mirror of https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys.git
fix memory handling in functional backend, add more error messages and comments for memory edgecases
This commit is contained in:
@ -461,11 +461,19 @@ public:
memories[mem.cell] = &mem;
Node concatenate_read_results(Mem *, vector<Node> results)
Node concatenate_read_results(Mem *mem, vector<Node> results)
/* TODO: write code to check that this is ok to do */
if(results.size() == 0)
return factory.undriven(0);
// sanity check: all read ports concatenated should equal to the RD_DATA port
const SigSpec &rd_data = mem->cell->connections().at(ID(RD_DATA));
int current = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i < mem->rd_ports.size(); i++) {
int width = mem->width << mem->rd_ports[i].wide_log2;
log_assert (results[i].width() == width);
log_assert (mem->rd_ports[i].data == rd_data.extract(current, width));
current += width;
log_assert (current == rd_data.size());
log_assert (!results.empty());
Node node = results[0];
for(size_t i = 1; i < results.size(); i++)
node = factory.concat(node, results[i]);
@ -473,16 +481,23 @@ public:
Node handle_memory(Mem *mem)
// To simplify memory handling, the functional backend makes the following assumptions:
// - Since async2sync or clk2fflogic must be run to use the functional backend,
// we can assume that all ports are asynchronous.
// - Async rd/wr are always transparent and so we must do reads after writes,
// but we can ignore transparency_mask.
// - We ignore collision_x_mask because x is a dont care value for us anyway.
// - Since wr port j can only have priority over wr port i if j > i, if we do writes in
// ascending index order the result will obey the priorty relation.
vector<Node> read_results;
int addr_width = ceil_log2(mem->size);
int data_width = mem->width;
Node node = factory.state_memory(mem->cell->name, addr_width, data_width);
for (auto &rd : mem->rd_ports) {
Node addr = enqueue(driver_map(DriveSpec(rd.addr)));
read_results.push_back(factory.memory_read(node, addr));
for (auto &wr : mem->wr_ports) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < mem->wr_ports.size(); i++) {
const auto &wr = mem->wr_ports[i];
if (wr.clk_enable)
log_error("Write port %zd of memory %s.%s is clocked. This is not supported by the functional backend. "
"Call async2sync or clk2fflogic to avoid this error.\n", i, log_id(mem->module), log_id(mem->memid));
Node en = enqueue(driver_map(DriveSpec(wr.en)));
Node addr = enqueue(driver_map(DriveSpec(wr.addr)));
Node new_data = enqueue(driver_map(DriveSpec(wr.data)));
@ -490,6 +505,17 @@ public:
Node wr_data = simplifier.bitwise_mux(old_data, new_data, en);
node = factory.memory_write(node, addr, wr_data);
if (mem->rd_ports.empty())
log_error("Memory %s.%s has no read ports. This is not supported by the functional backend. "
"Call opt_clean to remove it.", log_id(mem->module), log_id(mem->memid));
for (size_t i = 0; i < mem->rd_ports.size(); i++) {
const auto &rd = mem->rd_ports[i];
if (rd.clk_enable)
log_error("Read port %zd of memory %s.%s is clocked. This is not supported by the functional backend. "
"Call memory_nordff to avoid this error.\n", i, log_id(mem->module), log_id(mem->memid));
Node addr = enqueue(driver_map(DriveSpec(rd.addr)));
read_results.push_back(factory.memory_read(node, addr));
factory.declare_state_memory(node, mem->cell->name, addr_width, data_width);
return concatenate_read_results(mem, read_results);
@ -497,7 +523,11 @@ public:
if (cell->is_mem_cell()) {
Mem *mem = memories.at(cell, nullptr);
log_assert(mem != nullptr);
if (mem == nullptr) {
log_error("The design contains an unpacked memory at %s. This is not supported by the functional backend. "
"Call memory_collect to avoid this error.\n", log_const(cell->parameters.at(ID(MEMID))));
Node node = handle_memory(mem);
factory.update_pending(cell_outputs.at({cell, ID(RD_DATA)}), node);
