2019-08-30 18:18:14 -05:00
read_verilog macc.v
2019-09-07 01:19:03 -05:00
hierarchy -auto-top
#equiv_opt -assert -map +/xilinx/cells_sim.v synth_xilinx ### TODO
equiv_opt -run :prove -map +/xilinx/cells_sim.v synth_xilinx
miter -equiv -flatten -make_assert -make_outputs gold gate miter
sat -verify -prove-asserts -seq 10 -show-inputs -show-outputs miter
2019-08-30 18:18:14 -05:00
design -load postopt # load the post-opt design (otherwise equiv_opt loads the pre-opt design)
cd macc # Constrain all select calls below inside the top module
select -assert-count 1 t:BUFG
2019-09-07 01:19:03 -05:00
select -assert-count 1 t:FDRE
2019-08-30 18:18:14 -05:00
select -assert-count 1 t:DSP48E1
2019-09-07 01:19:03 -05:00
select -assert-none t:BUFG t:FDRE t:DSP48E1 %% t:* %D