Remove (* techmap_autopurge *) from abc_unmap.v since no effect

This commit is contained in:
Eddie Hung 2019-09-23 18:56:18 -07:00
parent 23d90e0439
commit 67c2db3486
1 changed files with 38 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -56,44 +56,44 @@ module \$__ABC_DSP48E1 (
output [47:0] PCOUT, output [47:0] PCOUT,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input signed [29:0] A, input signed [29:0] A,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input [29:0] ACIN, input [29:0] ACIN,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input [3:0] ALUMODE, input [3:0] ALUMODE,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input signed [17:0] B, input signed [17:0] B,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input [17:0] BCIN, input [17:0] BCIN,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input [47:0] C, input [47:0] C,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CARRYCASCIN, input CARRYCASCIN,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CARRYIN, input CARRYIN,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input [2:0] CARRYINSEL, input [2:0] CARRYINSEL,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CEA1, input CEA1,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CEA2, input CEA2,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CEAD, input CEAD,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CEALUMODE, input CEALUMODE,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CEB1, input CEB1,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CEB2, input CEB2,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CEC, input CEC,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CECARRYIN, input CECARRYIN,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CECTRL, input CECTRL,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CED, input CED,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CEINMODE, input CEINMODE,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CEM, input CEM,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CEP, input CEP,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input CLK, input CLK,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input [24:0] D, input [24:0] D,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input [4:0] INMODE, input [4:0] INMODE,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input MULTSIGNIN, input MULTSIGNIN,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input [6:0] OPMODE, input [6:0] OPMODE,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input [47:0] PCIN, input [47:0] PCIN,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input RSTA, input RSTA,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input RSTALLCARRYIN, input RSTALLCARRYIN,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input RSTALUMODE, input RSTALUMODE,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input RSTB, input RSTB,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input RSTC, input RSTC,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input RSTCTRL, input RSTCTRL,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input RSTD, input RSTD,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input RSTINMODE, input RSTINMODE,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input RSTM, input RSTM,
(* techmap_autopurge *) input RSTP input RSTP
); );
parameter integer ACASCREG = 1; parameter integer ACASCREG = 1;
parameter integer ADREG = 1; parameter integer ADREG = 1;