} else {
@ -176,14 +176,52 @@ module gold(
input wire clk,
input wire [{1}:0] WA,
input wire [{0}:0] WD,
input wire [{1}:0] RA,
output reg [{0}:0] RD
reg [{0}:0] mem[0:{1}];
reg [{0}:0] mem[0:{2}];
always @(*)
RD = mem[RA];
always @(posedge clk)
mem[WA] <= WD;
endmodule""".format(parameters['DATA_WIDTH'] - 1, parameters['ADDR_WIDTH'] - 1))
endmodule""".format(parameters['DATA_WIDTH'] - 1, parameters['ADDR_WIDTH'] - 1, 2**parameters['ADDR_WIDTH'] - 1))
yosys_synth(verilog_file, path)
class MemDualCell(BaseCell):
def __init__(self, name, values):
super().__init__(name, ['DATA_WIDTH', 'ADDR_WIDTH'],
{'RD1': 'DATA_WIDTH', 'RD2': 'DATA_WIDTH'}, values)
self.sim_preprocessing = "memory_map" # issue #4496 in yosys -sim prevents this example from working without memory_map
def write_rtlil_file(self, path, parameters):
from test_functional import yosys_synth
verilog_file = path.parent / 'verilog.v'
with open(verilog_file, 'w') as f:
module gold(
input wire clk,
input wire [{1}:0] WA1,
input wire [{0}:0] WD1,
input wire [{1}:0] WA2,
input wire [{0}:0] WD2,
input wire [{1}:0] RA1,
input wire [{1}:0] RA2,
output reg [{0}:0] RD1,
output reg [{0}:0] RD2
reg [{0}:0] mem[0:{2}];
always @(*)
RD1 = mem[RA1];
always @(*)
RD2 = mem[RA2];
always @(posedge clk) begin
mem[WA1] <= WD1;
mem[WA2] <= WD2;
endmodule""".format(parameters['DATA_WIDTH'] - 1, parameters['ADDR_WIDTH'] - 1, 2**parameters['ADDR_WIDTH'] - 1))
yosys_synth(verilog_file, path)
binary_widths = [
@ -284,7 +322,8 @@ rtlil_cells = [
BWCell("bweqx", [10, 16, 40]),
BWCell("bwmux", [10, 16, 40]),
FFCell("ff", [10, 20, 40]),
MemCell("mem", [(32, 4)])
MemCell("mem", [(16, 4)]),
MemDualCell("mem-dual", [(16, 4)]),
# ("assert", ["A", "EN"]),
# ("assume", ["A", "EN"]),
# ("live", ["A", "EN"]),
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def compile_cpp(in_path, out_path, args):
run(['g++', '-g', '-std=c++17'] + args + [str(in_path), '-o', str(out_path)])
def yosys_synth(verilog_file, rtlil_file):
yosys(f"read_verilog {quote(verilog_file)} ; prep ; clk2fflogic ; write_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)}")
yosys(f"read_verilog {quote(verilog_file)} ; prep ; write_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)}")
# simulate an rtlil file with yosys, comparing with a given vcd file, and writing out the yosys simulation results into a second vcd file
def yosys_sim(rtlil_file, vcd_reference_file, vcd_out_file, preprocessing = ""):
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def test_cxx(cell, parameters, tmp_path, num_steps, rnd):
vcd_yosys_sim_file = tmp_path / 'yosys.vcd'
cell.write_rtlil_file(rtlil_file, parameters)
yosys(f"read_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)} ; write_functional_cxx {quote(cc_file)}")
yosys(f"read_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)} ; clk2fflogic ; write_functional_cxx {quote(cc_file)}")
compile_cpp(vcdharness_cc_file, vcdharness_exe_file, ['-I', tmp_path, '-I', str(base_path / 'backends/functional/cxx_runtime')])
seed = str(rnd(cell.name + "-cxx").getrandbits(32))
run([str(vcdharness_exe_file.resolve()), str(vcd_functional_file), str(num_steps), str(seed)])
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def test_smt(cell, parameters, tmp_path, num_steps, rnd):
vcd_yosys_sim_file = tmp_path / 'yosys.vcd'
cell.write_rtlil_file(rtlil_file, parameters)
yosys(f"read_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)} ; write_functional_smt2 {quote(smt_file)}")
yosys(f"read_rtlil {quote(rtlil_file)} ; clk2fflogic ; write_functional_smt2 {quote(smt_file)}")
run(['z3', smt_file]) # check if output is valid smtlib before continuing
smt_vcd.simulate_smt(smt_file, vcd_functional_file, num_steps, rnd(cell.name + "-smt"))
yosys_sim(rtlil_file, vcd_functional_file, vcd_yosys_sim_file, getattr(cell, 'sim_preprocessing', ''))
Reference in New Issue