
450 lines
12 KiB
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2013-06-09 18:40:20 -05:00
#undef GENERATE_REPEAT_OPS // disabled because of XST bug
2013-07-03 04:19:18 -05:00
2013-06-09 18:40:20 -05:00
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
2013-06-09 18:40:20 -05:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
const char *arg_types[][3] = {
{ "{dir} [3:0] {name}", "{name}", "4" }, // 00
{ "{dir} [4:0] {name}", "{name}", "5" }, // 01
{ "{dir} [5:0] {name}", "{name}", "6" }, // 02
{ "{dir} signed [3:0] {name}", "{name}", "4" }, // 03
{ "{dir} signed [4:0] {name}", "{name}", "5" }, // 04
{ "{dir} signed [5:0] {name}", "{name}", "6" } // 05
const char *small_arg_types[][3] = {
{ "{dir} [0:0] {name}", "{name}", "1" }, // 00
{ "{dir} [1:0] {name}", "{name}", "2" }, // 01
{ "{dir} [2:0] {name}", "{name}", "3" }, // 02
{ "{dir} signed [0:0] {name}", "{name}", "1" }, // 03
{ "{dir} signed [1:0] {name}", "{name}", "2" }, // 04
{ "{dir} signed [2:0] {name}", "{name}", "3" }, // 05
2013-06-09 18:40:20 -05:00
// See Table 5-1 (page 42) in IEEE Std 1364-2005
// for a list of all Verilog oprators.
const char *binary_ops[] = {
2013-06-10 09:17:09 -05:00
"+", // 00
"-", // 01
"*", // 02
// "/",
// "%",
// "**",
">", // 03
">=", // 04
"<", // 05
"<=", // 06
"&&", // 07
"||", // 08
"==", // 09
"!=", // 10
"===", // 11
"!==", // 12
"&", // 13
"|", // 14
"^", // 15
"^~", // 16
"<<", // 17
">>", // 18
"<<<", // 19
">>>", // 20
const char *unary_ops[] = {
"+", // 00
"-", // 01
"!", // 02
"~", // 03
"&", // 04
"~&", // 05
2013-06-10 09:17:09 -05:00
"|", // 06
"~|", // 07
"^", // 08
"~^", // 09
2013-06-09 18:40:20 -05:00
void strsubst(std::string &str, const std::string &match, const std::string &replace)
size_t pos;
while ((pos = str.find(match)) != std::string::npos)
str.replace(pos, match.size(), replace);
uint32_t xorshift32(uint32_t seed = 0) {
static uint32_t x = 314159265;
if (seed)
x = seed;
x ^= x << 13;
x ^= x >> 17;
x ^= x << 5;
return x;
void print_expression(FILE *f, int budget, uint32_t mask = 0)
size_t num_binary_ops = sizeof(binary_ops)/sizeof(*binary_ops);
size_t num_unary_ops = sizeof(unary_ops)/sizeof(*unary_ops);
size_t num_arg_types = sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(*arg_types);
int i, j, k, mode;
if (budget == 0) {
fprintf(f, "%c%d", 'a' + char(xorshift32() % 2), int(xorshift32() % num_arg_types));
int num_modes = 4;
while ((mask & ~((~0) << num_modes)) == 0)
mask = xorshift32();
do {
mode = xorshift32() % num_modes;
} while (((1 << mode) & mask) == 0);
2013-07-03 04:19:18 -05:00
// fprintf(f, "/* %d */", mode);
switch (mode)
case 0:
fprintf(f, "(");
print_expression(f, budget, mask);
fprintf(f, ")");
case 1:
fprintf(f, "(");
print_expression(f, budget/2, mask);
2013-07-03 04:19:18 -05:00
#if 1
// FIXME: relational operators disabled because there is an xst bug..
do k = xorshift32() % num_binary_ops; while ((k >= 9 && k <= 12) || (k >= 3 && k <= 6));
fprintf(f, "%s", binary_ops[k]);
fprintf(f, "%s", binary_ops[xorshift32() % num_binary_ops]);
2013-07-03 04:19:18 -05:00
print_expression(f, budget/2, mask);
fprintf(f, ")");
case 2:
fprintf(f, "(%s", unary_ops[xorshift32() % num_unary_ops]);
print_expression(f, budget, mask);
fprintf(f, ")");
case 3:
i = 1 + xorshift32() % 3;
fprintf(f, "{");
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (j)
fprintf(f, ",");
print_expression(f, budget / i, mask);
fprintf(f, "}");
#if 0
// FIXME: disabled because there is an xst bug..
