Add smt2 back-end support for async write memories

This commit is contained in:
Clifford Wolf 2017-12-14 02:07:10 +01:00
parent 76afff7ef6
commit 2625da6440
1 changed files with 53 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -556,15 +556,28 @@ struct Smt2Worker
decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-memory %s %d %d %d %d\n", get_id(cell), abits, width, rd_ports, wr_ports));
bool async_read = false;
if (!cell->getParam("\\WR_CLK_ENABLE").is_fully_ones()) {
if (!cell->getParam("\\WR_CLK_ENABLE").is_fully_zero())
log_error("Memory %s.%s has mixed clocked/nonclocked write ports. This is not supported by \"write_smt2\".\n", log_id(cell), log_id(module));
async_read = true;
string memstate;
if (async_read) {
memstate = stringf("%s#%d#final", get_id(module), arrayid);
} else {
memstate = stringf("%s#%d#0", get_id(module), arrayid);
if (statebv)
int mem_size = cell->getParam("\\SIZE").as_int();
int mem_offset = cell->getParam("\\OFFSET").as_int();
makebits(stringf("%s#%d#0", get_id(module), arrayid), width*mem_size, get_id(cell));
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_m %s| ((state |%s_s|)) (_ BitVec %d) (|%s#%d#0| state))\n",
get_id(module), get_id(cell), get_id(module), width*mem_size, get_id(module), arrayid));
makebits(memstate, width*mem_size, get_id(cell));
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_m %s| ((state |%s_s|)) (_ BitVec %d) (|%s| state))\n",
get_id(module), get_id(cell), get_id(module), width*mem_size, memstate.c_str()));
for (int i = 0; i < rd_ports; i++)
@ -584,9 +597,9 @@ struct Smt2Worker
read_expr += "0";
for (int k = 0; k < mem_size; k++)
read_expr = stringf("(ite (= (|%s_m:R%dA %s| state) #b%s) ((_ extract %d %d) (|%s#%d#0| state))\n %s)",
read_expr = stringf("(ite (= (|%s_m:R%dA %s| state) #b%s) ((_ extract %d %d) (|%s| state))\n %s)",
get_id(module), i, get_id(cell), Const(k+mem_offset, abits).as_string().c_str(),
width*(k+1)-1, width*k, get_id(module), arrayid, read_expr.c_str());
width*(k+1)-1, width*k, memstate.c_str(), read_expr.c_str());
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s#%d| ((state |%s_s|)) (_ BitVec %d)\n %s) ; %s\n",
get_id(module), idcounter, get_id(module), width, read_expr.c_str(), log_signal(data_sig)));
@ -600,14 +613,14 @@ struct Smt2Worker
if (statedt)
dtmembers.push_back(stringf(" (|%s#%d#0| (Array (_ BitVec %d) (_ BitVec %d))) ; %s\n",
get_id(module), arrayid, abits, width, get_id(cell)));
dtmembers.push_back(stringf(" (|%s| (Array (_ BitVec %d) (_ BitVec %d))) ; %s\n",
memstate.c_str(), abits, width, get_id(cell)));
decls.push_back(stringf("(declare-fun |%s#%d#0| (|%s_s|) (Array (_ BitVec %d) (_ BitVec %d))) ; %s\n",
get_id(module), arrayid, get_id(module), abits, width, get_id(cell)));
decls.push_back(stringf("(declare-fun |%s| (|%s_s|) (Array (_ BitVec %d) (_ BitVec %d))) ; %s\n",
memstate.c_str(), get_id(module), abits, width, get_id(cell)));
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_m %s| ((state |%s_s|)) (Array (_ BitVec %d) (_ BitVec %d)) (|%s#%d#0| state))\n",
get_id(module), get_id(cell), get_id(module), abits, width, get_id(module), arrayid));
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_m %s| ((state |%s_s|)) (Array (_ BitVec %d) (_ BitVec %d)) (|%s| state))\n",
get_id(module), get_id(cell), get_id(module), abits, width, memstate.c_str()));
for (int i = 0; i < rd_ports; i++)
@ -622,8 +635,8 @@ struct Smt2Worker
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_m:R%dA %s| ((state |%s_s|)) (_ BitVec %d) %s) ; %s\n",
get_id(module), i, get_id(cell), get_id(module), abits, addr.c_str(), log_signal(addr_sig)));
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s#%d| ((state |%s_s|)) (_ BitVec %d) (select (|%s#%d#0| state) (|%s_m:R%dA %s| state))) ; %s\n",
get_id(module), idcounter, get_id(module), width, get_id(module), arrayid, get_id(module), i, get_id(cell), log_signal(data_sig)));
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s#%d| ((state |%s_s|)) (_ BitVec %d) (select (|%s| state) (|%s_m:R%dA %s| state))) ; %s\n",
get_id(module), idcounter, get_id(module), width, memstate.c_str(), get_id(module), i, get_id(cell), log_signal(data_sig)));
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_m:R%dD %s| ((state |%s_s|)) (_ BitVec %d) (|%s#%d| state))\n",
get_id(module), i, get_id(cell), get_id(module), width, get_id(module), idcounter));
@ -869,11 +882,25 @@ struct Smt2Worker
int width = cell->getParam("\\WIDTH").as_int();
int wr_ports = cell->getParam("\\WR_PORTS").as_int();
bool async_read = false;
string initial_memstate, final_memstate;
if (!cell->getParam("\\WR_CLK_ENABLE").is_fully_ones()) {
async_read = true;
initial_memstate = stringf("%s#%d#0", get_id(module), arrayid);
final_memstate = stringf("%s#%d#final", get_id(module), arrayid);
if (statebv)
int mem_size = cell->getParam("\\SIZE").as_int();
int mem_offset = cell->getParam("\\OFFSET").as_int();
if (async_read) {
makebits(final_memstate, width*mem_size, get_id(cell));
for (int i = 0; i < wr_ports; i++)
SigSpec addr_sig = cell->getPort("\\WR_ADDR").extract(abits*i, abits);
@ -912,6 +939,15 @@ struct Smt2Worker
if (async_read) {
if (statedt)
dtmembers.push_back(stringf(" (|%s| (Array (_ BitVec %d) (_ BitVec %d))) ; %s\n",
initial_memstate.c_str(), abits, width, get_id(cell)));
decls.push_back(stringf("(declare-fun |%s| (|%s_s|) (Array (_ BitVec %d) (_ BitVec %d))) ; %s\n",
initial_memstate.c_str(), get_id(module), abits, width, get_id(cell)));
for (int i = 0; i < wr_ports; i++)
SigSpec addr_sig = cell->getPort("\\WR_ADDR").extract(abits*i, abits);
@ -948,6 +984,9 @@ struct Smt2Worker
std::string expr_q = stringf("(|%s#%d#0| next_state)", get_id(module), arrayid);
trans.push_back(stringf(" (= %s %s) ; %s\n", expr_d.c_str(), expr_q.c_str(), get_id(cell)));
if (async_read)
hier.push_back(stringf(" (= %s (|%s| state)) ; %s\n", expr_d.c_str(), final_memstate.c_str(), get_id(cell)));
Const init_data = cell->getParam("\\INIT");
int memsize = cell->getParam("\\SIZE").as_int();