t n, size_t m>
void operator()(const char *name, Memory<n, m> value) {
@ -22,14 +53,17 @@ struct Dump {
// Bit
if (n == 1) {
ofs << (value[0] ? '1' : '0');
ofs << name[0] << "\n";
ofs << codes[name] << "\n";
// vector (multi-bit) signals
ofs << "b";
for (size_t i = n; i-- > 0;)
ofs << (value[i] ? '1' : '0');
ofs << " " << name[0] << "\n";
ofs << " " << codes[name] << "\n";
template <size_t n, size_t m>
void operator()(const char *name, Memory<n, m> value) {
@ -61,14 +95,15 @@ struct Randomize {
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc != 2) {
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <functional_vcd_filename>\n";
if (argc != 4) {
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <functional_vcd_filename> <steps> <seed>\n";
return 1;
const std::string functional_vcd_filename = argv[1];
const int steps = atoi(argv[2]);
const uint32_t seed = atoi(argv[3]);
constexpr int steps = 1000;
constexpr int number_timescale = 1;
const std::string units_timescale = "us";
gold::Inputs inputs;
@ -87,27 +122,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
vcd_file << "$enddefinitions $end\n$dumpvars\n";
vcd_file << "#0\n";
// Set all signals to false
std::mt19937 gen(seed);
gold::eval(inputs, outputs, state, next_state);
Dump d(vcd_file);
// Initialize random number generator once
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
for (int step = 0; step < steps; ++step) {
// Functional backend cxx
vcd_file << "#" << (step + 1) << "\n";
vcd_file << "#" << step << "\n";
gold::eval(inputs, outputs, state, next_state);
Dump d(vcd_file);
@ -117,6 +137,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
state = next_state;
Reference in New Issue