case 4:
i = xorshift32() % 4;
fprintf(f, "{%d{", i);
print_expression(f, budget, mask);
fprintf(f, "}}");
2013-06-09 18:40:20 -05:00
int main()
mkdir("rtl", 0777);
2013-06-09 18:40:20 -05:00
for (int ai = 0; ai < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); ai++)
for (int bi = 0; bi < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); bi++)
for (int yi = 0; yi < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); yi++)
for (int oi = 0; oi < sizeof(binary_ops)/sizeof(binary_ops[0]); oi++)
2013-06-09 18:40:20 -05:00
std::string a_decl = arg_types[ai][0];
strsubst(a_decl, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(a_decl, "{name}", "a");
std::string b_decl = arg_types[bi][0];
strsubst(b_decl, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(b_decl, "{name}", "b");
std::string y_decl = arg_types[yi][0];
strsubst(y_decl, "{dir}", "output");
strsubst(y_decl, "{name}", "y");
std::string a_ref = arg_types[ai][1];
strsubst(a_ref, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(a_ref, "{name}", "a");
std::string b_ref = arg_types[bi][1];
strsubst(b_ref, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(b_ref, "{name}", "b");
std::string y_ref = arg_types[yi][1];
strsubst(y_ref, "{dir}", "output");
strsubst(y_ref, "{name}", "y");
char buffer[1024];
snprintf(buffer, 1024, "rtl/binary_ops_%02d%02d%02d%02d.v", ai, bi, yi, oi);
FILE *f = fopen(buffer, "w");
fprintf(f, "module binary_ops_%02d%02d%02d%02d(a, b, y);\n", ai, bi, yi, oi);
fprintf(f, "%s;\n", a_decl.c_str());
fprintf(f, "%s;\n", b_decl.c_str());
fprintf(f, "%s;\n", y_decl.c_str());
fprintf(f, "assign %s = %s %s %s;\n", y_ref.c_str(),
a_ref.c_str(), binary_ops[oi], b_ref.c_str());
2013-06-09 18:40:20 -05:00
fprintf(f, "endmodule\n");
for (int ai = 0; ai < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); ai++)
for (int yi = 0; yi < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); yi++)
for (int oi = 0; oi < sizeof(unary_ops)/sizeof(unary_ops[0]); oi++)
std::string a_decl = arg_types[ai][0];
strsubst(a_decl, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(a_decl, "{name}", "a");
std::string y_decl = arg_types[yi][0];
strsubst(y_decl, "{dir}", "output");
strsubst(y_decl, "{name}", "y");
std::string a_ref = arg_types[ai][1];
strsubst(a_ref, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(a_ref, "{name}", "a");
std::string y_ref = arg_types[yi][1];
strsubst(y_ref, "{dir}", "output");
strsubst(y_ref, "{name}", "y");
char buffer[1024];
snprintf(buffer, 1024, "rtl/unary_ops_%02d%02d%02d.v", ai, yi, oi);
FILE *f = fopen(buffer, "w");
fprintf(f, "module unary_ops_%02d%02d%02d(a, b, y);\n", ai, yi, oi);
fprintf(f, "%s;\n", a_decl.c_str());
fprintf(f, "input b;\n");
fprintf(f, "%s;\n", y_decl.c_str());
fprintf(f, "assign %s = %s %s;\n", y_ref.c_str(),
unary_ops[oi], a_ref.c_str());
fprintf(f, "endmodule\n");
for (int ai = 0; ai < sizeof(small_arg_types)/sizeof(small_arg_types[0]); ai++)
for (int bi = 0; bi < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); bi++)
for (int ci = 0; ci < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); ci++)
for (int yi = 0; yi < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); yi++)
if (!strcmp(small_arg_types[ai][2], "3"))
if (!strcmp(arg_types[bi][2], "6"))
if (!strcmp(arg_types[ci][2], "6"))
std::string a_decl = small_arg_types[ai][0];
strsubst(a_decl, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(a_decl, "{name}", "a");
std::string b1_decl = arg_types[bi][0];
strsubst(b1_decl, "{dir}", "wire");
strsubst(b1_decl, "{name}", "b1");
std::string b2_decl = arg_types[ci][0];
strsubst(b2_decl, "{dir}", "wire");
strsubst(b2_decl, "{name}", "b2");
std::string y_decl = arg_types[yi][0];
strsubst(y_decl, "{dir}", "output");
strsubst(y_decl, "{name}", "y");
std::string a_ref = small_arg_types[ai][1];
strsubst(a_ref, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(a_ref, "{name}", "a");
std::string b1_ref = arg_types[bi][1];
strsubst(b1_ref, "{dir}", "wire");
strsubst(b1_ref, "{name}", "b1");
std::string b2_ref = arg_types[ci][1];
strsubst(b2_ref, "{dir}", "wire");
strsubst(b2_ref, "{name}", "b2");
std::string y_ref = arg_types[yi][1];
strsubst(y_ref, "{dir}", "output");
strsubst(y_ref, "{name}", "y");
char buffer[1024];
snprintf(buffer, 1024, "rtl/ternary_ops_%02d%02d%02d%02d.v", ai, bi, ci, yi);
FILE *f = fopen(buffer, "w");
fprintf(f, "module ternary_ops_%02d%02d%02d%02d(a, b, y);\n", ai, bi, ci, yi);
fprintf(f, "%s;\n", a_decl.c_str());
fprintf(f, "input [%s+%s-1:0] b;\n", arg_types[bi][2], arg_types[ci][2]);
fprintf(f, "%s = b[%s+%s-1:%s];\n", b1_decl.c_str(), arg_types[bi][2], arg_types[ci][2], arg_types[ci][2]);
fprintf(f, "%s = b[%s-1:0];\n", b2_decl.c_str(), arg_types[ci][2]);
fprintf(f, "%s;\n", y_decl.c_str());
fprintf(f, "assign %s = %s ? %s : %s;\n", y_ref.c_str(),
a_ref.c_str(), b1_ref.c_str(), b2_ref.c_str());
fprintf(f, "endmodule\n");
for (int ai = 0; ai < sizeof(small_arg_types)/sizeof(small_arg_types[0]); ai++)
for (int bi = 0; bi < sizeof(small_arg_types)/sizeof(small_arg_types[0]); bi++)
for (int yi = 0; yi < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); yi++)
std::string a_decl = small_arg_types[ai][0];
strsubst(a_decl, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(a_decl, "{name}", "a");
std::string b_decl = small_arg_types[bi][0];
strsubst(b_decl, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(b_decl, "{name}", "b");
std::string y_decl = arg_types[yi][0];
strsubst(y_decl, "{dir}", "output");
strsubst(y_decl, "{name}", "y");
std::string a_ref = small_arg_types[ai][1];
strsubst(a_ref, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(a_ref, "{name}", "a");
std::string b_ref = small_arg_types[bi][1];
strsubst(b_ref, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(b_ref, "{name}", "b");
std::string y_ref = arg_types[yi][1];
strsubst(y_ref, "{dir}", "output");
strsubst(y_ref, "{name}", "y");
char buffer[1024];
snprintf(buffer, 1024, "rtl/concat_ops_%02d%02d%02d.v", ai, bi, yi);
FILE *f = fopen(buffer, "w");
fprintf(f, "module concat_ops_%02d%02d%02d(a, b, y);\n", ai, bi, yi);
fprintf(f, "%s;\n", a_decl.c_str());
fprintf(f, "%s;\n", b_decl.c_str());
fprintf(f, "%s;\n", y_decl.c_str());
fprintf(f, "assign %s = {%s, %s};\n", y_ref.c_str(), a_ref.c_str(), b_ref.c_str());
fprintf(f, "endmodule\n");
for (int a = 0; a < 4; a++)
for (int bi = 0; bi < sizeof(small_arg_types)/sizeof(small_arg_types[0]); bi++)
for (int yi = 0; yi < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); yi++)
std::string b_decl = small_arg_types[bi][0];
strsubst(b_decl, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(b_decl, "{name}", "b");
std::string y_decl = arg_types[yi][0];
strsubst(y_decl, "{dir}", "output");
strsubst(y_decl, "{name}", "y");
std::string b_ref = small_arg_types[bi][1];
strsubst(b_ref, "{dir}", "input");
strsubst(b_ref, "{name}", "b");
std::string y_ref = arg_types[yi][1];
strsubst(y_ref, "{dir}", "output");
strsubst(y_ref, "{name}", "y");
char buffer[1024];
snprintf(buffer, 1024, "rtl/repeat_ops_%02d%02d%02d.v", a, bi, yi);
FILE *f = fopen(buffer, "w");
fprintf(f, "module repeat_ops_%02d%02d%02d(a, b, y);\n", a, bi, yi);
fprintf(f, "input a;\n");
fprintf(f, "%s;\n", b_decl.c_str());
fprintf(f, "%s;\n", y_decl.c_str());
fprintf(f, "assign %s = {%d{%s}};\n", y_ref.c_str(), a, b_ref.c_str());
fprintf(f, "endmodule\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
xorshift32(1234 + i);
char buffer[1024];
snprintf(buffer, 1024, "rtl/expression_%05d.v", i);
FILE *f = fopen(buffer, "w");
fprintf(f, "module expression_%05d(a, b, y);\n", i);
for (char var = 'a'; var <= 'y'; var++)
fprintf(f, "%s [", var != 'y' ? "input" : "output");
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); j++)
fprintf(f, "%s%s", j ? "+" : "", arg_types[j][2]);
fprintf(f, "-1:0] %c;\n", var);
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); j++)
std::string decl = arg_types[j][0];
strsubst(decl, "{dir}", "wire");
snprintf(buffer, 1024, "%c%d", var, j);
strsubst(decl, "{name}", buffer);
if (var != 'y') {
fprintf(f, "%s = %c[", decl.c_str(), var);
for (int k = 0; k <= j; k++)
fprintf(f, "%s%s", k ? "+" : "", arg_types[k][2]);
fprintf(f, "-1:");
for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
fprintf(f, "%s%s", k ? "+" : "", arg_types[k][2]);
fprintf(f, "%s];\n", j ? "" : "0");
} else
fprintf(f, "%s;\n", decl.c_str());
if (var == 'b')
var = 'x';
fprintf(f, "assign y = {");
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); j++)
fprintf(f, "%sy%d", j ? "," : "", j);
fprintf(f, "};\n");
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(arg_types)/sizeof(arg_types[0]); j++) {
fprintf(f, "assign y%d = ", j);
print_expression(f, 1 + xorshift32() % 20);
fprintf(f, ";\n");
fprintf(f, "endmodule\n");
2013-06-09 18:40:20 -05:00
return 0;